by Cab DavidsonArmour Class: 6
Hit Dice: 1*
Move: 90’(30’)
Attacks: 1 fist+special
Damage: 1d2+special
Number Appearing: 1d8 (20d10)
Save As: Fighter 3
Morale: 8 (12)
Treasure Type: Zero (M)
Intelligence: 5
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 13
Individually one could be forgiven for thinking that the Cordyceps myconid is completely harmless. Thin, orange and black, 5’ tall and largely looking like almost insubstantial upright fungal-stick insects, their presence hardly instils fear. They are however one of the most unpleasant predators on Mystara.An attack from a Cordyceps consists of a simple punch, and after striking an opponent most cordyceps retreat, their job done. The victim, as well as taking damage, must make a saving throw vs. death ray. If they fail, they are infected with Cordyceps spores.
Initially the victim will feel a little malaise and some nausea, but unless a cure disease spell or similar is cast upon them within 48 hours then their fate is one of subjugation and death. On the third day the victim will feel entirely recovered, prior to, on the fourth day, becoming irreversibly (other than by means of a wish) under the control of the Cordyceps myconoid. They will seek out the location of the myconoid, and serve them in whatever way the myconoid finds to be most useful, for up to 3 weeks. After this time they will return to the myconoid, lie down, and die. From their bodies 2d8 new myconoids are formed, each reaching maturity 3 weeks later.
The victim will take all of their treasures, and any belongings they can carry, to the myconoid. On rare occasions if multiple (20+) victims are in thrall to the myconoid at the same time, it may choose to send them to another location where they will die and establish a mew myconoid entity, sending more myconids out to find further prey from a new location.
While essentially chaotic creatures, Cordyceps are not especially evil. They are merely remorselessly predatory. Thankfully, they shun sunlight and only inhabit the darkest places of Mystara, namely, the caves and caverns shunned even by most other myconids. Other creatures of darkness recognise Cordyceps for what they are, and will actively hunt for and burn their Myconoids. While they can increase to plague like numbers in a few short months, they are in a constant struggle for survival against such hunting.Cordyceps are rare in the caves beneath the Broken Lands and Alfheim, where Orcs and Shadow Elves alike make sport of hunting them. But they are far more common in the dark complexes under the Great Escarpment on the Isle of Dawn, and explorers have described infestations of Cordyceps among the strange humanoids of Skothar that have destroyed whole cities.
The Science Bit: Take it away, David Attenborough