Crag Imp
by Håvard
STATS (BECMI) Crag Imp Armor Class 6 Hit Dice 1d4+2 (Tiny) Move 90' (30') Attacks 1 bite or weapon Damage 1d3 or by weapon No. Appearing 1d6 (6d10) Save As Normal Man Morale 9 Treasure Type S(C+N) Intelligence 9 Alignment Chaotic or Neutral XP Value 6 Monster Type: Humanoid (Rare)
Crag Imps or Rock Imps are found in mountains, deserts or brokenlands. Like their cousins, the Wood Imps, these are tiny humanoids no more than 2' tall. They have dirty faces and wide mouths with needle sharp teeth. They wear their hair wild and unkempt. Their dirty clothes and appearance allows them to surprise on 1-3 on a d6. They prefer to trap unwary travellers with pit traps, snares or boulders, but they can use their bites or tiny bows with poison arrows in combat.
When hunting, they ride snakes (Rattle snakes or rock pythons are popular). They can use poison from their snakes to coat their arrows (takes one round). Arrows normally do 1d4 points of damage (range as short bow). Characters hit by a poisoned arrow must save with a +2 bonus or loose an additional 1d8 points of damage and become sluggish for 2d4+2 rounds. Sluggish characters move at halv speed and gain a -2 penalty to initiative rolls. Crag Imps can also attack with their two handed swords for 1d6 dmg. Their snake companions will also attack with them.
For every 10 Crag Imps, there is a leader of 1HD-1 and a chieftain with 1HD. If these leaders are slain, morale drops to 7. A tribe has 1d4 shamans of level 1-4 with a minimum wisdom of 14. Most shamans follow Entropic Immortals.
In the deserts of Ylaruam, some Crag Imps have been converted to the Eternal Truth. These Crag Imps are never Chaotic and may provide help to travellers lost in the desert.
Terrain: Mountain, Hill, Desert, Brokenlands