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A Crown for Synn

by Hausman Santos with contributions from Michael Berry and Robin from Threshold Magazine issue 35

A Guideline for the Mystaran Almanac AC 1020 Development

Author’s Introduction

This article provides an update to the Glantri setting, primarily a plotline collecting the exchange of information that was discussed between myself (Hausman) and Micky, also with some scenery elements that were being worked on by Robin (like the incidents with the sphere of darkness at the Great School of Magic1) as part of the work for a follow-up to the Mystaran Almanac.

It is a guideline about the conflict between Synn and the Brotherhood of Radiance (and the situation of Rad/Etienne) in the face of the discovery of the secrets of Radiance and the attempt of the Queen of the Night Dragons to try to take this power for herself (using all possible forces). That would happen, according to the course of the Almanac AC 1020, at the same time that the Orcwars are devastating eastern Darokin.

These are the basic essays on the outline for the plotline (before defined or concluded) for Glantri and their situation in Mystaran Almanacs age.

Basic Premises

Since her first appearance in DRAGON Magazine2, the Queen of the Night Dragons has been gaining relevance in the Known World. At some point post Wrath of the Immortals events she began her personal project of gaining power in Glantri by being a force moving her influence to the council of princes or even controlling all of them as a final intention.

Gradually, the editions of the Poor Wizards Almanacs (through the production of Aaron Allston in PWA I and continued by Ann Dupuis in PWA II and III) developed the plot of how Synn gained power among the princes of Glantri until her discovery of the Radiance (finally in fanon Mystaran Almanac AC 1019). This leads to a new escalation of power and she is determined to take this magical force and use it to achieve immortality in the sphere of Entropy.

Speculated Progression

Here are some interspersed excerpts discussed in brainstorming to develop the progression of these outlines:

Synn discovered Margarets notes. Sees obviously those who wield it are of immense power thus she just cant muscle in and take it... She assumes she is dealing with forces perhaps greater than her own, thus she is vulnerable. Since she is not an idiot, she moves cautiously.

The intrigue of hidden figures in notes (as per Margaret's notes and Edward Hillsbury's diaries) and demonstrations of powers show that there are forces beyond the powers of the council of princes governing the magic of Glantri. That in fact the Radiance is not something symbolic like magical knowledge emanating from Glantri3 as many argue, but rather a real palpable power unknown to the masses. As Synn is well positioned in Glantrian politics, she begins her move in this direction.

She does quietly go the knowledge/discovery route and puts enough pieces together to build her receptacle. She will make a play at gaining control of the Radiance but she will need help to even have a reasonable (or most importantly PLAUSIBLE) chance to gain its power.

Having built her personal receptacle, Synn would already benefit from her first contact with the Radiance. However, this also brings her into contact with the Brotherhood of the Radiance, who will try to discover her identity. But this does not matter, because she will do everything possible to take this power into her own hands and destroy anyone who opposes her.


Dolores and her dragon form, Image produced by Midjourney AI prompted by Senarch

The Path to Entropy4

The path for the Sphere of Entropy doesn’t favour any class in particular. Given that Entropy is opposed to the other four Spheres, there exist four distinct paths for achieving Immortality (namely: Destroyer, Manipulator, Dungeon Master and Tyrant), each one of which is directly opposed to one of the four paths of the other Spheres in a sort of negative or compensatory parody.


Opposition from the Brotherhood of Radiance is a formidable opponent even for Synn, for Radiance is a secret that cannot be kept from anonymous amateurs. So this ignites an open confrontation for Radiance.

She will need immortal help... Entropic help, the few that know enough to help her directly. But of course the Brotherhood of the Radiance is warned by Rad (waithow many years has since Rad vanished/disappeared?) that she is bad news and refuses to accept her.

Immortal powers are not something unknown to Synn (although the immortal powers in Glantri have a very peculiar characteristic). However, even the Queen of the Night Dragons has some access to the Immortals of Entropy that date back to their origins in the ruins in Oceania5. She will present those powers with a significant offer the Radiance of Glantri in exchange for the power and aid of the Immortals of Entropy. She will try to bring these allies with her as an ace up her sleeve in a possible confrontation with Rad and the Brotherhood of the Radiance.

The Brotherhood moves in to stop her... and she calls her allies... that thing being on the council would be sort of self-evident. Especially if she engages in outright warfare against the keepers of what made Glantri what it is, the Brotherhood of the Radiance.

As can be seen in the Glantri Gazetteer6 the new users contact with the receptacle built with the energies of the Radiance also depends on the consent of Rad (who is aware of all minds directly linked to the energy of the Radiance), who, once disapproving of Synns actions and intentions, can reveal her identity to the members of the brotherhood and order a true hunt to extinguish her (preserving Glantris magical secret). Rad can contact and order his most warlike followers in this case.

The most evil of the bunch, Angus McGregor, would be first and foremost in defense of Glantri and the Radiance and against Synn. Especially as the last thing hed want is competition on the block for being the most evil member on the Council of Princes. lmao!

Well, then all hell breaks loose... but in the Glantrian style of intrigue between wizards. Of course, all the excerpts presented above from this brainstorm of ideas discussed between writers and members of the Almanac Team are general guidelines where the plot will seek a line of development to run.

Robin also brought us an interesting subject regarding the uncontrolled growth of the sphere of darkness beneath the Great School of Magic in the capital and certainly Synn will take advantage of this to bring darkness and chaos if she needs to confront her enemies and usurp Glantris magical power for herself.


And then Go On

These are ideas created by many hands and minds in the editorial history of the Almanacs, which we have collected with great respect and considered the best possible development for an appreciable sequel. The answer will certainly come in future editions of the Fanon Almanacs.


- GAZ3: “The Principalities of Glantri TSR Publishing

- Glantri Kingdom of Magic Boxed Set TSR Publishing

- Charting and projecting continued Radiance usage by Robin Vaults of Pandius

- DRAGON Magazine Issue #163: The Return of the Darkness The Voyage of the Princess Ark TSR Publishing

- Codex Immortalis vol.1 by Marco Dalmonte Vaults of Pandius

- Italian Gazetteer of Oceania Vaults of Pandius

- Poor Wizard’s Almanac series (I-III) TSR Publishing

- Fanon Mystaran Almanac series Vaults of Pandius

1See “Test of Darkness” in “Glantri Kingdom of Magic” – Boxed Set – TSR Publishing; also the article: “Charting and projecting continued Radiance usage” – by Robin – Vaults of Pandius

2Issue #163: “The Return of the Darkness” in “The Voyage of the Princess Ark” – TSR Publishing

3As shown in “The Order of Radiance” pg. 15 – GAZ3: “The Principalities of Glantri” – TSR Publishing

4See more in “Paths to the Immortality” in “Codex Immortalis” – by Marco Dalmonte – Vaults of Pandius

5See more in “Gazetteer of Oceania” – Vaults of Pandius

6“The Secrets of the Radiance” section – GAZ3: “The Principalities of Glantri” – TSR Publishing