Crests of the Kingdom of Alfheim (1000 AC)
by John CalvinThe colours for these are all unknown (as far as I know, please correct me if I am wrong). I've tried using colours that are representative of the forest as well as those that i thought would fit the clans. More notes on colour choices appear below.
Kingdom of Alfheim: Vert an oak tree Argent
Source: Gaz 5 pg 38Clan Chossum: Tenne an oak tree vert, five roundels Or in chief
Source: Gaz 5 pg 38
Notes: I've thought about switching the background colour and that of the tree. Not sure which I like better, but for now I have the background tenne and the tree vert.Clan Red Arrow:
Source: Gaz 5 pg 38Clan Erendyl: Azure a unicorn rampant argent
Source: Gaz 5 pg 38
Notes: The unicorn really should be wearing a crown as well. I've also chosen azure primarily because of the relationship between Clan Erendyl and the Erewan in Glantri. I may also go back and rethink some of my Erewan assumptions based on this shield. I was thinking that the original Erewan device was that of an oak tree, but now I'm not so sure. It might make more sense to change it to a unicorn (albeit in a different pose).Clan Grunalf: Argent a knight Vert over serpent Gules
Source: Gaz 5 pg 38
Notes: This is the one shield that I'm really not happy with. The knight should have a spear and be stabbing the serpent (which should not be nowed, as seen here). This really is just a place holder until I get more accurate charges. Also not quite sure I like the colours.Clan Mealidil: Tenne an oak tree Vert, a book Argent
Source: Gaz 5 pg 38Clan Feadil: Argent and oak tree vert, an estoile Or
Source: Gaz 5 pg 38Clan Longrunner: Vert, antlers Tenne
Source: Gaz 5 pg 38