by Cab DavidsonArmour Class: 5
Hit Dice: 1**
Move: 90’(30’)
Attacks: 1 weapon or special
Damage: By weapon -1 or special
Number Appearing: 1d10 (20d10)
Save As: F1
Morale: 3 (12)
Treasure Type: Zero (M)
Intelligence: 8
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 16These small (1’-1’6”) blackish, trumpet shaped Myconids with somewhat greyish outer parts inhabit dark, mossy woodlands and often seem completely harmless. In fact they are considered a delicacy by other races, and are often picked and consumed before reaching maturity. This tends to lead to a certain amount of understandable resentment among the Craterellids, who have to watch their brethren being taken for consumption. And watch they do. And wait.
Craterellids were formerly common in Glantri, where they were referred to as Trompette de la Mort. Unfortunately they were on the verge of extinction, with voracious Glantrian appetite for mushrooms being a serious problem for them. The few remaining Myconoids were transferred to the Hollow World by an as yet unidentified Enropic immortal.
In a savage twist of irony the Craterellids have learned to distinguish edible and poisonous fungi, and will, as soon as they are able, scour the woodlands for poisonous mushrooms, which they then take back to the darkest parts of the woods and work into a wicked, magical poison. This poison, when hidden in the food and drink of humans, demi-humans and humanoids is lethal (save vs. poison or die in 1d6 turns). A successful wisdom check will allow the victim to work out that there is something unusual about the dish – it isn’t unpleasant, it isn’t obviously poisoned, it is just unusual. And many victims will continue imbibing the poison even knowing this. The victim will, 12 hours after death, rise as an undead zombie under the control of the Craterellid Myconoid. The Zombies are used to defend the site from anyone who might pick growing Myconids, and to gather any organic matter from around the forest to allow the Myconoid to grow.
The Cratellerid Myconids exploit their small stature and natural stealth abilities (they can move silently and hide in shadows as if thieves of 12th level) to sneak into the homes of civilised and uncivilised folk alike, lacing food with this poison. They do all they can to avoid a fight, being able to handle no weapon larger than a dagger and inflicting -1 to damage with all blows. If they anticipate there is likely to be no option but to fight, some of Craterellid Myconids will create a distraction while others will try to get behind their foes to backstab (as a 12th level thief).
The Craterellid Myconoid keepts its treasure hidden in amongst the hollows of great trees, typically buried by its enslaved zombies. It often disperses its better treasures among multiple sites, to try to avoid losing all of it should it be found.
The science bit: Ok, this isn't based on the science of the fungus, its based on the name. In Britain we call it the horn of plenty, but in France they call it the trompette de la mort, meaning of course the trumpet of the dead. And I ask you, how could you not want to turn that into an undead related myconid?
They are indeed pretty tasty, far from my favourite mushroom but the French do seem to go pretty crazy for them.