Create Papyrus or Blood Papyrus
by AozAfter years of getting paper cuts, A teacher at the GSoM created this spell.
1st level Wizard
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1
Duration: Permanent
This spell allows the caster to create a sheet of paper (Papyrus) from thin air. The paper is blank and can be written on with any normal writing tool. The paper is permanent. The caster can create one sheet of paper (Papyrus) per level with this spell. This spell is useful for taking notes, writing essays, or making origami.Papyrus has some advantages over paper, being more resistant to insects and mold. However, papyrus is also more fragile and susceptible to cracking and tearing when folded or exposed to extreme dryness or moisture. Paper, on the other hand, is more durable and flexible, and can be folded into books or codices.
The material component for this spell is 1 hit point worth of blood from a paper cut. The caster must cut their finger with a paper object and drip the blood while utter the verbal component and make a gesture with their free hand. The blood will vanish, and the Papyrus will appear in place of the blood.