Statistics for Commoners
by RobinAs I read the RC and other D&D sources I found contradicting and sometimes flawed or incomplete information on Commomers..the so called non classed humans.
Here my attempt to use them in a statistical way.Commoners or Normal Men
Level HD * Hp Low HP Normal Hp Strong Base XP *XP Total XP Encounter % Average age 1 1 0 1d4 1d6 1d8 10 3 10 1-25 12+ 2 2 0 2d4 2d6 2d8 20 5 20 26-40 18+ 3 3 0 3d4 3d6 3d8 35 15 35 41-55 22+ 4 4 0 4d4 4d6 4d8 75 50 75 56-64 26+ 5 5 0 5d4 5d6 5d8 175 125 175 65-72 29+ 6 6 1 6d4 6d6 6d8 275 225 500 73-79 32+ 7 7 1 7d4 7d6 7d8 450 400 850 80-85 35+ 8 8 1 8d4 8d6 8d8 650 550 1200 86-90 38+ 9 9 1 9d4 9d6 9d8 900 700 1600 91-94 41+ 10 9 1 +1 +1 +2 1000 750 1750 95-97 43+ 11 9 1 +2 +2 +4 1100 800 1900 98-99 45+ 12 9 2 +3 +3 +6 1250 875 3000 100 48+ These are the common people found everywhere on the world. They have their Hit Dice (hit points) determined by the profession they have.
They acquire experience through working and as thus they are more experienced when older. Thus they can be determined by availability, but their number is never higher than the percentages given, in a given population. Always round numbers down, and treat every 0 as being non existent. Otherwise, it is easy to determine the average age of such an individual, they are mostly above the level of average age given according to their level of expertise.
Most commoners only have weapons of opportunity (farming or other tools), or daggers, clubs, quarter staves, Slings, short bow, bola, or at the most a short sword. Anything bigger is preserved for the higher classes (noble, adventurers, warrior, etc.). This is also the case with armor anything better than chainmail (AV4) is preserved for the upper classes, and the lower classes use, cloth, leather or chain.Low Commoners;
Low commoners are mostly peasants, serfs, but also gentry, and middle class.
Peasant, Servant, or Serf
Peasants are farmers, herders, and simple tradesmen of low social class. Unlike serfs, peasants are freemen. Serfs are totally subject to the local lord; they are the lowest of the social classes. They farm and perform the brute labor functions on large agricultural holdings. Serfs, really, are little more than slaves.
Both peasants and serfs may be armed with daggers, clubs, quarter staves, and farming tools. They never have any treasure except under the rarest of occasions when they are able to hoard scavenged goods.
Middle Class
These are travelers journeying on personal business. They are found primarily in civilized regions, although pioneers may be encountered in relatively peaceful frontier regions. Middle class travelers may be armed with knives, daggers, and short swords.
These are the upper classes. They are not the ruling nobility, but their wealth and connections make them nearly as powerful. Each member of the gentry encountered may be accompanied by guards (1d4-1) and 1d6 servants. The guards are mercenary fighters of 1st to 6th level and armed with sword and spear. The servants might fight, but are more likely to panic. The gentry themselves might be armed with daggers and short swords.
Low strength professionalsTHAC0 as Mages
Are those citizens, who use their brain more than their strength; they include; Apothecary, Sage, Scribe, Tax official, Advocate, Astrologer, Astronomer, Architect, Banker, Artisan, Judge, Navigator, Tattooer, Candle makerNormal commoners THAC0 as Clerics
People engaged in the trades and crafts will be about their business when encountered. They may be operating a shop, acquiring materials for their business, or traveling to or from a client’s location. They are willing to do business with adventurers, provided they are properly paid. They will not attack except to defend themselves. Note that 1% of all trades folk may be retired adventurers. Tradesmen may be armed with knives, quarter staves, and tools. About 90% of their treasure is merchandise or equipment.
Normal commoners are mostly farmers, fishermen, workers. They also include those professionals as; Doctor, Dentist, Engineer, Falconer, Farmer, Gemcutter, Hunter, Jeweler, Moneylender, Shipwright, Tailor, Taxidermist, Papermaker, Mason, Smelter, Weaver, Ropemaker, Thatcher, Paint/inkmaker, Potter, Undertaker, Tanner, Boatwright, Broommaker, Carpenter, Canvasmaker, Cook, Cobbler, Dairyworker, Healer, Drover, Finesmith, Freighter, Furnituremaker, Gemcutter, Harbormaster, Leatherworker, Glassblower, Geologist, Netmaker, Carter/Hauler, Porter, Animal trainer, Cooper, Locksmith, Cartographer, Fletcher, etc. most professional classes belong to this group.
Men of the sea are usually found on or near open waters. If encountered inland, sailors may be ferrymen on streams or rivers. Fishermen will either be putting out to a fishing site, fishing, or returning with their catches. Sailors may be armed with knives, short swords, cutlasses, or belaying pins (1 point of damage).
These are simple people involved in the production of agricultural goods. About 65% of all encounters will be with farmers tilling their land. Encounters with herders may occur anywhere there is grazing land or a market for their herds. Encounters with herders also involve the herd animals, whatever they are.
Nonmerchant sailors are the seagoing armed forces of the local government, acting as police or soldiers. They may be patrolling their home waters, pursuing a waterborne criminal, or on their way to or from a mission in other waters. Each ship is commanded by a captain (6th level fighter) and a first officer (5th-level fighter). Sailors are armed with swords, knives, bows, and polearms. They may also be armed with heavier weapons such as catapults and ballistae.
Slavers are usually found in control of a band of captive slaves; if no slaves are present, the slavers may be mistaken for mercenaries or brigands. The slavers’ leader might be a thief, fighter, or fighter/thief (6th 11th level), assisted by a lieutenant one level lower. Each leader is accompanied by 1d12 guards of 1st or 2nd level. For each 50 slaves and slavers, there is a 10% chance of a wizard (6th 8th level) and a 5% chance of a priest (5th -7th level); these work for the slavers.
There are 10 slaves present for each 1d10 slavers. Slaves are treated the same as serfs. They may be recently acquired captives being taken from their homelands or long-time slaves being moved to a new market. Such slaves will be on foot and linked together in strings of 10-100 by ropes or chains. They will be willing to help any adventurers who try to rescue them, although they will be limited in the help they can provide. Slaves may be any class or type, but only 1% of captives belong to one of the character classes.Strong commoners THAC0 as Fighters
Strong commoners are mostly those who use their muscles more than their brain, and this reflects in their hit points.
They mostly belong to hardworking classes like the; miner, Weaponsmith, Saddlemaker, Wagonmaker, Stonecutter, Blacksmith, Butcher, Laborer (they may also belong the normal commoners depending on average use of strength (DM), Lumberjack,
Profession Frequency Alignment Commoner rank Na# Personal Treasure Morale Peasant common any Low 1d100 P, Q 7 Serf common any Low 1d100 P, Q 6 Slave Uncommon any Low 1d20 P 5 Gentry common any Low 1d20 J.K,L,M,N,Q 7 Middleclass common any Low 2d20 J,M,N 6 Farmer common N, NG Normal 1d20 P, Q, R, S 7 Herder common N, NG Normal 1d20 P, Q, R, S 7 Sailor common any Normal 4d20 L, M 8 Fishermen common any Normal 2d20 P, Q, R, S 7 Slaver Uncommon non good Normal 1d100 L, M, N 7 Tradesmen common any Normal 2d6 J, K (Q, R) 5 Tradesmen Uncommon any Strong 2d6 J, K (Q, R) 6 Craftsmen common any Normal 2d6 J, K (Q, R) 6 Craftsmen Uncommon any Strong 2d6 J, K (Q, R) 7 Other Commoners common any Low 1d100 J, K (Q, R) 5 Other Commoners common any Normal 1d20 J, K (Q, R) 6 Other Commoners Uncommon any Strong 1d20 J, K (Q, R) 8 Notes;
The rank of commoners dictates the Hp
Each commoner can gain 12th level maximum, their level is gained by experience just like adventurers, but this experience is gained mostly out of their craft by earning money or making a good tool.
No amounts of XP needed to gain another level is given, but if you think you need this use 0, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16.000, 32.000, 64.000, 128.000, 256.000, 512.000 for any rank. As the higher ranks may be stronger but earn less and the low anks earn more and are weaker. thus all is balanced.
Na# = number of appearing. as mostly commoners convene in groups. keep in mind these groups are mostly of a mixed background and if the Rules Cyclopedia encounter tables dictates you meet commoners of a type , roll all variations of that type. there is no difference between men and women otherwise than wgich the gazetteers dictate of that country. However, most Strong Commoners are men, while women dominate the middle class and low commoners.
*= there is a chance a commoner has a special attack or skill. this is the number of these special attacks they have. this might be a magical weapon, a weapon mastery, or another skill (mostly gained by their class) enabling to use a special attack (example fishermen can throw nets the best, better than fighters.)