by Matthew FennThis world is called Covad-Toril. And the elves call it Covad-Ardhon. "Covad-" is the Sindarin (Tolkien's Elvish) prefix for "to bring together or join." "Covad-Ardhon" is elvish for "Joined World." As to how it came into existence: when Ao, the hidden one separated Abeir and Toril in the First Sundering around -31000 DR, the multiverse required a balance. To separate one set of worlds, others have to be joined together. So he merged three worlds together: Toril, Oerth, and Mystara. The elves call this event, Cova-Ardhoni, the joining of worlds. (For timeline purposes, a dragon magazine says 1360 DR is 580 CY, and I’ve made that 1004 AC).
And here's another map. This time it's POST WoTI