Circle of the Conch - the Ibariki Sea Warden (Circle of Land [Coast] 5e Druid re-skin)
by Marc SaindonRapidly, whereas the Ahomean Druid would focus on stone, earth and plant growth, the Ibariki Druid next door would concentrate more on the seas, fish and parlaying with the Jengu and Nommo ("Mermaids" and "Tritons") of the nearby Undersea Kingdom of Tangor Bay. The Ibariki Druid (which be called a Warden or Kuhani to sound less celtic) follows the Circle of Land (Coast as their terrain), usually hang out at beaches and the sounding of the conch plays an important role in their rituals. Wild shapes might involve aquatic animals (e.g. sharks, squids, hippos) or flying ones (e.g. seagulls).
Ibariki religious practice find that the Tangoran Clerics ("Emissaries", more numerous in Tangor Bay than in the western Tangor Gulf) and Ibariki Druids play a complementary role rather tha embody a rival, with followers alternating their attendance in communities big enough to host both types of shrines.
Druid: Circle of the Land
(Image from: https://www.deviantart.com/baileyarthead/art/The-Calling-of-the-Sea-1003056414)