Top Ballista: Crash Landing 5E solo
by Karl David BrownFirst, my solo method relies on not having read the adventure. So, no spoilers please. This is the 3rd in a series of adventures where I’m working through the adventures in Top Ballista as part of creating my D&D 5th edition conversion of that BECMI era product. So yeh, this will contain spoilers for the Crash Landing adventure.
In the first adventure “Tabi Hunt” my sky gnome character saved the day but died. For the second adventure “Scream of Terror” my sphinx character survived and gained a little local fame. Wait, a sphinx PC? Yes, the original Top Ballista had BECMI rules for playing some unusual species and the player’s guide for my conversion introduces these PC species to D&D 5th Edition. You can find my player’s guide in the Vaults of Pandius. It will be updated after I finish all the Top Ballista adventures.
Crash Landing is for 3-5 PCs of 20-25 levels total. So, mean of 22.5/4= 5.6 level party. For 6th level characters method 3 from EGSA suggests a single 13th level character.
Therefore, will raise my existing character Leandrokrates to 13th level and assume several years have passed…Adjust character sheet to add 4 levels of bard including college of valor. Remove pork. I assume I’ve figured out what the mystery potion from the last adventure is. I’ll assume payment for work since and living expenses equal out. Therefore, I have my treasure from the last adventure when I ‘go shopping’. I gear up with healing potions, a bag of rocks to drop, a small gong, and gold wire in my beard and a nifty gold bracelet so I look a bit more like my miniature.
I resume my tale four years after my rescue of the cleric Gralic, a deed that secured my acceptance among elves and humanity of Karameikos and Alfhiem respectively. I dwelt in Gralic’s barn, a building roomy enough for my large feline body. He relocated his few livestock, and I gradually paid carpenters and such to make it more comfortable. I earned my way as a messenger and soldier. As a messenger for the Church of Karameikos I became well known in the nearby city of Specularum. As a soldier I hunted down human bandits and bestial monsters of the woods when they threatened the village. So yes I was accepted but I remained a curiosity and more importantly the only one of my kind, an important consideration. After having experienced the comforts of a settled life one’s mind naturally turns to yearning a mate to share it with. Slowly, the yearning for home, for Serraine, stirred.
I was sitting on the step talking with the village cleric Gralic one night when we saw it in the distance, a long large object, lit inside, gliding over the forest toward the Thyatian border. Sputtering and humming noises drift out of the night quiet. A distant memory of my youth came to mind, could it be an aeroplane*?
*Top Ballista is from the USA and translates the Skycommon term as airplane. I’m British and learned to write in a Commonwealth nation in the 70’s, I use UK (i.e. rest of world) English.
“Was that an aeroplane?” asked balding Gralic. He and I had discussed my home city many times but he had never seen an aeroplane.
“I think so” I rumble trying not to betray my excitement.
“You should wait until morning. You’ll see nothing in the dark and even for you flying over the wild forest at night might attract some monstrous predator.” No question of whether I’ll be going.
”And the Thyatians…?” I muse.
”They can be touchy but the aeroplane probably came down miles from anyone and even Thyatian officials will understand a rescue mission” rationalises Gralic knowing there is no point trying to convince me not to go.
Excitement keeps me awake much of the night. At dawn I bid fairwell to Gralic spread my giant eagle wings and take to the air. Leaving the village, I fly over the Rugalov River into Thyatis. The guards on the river keep may have seen me in the dawn light, or not, but I cannot fly too high to be seen because I need to spot the aeroplane from above. I have the wings of an eagle, not the eyes.As with the last two adventures I’ll skip random encounters to avoid unnecessarily draining my single PCs resources and to prevent journaling fatigue.
I had assumed the river was the boundry between Karameikos and Thyatis. Real world political boundries tend to be geography. However, looking at the Atlas of Mystara site I see the border is to the east of the river in the middle of the forest. Therefore, soldiers in Rugalov keep if they saw me would just see the local sphinx of their own nation.
6 mile hexes? Assuming this My sphinx can fly there in a day.Well over the border and late afternoon I hear the crash site. The industrius thrumps of hammers and rhythm of saws is quite audible a third of a mile from the site. About a fifth of a mile away the site is quite visible. A brilliant emerald green tarpaulin fails to hide the wreck among the somber greens of the oaks. At this point I’m pretty sure I’m dealing with sky gnomes. Fortunately, I’m flying about 20’ above the treetops an so am able to hear the challenge from below “ "Halt! Who goes there, friend or foe?”. A small humanoid figure with a full white beard is perched on a branch near the top of a tree. I circle to land on a thick oaken branch of the next tree.
“Friend, Leandrokrates of Serraine and Rugalov Village”
"Oh good. I say, you couldn 't be helping me get down from here could you? I can't seem to be climbing down properly" replies the gnome sheepishly.
I fly over and land awkwardly on a narrow limb near the gnome. ”Hurry and climb on and I’ll get you to the ground”. The gnome lightly leaps onto my back and barely holds on as I leap and flit my way down through the canopy. Nothing like the death-grip used by the elf Rhallene all those years ago. A Serrainer for certain, no other gnome would have that casual lack of fear of heights!
“Lead on to the crash site” I rumble in a fatherly manner at the little humanoid as he dismounts.
“Err, yes we did hide it.”
“I have keen eyes” a white lie to reassure the nervous little gnome.
“Our leader be Air Cadet Dunbar Stormkinder, he’ll know how best you can be helping.”
Air cadet, leader? Yes, gnome hair whitens earlier than humans. My new guide is an adult but a younger one.
After a few minutes stroll crash site comes into view. To an outsider a strange red fish-like shape of canvas and wood with two pairs of long oversized ‘fins’ is being crawled over by a group of gnomes. As a Serrainer I immediately recognise a Smurfi-Lodestar 3F3 Cloud Clipper enclosed cabin passenger biplane.
I am led to the leader. Around me humming gnomes go about their work, glancing up as I pass but otherwise they ignore me. My people are a common sight on the streets of Serraine. Air Cadet Dunbar Stormkinder turns out to be a a tall gnome, easily 3 foot 9 inches, with skin brown and lined from outdoors work and a huge walrus mustache, not a common fashion in Serraine when I was last there. He is dressed in the flight jacket of a Top Ballista fighter pilot. “Well, what have we here Gundal?”
”He’s a friend, he helped me out of a tree.” offers my guide.
”Well met cadet Dunbar. I am Leandokrates of Serraine and Rugalov, scholar and warrior. Like Delfaron of Darkokin among the Thyacians, I readily offer aid to citizens of my home in need.” refering to a well-known historical tale. Delfaron emancipated his fellows from Thyacian slavers. An allusion to the potential dangers of being stranded in Thyatis.
“I not be knowing any Delfaron but your help is needed. I don’t expect you would be much help with the repairs or cutting trees to clear a runway” he says brandishing a skyhook “But My friends are a mite skittish about what monsters might be lurking in these trees. You being a warrior and all praps you could be dealing with any such as be coming this way?” he look at me hopefully.
“I would be pleased to assist.”
“Good, good. Now I be needed to oversee repairs. … No, leave the spike spring we not be needing that to fly, go help Norbin with that flap cable assembly…”
I watch the gnomes industriously working for a few moments then find a high broad branch offering a good view of the area, especially to the east in the direction of Thycian settlements.since I can’t help it will take the 5 gnomes 6 days to repair the aeroplane. Then a further 12 days to clear a runway. 18 days total. The gnome’s emergency rations are unsuitable for me and just enough for the gnomes. I’m an idiot and didn’t pack any rations. I didn’t expect to be away this long. Fortunately, the adventure suggests a solution, a wild boar. .
The first day passes without incident. At night the gnomes take turns on the watch since they see well in the dark. The next morning I wake hungry. The gnome emergency rations of nuts and dried fruits do not look appetising to me and besides if they tried to feed me then their supplies would be soon exhausted. The first morning I cut short the pleading protest of Dunbar and set off to hunt.
Survival check to find prey nearby. This is a wild forest but the gnomes are quite noisy. I had best move away from them first. Consulting ESGA for a Sage in the woods DC20. One attempt per day seems standard across various editions of D&D. Roll 17+4=21.
My ancestors lived in the desert hunting for their food but that was a long time ago. I grew up among the marble, girders and eateries of Serraine. I hunt ancient scrolls in quiet libraries. I don’t like my chances of tracking down prey even among the abundance of a wild forest. Still there is little for it. Almost by blind luck I stumble through a bush right into the path of a wild boar. Seeing a huge feline predator the boar sprints away. I give chase.
Boar stats are given MM319. In a wild forest line of sight is restricted so encounter range will be close. We both have a land speed of 40. Who tires first? Boar rolls 10+1=11. I roll athletics 11+14=25!
I am trained to excellent physical condition and the boar soon realises he cannot out-run me. He turns and charges.
Boar 20+0.=20
Leandrokrates 9+1=10.Boar charges: 11+3=14. Miss.
Leandrokrates: Claw. 4+9=13. Hit. 7 damage. Boar on 4hp.
Extra attack claw. 19+7=26. Hit. 14 damage. Boar dead.I neatly sidestep the charge and rake along the flank of the animal as it passes. This I follow with another claw across the rump. The animal falls dead from massive bloodloss. Grasping the corpse between my forepaws I spring into the air and pass through a thin gap in the leafy roof.
Back at the crash site the gnomes initially balk at butchering my kill but the promise of roast pork to supplement their dried fruit and nuts convinces one with a stronger stomach to undertake some amateur butchery.Previously in “Scream of Terror” I found that a pig offer 165 pounds of meat. So 8 pounds a day for me and 1 pound per gnome is 13 pounds a day. Checking the internet, it will go off before we eat it all. I’ll have to hunt every 3 days or so.
Finished painting!
If I hunt then a gnome is on lookout and not working. Looks like I’m going to have to track work-days until 90 gnome-days of work are completed.
Already Day 1 cumulative work: 5 gnome-days
After this to avoid ruining the story I’m switching to hiding the dice rolls etc.
Day 2 cumulative work: depends on if a saboteur is effective.
Do any of the gnomes spot an intruder while I was away? With all the noise Beazley does not need to be quiet only remain hidden. Use gnome passive perception except roll for the look-out
Dunbar PP 11
3 gnomes PP 10
Lookout: 15+0=15
Beazley rolls with advantage for potion of invisibility. 1/11+7=18. Pass.Converting the DC to mess up a day’s work from the book we get DC14. Knowledge of machines is part of history (Int) so 8-1=7.
Day 2 cumulative work: 5+4=9 gnome-days since one stays on lookout.Over dinner the gnomes discuss the day’s progress most of which is technical and goes over my head. There is a slightly amusing story of how Norbin somehow locked himself inside the cabin of the Cloud Clipper and had to disassemble to the lock to get out.
The next day I take up my post on the high branch again.
Dunbar PP 11
4 gnomes PP 10
Leandrokrates: 7+7=14
Beazley rolls. 17+7=24. Pass.Converting the DC to mess up a day’s work from the book we get DC14. Knowledge of machines is part of history (Int) so 17-1=16. Pass. Whole day of work lost.
Day 3 cumulative work: 9+0=9 gnome-daysAll is noisy and busy until near dusk when there is a sound of groaning metal. Looking down I see on of the Cloud Clippers upper wings fall landing on the ground with crash and stirring up a cloud of leaves. I fly down to help. After a few moments of panic the gnomes figure out no-one was hurt. “Hmmmm…” muses Dunbar, ”There’s your problem, seems me left main-spar was strained in the crash and we didn’t spot the metal fatigue.”
”Fixing this will take a whole day” grumbles Norbin.
The mood that night over cold roast pork in glum. However, these are gnomes and by morning they are as cheerful as ever whistling and humming as they hammer and saw.
Days I need to hunt 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23 etc. Assuming I succeed and don’t go hungry. Maybe I should try a survival roll to smoke the meat? Smoke though might attract attention.
Dunbar PP 11
4 gnomes PP 10
Leandrokrates: 7+7=14
Beazley rolls. 14+7=21. Pass.Converting the DC to mess up a day’s work from the book we get DC14. Knowledge of machines is part of history (Int) so 12-1=11. Fail.
Day 4 cumulative work: 9+5=14 gnome-daysAnother watchful lazy day where the monotony is broken only by one of the gnomes having to dodge a hammer-head. Apparently, it had worked loose from its handle and flew off on an upswing.
The next morning I head out at dawn after making sure a gnome is on lookout.
Search for prey. Survival roll. 7+4=11. Fail.
Dunbar PP 11
3 gnomes PP 10
Lookout: 13+0=13
Beazley rolls. 5+7=12. Fail.Day 5 cumulative work: 14+5=19 gnome-days
I return at dusk empty-jawed. The little I have picked up on the natural world from books and hunting bandits was simply not sufficient to see the signs of prey that I’m sure a ranger would see everywhere.
I circle down to the gnome encampment land and pad over to under the emerald tarpaulin where three of the gnomes are seated on tool-boxes around Dunbar. “…this can’t go on” the air cadet is saying “If it does we’ll never get the Clipper back in the air…Ah! Here he is!” Dunbar suddenly exclaims when he looks up at the sound of my approach.
”Sorry, no pork today” I explain. Feldi the butcher-conscript looks relieved but my remark has little effect on the others who continue to look at me expectedly.
”What is it?” I ask.
”Norbin, saw him trying to sneak in and raised the alarm. It seems we have a gremlin” Dunbar enlightens me.
“That would explain the crash landing.” I remark.”Not much to draw gremlins here in the woods. Never seen one in all my years here. He must have been aboard when you left Serraine”
“Yes, seems that the frayed main drive belt wasn’t bad luck or poor maintenance and there be more to come. We need you to catch the miscreant or drive him away afore he does much more damage.”
“I’ll be needing a meal first. Can someone, Norbin maybe, be lookout one more day?”
“We need you to catch this vandal” pleads Dunbar
“Not on an empty stomach” I state firmly.
The mood is sullen that night. I wake Norbin before I leave to hunt. Oh, for a hearty human tavern or a interesting little gnome eatery. I miss city life all the more on an empty stomach.
I think the hiding makes it easier for those who just want the story to see that. I may even retrospectively change earlier posts to this format.
Ok let’s find me a boar. Survival roll 1d20+4 = 1+4=5 fail. Looking in the DMG page 111 has foraging rules that are helpful; I still would have failed though. Fine what are the effects of 2 days without food? PHB185, I’m ok for 6 days, this is day 2 without food.
Dunbar PP 11
3 gnomes PP 10
Lookout: 6+0=6
Beazley rolls. 14+7=21 success
Roll for sabotage! 7-1=6 FailDay 6 cumulative work: 18*+4=23 gnome-days
*last total should have been 18 not 19.I return empty handed. The gnomes complain of skyhooks that went missing and were found floating half way up a tree. Listening to their annoyed voices and the pleading of Dunbar who looks more worried everyday I strike a deal. I’ll hunt every second day until the gremlin is caught.
I’m ok for 6 days, this is day 3 without food.
Dunbar PP 11
4 gnomes PP 10
Leandrokrates: 12+7=19
Beazley rolls. 19+7=26 success
Roll for sabotage! 20-1=19 successDay 7 cumulative work: 23+0=23 gnome-days
I wake up to a rumbling stomach. I drink cold stream water to quieten my innards then take my perch under the emerald canvas but overlooking the worksite. The day seems to pass without intrusion or incident but then as the gnomes begin to pack away their tools smoke emerges from a window near the rear of the aeroplane. By the time we put out the flames extensive damage has been done to the rear section of the wooden frame and its canvas covering.
I spend another hungry night asleep on the forest floor.
I’m ok for 6 days, this is will be day 4 without food.
Dunbar PP 11
3 gnomes PP 10
Lookout: 4+0=4
Beazley rolls. 4+7=11 success, just
Roll for sabotage! 8-1=9 failDay 8 cumulative work: 23+4=27 gnome-days
Meanwhile, I forage for anything edible rather than trying to track a boar. DMG111. DC10. 13+4=17. Success roll for pound of food. 2+2=4, a half day worth for me. So call this day 3.5
I spend the day catching and eating small birds and fish but remain far from satisfied. Returning that evening the gnomes report a good day’s work marred only by a snapped flap-cable which was easily repaired.
I’m ok for 6 days, this is will be day 4.5 without food.
Dunbar PP 11
4 gnomes PP 10
Leandrokrates: 6+7=13
Beazley rolls. 15+7=22 success
Roll for sabotage! 7-1=8 failDay 9 cumulative work: 27+4=31 gnome-days. Plane fixed!
The next day there is no sign of the gremlin still and the gnomes seem to be near to completing work on the vehicle. They begin to saw trees and clear brush to create a runway.
After another night on an empty stomach I wake Norbin so he can take up look-out duty before heading out to forage.
I’m ok for 6 days, this is will be day 5.5 without food.
Dunbar PP 11
4 gnomes PP 10
Lookout: 19+0=19
Beazley rolls. 16+7=23 success
Roll for sabotage! 17-1=16 success.Day 10 cumulative work: 31+0=31 gnome-days.
Forage: 10+4=14 success. 5+2=7. So, 5 days and 3 pounds rationed.
After another day eating muddy fish and hedge-birds, I return to find the gnomes fussing over one of their fellows. It seems Bleem was right under an old oak when a rotten branch fell. The others had spent most of the day digging Bleem out from under the huge branch and fussing over the concussed engineer. It looks like an unfortunate accident but as Serrainer’s we all suspect bad luck caused by the gremlin.
I’m ok for 6 days, this is will be day 6 without food.
Dunbar PP 11
4 gnomes PP 10
Leadrokrates: 17+7=24
Beazley rolls. 12+7=19, Spotted him, it’s on!Day 10 cumulative work after we catch the gremlin: 31+5=36 gnome-days.
A little after noon I spot a small green-grey figure peering out of the bushes at the edge of the area the gnomes have cleared around the crash sight. I affect not to notice while watching the sneak out of the corner of my eye in the hope of luring him closer to the aeroplane and away from the cover of the trees and bushes where he might elude me.
Deception v. the gremlin’s insight.
Gremlin: 2+1=3
And none of the gnomes are aware he is there to ruin my plan. I’m going to call this a surprise round.Information for setting up the map and figure. Since the gnomes are not aware of him they are probably where they don’t have line of sight. I’m waiting for him to be far enough away from the trees that he can’t reach them sprinting (at least 65’). I’m up high facing east but below a tarpaulin so not super high. An F3F Cloud Clipper is Huge (30’ long), holds 11 small-medium people including the pilot. From the Illustration on the Top Ballista map we can see wingspan is about the same as length. The Aeroplane is painted red and I think the door is mid-cabin behind the left wing.
Surprise Round
Leandrokrates: Fly 50’ to swoop down and land next to the gremlin. Attack to knock-out: 13+9=22. Hit. 10+10+4! =24. Gremlin on 4. Extra Attack: 18+9=27. Hit. 3+4=7. Gremlin knocked out. .The gremlin seems convinced I’ve not seen him as he scampers over to the aeroplane as he arrives I suddenly and silently slip off my branch and glide down landing right behind him. Hearing the soft thud of my landing he begins to turn even as my clawed paw rakes and bats him to one side into my other clawed forepaw. Shock and blood loss are enough to knock out the little creature. I put my ear to his bony ribcage. As I had hoped he was alive. I have done as I hoped overwhelmed the gremlin before he could focus his aura of bad luck on me to escape. Question is now what?
I call to the gnomes and they rush over. “You got him!” rejoices Dunbar.
“Is he dead? ” asks the bruised Bleem with eyes full of hate.
“No, he is not dead. Nor do I think he hurt anyone intentionally. Gremlins typically enjoy mischief, not murder. He is not a murdering bandit to be killed in the wilds. I will not allow him to be further harmed ”
“That’s all well and good, but what will we do with him. Nothing can hold a gremlin long and when he does get away, he’ll just go back to messing up our work”
“You could fly away and dump him really far from here in the forest” suggests Norbin thoughtfully.
“I don’t think he has the skills to last any longer than one of you alone in this forest. Even I have trouble finding enough food. No, he like us is a creature of the city. “ I muse.
”Thyatis City?” suggests Dunbar.
”Maybe, or I could take him home to Serraine.” I propose.
”Immigration Control won’t like you bringing another gremlin in.” Objects Bleem.
”I’ll not be landing an aeroplane on the runway. I can land anywhere at night and not trouble Immigration Control.”
”You’ll leave us here in the wilds defensless?” pleads Dunbar.
”I think it the lesser of two bad choices. I will not be long, I fly fast. Not as fast as your fine machine but fast enough to not be away long. I can buy food while I’m there so I won’t need to keep going into the woods when I get back. You’ll get more days under my protection, not less.”
”Ok, we’ll do it your way. Serraine was hovering over Thyatis City to the east. You know the way?”
Bleem pointedly wanders off as Norbin bandages the gremlin’s wounds and the gnomes secure the unconscious gremlin to my back with cargo straps.
There is still some daylight left and when the gremlin stirs hours later we are miles to the east and about a thousand feet above the forest.OK, now I’m really going off script! The information for my plan is not in the adventure. I need to figure out where Thyatis is exactly? I have no idea I’m new to Mystara. Then figure out where Serraine is. According to the adventure Serraine will just happen to be overhead when the Cloud Clipper takes off about 54 days from now. How fast is Serraine? Where is it now if it started in Thyatis and will be near our position in 54 days?
Also, the effects of starvation start tomorrow. Do I land to sleep or will be crunchy off? I need to talk with this gremlin.
This adventure is not about a tough fight. It’s about moral choices, resources, and problem solving.
A few hours later as the sun sinks lower and the tree’s below cast long shadows ahead of me as I wing my way south-east. I feel a stirring on my back and I slow my flight and therefore the sound of wind in my ears. As I expected the straps restraining the gremlin against my back go slack. The gremlin on my back squirms.
“I suggest you hold tight to my mane.” I feel the gremlin comply, pulling hair tighter than is comfortable. Serrainer or no, the gremlin is not used to being so precariously perched so high up.
“What is your name? I am Leandrokrates of Serraine, though it has been years since I saw the flying city”
In reply the gremlin simply blows a raspberry. Ignoring this I forge on. “Listen carefully, I want to take you home to Serraine. Stay with me and you’ll go home to the Flying City where there are so many machines to mess-up and gnomes to annoy. I’ll have to land soon. If you run off it will be into a forest filled with terrible monsters. When we leave the forest we will be over boring farmland ruled by Thyatia. If the Thyacians catch you souring their milk and such they will kill you. So please stick with me until we get home. Will you do that?”
For those that don’t know, unlike AD&D gremlins Mystaran gremlins don’t fly.
There are three parts to this interaction. Let’s list them first then deal with them.
1) Is he convinced. He knows there are sphinx in Serraine and that Serraine is as I describe. However, I did just knock him out.
2) If he isn’t does he deceive me?
3) He’s a gremlin. As described he might promise now then whimsically go do the opposite later.
OK for 1: ESGA Not viewed favourably. Nothing in my possession to help. Events are his current relative disadvantage, Serraine is a good place for a gremlin, and my backstory of a Serrainer sphinx. DC20. I’ll roll but my PC has no idea of result at this point. 12+5=17.2: He rolls Deception. 10-2=8. I roll insight 3+4=7. I’m taken in.
3: Is no longer a question.There is a pause then “I won’t run. I want to go home and prank gnomes”
“ Good to hear. What is your name fellow Serrainer?”
“I’m Sneazy. Good to meet you Leo-cra-tez.”.
“Hold on, I’m going to speed up now”.
I beat my wings faster eager to travel as far as I can each day until I finally circle the towers of home again.
. OK, so how far do I fly in a half-day? Speed 60. DMG119. 6mph for max of 9 hours. Lets call it 5 hours. 30miles. 162 miles to go…
After a half day’s flying we have left the forest far behind and are winging over pastures and crops. As I start to circle down into a field a city is about 10 miles to the south, this should be Machetos the capital of the local Duchy. I land near a large oak startling a few cows. Hopefully, the distant farmhouse will not hear and come investigate. As I land Sneazy leaps from my back and dashes south. Damn it!
Lets try to use the chase scene rules in the DMG252.
Initiative: Leandrokrates 15+1=16, Sneazy 16+3=19.
Sneazy dashes. 60’ away. He can dash 3 times without issue. Roll for complication 15 = Nil
Leandrokrates. Dashes 80’ Can dash 6 times. Roll for complication 8 Stampede. Dex save 21. Pass.
I catch-up with him.Round 2.
Sneazy: disengage the run 30’ south. Roll for complication 19 Nil
Leandrokrates: Run 40 to in front of the gremlin. Grapple. 18+14=32. Sneazy can’t beat that.
The gremlin sprints south. I give chase. Panicked cattle are dashing about the field. Several cows nearly run into me but I leap up and over them. Within 10 seconds I’ve catch up with the gremlin, he dodges to the side but a another short sprint and I bowl him down and pin him beneath my large fore-paws.
“I…am…trying… to… help… you” I spell out sternly a deep rumble of frustration in the back of my throat. ”Anywhere else you will be hunted and probably killed. That human city to the south is a death-trap for us both. At your home in Serraine you will be tolerated. Let me take you there.”one last try at Persuasion. EGSA gives a DC20. 12+5=17..
I gently shift one paw then the other off the little body to the dirt. Like a blot from a crossbow he’s up and off to the south again. With a heavy sigh I watch him go. I have no thumbs to tie him up and even if I did no restraint will hold a gremlin long. I wish him luck then climb into the oak to sleep.I awake before dawn hunt and kill a cow. I gorge myself and fill my pack with meat. I leave the gold wire I had woven into my beard on the head of the carcass as fair payment for the animal. There is no point undertaking the long journey to Thyatis City without the gremlin so instead I fly for Rugaluv village. There Gralic greets me warmly but I tell him of my intention to go home aboard the gnome aeroplane. We spend a few days gathering supplies for the myself and evenings dining, sharing wine, and reminiscing. Finally, I head back to the crash site.
No point playing out the fight with a cow that can’t hurt me. I have to trade healing potions for food math the math…112gp of rations. Sell 3 healing potions. Get some change.
After another month in the wild finally the Clipper and landing strip are ready. The gnomes strap in but I decline to be aboard during the bumpy take-off planning to come aboard once they are in the air. Then as they are taking off a gargantuan shape emerges from a low cloud above. My heart leaps as I recognise the towers and keels of home, Serraine the flying city! After years of living among humanity at last I’m going home.