by Karl David BrownSmall humanoid (gnome), Lawful Good
Armour Class. 13 (Flight Jacket)
Hit Points. 14 (3d6+3)
Speed 25 ft.
STR 10 (+0) DEX 15 (+2), CON 12 (+1), INT 12 (+1), WIS 10 (+0), CHA 12 (+1)
Skills: Aerial vehicles +6*, Athletics +2, Intimidation +3. Proficient in skyhooks, spike gun, mounted light crossbow.
*Double proficiency bonus when piloting aerial vehicles.
Senses. Darkvision 90 ft. Passive perception 10.
Languages. Skycommon, Gnome, Faenare, Sylvan. Skycommon is a dialect of Common.
Challenge 1/4 (50 xp)
Artificer’s Lore: As per the PHB Rock Gnome.
Tinker: As per the Players’ Handbook Rock Gnome.
Skyborn: he has advantage on saves to avoid damage from air-based attacks and falling (but not if he deliberately jumps from a height)
You also have resistance to damage from air-based phenomena and magic, but not falling.
Weathersense: Advantage on Nature checks when above ground to determine altitude, speed, determine if weather is a natural phenomenon, and predict weather.
Dagger. Melee or missile weapon attack +4 to hit, reach 5ft, thrown range 20/60. Hit: 5 (1d4+2) piercing damage.Gear: flight jacket, dagger.