The Curse and the Legacies
The most important addition to the rules for this setting are those concerning the Red Curse. Because the curse is still very much a mystery to the inhabitants of the Savage Coast, release of the information in this chapter to players should be carefully controlled.
Though the Red Curse is potentially devastating, ways have been found to channel its magical energies; to some individuals the curse is almost a blessing. The Savage Coast is also home to two unique magical substances, vermeil and cinnabryl, and the latter can be used for protection from the Red Curse.
This chapter details the Red Curse and its origins, the magical substances of the region, the acquisition of Legacies, and the Legacies themselves.
Basic Effects of the Curse
The fundamental effects of the Red Curse are twofold. First, every person who spends time in the cursed area begins to manifest an extraordinary, magical power, known as a Legacy. Second, if preventative measures are not taken, the affected individual usually suffers a change in physical appearance and an attribute loss. Various side effects of the Red Curse exist. For most people, the acquisition of a Legacy means a loss of health, degeneration of mental or physical prowess, and other equally unpleasant physical manifestations.
For example, someone who receives a Legacy of great strength might gain it only in one arm, which could grow to huge proportions, leaving the rest of the body relatively normal. At the same time, the person would lose Intelligence, forgetting those things once learned and possibly even losing the ability to learn.
However, the magical substance cinnabryl prevents the worst effects of the curse, while allowing individuals to enjoy the benefits. Cinnabryl and other magical substances are used to manipulate the curse's magic to beneficial purposes, even allowing some people to gain more than one Legacy.
Origins of the Curse
No mortal is completely sure of the Red Curse's origins. Indeed, many people search for its cause, sure that once it is found, the curse can be lifted. However, many people enjoy the benefits of the curse, from the personal Legacies it gives them to the chaos it imposes on the region, allowing a clever person to rise to great power.
Following are a few commonly held theories concerning the origins of the curse. Each of these circulates the region periodically as legend, but sages study them all.
The Dragonfall
According to this legend, many years ago, dragons roamed the lands and were often seen in the sky. The dragons met in great conclaves, where they decided how they should be governed and how they should relate to other races.
Then, the dragons began to war among themselves for reasons lost in the mists of time. It is said that the leader of all the dragons was saddened by these conflicts; he had believed that the noble dragons were above the petty conflicts of other races.
Eventually, the dragon leader was able to find out who started the conflict, but doing so cost him greatly, for he had to battle other dragons. Grievously wounded, the dragon leader left the scene of the battle and flew to find the instigator, leaving a great trail of his blood.
The great dragon finally found his hated enemy, a powerful human. They fought for many days. In the end, the dragon won, but only at the cost of his own mortal life. As he lay breathing his last, he laid an eternal curse on all the lands where his blood had fallen. So great was his curse that, in effect, he gained immortality. The red vermeil that blows on the winds is the living remnant of his blood, a reminder of his pain. Because of it, the curse is eternal.
The wording of the curse was such that all who lived in the area would suffer, becoming twisted relics of their former selves. The curse was also to draw the greedy and the power-hungry to the area, leading them away from the rest of the world to a secluded place where they would eventually destroy themselves.
The Araneas and Wallaras
Another tale claims that the wallaras, known to many as chameleon men, once had a great and powerful civilisation. Descended from dragons, the wallaras were altered to have smaller forms so they might interact more freely with the human and near-human races and spread the wisdom of dragons to them. They brought many great things to the world.
Then came the araneas. They were evil spider beings who, in their arrogance, conducted strange magical experiments on wallaras, releasing a plague that almost destroyed the wallaras completely. The Immortal patron of the wallaras, the dragon known as the Great One, tried to save his chosen people, but his magic was twisted by the araneas and their patrons. In the end, the wallaras devolved into the race of spiritually rich, yet technologically primitive, people that they are today.
The Great One's wrath was terrible. He brought all his magic to bear and laid an aura of magic over the land. The magic was meant to give every living being in the area a magical power, that they might use it to resist the araneas. Alas, the araneas and their patrons again interfered, altering the magic so that with the power came a curse. All who gained the arcane power would be twisted by it.
Still, the Great One fought against the forces of evil and chaos in a battle beyond the comprehension of mere mortals. He fought the enemy until both sides were exhausted by their efforts, but still the Great One persevered. He knew that he would be unable to act for a long time, too late to save the people doomed by the magic he had initiated. With a great effort, the Great One pulled a bone from his body and smashed it above the area that would become known as the Savage Coast.
The blood that rained down dried and became the powdery vermeil, while the pieces of his bone fell deep into the earth, where they turned into the deposits of cinnabryl, the substance that protects from the curse and allows the Great One's blessing to function properly.
Now the araneas are a hated race, nearly extinct. Those few who still exist hide from the sight of all who care for good and order.
Nimmur and the Manscorpions
This legend states that many centuries ago, beings that were half man and half scorpion roamed the land that would become the Savage Coast. They became friends with the ancient people of Nimmur, the ancestors of the enduks. At first, the manscorpions were friendly, even helpful, but they hid a deep and abiding love for chaos. Eventually, they turned against the good people of Nimmur and against the Immortal patron of both races, Ixion, ruler of the Sun.
Ixion was angered, and he took his blessing from the manscorpions, making them vulnerable to the light and heat of the sun. Wherever they stood, manscorpions burnt to piles of red ash, which we now know as vermeil. The power of Ixion was great, and it sank into the land. Now, all people who live here gain power from the land.
Now, the red ash from the manscorpions flies through the air, poisoning all who live near it and giving them bizarre Afflictions unless they dig to find the receptacles of Ixion's power, the magical metal cinnabryl.
The Real Story
Each of the legends above contains at least part of the truth, yet none tells the complete story. The Red Curse is actually composed of several curses and blessings. It is a result of several conflicts that took place about 1,500 years ago during a time of magical troubles.
Roughly around that time, the Nithians were at the height of their power. They built an empire cantered on a great river, constructing immense pyramids throughout the surrounding deserts, lands that would eventually become home to the Emirates of Ylaruam. The pharaohs of Nithia also sent out exploratory expeditions to other regions, discovering the Savage Coast about 1,700 years ago and starting a colony there. At about the same time, the Immortal Thanatos decided to destroy Nithian culture. It took almost two centuries to complete, during which time Thanatos led the Nithians to irritate almost all the other Immortals. In the end, the Nithians were destroyed. On the Savage Coast, their disappearance took place almost overnight.
The other Immortals also concocted an incredibly powerful enchantment known as The Spell of Oblivion. This magic affected every living, mortal being in the world, robbing all of any memory of the Nithians and destroying many of their monuments and artifacts. Curiously, on the Savage Coast, the destruction was not absolute; a few pyramids were left, as was a legacy of art and philosophy. The people of the Savage Coast have no true memory of the origins of those things, however. The manscorpions of Nimmur believe, for example, that they simply migrated west rather than being driven by the Nithians. Most people believe ancient Nithian artifacts to be remnants of wallaran outposts.
While the Nithians on the Savage Coast were in power, they were great workers of magic, involved in a conspiracy to wrest power from their pharaoh. Their wizards had even created powerful magic which was the root of the Legacies, intended to give spell-like powers to many of their troops. The Savage Coast Nithians also set loose spells creating a magical metal that could be mined and shaped into magical weapons. This was the origin of cinnabryl. Nonetheless, doom fell upon all Nithians before the rebels could attack.
Meanwhile, the manscorpions, having been driven west by the Nithians, had been accepted by the enduks of Nimmur. At about the same time as the Nithian destruction, the manscorpions turned on the enduks and drove them out. In fact, the enduks only survived this treachery because they were aided by their friends, the ee'aar, from across the sea.
The Immortal Ixion punished the manscorpions with a two-fold curse. First, the manscorpions of Nimmur on the western edge of the Orc's Head peninsula became vulnerable to Ixion's power, that of the sun. Many were incinerated, and the rest were driven underground. The second part of Ixion's curse fell along the rest of the Savage Coast, to catch those manscorpions still living at various places along it. This curse declared that those who sought power would be doomed by it, having their bodies twisted and their mental and physical abilities depleted.
As might be expected, Ixion's curse acted upon anyone who gained power, even those who were unwillingly granted it in the form of Legacies by the Nithian enchantment. Thus, the Legacies are the result of one enchantment, and the detriments associated with them are the result of another.
During the time of the Nithian and Nimmurian conflicts, a war broke out between the mages of Herath and the wallaras. Most people believe who know anything of the araneas believe that the race began to decline about 3,000 years ago, being supplanted by human and elven wizards, but this is not the case. As explained in the "Herath" chapter, the araneas began to assume other forms, and the "humans and elves" who supplanted them were actually araneas in disguise. The Herathians have managed to keep their secret, even to this day.
However, the wallaras were a very wise people, able to discern what was real and what was not. They understood the secret of the Herathians. They did nothing with the knowledge because they were a peaceful people, content to possess knowledge without using it, despite the fact that Herathians had occasionally used wallaras as stock for magical experiments.
To the Herathians, however, the wallaras' knowledge of their secret was intolerable. Approximately 1,700 years ago, Herathians used captured wallaras in an experiment, infusing their essence into lizard men to create the more advanced specimens who eventually became the shazaks. The wallaran nation protested, and the Herathians feared that the wallaras would spread their secret. In response, the mages of Herath released a magical plague upon the wallaran nation, causing that people to forget all they knew about Herath and its inhabitants. Unfortunately, the plague worked too well. Within two centuries, it had erased so much of the wallaras' knowledge that the race reverted to a Stone Age level of technology and learning. This drew the attention of the wallaras' patron, the Immortal called the Great One.
The Great One stopped the devolution of the wallaras, leaving them frozen at their current level of development. He then laid an enchantment on the area, casting his blood over the region roughly 1,500 years ago, about the same time as the Nimmurian and Nithian conflicts. That blood became vermeil, and it clouded all readings of magic in the area, which greatly hindered the mages of Herath, keeping them from using divinations on their enemies and even destroying their ability to detect magical energy. The Great One's enchantment also catalysed the other magical forces (the Nithian powers and Ixion's curse), linking all three together while altering them slightly.
Enraged, the Herathians gathered their powers and fought back. Weary from his efforts to help the wallaras and hinder the araneas, the Great One could not prevent their interference. The mages of Herath were able to confine the curses (all linked now) to a small area at the eastern edge of the coast, in the lands that would eventually become the Savage Baronies. Because the curses were confined, few people outside that area were aware of them, though from time to time a few strange creatures would come scrambling or oozing from the region.
Little was known of the curses and enchantments until the most recent wave of colonisation brought more people to the area. Even then, the effects were confined to a small area, thanks to Herathian magic. About ten years ago, the people of the Savage Baronies began experimenting with cinnabryl and power gain. They also began referring to the combined afflictions as the Red Curse.
Finally, only a year ago, all magic in the world suddenly failed for about a week. During this time, the Herathian's capital, Belphemon, was sacked by a goblinoid horde, and the spider people's magical protections were destroyed. When magic was restored, the Red Curse was released to cover nearly the entire coastal region. Not knowing why it spread, the people of the area attributed it to the wrath of the Immortals, which they also blame for the multitude of wars that have swept the region over the past decade.
Removing the Red Curse
Whether or not the Red Curse can be lifted (in whole or in part) is, of course, left to the DM's discretion. Some DMs may wish to have this as a focus of their campaigns; others will prefer to present the Red Curse as a background condition, permanent and unremovable. Both types can benefit from a discussion concerning the difficulties involved in attempting to dispose of the Red Curse.
For one thing, the nature of the Red Curse is a linked combination of three separate enchantments. Of the three, only the Legacies and cinnabryl were created by mortals; the others came almost directly from Immortals. Since they are linked, removing just one piece of the puzzle would be difficult. If the DM wishes to make it possible to remove just a part of the Red Curse, the Legacies or cinnabryl seem to be the place to start since they were created by mortal magic. Nonetheless, these are the most beneficial parts of the curse, and many people who stand to lose by their removal would certainly object. Additionally, both started with the Nithians, who are remembered by no mortals. Thus, seeking out their roots would be extraordinarily difficult. It would probably involve asking an Immortal, and the Immortals are unwilling to talk about the Nithians or even admit that they once existed, except under the rarest of circumstances.
If the DM wishes to allow an end to the campaign by the removal of the Red Curse, it is suggested that an epic quest lead player characters to discover the truth about the Curse's separate components. The end of the Red Curse would need to involve the Inheritors of the Savage Coast because they hold the key to much of its power. Not all Inheritors would be willing to cooperate, so some might need to be eliminated if the goal is to be reached. In addition, the removal of the Red Curse would require the cooperation of at least Ixion and the Great One, if not other Immortals as well. Reaching the Immortals and convincing them to cooperate would be, needless to say, quite difficult.
In addition to the problems of discovering the truth about the Nithians and gaining the cooperation of the Immortals, the quest to end the Red Curse would likely bring PCs into conflict with the Herathians. The spider people want to protect their secrets, but their cooperation would be necessary to reconcile with the Great One. To willingly reveal their secrets and cooperate with the Great One, the Herathians would have to change their culture greatly, risking retribution from many quarters because of their centuries of secrecy and spying.
The DM might also require the cooperation of the wallaras, which could come only from their restoration to greatness. Like the other parts of the epic quest, this task would require great magic and much perseverance.
As an alternative to removing the Red Curse, it is also possible to direct a campaign toward re-establishing its containment within the lands of the Savage Baronies. This would probably require the cooperation of the Herathians. It is something they would be quite willing to do, but Herath is inclined to move slowly and subtly to protect itself from the scrutiny of outsiders.
In short, ending even part of the Red Curse or curtailing it in any way would be very difficult. If it is to be done at all, it should take many years of the characters' lives. In fact, it might require two or more generations of heroes to accomplish the mighty task. Such a quest would likely lead some characters to achieve immortality so they could aid in its completion from the level at which the most cooperation is needed. The problems involved are great, but bringing about their solutions is the stuff of which legends are made.
The Magical Substances
As mentioned earlier, the Savage Coast is home to several inherently magical materials. Two basic magical substances are found in the region: vermeil and cinnabryl. Both are useful in several ways and can be used to create crimson essence, red steel, steel seed, and smokepowder. All are described in the following text. This material is intended as a general overview; details on certain game effects are found later in this chapter and in the "Magic" chapter. Cost and availability of the various materials are discussed in the "Equipment and Economics" chapter.
The most obvious non-living manifestation of the curse is vermeil, a reddish dust found in the soil and air of the region. Vermeil is sometimes referred to as dragon's blood. The substance radiates magic, and since it is omnipresent along most of the Savage Coast, detect magic and similar spells are all but useless there (for details, see the "Magic" chapter).
Vermeil glows very slightly, enough that it can be seen in the dark, but not enough to light an area, unless in great concentration (which is rare). The presence of vermeil in the air causes strange effects at times, such as glowing winds. Because it is extraordinarily difficult to keep vermeil out of metal during processing, coins and other metal items made on the Savage Coast glow slightly and radiate the same hazy magical aura as vermeil.
Vermeil is unavoidably ingested by anyone living in the area, and many blame the substance for the Red Curse, even referring to affected people (those changed physically or suffering from great attribute loss) as being "tainted" or "under vermeil's curse." However, ingesting the substance causes no harm, and by itself, vermeil has no properties other than its hazy magical radiance and those properties common to normal dust. It does not dissolve in water.
Vermeil is a necessary component of the potion crimson essence, as well as of smokepowder, both of which are described in subsequent entries. Because it is a sort of "generic" magical dust, vermeil is also useful as a component of various sorts of magical dusts, powders, and inks, helping other substances to hold enchantments.
Cinnabryl is a rare, slightly glowing, shiny red metal. It is smooth and feels almost slick to the touch, leaving a slight residue, reddish in colour, when worn next to the skin (just as a copper bracelet leaves a green-blue residue). Cinnabryl does not hold an edge well but is easily shaped with hammer and heat. It has a density slightly less than that of gold and almost exactly twice that of steel.
When worn next to the skin, cinnabryl protects the wearer from the detrimental effects of the Red Curse. Fortunate (or wealthy) people wear jewellery of cinnabryl to protect themselves from the curse. The metal radiates magic and also gives off a slight reddish glow; its radiance is necessary to make crimson essence. A protective item made of cinnabryl is typically called an amulet, while one designed for the creation of crimson essence is called a talisman.
After being worn by a living being for a while, however, cinnabryl's magic becomes depleted; it no longer protects from the curse. Strangely, the metal's weight decreases as its magic depletes, so someone able to test the material's weight and displacement (a jeweller or alchemist, for example) can determine how long a sample of the material will last before becoming fully depleted. Since its usefulness has a time limit, cinnabryl must be replenished periodically. Consequently, it is in great demand and hunted almost constantly. Depleted cinnabryl is called red steel (see the subsequent entry).
Cinnabryl also has effects harmful to those not suffering from vermeil's curse. This keeps most people from taking cinnabryl away from the Savage Coast. When cinnabryl becomes depleted, these potentially harmful effects disappear as well. See "Effects of the Red Curse" later in this chapter for full details regarding depletion of cinnabryl and the substance's various effects.
Cinnabryl is found in deposits in many places along the Savage Coast, but only in that region. The deposits consist of clusters of rounded nuggets of pure cinnabryl. These nuggets are generally found in reddish clay, and small deposits of steel seed (see subsequent entry) are often found with them.
Unknown to all but the most learned of wizards and sages, cinnabryl is self-perpetuating while in deposits of red clay. That is, the metal produces more nuggets of itself while in that material. (The Nithians designed cinnabryl to be a self-replenishing supply of magical metal.) This replenishment is a slow process, and it is possible to over-mine deposits, which means the metal might some day disappear from the Savage Coast.
Red Steel
When the magical protective effects of cinnabryl have been completely depleted, the remaining substance is red steel. This is a lightweight, dull red metal (it does not glow like cinnabryl and vermeil). Red steel is hard without being brittle, holds an edge very well, and weighs only half as much as steel. Thus, it is in great demand for the making of weapons.
Because red steel is inherently magical, weapons made from it can strike creatures normally hit only by enchanted weapons, as well as those normally struck only by silver or cold iron weapons. Red steel also holds enchantments well, so along the Savage Coast it is the preferred base metal for magical armour, weapons, and other devices. The metal's popularity is spreading wherever it is traded, but most red steel remains on the Savage Coast, due to the efforts of the Inheritors.
It should be noted that red steel does not conduct electricity well. Thus, it is not considered a conductor for shocking grasp spells or similar effects (though it has no real effect against such powerful electrical forces as lightning bolt spells).
Armour of red steel can also adjust its shape when a Legacy is used. Items made of red steel are discussed in the "Magic" chapter, and a full description of red steel armour appears there.
Crimson Essence
This substance is a potion that grants Legacies to the imbiber. In most cases, the power gain is random and temporary, but some people learn how to control multiple Legacies and use crimson essence to possess extra Legacies permanently.
Crimson essence is a liquid medium created from vermeil and other substances. Once the liquid has been prepared, it is carried close to the body and bathed in the radiance of cinnabryl for a time. Some people create cinnabryl talismans with special holders for carrying their potion vials. When ready to be used, crimson essence glows red and sparkles with reflected light.
Creation of crimson essence requires two months (for an Inheritor) or six months (for anyone else). Full details can be found in the description of the Inheritor in the "Character Kits" chapter. More details on the effect of the potion are found in the "Magic" chapter.
Steel Seed
Steel seed is a silvery-red, granular substance found with deposits of cinnabryl. Alchemists and sages have determined that steel seed is cinnabryl that has been depleted of its magic before having been mined. These same wise folk have not determined how the substance becomes depleted, however, because it seems to be different from the organic depletion that changes cinnabryl to red steel.
In any case, steel seed is a somewhat hard, slightly brittle substance that radiates magic in a manner similar to vermeil, but steel seed does not glow. It is something like crystallised red steel, but it cannot be forged into weapons or items as that metal can. Steel seed is an important component in smokepowder and may possibly be useful in other magical preparations. The material is found in small amounts wherever cinnabryl deposits are found. The only known large caches of steel seed are found in the cinnabryl mines near Smokestone City, in Cimarron County of the Savage Baronies.
In the SAVAGE COAST campaign setting, smokepowder can be created by combining vermeil in a specific proportion with steel seed. In all other respects, smokepowder conforms to the description in the DUNGEON MASTER Guide. It can be made only by someone with the appropriate skill and materials (as detailed in the "Proficiencies" chapter). Smokepowder is relatively common in Cimarron County, uncommon in the other Savage Baronies and Renardy, and rare elsewhere.
Note that detonation of smokepowder can affect the depletion rate of cinnabryl. See the section on cinnabryl depletion later in this chapter.
Effects of the Red Curse
As mentioned, the Red Curse is actually composed of three different enchantments. The people of the Savage Coast group all effects together, believing the affliction to be a single curse (so they never refer to the "Red Curses"). However, certain terms are used for different effects of the Red Curse. This section of the rules describes each component of the effects of the Red Curse, the time factors involved, and the details of protecting oneself from the curse's detriments.
Generally speaking, the Red Curse affects only intelligent beings. However, animals and monsters have been known to acquire Legacies. Some of these suffer the detriments of the Red Curse as well. Almost all animals of the cursed lands are affected by at least the side effects of the Red Curse. See "The Campaign" chapter for notes on monsters with Legacies.
Benefits: The Legacies
The Red Curse has precisely one beneficial effect: the Legacies. Since this is always accompanied by some malign effect, the people of the Savage Coast never refer to acquisition of a Legacy as a blessing or benefit, but always as part of the curse. The name "Legacy" hearkens to the bane on these lands, for an arcane power gained is considered a legacy of the Red Curse.
The Legacy is the first effect of the curse to manifest. A Legacy is a magical, spell-like power; its use is essentially automatic, but limited, for the user. Legacies are usually directly beneficial to the user but can sometimes be used to aid another. Further discussion and description of these Legacies appear later in this chapter.
Detriments: Loss and Change
After a person acquires a Legacy, he begins to lose points from a particular ability score, such as Constitution or Intelligence. The precise number of points lost is variable; the DM should roll 2d4 to determine how many are lost (note that wearing cinnabryl prevents most of this loss). The ability score affected is dependent on the exact Legacy acquired, and is usually more or less the opposite of the arcane power gained. For example, a character who gains a Legacy of Strength loses points from the Intelligence score.
In addition to the ability loss, the character receives another detrimental effect related to the Legacy acquired. In most cases, this is a physical deformation. For example, characters with a Legacy of Armour might grow ugly and uncomfortable scales over their skin.
An individual who suffers ability loss and physical change is referred to as an Afflicted.
Side Effect: Colouring Change
People living in the cursed lands gradually acquire a red tint to their skin and hair. For humans and humanoids, this reddening begins well before adulthood in the Savage Baronies, approximately at adulthood in other lands. The reptilian races, tortles and lizard kin, first manifest redness around the edges of their scales, or in webbed lines through their skin or shells. Furred races like rakastas and lupins gain a red tint to the ends of their hair strands. The winged races ee'aar and enduks redden first at the tips of their feathers.
In all cases, the colouring spreads, eventually causing the whole body to appear red if the character lives long enough. After the initial reddening described above, hair usually colours next, with that on the head acquiring a deep red tint after some time. The exact rate varies, though the rate of spread is rather slow for ee'aar, enduks, gurrash, and caymas; it might take several years for a character of one of these races to acquire red skin, scales, or fur, and they might never get red hair. People of Herath, Renardy, Bellayne, and Shazak redden slightly quicker but never acquire a complete reddish cast. Thus, it might take two to five years for a lupin's coat to turn red, but the colour would be limited to the tips of individual strands. In Eusdrians, the skin tone changes little, but a Eusdrian's hair turns a fiery crimson rather quickly, usually over the course of a few months. Wallaras never show any sign of colouring at all.
1d20 Roll
Region 1
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4
Animal Form
All-Around Vision
Acid Touch
Amber Paralysis
Ball of Fire
Breathe Water
Craft Item
Create Liquid
Crimson Fire
Feel Magic
Gas Breath
Gaseous Form
Plant Form
Red Steel
Red Shield
Repel Metal
Shape Stone
Spell Shield
War Cry
Weapon Hand
The people of the Savage Baronies start colouring early, and the process continues rather rapidly. Eventually they acquire a deep, reddish tone to their skin, while their hair often appears to be the dark, blackish-red colour of dried blood.
The acquisition of Legacies accelerates this reddening process. A person colours relatively quickly when a Legacy becomes enabled, often serving as a clue that the person has gained the power. In addition, an individual who has acquired a Legacy receives an additional side effect: They begin radiating a slight magical aura. Even those who gain the detrimental effects of the curse but do not gain a Legacy (as with ee'aar, enduks, araneas, and wallaras) acquire this aura. The basic effect of this magical aura is that it befuddles most detection spells (as detailed in the "Magic" chapter). The more Legacies a character gains, the greater the aura.
Characters not native to the cursed lands begin the reddening process when they acquire a Legacy, which gives them a clue as to what is happening to them. Non-natives never colour completely, even if they manage to become Inheritors with several Legacies.
The exact amount of colouring a character endures is left to the DM and the player. This should be something of a role-playing choice, influenced by the character's origin and how the player wants the character to look.
Manifestation of Effects
The following text describes the Red Curse's effects on a person not protected by cinnabryl.
For natives, the reddening of skin and hair is typically the first thing to manifest, starting well before the character reaches adulthood, particularly in the Savage Baronies. For all characters, the base starting age (given in Chapter 2 of the PHB or in the "Player Characters" chapter in this book) can be considered the approximate age of adulthood though most races mature slightly sooner than that.
Most people gain a Legacy when they reach maturity; some develop earlier, while a few gain the power later. Despite what any sage or church might claim about fate, a person's Legacy is essentially random, though related people tend to have related Legacies, and some Legacies are more common in certain regions. In some very small villages, virtually all the people have the same Legacy. The Legacies of the character's relatives and neighbours should influence the choice of the character's initial Legacy. If these are not known, the player should roll 1d20 and consult Table 13.1 and the map of Legacy regions. The map shows numbered regions, and the table identifies Legacies by those same numbers. In the column numbered for the region in which the character resides, find the Legacy on the same row as the number rolled on 1d20.
People who travel into a cursed area after reaching maturity also gain a Legacy unless they belong to a race that does not acquire initial Legacies (araneas for PCs, ee'aar, enduks, and wallaras for NPCs). Non-natives are completely unaffected for a number of days equal to their Constitution score; one day later, the Legacy manifests. As with native characters, the player of a non-native should roll 1d20 and consult Table 13.1 to determine which Legacy is acquired.
The first indications of the manifestation of a Legacy, in both natives and non-natives, are increased reddening of the person's skin or hair, a tingling in the extremities, and a subdued sense of euphoria and power. This "Time of Grace" lasts for about a week (1d4+5 days), during which time the person can activate the Legacy once per day. Natives are well acquainted with the symptoms and know that Legacies are activated by force of will. They immediately seek to obtain cinnabryl (see the following section). A non-native will not automatically understand what is happening and might need to consult a local. Still, the Legacy might be activated in times of stress if the DM deems it appropriate. For example, a non-native whose Legacy has manifested might unconsciously activate it when threatened by a monster. This would certainly be a clue that something strange has happened to the character.
After the Time of Grace, the Legacy becomes fully enabled, and the user can activate it the standard three times per day. This coincides with the beginning of the "Time of Loss," which lasts for 2d4 days. Each day, the person loses one point from the ability listed for the Legacy acquired. If any ability score other than Charisma drops to a score of 0 or below, the character dies. A Charisma of 0 or less simply means that deformation has rendered the character extremely ugly.
After the Time of Loss, the "Time of Change" begins. It is during this period that the physical detriments of the curse manifest. In most cases, the body of the affected individual begins to change in some way. As with the ability loss, this physical change depends on the exact Legacy gained and is detailed with the description of the Legacy. The Time of Change lasts about a week (1d6+4 days), during which time the body of the affected person transforms slowly. If the person has a Legacy that does not cause a physical transformation, the other detriment(s) begin to slowly occur over this period of time.
Those races who do not gain an initial Legacy still go through the rest of the process the Time of Grace, the Time of Loss, and the Time of Change. As indicated, they do not actually gain a Legacy. However, the DM does determine which Legacy the person would have gained; this dictates the ability affected during the Time of Loss and the physical transformation that takes place during the Time of Change.
Those individuals who have suffered ability loss and physical transformation are referred to as the "Afflicted." Afflicted are considered hideous mutations; they are hunted and destroyed by some people, though their friends might try to obtain cinnabryl to reverse the effects.
Protection: Cinnabryl
When a person's Legacy first manifests, the individual has a few days to obtain a cinnabryl amulet to hold off the detrimental effects. The amulet should remain in contact with the person, which means either touching the skin or separated from it by no more than a thin layer of cloth.
People who do not obtain cinnabryl deteriorate slowly, as detailed in the previous text. If they begin wearing cinnabryl during the Time of Grace, they lose only one point from the designated ability score, shortening the Time of Loss to one day, but this ability loss is permanent. An individual wearing cinnabryl from the beginning does not go through the Time of Change.
Cinnabryl can also counteract detrimental effects that have already occurred, provided not too much time has passed. If a person begins wearing cinnabryl after the first day of the Time of Loss, the loss of ability score points is halted. The process of loss is reversed, and the character regains ability score points until only 1 point below the original score.
Regardless of when a character begins wearing cinnabryl, 1 point is always permanently lost from the ability score. The loss of that point cannot be reversed by cinnabryl.
If an individual begins wearing cinnabryl during the Time of Change, the progress of the transformation halts immediately. Regardless of how long the character has been changing, the time required to reverse the change is 1d6+4 days. The transformation is slow and rather painful.
If the character stops wearing cinnabryl for a time, the detrimental effects of the curse can occur again. A new Time of Grace begins, lasting only one day, after which the Time of Loss and the Time of Change begin, occurring simultaneously. At such a time, the affected person loses the full 8 points from the designated ability score, a process that requires eight days. The transformation requires the same amount of time, and is quite painful. As with the standard Time of Loss, a character can die (or become exceptionally ugly) because of ability score loss. During this combined Time of Loss and Change, the process can be stopped if the character begins wearing cinnabryl. As with the other times when cinnabryl is worn, the process of loss and change stop immediately. However, after this discontinuation follows a period of stasis; the character remains at the ability score as adjusted and in the state of transformation reached for a period of 2d4 days. After this, reversal begins. The ability score returns at a rate of 1 point per day, again until the character's ability is 1 point below the original score. The reversal of the transformation takes longer, 2d4+6 days.
If the processes of loss and change are ever completed, the person is considered fully Afflicted, and special measures must be taken for restoration. See the following section on "Recovery from Affliction."
Everyone with any common sense considers it important to wear cinnabryl from the moment the effects of the Red Curse are first detected. Naturally, this makes cinnabryl a valued commodity. Most people wear an amulet of cinnabryl, simply a piece of jewellery designed to place cinnabryl near the skin. Inheritors wear cinnabryl talismans, amulets designed to hold a vial for production of crimson essence.
Someone who has been affected by the Red Curse, acquiring a Legacy and suffering the loss of an ability point but using cinnabryl to hold off further change, is considered "Tainted" or "Balanced." The former term is used mostly by the common folk, the latter by Inheritors.
Depletion of Cinnabryl
Whenever cinnabryl is worn next to the skin, its magical properties become depleted. One ounce of the material will deplete in a week (seven days), so if an amulet weighing eight ounces is worn, its power drains in eight weeks. It is the amount worn that is important, rather than the number of items worn. A character wearing two bracelets of cinnabryl, each weighing eight ounces, is protected for 16 weeks. Both items are depleted equally, so if the person removes the bracelets after wearing them together for eight weeks, each would be good for four weeks alone. Since the depletion rate of cinnabryl is so vital to the people, they tend to wear one item at a time, usually an eight-ounce item that has been tested and is guaranteed for eight weeks, or a one-pound item guaranteed for 16 weeks.
Note that the weights mentioned here are for cinnabryl that has not been depleted. As mentioned previously, the substance's weight decreases as its power diminishes. The actual weight of cinnabryl, compared with its mass, indicates how long the cinnabryl item will last. This testing of a cinnabryl item can be performed by jewellers, alchemists, smiths, and some merchants and traders. A player character can learn to test cinnabryl without the expenditure of a proficiency slot, but scales and a marked container for water are required, as is knowledge of the simple equation for the test. Only a truly nasty person would mislead another as to the time a cinnabryl amulet can be expected to last, but such a thing has been known to happen.
Note that detonation of smokepowder can increase the depletion rate of cinnabryl. Fortunately for most people, this affects only cinnabryl worn by Inheritors, due to the odd interaction between the magical substances and the Inheritors' bodies, which have been imbued with the magic of multiple Legacies. A smokepowder explosion within two feet of an Inheritor causes the instant depletion of a week's worth of cinnabryl. The amount of smokepowder that explodes does not matter, as long as it is at least enough to propel a bullet from a wheellock pistol (about one ounce).
If the character is not carrying at least a week's worth of cinnabryl, the amount carried is instantly depleted, and any time left over is applied to the Time of Loss and Change (as detailed previously under "Manifestation of Effects") as if the character had stopped wearing cinnabryl. Thus, an Inheritor caught by a smokepowder explosion while wearing less than an ounce of cinnabryl will experience perhaps several days' worth of the Time of Loss and Change, all in a few seconds. Because of this, and the pronounced effects of cinnabryl deprivation, Inheritors try not to allow themselves to be caught wearing less than an ounce of the metal.
Recovery from Affliction
Some people become fully Afflicted, either from never wearing cinnabryl or from ceasing to wear it. To become fully Afflicted, an individual must complete both the loss and the change. After this occurs, reversing the detrimental effects of the Red Curse becomes very difficult. Though the remove curse spell normally has little effect on the Red Curse (see the "Magic" chapter), it is vital in helping an Afflicted recover. The Afflicted must be the recipient of a remove curse spell; the spell does nothing more than make it possible for cinnabryl to be used to reverse the condition. The Afflicted must begin wearing cinnabryl immediately after the remove curse is cast.
During the first week thereafter, nothing happens (except that the cinnabryl depletes at the normal rate). At the end of that week, the Afflicted recovers 1 point lost from an ability score. The character then continues to recover lost points at a rate of 1 point every third day.
Once the ability scores have returned to normal (that is, one point below what they were when the character was originally created), the Afflicted must receive another remove curse spell. This causes the character's physical transformation or other detrimental effect to begin reversing itself. The character must make a system shock roll. If this roll fails, the character can never recover any further and must permanently suffer the effects of the physical change, but if the roll succeeds, the individual's transformation reverses in a process taking 2d4 weeks. The reversal process is very painful and actually causes damage to the character, at a rate of 1d4 hit points per day. Thus, the recovering character will probably require a few healing spells during this period. Natural healing occurs at the normal rate, and the healing proficiency helps as is standard.
A Cure?
As discussed, cinnabryl can protect people from the worst effects of the Red Curse and can even reverse some of these effects. However, no complete cure exists for the Red Curse, only prevention and continuous treatment. It is possible, though more dangerous, to come closer to a cure by leaving the cursed lands and going beyond the safety of the Haze.
Leaving the Area
It is dangerous for a character to leave the Savage Coast after being affected by the Red Curse. Once a person leaves the lands marked by vermeil, nothing unusual happens for a number of days equal to the character's Constitution. However, at the end of this period, the character suffers the loss of any and all Legacies. When this occurs, the Legacy or Legacies activate automatically. Each activation has its maximum effect and duration. After one finishes, the next begins, until the character has used each of his Legacies the maximum number of times allowed. In this fashion, the Legacies "burn out" of the character's system.
After all the Legacies have run their course, the character must make a successful system shock roll. If this roll is successful, nothing else happens, but if it fails, the character loses all but 1 hit point and immediately falls unconscious for 1d4 hours. No healing magic less powerful than a heal spell can help the character during this time.
An Afflicted who leaves the cursed lands regains lost ability points at the rate of 1 point per day (though the initial point lost is still not regained). If the character has undergone physical transformation, this condition is not reversed. However, when the character is outside the cursed area, a remove curse spell cast by a 9th-level priest or a 10th-level wizard can restore the individual's body to its natural state. If the detriment was something other than a physical transformation, the effect ceases when the Legacy is lost. The red tint the character acquired while in the lands of the Savage Coast gradually declines over the course of the next year, leaving the character's hair and skin their original colours.
Any character who wears cinnabryl after leaving the cursed lands suffers the loss of 1 point of Constitution per day. This condition is often referred to as the "red blight." It continues until all Constitution has been lost (at which point the character dies), until the cinnabryl depletes completely, or until the individual stops wearing the cinnabryl.
If characters such as this ever go back to the Savage Coast, they are considered non-native persons entering the region for the first time in regard to the time until the Red Curse takes effect again. Legacies possessed before are not automatically regained. If a character remains in the lands long enough to gain a Legacy, he has a 50% chance of obtaining the same Legacy as was initially possessed and a 50% chance of obtaining something else entirely. In either case, the manifestation of symptoms follows the usual course, including the permanent loss of another point from an ability score.
The Haze
Not all of the red lands are visited by the Red Curse. Vermeil extends beyond the cursed lands into the area known as the Haze, eventually fading out completely. The City-States, Hule, Yavdlom, The Arm of the Immortals, most of Orc's Head Peninsula, and several miles of water all around the coast lie within the Haze.
The Haze creates a type of buffer zone around the cursed lands. Both those with Legacies and Afflictions and those from other lands can enter the Haze without danger. Those with Legacies do not run the risk of losing these powers or suffering from the "red blight." People from other places should be wary, because though they will not become Afflicted or gain a Legacy by entering the Haze, they will not know where the actual borders of the Red Curse begin and could wander into a cursed area accidentally.
Because the red colouring reaches beyond the cursed areas, it is almost impossible to detect exactly where the Red Curse actually begins. To make things more complicated, some even say that the Red Curse shifts periodically, places that were once thought safe suddenly becoming cursed. This is a great way to get non-native characters involved in a SAVAGE COAST Campaign.
The Legacies
As mentioned, the sole beneficial effect of the Red Curse is to grant magical powers, or Legacies, to nearly every intelligent living being that enters the cursed area. These powers draw on the same energies as wizard magic. The only PC race whose members do not gain Legacies automatically are araneas. Even Yazi goblinoids are assumed to suffer all the effects of the Red Curse. Some tribes consist only of Afflicted, while others are able to obtain cinnabryl to protect themselves.
Members of any PC race can choose to become Inheritors, pursuing a life path that will grant them more Legacies. For a full description of the Inheritors, see the "Character Kits" chapter. Some clarifications regarding rules are provided there.
Legacy (Region/Ability)
Related Legacies
Acid Touch (4/Cha)
Gas Breath, Poison, Weapon Hand
Aid (1/Int)
Anti-Poison, Fight, Regenerate
All-Around Vision (3/Str)
Clairvoyance, Reflect, Silence
Amber Paralysis (1/Dex)
Animate, Armour, Chill
Animal Form (2/Cha)
Grow, Plant Form, Webcasting
Animate (4/Wis)
Amber Paralysis, Separation, Stone Shape
Anti-Missile (3/Wis)
Fly, Projectile, Shoot
Anti-Poison (2/Cha)
Aid, Cure, Poison
Armour (1/Cha)
Amber Paralysis, Spell Shield, Weapon Hand
Ball of Fire (3/Str)
Burn, Create Liquid, Spell Shield
Bite (2/Int)
Poison, Weapon Hand, Webcasting
Blend (4/Con)
Disguise, Phase, Silence
Breathe Water (2/Con)
Create Liquid, Sight, Swim
Burn (1/Str)
Ball of Fire, Chill, Shock
Charm (1/Con)
Hypnosis, Luck, Translate
Chill (2/Con)
Amber Paralysis, Burn, Temperature
Clairvoyance (4/Dex)
All-Around Vision, Disguise, Find
Climb (4/Wis)
Entangle, Find, Leap
Craft Item (3/Con)
Disintegrate, Proficiency, Red Steel
Create Liquid (1/Str)
Ball of Fire, Breathe Water, Wind
Crimson Fire (2/Str)
Light, Missile, Red Shield
Cure (3/Dex)
Anti-Poison, Disintegrate, Regenerate
Detonate (1/Wis)
Digging, Displace, Spikes
Dexterity (4/Wis)
Disguise, Strength, Unlock
Digging (2/Int)
Detonate, Shape Stone, Swim
Disguise (4/Wis)
Blend, Clairvoyance, Dexterity
Disintegrate (3/Con)
Craft Item, Cure, Phase
Displace (3/Int)
Detonate, Duplicate, Separation
Disrupt (2/Dex)
Regenerate, War Cry, Weaken
Duplicate (4/Str)
Displace, Phantasm, Plant Form
Entangle (2/Int)
Climb, Spikes, Weaken
Farsight (2/Str)
Fly, Luck, Sight
Feel Magic (4/Str)
Find, Phase, Red Steel
Fight (1/Int)
Aid, Shoot, War Cry
Find (3/Dex)
Clairvoyance, Climb, Feel Magic
Float (3/Dex)
Fog, Webcasting, Wind
Fly (2/Wis)
Anti-Missile, Farsight, Missile
Fog (3/Con)
Float, Gaseous Form, Temperature
Gas Breath (3/Cha)
Acid Touch, Gaseous Form, Sleep
Legacy (Region/Ability)
Related Legacies
Gaseous Form (3/Con)
Fog, Gas Breath, Wind
Grow (1/Cha)
Animal Form, Shrink, Spell Shield
Hypnosis (3/Dex)
Charm, Phantasm, Sleep
Leap (3/Int)
Climb, Luck, Speed
Light (1/Dex)
Crimson Fire, Phantasm, Temperature
Luck (1/Any)
Charm, Farsight, Leap
Meld (2/Cha)
Separation, Shape Stone, Shrink
Missile (4/Con)
Crimson Fire, Fly, Reflect
Phantasm (4/Con)
Duplicate, Hypnosis, Light
Phase (3/Int)
Blend, Disintegrate, Feel Magic
Plant Form (2/Dex)
Animal Form, Duplicate, Shrink
Poison (4/Cha)
Acid Touch, Anti-Poison, Bite
Proficiency (1/Any)
Craft Item, Senses, Unlock
Projectile (1/Wis)
Anti-Missile, Shoot, Spikes
Red Shield (2/Con)
Crimson Fire, Red Steel, Shock
Red Steel (4/Dex)
Craft Item, Feel Magic, Red Shield
Reflect (4/Int)
All-Around Vision, Missile, Repel Metal
Regenerate (4/Cha)
Aid, Cure, Disrupt
Repel Metal (2/Int)
Reflect, Shock, Unlock
Senses (1/Str)
Proficiency, Sight, Translate
Separation (3/Cha)
Animate, Displace, Meld
Shape Stone (2/Wis)
Animate, Digging, Meld
Shock (3/Str)
Burn, Red Shield, Repel Metal
Shoot (3/Wis)
Anti-Missile, Fight, Projectile
Shrink (3/Cha)
Grow, Meld, Plant Form
Sight (1/Con)
Breathe Water, Farsight, Senses
Silence (4/Int)
All-Around Vision, Blend, Sleep
Sleep (2/Cha)
Gas Breath, Hypnosis, Silence
Speed (1/Wis)
Leap, Strength, Swim
Spell Shield (4/Str)
Armour, Ball of Fire, Grow
Spikes (2/Cha)
Detonate, Entangle, Projectile
Strength (2/Int)
Dexterity, Speed, Weaken
Swim (1/Int)
Breathe Water, Digging, Speed
Temperature (2/Dex)
Chill, Fog, Light
Translate (3/Str)
Charm, Senses, War Cry
Unlock (4/Wis)
Dexterity, Proficiency, Repel Metal
War Cry (1/Wis)
Disrupt, Fight, Translate
Weaken (4/Con)
Disrupt, Entangle, Strength
Weapon Hand (1/Int)
Acid Touch, Armour, Bite
Webcasting (4/Str)
Animal Form, Bite, Float
Wind (1/Con)
Create Liquid, Float, Gaseous Form
Inheritors: Multiple Legacies
For most people, gaining a single Legacy and acquiring cinnabryl for protection is the end of the process. Inheritors, however, study the Legacies and learn to channel more magical energy, gaining multiple Legacies.
An Inheritor's initial Legacy is gained in the same manner as that acquired by anyone else. As with most abilities, the extra Legacies are gained according to character level. Inheritors acquire a second Legacy when they are initiated at 1st level. They use crimson essence to gain an additional Legacy every third level thereafter. Just as a wizard must achieve 3rd level in order to cast 2nd-level spells, so must the Inheritor reach 3rd level before gaining another Legacy; it is a matter of learning to control the energies. As explained in the "Magic" chapter, crimson essence normally grants a Legacy only temporarily, but the Inheritor learns to focus the magic of the potion.
Whenever the Inheritor drinks crimson essence, the new Legacy is fully enabled immediately. At the same time, the Inheritor loses the 1 point from the designated ability score. This assumes that the character is wearing cinnabryl when crimson essence is consumed. If this is not the case, the character will go through the remainder of the Time of Loss, as well as the Time of Change, as normal. At the same time, however, the Inheritor will suffer from the effects of cinnabryl deprivation because of previously gained Legacies.
For Inheritors, wearing cinnabryl is a must, because the detrimental effects of the curse are cumulative for each Legacy. Note that when an Inheritor suffers cinnabryl deprivation, the loss of ability scores occurs simultaneously. If the character has Legacies that cause a loss of different abilities, 1 point is lost from each ability each day. If the Inheritor has two Legacies that cause a loss from the same ability score, the character loses 2 points per day. Likewise, all physical changes occur concurrently.
However, during a recovery period, each physical transformation is considered separately; thus, one must be reversed before another can start. Similarly, the character recovers only 1 ability point per day, not 1 point per ability per day. Therefore, a character who has lost 4 points from Intelligence, and 7 from Constitution, recovers either Intelligence or Constitution each day until all points are regained at the end of 11 days.
Because of their extreme sensitivity to cinnabryl deprivation, Inheritors are particularly careful to maintain their supplies of the metal. They have even developed special societies, the Inheritor Orders, to control the flow of cinnabryl.
When subsequent Legacies are gained, the Inheritor has some freedom of choice as to which are acquired. Each Legacy is related to certain others; for instance, the Burn Legacy is related to the Chill Legacy. The Inheritor can choose to roll a Legacy randomly, according to the region inhabited at the time, or can choose any Legacy related to the one he already has. For example, someone with the Burn Legacy could roll randomly or choose to gain the Chill Legacy. The character can choose a Legacy related to any of those he already possesses. Related Legacies are listed in Table 13.2.
At the DM's option, the character could also choose to increase a Legacy already possessed. This would do one of the following: increase the duration of each use of the Legacy; increase the damage inflicted by each use; or double the number of times the character can use the Legacy each day. Still, choosing the same Legacy twice is allowed only if the DM agrees.
Using Legacies
For the most part, the use of a Legacy is automatic; the character wills it to happen, and it does. The character never has to make an ability check to use the Legacy, nor is any expenditure of points required. However, a Legacy can be used only three times each day, and the exact effects, such as duration or damage, are often based on the character's level. The character can activate up to one Legacy per round. In regard to initiative, all Legacies are treated as if they were spells with a casting time of 1. Their use can be disrupted, as per spell disruption, only if a character is hit in exactly the same initiative segment as he attempts to activate a Legacy. Unless otherwise specified, a Legacy must be used immediately once it is activated. If desired, however, the caster of a Legacy can end its effects before the duration expires.
Most Legacies cause no change in the user's body, but a few require temporary changes. For example, to use Amber Paralysis, the character need simply concentrate, but using Entangle requires that the user's hair or fingers grow and move to entangle an enemy.
The Afflicted suffer the physical effects of their Legacies all the time. However, this does not enable them to use the ability all the time. For example, an Afflicted might grow wings as a result of acquiring the Fly Legacy. Most of the time, the wings would just get in the way and be a hindrance. Three times per day, however, the character could activate the Legacy and use the wings to Fly.
Most Legacies do not allow their victims a saving throw, because their use requires an attack roll or some other check on the part of the user. If a saving throw is possible against the effects of a Legacy, it is mentioned in the description. Also, attack forms gained from Legacies automatically grant proficiency whenever the Legacy is active. For instance, an activated Bite Legacy gives the character a temporary bite proficiency.
Magic and the Legacies
For the most part, Legacies are treated exactly like spells. The detect magic and dispel magic spells react with Legacies as if they were spells (refer to the "Magic" chapter for details). The remove curse spell has no special effect on individual Legacies. Since Legacies are like spells, their effects and restrictions are quite similar. For instance, elves are 90% immune to the sleep spell, so they are 90% immune to the Sleep Legacy. The descriptions below note occasions when Legacies are treated differently from spells. If no such note exists, it is safe to assume that the Legacy acts like similar spells.
Legacies in the Campaign
These powers could throw off the balance of a campaign, especially if characters with Legacies are exported to campaigns outside the region. Steps have been taken to keep the Legacies within the SAVAGE COAST Campaign, as noted previously under "Leaving the Area."
However, even in the campaign that takes place solely on the Savage Coast, problems can arise. Fortunately, the area has many balancing factors (firearms, Beast Riders, special racial abilities, and so forth). The DM must keep in mind the power of Legacies and compensate for them when necessary.
This is not to say, of course, that the DM should make the Legacies useless in adventures. If a certain character has the Legacy Sight, which allows detection of invisible beings, the DM might be tempted not to use invisible people or items, but this would be overcompensation. Naturally, players want to use any interesting powers and abilities their characters possess, and they will feel cheated in situations that make those abilities useless. Instead of eliminating invisible foes in order to balance the power of the Sight Legacy, the DM should use them wisely. For instance, providing an opponent that only one person can actually see might put that character in a leadership position, directing others to attack. It might even make other characters assume that a character who sees "invisible beings" must be insane. Also, keep in mind that most of the character's opponents would not know the character's Legacy, so they would have no reason to avoid using invisibility. Once they do find out, they will likely target the character who can see them. It is perfectly reasonable to allow monsters to use Legacies as well, providing the occasional fire-breathing centipede or flying owlbear for variety.
Characters with Legacies are common in the cursed lands. They draw very little attention in the Savage Baronies, slightly more in other areas. The Afflicted are also relatively common, especially among the poor of the land. Afflicted have villages and enclaves in Renardy and the Savage Baronies, though they seldom gather together in other nations. Most of the Tainted (or Balanced) are adventurers, nobility, or wealthy merchants. This inspires many people to become adventurers and seek wealth, so the Red Curse is largely responsible for the Savage Coast's high incidence of adventuring parties.
Individuals with Legacies are treated like normal people, because in the cursed lands, they are the normal people. Afflicted are generally shunned, though people with light Afflictions (minimal attribute loss and minor physical changes) may be treated well.
People with spider-like deformations are often met with fear or pity. They are felt to be especially cursed because they remind people of the araneas, who are sort of universal "bogeymen" along the Savage Coast.
Legacy Descriptions
Following are details on each of the 80 Legacies. The DM should feel free to add other Legacies of similar power. However, before creating new Legacies, give some thought to what the new powers do. Each Legacy gives its user some kind of an advantage. The DM should strive to avoid new Legacies that closely duplicate existing ones.
Each description contains several components. First, the ability score affected with acquisition of the Legacy is noted (this is also abbreviated in the reference list, Table 13.2). Note that even if the character uses cinnabryl, 1 point is lost permanently. If the character does not use cinnabryl, or runs out, as many as 8 points can be lost (though all but 1 point can be regained later). If the ability score is listed as "Player's Choice," the player can choose a single ability to be affected by acquisition of the Legacy; this choice cannot be changed later.
Next, the durations of the Legacies are given. Following the duration is a description of the effects of the Legacy, including damage, area of effect, and range. Most of these are based on the character's level. Hit Dice can be used in place of level, and a being is always considered to be at least 1st level, even if it has only 1 hit point or 1/2 Hit Die. Remember that each Legacy can be used three times each day. In Legacy descriptions, "caster" is used to describe the character using the Legacy.
Finally, the Legacy's detriments are listed. In most cases, these are physical transformations that occur in characters who do not use cinnabryl. Some Legacies have more than one possible detrimental effect, and even those with only a single effect have slight variations. The DM is encouraged to be creative with these changes, as long as they make some amount of sense with the Legacy given. Keep in mind that a detriment does not grant use of the Legacy all the time. For instance, a person with the Breath Water Legacy who grows gills can still only use them to breathe water three times per day. The rest of the time, the physical change is simply an odd deformation (armoured skin remains soft and pliable except when activated, spikes are malleable, tentacles have no strength, etc.).
Other than causing an individual to appear strange, the change should not cause too much of a hindrance, unless otherwise specified. For example, the Fly Legacy can cause its user to grow wings. Though these are somewhat clumsy and get in the way, they should not have any real game effect. The exception to this guideline is this: Since most of the changes are rather hideous, the DM is free to assess a Charisma penalty for someone who has changed.
Acid Touch
Ability Score: Charisma
Duration: Instantaneous
Description: The character produces acid from the hands or mouth. Once the source of the acid is chosen, it cannot be changed. The acid does no harm to the caster but causes damage to an opponent if the caster makes a successful attack roll. After the Legacy dissipates, the acid again becomes inactive.
The amount of damage is 1d4 plus 1 hit point per level of the caster. The acid affects plants and animal flesh only, whether that material is living or dead. It does not affect metal or stone. Thus, an attack that does not cause damage to an opponent might adversely affect that opponent's clothing.
Detriment: The character constantly secretes a brownish, slightly acidic liquid from the hands or mouth. The secretion slowly dissolves any plant or animal material that it contacts (such as a cotton tabard or leather gloves). It also causes an inflammation where it touches the caster's flesh. Unless the use activates the Legacy, the acid is too weak for use as an attack.
Ability Score: Intelligence
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: The caster can bestow a bonus of a number of hit points equal to his level. The bonus can be given to the caster or to another character and must be given by touch. It enables the recipient to have more hit points than his full normal total. The bonus hit points are lost first if the recipient takes damage and cannot be regained with curative magic.
Detriment: The character sprouts small, rounded lumps, about an inch in diameter, usually on the face and hands. The more hit points that the character can bestow, the more lumps that appear.
All-Around Vision
Ability Score: Strength
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: With activation, the character sprouts an extra eye at each temple and two in the back of the head. These eyes do not have sharp vision, but they can detect movement and distance. Thus, they cannot be used to search or examine something, but could be used to detect an opponent. All-Around Vision helps a character notice backstabs and allows the individual to apply any Dexterity bonus to rear Armour Class, assuming conditions allow movement.
These extra eyes can be blocked in normal ways. If a character normally has infravision, so do the extra eyes. Other sight-related spells and Legacies can operate through the additional eyes.
Detriment: The character sprouts extra eyes, two at the temples, and two in the back of the head. On occasion, eyes appear in other places, such as the chest, arms, and hands. All these other eyes are useless, transmitting no sight to the caster. They tend to move about on their own, as if glancing around.
Amber Paralysis
Ability Score: Dexterity
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: The character can use this Legacy to paralyse one individual who is within 10 yards of the caster. The target is allowed to make a saving throw vs. paralysis to avoid the effects, but the saving throw is penalised by -1 per each three levels of the caster (-1 for 1st-3rd level, -2 for 4th-6th, etc.). If the saving throw fails, the recipient is encased within a hard, red, amber-like shell about a quarter of an inch thick. Possessions are encased as well.
The victim is held completely immobile for the duration. All bodily functions cease without harm to the victim. The shell cannot be penetrated by gas or liquid, and has AC 0 against attacks. Missiles from the magic missile spell or the Missile Legacy can penetrate the shell, and a disintegrate spell will dissolve it and probably the person inside as well. The Disintegrate Legacy can dissolve portions of the shell. Amber Paralysis can be used beneficially, to protect someone from physical attack or to keep the recipient from bleeding or breathing poisonous gas. Successful attacks made on the paralysed individual cause normal damage.
Detriment: The caster is encased in a paper-thin, slightly glistening, red shell. The shell provides no protection and does not hinder movement or breathing. It does cover the caster's eyes, causing the world to appear red. It also covers the caster's mouth, so that a hole must be made for eating. The caster's voice is muffled when no hole is made, but sufficient air passes through the shell for the character to breathe; hearing is also impaired. Any holes made in the shell regenerate in a matter of minutes (1d4 rounds).
Animal Form
Ability Score: Charisma
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: The caster can assume the form of one living animal of approximately the same mass. This form can be that of a normal animal, a smaller form of a huge animal, or a larger form of a tiny animal. The animal can have any characteristics the caster wishes. For example, a caster might choose the form of a wolf with a ragged left ear so he can be identified by companions. Alternately, the caster could choose the form of a 200-pound mouse with hands for spellcasting. Whatever form the caster chooses when the Legacy is first gained, that is the only shape available from then on. The caster gains the creature's mode of locomotion and breathing, but not any other abilities (attack, magic, special movement, etc.).
No system shock roll is required for this change, and the caster retains his personality and mentality, as well as any other abilities that can be used in the other form. When the Legacy is activated, the caster's equipment melds into the new shape. As long as the shape has a mouth, the caster can speak while in animal form. Other Legacies can be used while the caster is in animal form, but spells can be cast only if the form allows completion of the appropriate verbal and somatic components.
Detriment: The character transforms into the form, completely or partially, staying that way as long as he remains one of the Afflicted.
Ability Score: Wisdom
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: The caster can animate a single item composed of any non-magical material weighing less than 10 pounds. It is not possible to animate only part of a larger object. To be animated, the item must be touched, and it must remain within 10 yards of the caster. Attempting to animate an object in someone's possession grants that person a saving throw vs. spell to prevent the Legacy's effect.
The item moves as appropriate a rug slithers, a jar rolls, an arrow flies, a sword might balance on its pommel and strike, etc. Movement rate for the object is 6, and it can attack once per round. If the item is a weapon, it causes normal damage for its type with no bonuses for Strength or magic. Other objects cause 1d6 points of damage. Animated items have AC 5, and they can take damage equal to twice the caster's level before being rendered immobile.
Detriment: The character suffers little physical change but acquires numerous nervous habits. He is in constant motion, rubbing his hands together, brushing dust from his clothing, etc. The character's hair (or fur) seems to constantly move of its own accord. In addition, small items nearby often animate without prompting pebbles roll around, the character's belt slithers away, a friend's dagger jumps from its sheath, objects fall from shelves, and so forth.
Ability Score: Wisdom
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: The caster gains partial immunity to all non-magical hurled or projected missiles. Only those with an attack roll of a natural 20 can damage the caster during this time. Enchanted missiles and magical attacks are completely unaffected by this Legacy.
Detriment: The character grows some sort of body covering which might resemble spikes, large scales, bark, rocks, wrinkled skin, or writhing worms. This covering feels like normal flesh and provides no special protection unless the Legacy is activated. Unfortunately, it is fairly thick and makes it necessary for the character to have special clothing and armour made.
Ability Score: Charisma
Duration: 3 rounds/level
Description: The caster can bestow a bonus to a character's next saving throw vs. poison attempt. This Legacy can be cast on either the caster or another character. The bonus is +1 for each three levels of the caster (+1 at 1st or 2nd level, +2 at 3rd or 4th, etc.). To bestow it, the caster must touch the recipient. Each activation of the Legacy will only bestow a bonus to one attempted saving throw. Once the recipient attempts a save vs. poison (whether it is successful or not), this activation of the Legacy ends. If the recipient has already made and failed a saving throw before being touched by the caster, he is allowed a second saving throw instead, but no bonus is added.
Detriment: The character grows fangs, claws, or even a barbed tail. Though these cannot be used for an attack (or any other purpose), they must be used when the Legacy is activated. With activation, an Afflicted character actually injects an anti-toxin into the body of the poisoned character, using fangs, claws, or tail.
Ability Score: Charisma
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: When this Legacy is activated, the caster's skin changes, becoming to a deep red and sometimes acquiring a light covering of scales or other form of armour. This covering does not inhibit the character or get in the way of any clothing or armour. The caster gains a bonus to his Armour Class equal to -1 per three levels, up to a maximum -5 bonus to AC and never exceeding AC -10 with other bonuses included. The effect is cumulative with normal and magical armour, including bracers, cloaks, and rings.
Detriment: An Afflicted character gains a thickened body covering of some kind. The covering usually appears to be scales, plates, bands, bark, stone, or something similar. It provides no protection unless the Legacy is activated but alters the character enough so that clothing and armour must be specially made.
Ball of Fire
Ability Score: Strength
Duration: Instantaneous
Description: The character can throw a small flaming ball at a single opponent. It forms in the caster's hand and grows to one foot in diameter when thrown. The caster must make a successful attack roll to hit an opponent; the ball has the range of a thrown dagger. Even if the Ball of Fire does not hit an opponent directly, it might set fire to the target's clothing or hair. Its magical flame will set fire to any flammable materials with which it comes into contact. Damage caused by the ball is 1d4 per three levels of the caster (1d4 at 1st-3rd level, 2d4 at 4th-6th level, etc.), up to a maximum of 5d4.
Detriment: The skin of the character is red and hot to the touch. He sweats constantly and must drink twice as much water as a normal member of the same race. In addition, the character's clothing smoulders, and paper occasionally bursts into flame when the character holds it. The irises of the character's eyes usually turn red.
Ability Score: Intelligence
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: When this Legacy is activated, the character grows fangs and can bite for 1d8 points of damage. An attack roll must be made to determine success.
Detriment: The character's teeth grow large, and the mouth becomes misshapen. Some characters grow long fangs or even tusks. The character's bite causes standard damage for a normal member of the same race unless the Legacy is activated.
Ability Score: Constitution
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: The caster's colouring (and that of any possessions worn or held) changes to more closely match the surroundings. This makes the character 20% undetectable by sight plus an additional 5% per level of the caster, to a maximum of 95%. If the caster is a thief, this percentage can be added to the character's chance to hide in shadows, but the combined total can never be higher than 99%.
If the character moves while using the Legacy, the blending continues, but the character receives a -10% penalty to the chance to remain hidden while moving.
Detriment: Some Afflicted with this Legacy automatically change to colours that contrast with their surroundings, making them stand out. The flesh of other Afflicted grows transparent, so that bones and sometimes internal organs become plainly visible. If a character's bones are the only parts that do not turn transparent, they often turn some shade of red. This transparency in no way makes the character more difficult to see unless the Legacy is activated.
Breathe Water
Ability Score: Constitution
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: While this Legacy is activated, the caster can breathe water as if it were air. The Legacy does not enable the character to swim or move freely in water, nor does it enhance vision in any way.
Detriment: The character often grows gills, usually on the neck, but sometimes on the upper torso or even in a crest on the top of the head. For some Afflicted, the change is the growth of a breathing tube, either from the nose or the top of the head, with a fringe of gills around it. The gills serve no purpose and are not even attached to the character's respiratory system unless the Legacy is activated.
Ability Score: Strength
Duration: Instantaneous
Description: The caster can release a flame to burn an enemy. The caster must make a successful attack roll to cause damage directly to an enemy, but even a miss might set fire to clothing or other flammable materials. A 1st-level character has no range for the power and must touch the target to be burned. The caster's range increases by one foot per level after the first (one foot at 2nd level, two feet at 3rd level, etc.), to a maximum range of 10 feet. The flame sets fire to any flammable materials it touches.
The flame can issue from the character's mouth or from a hand. Point of origin is chosen when the Legacy is acquired and can never be changed. The amount of damage is 1d4 plus 1 hit point per level of the caster.
Detriment: The skin of the character is red and hot to the touch. He sweats constantly and must drink twice as much water as a normal member of the same race. In addition, the character releases small flames from his hands or mouth at random intervals. These flames set fire to anything flammable that they touch. Usually, the irises of such characters' eyes are red.
Ability Score: Constitution
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: The caster can affect one opponent who has a number of Hit Dice lower than his own level. The target must be visible to the caster and receives a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect of the Legacy. If this saving throw fails, the recipient believes the caster to be a trusted friend and ally to be heeded and protected. Any adjustment due to Wisdom applies to the saving throw. If the target receives damage from the caster's group in the same round that Charm is used, an additional +1 per point of damage received is added to the victim's saving throw.
Note that Charm is effective on monsters as well as people. However, the caster gains no special communications ability.
Detriment: An Afflicted with this Legacy grins constantly. The individual's mouth is changed to bare the character's teeth in a wide, somewhat maniacal grin. This affects the character's speech, making it difficult to use the lips to make sounds. This makes the "f" and "v" sounds particularly difficult to speak; the sounds of "p" and "b" are almost impossible.
Ability Score: Constitution
Duration: Instantaneous
Description: The caster can generate a cold blast to cause damage to an opponent if he makes a successful attack roll. A 1st-level character has no range for the power and must touch the target to be affected. For each level after the first, the caster's range increases by one foot (one foot at 2nd level, two feet at 3rd level, etc.), to a maximum range of 10 feet.
The cold can issue from the character's mouth or hand. The point of origin is chosen when the Legacy is acquired and can never be changed. The amount of damage is 1d4 plus 1 point per level of the caster.
Detriment: The skin of the Afflicted is cold to the touch. He feels cold and shivers almost all the time. Small patches of frost form in the character's hair or fur and on exposed skin. The irises of the character's eyes turn white, and the skin, fur, or other body covering pales.
Ability Score: Dexterity
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: This Legacy allows the caster to see from a different location. The location must be within a number of feet equal to twice the caster's level. The character can see from any point within the given range but gains no other special vision powers through the use of this Legacy.
A character of 5th level or greater can also hear from the chosen location.
Detriment: The Afflicted's eyes change; they might grow to very large proportions or perhaps grow eyestalks. Alternately, he might grow an extra eye in the centre of the forehead. While this eye is completely useless, it sometimes moves of its own accord as if looking around. Occasionally, the character sees visions of real events occurring anywhere from 100 yards to several miles away. These visions are very brief and disorienting, almost never granting any advantage.
Ability Score: Wisdom
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: This Legacy gives the caster a 95% chance to climb.
Detriment: In some cases, the Afflicted's hands and feet become sticky, so that debris and small items stick to them. The stickiness is not enough to aid the character except when the Legacy is activated. In some Afflicted, the arms or fingers change into rope-like tentacles. These can be used like the character's normal extremities, but when the Legacy is activated, they can be flung to attach to a high point on a wall or other obstacle, allowing the character to climb it. Sometimes a character's limbs become spindly and spider-like, with an extra joint on each finger. Short, bristly hair may sprout from the character's body.
Craft Item
Ability Score: Constitution
Duration: Special
Description: Using this Legacy, the character can craft a small item, using a Non-weapon proficiency or other skill. The character must have the necessary skill (or gain it from the Proficiency Legacy). The needed materials must be within 10 feet of the character when the Legacy is activated. If the materials are in the possession of another being, that individual can make a saving throw vs. spell to prevent them from being used.
The item's construction requires 1d4 rounds, during which time the materials form themselves into the final product. For example, if a sapling and some string are nearby and the character has the bowyer/fletcher skill, he can use the Legacy to make a bow. Similarly, if some steel (or iron ore) is nearby and the character has weaponsmithing, the character can make a sword.
Note that only a single item can be made; alternately, the caster could create a group of arrows with a single use of the Legacy. If two or more skills are necessary to construct the desired item, the character must know them all. The caster can make only small items, so could not use the Legacy to build a house, even if he had the appropriate skill and the correct materials were available. Similarly, the character could make a breastplate or a chain mail shirt with one use of the skill, but not a full suit of armour.
Detriment: The character's hands twitch nervously, as if always constructing something. When the Legacy is not activated, all the character's Non-weapon proficiency scores are penalised by -2. At random intervals, items handled or worn by the character fall apart: Bowstrings break, swords fall apart, backpacks open, pottery cracks, etc.
Create Liquid
Ability Score: Strength
Duration: Instantaneous
Description: The caster can create water, wine, or milk with this Legacy, up to four gallons per experience level. The type of liquid is determined each time the Legacy is activated, and it appears anywhere desired, within 10 feet of the caster but not within the body of a living being. If no container is prepared for the liquid, it falls. The liquid is normal in all ways and is the same temperature as the surroundings. Its taste is average, neither very good nor very bad.
Detriment: Liquids (sweat, sour milk, and bad wine) ooze constantly from the pores of the character, who also drools almost constantly.
Crimson Fire
Ability Score: Strength
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: The caster can cause a dancing red light to outline creatures or objects. Targets need not be seen by the caster, but must be within 10 yards. The number of items affected is one per three levels of the caster (one at 1st-3rd level, two at 4th-6th, etc.), assuming items or people are of approximately human size. Half as many large creatures or items can be outlined, while only a portion of bigger targets can be outlined until the caster reaches higher levels. The DM should estimate the size of the target(s) in comparison to a standard human being and adjust accordingly.
Outlined objects are visible at 80 yards in the dark, but only 40 yards if the viewer is near a bright light source. Outlined creatures are easier to strike, so opponents gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls in darkness (including moonlit nights), and a +1 bonus in twilight or better.
Crimson Fire can render otherwise invisible creatures visible but cannot outline non-corporeal, ethereal, or gaseous creatures. The light produced is fairly dim and has no effect on the vision of undead, dark-dwelling creatures, or infravision.
Detriment: The character is constantly outlined in a glow, as described. In addition, the character's eyes glow red. This impairs the caster's distance vision, giving the character a -2 penalty to attack rolls with missile weapons. When the Legacy is activated, the glow is transferred to the targets, temporarily leaving the caster.
Ability Score: Dexterity
Duration: Instantaneous
Description: The caster can heal damage equal to 1 hit point plus 1 hit point per level (2 hp at 1st level, 3 hp at 2nd, etc.), up to a maximum of 16 hit points. Healing must be applied all at once but can be applied to one or two recipients plus the caster, if desired. Recipients must be touched by the caster. The hit points are split among them as the caster desires.
Detriment: In many cases, the Afflicted's hands become covered with a gauzy web, much like a bandage. On occasion, small pieces of this webbing fall from the hands. This webbing neither helps nor hinders the character, though it reduces touch sensitivity in the fingers.
In other cases, the Afflicted constantly sweats and drools a milky liquid. It is a mild anaesthetic, which causes the Afflicted to feel numb and tingly. The liquid has no healing effect, nor will it dispel pain.
Ability Score: Wisdom
Duration: Instantaneous
Description: The caster can cause an object to explode. The object must weigh between one and five pounds and must be within 10 yards of the caster. Only a complete object can be affected, not part of a larger object. The item is broken into tiny pieces, which cause 1d8 points of damage to anyone within 10 feet of the explosion. This Legacy cannot affect magical, living, or animated items. If the object is being held by someone, that individual can make a saving throw vs. spell to avoid its destruction.
Detriment: At random intervals, small items (as detailed above) within five feet of the Afflicted explode. This includes clothing and mundane items, but seldom weapons. These explosions are loud but cause no damage to people nearby.
Ability Score: Wisdom
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: The caster's Dexterity becomes 18 for the duration of the Legacy. If the character's Dexterity is already 18 or more, the caster receives a +2 bonus to Dexterity, up to a maximum Dexterity of 25.
Detriment: The Afflicted typically grows two extra arms, or extra fingers. His fingers usually gain an extra joint, growing to twice their normal length. Optionally, the character might grow an extra pair of legs. Except when the Legacy is activated, extra arms are useless and hang limply, but if the Afflicted grows extra legs, they are necessary for locomotion and inhibit the character's movement if damaged.
Ability Score: Intelligence
Duration: 1 round
Description: The caster can excavate earth, sand, or mud. This Legacy excavates 125 cubic feet (a five-foot cube) of matter in one round. The caster must be within 10 feet of the material to be moved. The material is thrown from the hole and scattered more or less evenly. Any creature within a foot of the pit must make a successful Dexterity check or fall into the hole. Note that holes in mud or other loose material will quickly collapse.
Detriment: The character's hands usually acquire a shovel-like shape, which prevents fine manipulation of objects. In other cases, the Afflicted acquires large, thick claws or even tusks. Unless the Legacy is activated, these new growths cannot be used for anything other than what the caster's normal teeth or hands could do.
Ability Score: Wisdom
Duration: 3 rounds/level
Description: The caster can alter his form and appearance. Height can be altered by up to one foot, weight by as much as 50 pounds. The form acquired must be similar to the caster's own (bipedal if the caster is bipedal, for example). Clothing and possessions do not change. A specific person cannot be imitated, but another species can be. Only the caster's form changes; he acquires no special abilities of any kind, nor are any native abilities lost.
Physical deformations caused by a Legacy can be temporarily eliminated (or imitated) by the use of the Disguise Legacy.
Detriment: The body of the Afflicted changes constantly: fur, hair, and scales grow and disappear; a tail might grow or disappear. The character's height changes by as much as an inch per minute, weight by as much as five pounds per minute, and the character's facial features change at irregular intervals. The character's features and form stabilise only when the Legacy is activated. Note that these changes cause problems with the fit of most clothing and armour.
Ability Score: Constitution
Duration: Instantaneous
Description: The caster can cause up to one cubic foot of non-living solid material to crumble into dust. The material to be affected must be touched, which might require an attack roll. The exact material affected is determined by the caster, but it must all be connected (so a piece of a wall could be affected, or several feet of a rope). Normal materials do not get a saving throw, but magical items and materials do can attempt a save vs. crushing blow. (See the section on saving throws for equipment in Chapter 6 of the DMG. Any weapon bonuses provide equivalent bonuses to the saving throw. Magical cloth has a saving throw of 5.)
Detriment: Items the Afflicted touches slowly crumble to dust. In addition, the character's hair and skin constantly crumble and flake.
Ability Score: Intelligence
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: After this Legacy is activated, if the caster is hit by a physical object, he teleports a short distance (up to 10 feet), but the Legacy provides no more than one such displacement per activation. The displacement instantaneously moves the character away from the attack that caused it, eliminating any and all damage from that attack. The place where the character reappears is random, but it is physically as safe as the caster's immediately previous location. (If the character displaces from a standing position on solid ground, he reappears standing on solid ground.) The character never reappears inside a solid object or in the direct path of an already moving weapon.
Detriment: The character's hands or head sometimes displace to a position one or two feet from where they were previously. They do not disconnect from the body; instead, the neck or arm grows instantly to the new length and shape required. This happens at unpredictable intervals, and 2d4 turns are required for the extremity to gradually return to its original position as the neck or head returns to its original size and shape.
Ability Score: Dexterity
Duration: Instantaneous
Description: With a red light that leaps from his hand or eye, the caster can cause damage to any single undead being within 10 yards. Once the origin of the beam is established, it cannot be altered. An attack roll must be made to strike the undead creature with the beam, which is treated like a missile weapon in regard to Dexterity bonuses on attack rolls. Damage caused by the beam is 1d4 per three levels of the caster (1d4 at 1st-3rd levels, 2d4 at 4th-6th, etc.).
Detriment: Non-living organic material (such as cloth, leather, or a quarterstaff) occasionally crumbles to dust when the character touches it. In addition, the character's hands or eyes often glow with a red light, and the skin acquires a deathlike pallor.
Ability Score: Strength
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: When this Legacy is activated, an illusory duplicate of the caster appears anywhere within 10 yards, as desired by the caster. The image can be actively controlled by the caster or "programmed" to perform a specific series of actions. The duplicate need not start or stay in the same room as the caster, but to avoid having the duplicate walk through items or people, the caster may need to be able to see it (or have a good memory of the location).
Detriment: All or part of the Afflicted's body is duplicated at all times. The character might appear to have an extra arm, head, or nose. Sometimes, an entire body duplicate appears and follows the Afflicted, performing acts that might be embarrassing for the character. All such manifestations are illusory.
Ability Score: Intelligence
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: When this Legacy is activated, the caster's arms, fingers, or hair grows into tentacles. The precise method is chosen by the caster when the Legacy manifests and can never be changed. Growth is five feet per three levels of the caster (five feet at 1st-3rd level, 10 feet at 4th-6th, etc.), up to a maximum length of 25 feet. They can be used to retrieve or wield items from a distance or entangle a single opponent.
For the duration of the Legacy's activation, the caster's tentacles acquire AC 0. Targets held by the tentacles can break free with a successful roll to bend bars, or by someone inflicting 10 or more points of damage to the tentacles in a single strike with an edged weapon. None of the damage inflicted to the tentacles during the Legacy's activation applies to the caster's hit point total.
Detriment: The Afflicted's hair is long and unruly, often moving of its own accord and sometimes touching another person or picking up small items. If the hair is cut, it grows back to its original length at a rate of one foot per round.
Alternatively, the character's fingers or arms grow into long tentacles. Except when the Legacy is activated, the tentacles are no stronger than normal. Though they can be used to retrieve items from a distance, they cannot be used to entangle; any damage inflicted upon them is subtracted from the Afflicted's hit point total.
Ability Score: Strength
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: The character can see clearly even reading if so desired for a distance of up to 100 yards per level of the caster (to a maximum distance of one mile), though not through obstacles. If the caster prefers, the Legacy can instead be used to examine something in minute detail, enabling the character to detect tiny seams, minute marks, even the impressions left from writing.
Detriment: The Afflicted's eyes change. They might grow to very large proportions or even grow eyestalks. In addition, the character has trouble seeing normally. Items within one inch of the character's eyes can be seen as clearly as normal, as can items at a distance of 20 yards or more. Anything else appears somewhat blurry. Unless the character has the blind-fighting Non-weapon proficiency, he receives a penalty of -2 to all melee attack rolls.
Feel Magic
Ability Score: Strength
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: The caster can detect, and to an extent identify, magical emanations in anything he touches. Note that this Legacy is not adversely affected by vermeil or the Red Curse like other forms of divinatory magic are (as explained in the "Magic" chapter).
By touching an object while the Legacy is activated, the caster can determine if that object is magical. If it is handled for a full round, the character has a 5% chance per level (to a maximum of 75%) of identifying some property of the object (a spell with which it is enchanted, the attack bonus it has, the approximate number of charges left, etc.). Only one such fact can be determined per round; handling the object for longer might reveal another fact, or it might reveal the same one again.
If a living being is touched while the Legacy is activated, the caster can tell if that individual is enchanted in some way (charmed, for instance) and whether or not the target possesses a Legacy. By examining a single person for at least a full round, the caster can determine a fact about the being, such as how many Legacies that individual has, whether the being is affected by a charm, or how advanced an Affliction the being has. The caster has a chance of 5% per level (to a maximum of 75%) to determine such information.
Detriment: Most Afflicted with this Legacy grow long, feathery antennae from their foreheads; some develop a covering of fine cilia on their hands. The Afflicted can use Feel Magic only by using the antennae or cilia. Otherwise, the growths are useless, though they sometimes move of their own accord.
Ability Score: Intelligence
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: By using this Legacy, the caster can acquire the THAC0 of a warrior of the same level. A caster who is already a warrior receives a +2 bonus to attack rolls. This bonus or adjusted THAC0 applies only to melee combat.
Detriment: The Afflicted with this Legacy is very temperamental and angers easily. In addition, whenever the character handles a weapon, his hand acquires the form of that weapon within 2d4 rounds. The form lasts for 2d4 hours before instantly reverting to its original form. An altered hand is no different from a normal hand in terms of damage it inflicts in an attack, but if the character activates the Fight Legacy while the hand is in altered form, it becomes a weapon capable of inflicting 1d8 points of damage per hit for the duration of the activation.
Ability Score: Dexterity
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: This spell helps the caster locate a known or familiar object. If a sword is desired, for example, the Legacy guides the caster to the nearest one (possibly held by a companion). If a specific item is desired, it must have been seen by or carefully described to the caster.
The Legacy indicates the direction to the object but does not tell the character how to get to it or how far away it is, though the character is able to tell when the object is within one foot.
Detriment: The Afflicted often grows an extra eye in the centre of his forehead, sometimes on an eyestalk. This eye is completely useless but sometimes moves of its own accord, as if looking around. Some Afflicted instead grow long, feathery antennae, which also seem to move on their own. An Afflicted with this Legacy sometimes acquires a forked tongue in addition to the eyestalk or antennae. The tongue flicks in and out of the character's mouth rather often, affecting speech.
In addition, the character constantly misplaces small, relatively unimportant items.
Ability Score: Dexterity
Duration: Special
Description: With the use of this Legacy, the caster can slow the rate of a fall to a mere two feet per second (120 feet per round). This allows the character to fall as much as 100 feet per three caster levels (100 feet at 1st-3rd level, 200 feet at 4th-6th, etc.), up to a maximum of 500 feet, without taking damage from the fall.
The character can instead use the Legacy to float upward for a number of rounds equal to his level, levitating slowly at a rate of 10 feet per round. A single activation of the Legacy works to slow a fall or to levitate upward, but not both.
Detriment: The character's body weight is reduced by half, while mass remains the same. The Afflicted also sprouts feathers from various places on the body.
Ability Score: Wisdom
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: For the duration of this Legacy, the caster can fly at a movement rate of 12 and a manoeuvrability class of C. For a caster who can already fly, normal flight speed is increased by 6 and manoeuvrability class by 2 places, to a maximum of A, but duration is only a number of rounds equal to the caster's level.
Many, but not all, characters transform when this Legacy is activated. Most grow two or four wings (batlike, birdlike, dragonlike, insectlike, etc.), some characters' arms transform into wings, and other characters' bodies flatten. The exact transformation, if any, is chosen by the caster when the Legacy is acquired and can never be changed. Transformation takes place instantaneously. The character's clothing or armour does not automatically change to accommodate (unless made of red steel see the "Magic" chapter). Expanding wings can break through armour or clothing, damaging it (requiring a round to do so), so most people who transform in this way wear special armour and clothing with holes for the wings.
Detriment: The Afflicted has permanent wings of some type, but they are useless except when the Legacy is activated. Some Afflicted have flattened bodies instead of wings, so they are only about two inches thick from front to back.
Ability Score: Constitution
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: The caster can create enough fog to fill a cube 10 feet on each side. This fog can take any shape the caster desires but remains stationary. It is thick enough to obscure vision, limiting visibility (both normal and infravision) to a range of two feet within the fog and blocking vision through the fog entirely.
A strong wind disperses the effect in a single round, while a moderate wind reduces the Legacy's duration by 50%. If this Legacy is used underwater, it clouds the water in the same area. Currents can disperse the effect before the Legacy actually expires.
Detriment: The Afflicted's flesh becomes puffy and feels soft to the touch. This affects most of the character's body, so the face becomes misshapen and the character looks as if he has gained quite a lot of weight. In addition, the character breathes out wisps of fog and "sweats" them from the pores.
Gas Breath
Ability Score: Charisma
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: By activating this Legacy, the caster can expel poisonous, gaseous breath from his lungs. If the gas is not expelled before the Legacy expires, its damaging effects wear off. The gas is greenish-yellow and smells vile. It can be expelled to affect a single opponent within five feet of the caster, requiring an attack roll (including Dexterity adjustments, if any). The target takes 1d4 points of damage per three levels of the caster (1d4 at 1st-3rd level, 2d4 at 4th-6th, etc.). It is not necessary for the victim to inhale the gas to suffer from its effects; it is a contact poison. Magical effects that work against poison can help the target, usually by granting a saving throw vs. poison for half damage when no saving throw would be allowed.
Detriment: The character has foul body odour and breath. In addition, the Afflicted's flesh becomes puffy and discoloured in some places, and the character breathes out wisps of yellowish fog and "sweats" them from the pores.
Gaseous Form
Ability Score: Constitution
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: The character's body and any possessions worn or carried become gaseous when this Legacy is activated. While in this form, the character has a flying movement rate of 3 and a manoeuvrability class of B. Winds both magical and normal can drive the character unwillingly before them or can be used to increase the caster's speed. Also, the character can enter any space that is not airtight.
While in this form, a person cannot be affected by most attacks but is vulnerable to magical fire or electricity, which have normal effects. The magic missile spell and the Missile Legacy can also be used to attack a character using the Gaseous Form Legacy.
Detriment: The Afflicted's flesh becomes puffy and feels soft to the touch. This affects most of the character's body, so the face becomes misshapen and the character appears to have gained a lot of weight. The flesh of some Afflicted becomes transparent as well. Also, the character breathes out wisps of fog and sweats them from the pores.
Ability Score: Charisma
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: When the caster activates this Legacy, the size and weight of the character, or of any one other creature size Large or smaller within the caster's sight, is increased. The creature doubles in height, width, thickness, and weight. (This means, of course, that body weight is no longer in correct proportion to body volume.) Rather than doubling the measurements, the caster can also choose a lesser amount of enlargement any time the Legacy is activated. Weight and all linear dimensions can change in the same proportion or in different amounts. An unwilling target of the Legacy can make a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effects entirely.
Clothing and armour worn by the target do not change in size when the Legacy is used, so they are ripped apart. Clothing causes no damage to the target, but unless armour is specially constructed, it inflicts a number of hit points equal to the character's Armour Class (without Dexterity adjustments) subtracted from 10.
The character is able to move in the new form but does not actually gain an increased Strength score or any benefits of such an increase. If all the character's linear dimensions are doubled with the Legacy, the character's movement rate also doubles.
Multiple applications of this Legacy cannot be used for cumulative effect but merely extend the duration of the change.
Detriment: Some portion of the Afflicted's body becomes permanently enlarged (not the whole body). Typical effects include one or more limbs becoming twice their normal size. The character might instead change in one dimension becoming twice as wide, thick, or tall as normal, with all features appearing stretched in that dimension. On some other Afflicted, the facial features grow, so the character has big ears, eyes, lips, and nose. When the character uses the Legacy to affect himself, his original dimensions (before acquiring the Legacy) are used to determine the size of the new form.
Ability Score: Dexterity
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: When this Legacy is activated, the caster's eyes glow with a red fire. The character can affect any single target within 10 yards, assuming the target has an Intelligence of at least 5 and understands the language spoken by the caster. In addition, the victim can make a saving throw to avoid the effects of the spell. If the saving throw fails and all the other conditions are correct, the target individual immediately falls into a trance.
Alternately, the caster can choose to make a brief and reasonable-sounding request of the individual (as per the 3rd-level wizard spell, suggestion). In this case, the trance lasts only for the single round in which the request is made. The victim follows the suggested course of action for up to an hour, unless something happens to make the suggestion seem unreasonable. For example, an attack from the caster or the caster's companions makes a suggestion to protect them seem unreasonable; the victim's friends might also argue the hypnotised character out of performing a suggested action.
Detriment: The character's eyes glow a fiery red, and lights seem to whirl within them. People conversing with the Afflicted become distracted and lose track of the conversation quite easily.
Ability Score: Intelligence
Duration: Instantaneous
Description: With this Legacy, the caster can leap great distances from a standing start. The distance possible is forward or straight upward 20 feet, plus one foot per level of the caster, to a maximum of 35 feet. The character can also leap backward 10 feet. Horizontal leaps forward or backward have only a slight arc about two feet per 10 feet travelled. This Legacy does not ensure a safe landing.
Detriment: A character's leg muscles may grow to huge proportions. Some Afflicted suffer a greater change, their legs changing to look like a grasshopper's legs.
Ability Score: Dexterity
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: This Legacy creates a reddish light that illuminates the surroundings in a radius of 20 feet. The Light springs from one of the character's hands or the forehead. The point of emanation is chosen by the caster when the Legacy is acquired and is unchangeable thereafter. While it is just bright enough to show details in the area, it is not enough to cause harm or even temporary blindness.
Detriment: The character is constantly outlined in a reddish glow, and his eyes glow red. Consequently, the caster's distance vision is impaired, giving the character a -2 penalty to attack rolls with missile weapons. When the Legacy is activated, the glow dissipates, and the Light springs forth as described.
Ability Score: Player's Choice
Duration: Instantaneous
Description: When activated, this Legacy enables the caster to re-roll a failed saving throw or ability check.
Detriment: The character is somewhat clumsy and tends to drop things and stumble a lot (though the effect is not pronounced enough to affect the character's combat abilities). In addition, the Afflicted suffers the detriment for a randomly determined Legacy. This other Legacy's detrimental effect is applied even though the character does not gain its power.
Ability Score: Charisma
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: This Legacy allows the caster to meld his body and possessions into stone, dirt, or wood. The caster becomes part of the surface of the material for the duration of the Legacy. Up to 100 pounds of possessions can meld with the caster. The material into which the character melds (typically a wall, floor, tree, or even a table or door) must be at least as large as the caster. Any damage done to the surface of the item is passed on to the caster. Melding into material requires one round, though exiting is instantaneous.
Detriment: The character's body tends to merge with any earth or wood being touched if the character rests too long in a single spot. For example, the character's arm might sink into a table, feet into a path, and so forth. In addition, the Afflicted's body acquires the look of the material being touched. A character leaning against a stone wall would find his flesh (and fur or scales, if applicable) taking on a stony appearance, or a character touching a tree would begin to gain a bark-like covering. This lasts until the Afflicted touches another item into which he could meld.
Ability Score: Constitution
Duration: Special
Description: The caster can release missiles of magical energy from the fingertips. Each Missile causes 1d6 points of damage, and the caster can release one Missile per every three levels of experience (one at 1st-3rd level, two at 4th-6th, etc.), up to a maximum of five missiles per activation of the Legacy. For each Missile fired, an attack roll must be made (Dexterity adjustments apply). The missiles can be fired all at the same time or one per round until used up. Similarly, they all can be shot at the same target or at different targets without penalty. Even inanimate objects can be the target of the Missile Legacy.
Detriment: Each of the Afflicted's fingers lengthens and acquires a tubelike shape. The missiles are generated in and fired from these tubes.
Ability Score: Constitution
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: When this Legacy is activated, a horrifying, illusory visage takes the place of the caster's normal features. Anyone viewing the visage must make a successful saving throw vs. spell or flee in terror at maximum speed for the remainder of the duration. Undead are never affected by this spell, nor are creatures with an Intelligence below 2. The visage remains for a number of rounds equal to the caster's level.
Detriment: The Afflicted's visage becomes very ugly, but rather than generating horror in those who view it, it causes disgust and revulsion. Others might seek to avoid interaction with the Afflicted, though they will not flee in terror.
Ability Score: Intelligence
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: The character can adjust the composition of his body, so it becomes possible to pass through solid matter and for solid matter to pass through the caster. Any equipment worn is affected, but any single item carried in the hand remains solid if the caster so desires when the Legacy is activated. Also, the character can walk along the ground without sinking into it, even while passing through something else. Otherwise, all items pass through the character, who likewise passes through all solid material. Though the character is immune to solid weapons, he can still be affected by magical fire, cold, and electricity, as well as the magic missile spell and the Missile Legacy.
Detriment: The Afflicted's flesh becomes soft and puffy, distorting form and features. The character tends to sink into solid matter if he spends more than a moment in the same place, and any clothing of a weave coarser than silk tends to merge with his body. Extrication takes about one round, and can be rather painful, as if the character were pulling a bandage from a fresh wound.
Plant Form
Ability Score: Dexterity
Duration: 3 rounds/level
Description: The caster can assume the form of an inanimate plant of approximately the same mass. The form can be that of any type of plant and can have any characteristics the character wishes. For example, a caster might choose the form of a giant flower or a slender tree with only a few leaves. The caster has only one available form, chosen when the Legacy is acquired, and can never change it.
No system shock roll is required, and the caster retains his personality and mentality. The caster retains normal human senses (sight, hearing, smell, and touch). While in Plant Form, the caster cannot move, talk, or cast spells but can use Legacies or spy upon anything in the area. When the Legacy is activated, the caster's equipment melds into the new form.
Detriment: The Afflicted usually sprouts leaves, flowers, or other plant parts from his body. Some gain a grass-like covering. The character needs regular sunlight or becomes nauseous.
Ability Score: Charisma
Duration: Special
Description: The character can produce poison from fangs, sharp claws, or a stinger of some sort, which appear when the Legacy is activated. The method of delivery causes no damage other than that produced by the poison. A successful attack roll is necessary to deliver the poison. If the poison is not used before the Legacy expires, it loses its potency and becomes inactive.
The poison's effects vary with the caster's level. A caster of 1st-3rd level can generate poison that causes the victim to fall asleep in 1d4 rounds, remaining that way for a number of rounds equal to the caster's level. A caster of 4th-6th level can produce either the sleep poison or another form that causes paralysis, beginning within one round of delivery and lasting a number of rounds equal to the caster's level. A caster of 7th-9th level can produce sleep or paralysis poison or a poison that causes damage of a number of hit points equal to twice the caster's level, applied immediately when the target is hit. A caster of 10th-12th level can produce sleep, paralysis, or damaging poison, or a combination of damage and paralysis, again taking effect instantaneously. A caster of 13th or greater level can generate any of the other poisons, or one that causes instant death.
The victim of a poison attack can make a saving throw to lessen the duration of sleep or paralysis, to halve damage, or to avoid death.
Detriment: The Afflicted grows fangs, claws, or a stinging tail, but these are useless except when the Legacy is activated. In addition, the character's flesh (or fur or scales) acquires ugly splotches of bright colours.
Ability Score: Player's Choice
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: The caster acquires the ability to use any one weapon or Non-weapon proficiency. (Optionally, this Legacy could give a bonus of +2 to an existing Non-weapon proficiency score or a bonus of +2 on attack rolls when using a weapon that the caster is already proficient in.) The proficiency gained is decided by the caster each time the Legacy is activated and cannot be changed during activation. Any knowledge gained from use of the Legacy is forgotten by the caster when the duration expires, though anything written down could be preserved. Other characters have the normal chances to remember facts noted.
Detriment: The character acquires some type of minor physical deformity, such as large ears, warts, a nasty overbite, etc. All the Afflicted's Non-weapon proficiency scores are penalised by -2.
Ability Score: Wisdom
Duration: Special
Description: The caster can produce physical missiles from his body and shoot them at an opponent. The character's body changes when the Legacy is activated: sprouting quills, developing a horn or blowhole through which rocklike projectiles are propelled, growing a snout through which the missiles are spit, or producing thick claws that are fired from the fingers. The form of the projectiles is chosen by the caster when the Legacy is acquired and can never be changed. The number of projectiles produced is equal to twice the caster's level, and each is fired separately with its own attack roll. All can be fired in the same round, or they can be fired at a rate of one per round until all are used. Multiple targets can be fired at without penalty. The projectiles are not considered magical.
Detriment: The character sprouts quills over much of the body, a blowhole or horn forms, or the Afflicted's fingers lengthen and become tubelike. In some cases, the character's mouth and nose lengthen into a tubelike snout. When the Legacy is activated, projectiles are fired from whatever growth forms, which is otherwise useless.
Red Shield
Ability Score: Constitution
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: The character generates a glowing, transparent red shield from one hand. Its radius is one foot per three levels of the caster (one foot at 1st-3rd level, two feet at 4th-6th, etc.), to a maximum five-foot radius. The character can choose to produce a shield smaller than the largest possible, but the shield is always circular.
The shield weighs nothing, but it is solid and attached to the caster's hand (either one, determined each time the Legacy is activated). A shield with a one- or two-foot radius provides an AC bonus of -1. Larger shields can be used as cover by the caster and any allies, with the exact amount of cover depending on the situation.
Detriment: Shieldlike, round growths, about the size of bucklers, appear on the backs of the character's hands. These cannot be used for defence, because hitting them causes damage to the character. However, when the Legacy is activated, one of the shield growths (caster's choice) expands to the size called for by the Legacy and hardens. Some Afflicted gain a thickened body covering of some kind, such as scales, plates, or bark. While this provides no protection, it alters the character enough so that clothing and armour do not fit unless specially made.
Red Steel
Ability Score: Dexterity
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: With this Legacy, the character can temporarily enchant a melee or missile weapon, giving it the properties of red steel. If used on an item made of red steel (or an item already altered by this Legacy), the Legacy gives the item a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls per every three levels of the caster (+1 at 1st-3rd level, +2 at 4th-6th, etc.), up to a maximum bonus of +5.
Detriment: The character acquires a silvery-red colour over the whole body, and his eyes glow red. Smokepowder explosions affect the Afflicted as if the character were an Inheritor.
Ability Score: Intelligence
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: This Legacy allows the caster to reflect a single attack directed at him within its duration. The Legacy can reflect a melee or missile attack, or any spell or Legacy that does not have an area of effect. If the character suffers several attacks while the Legacy is activated, only one can be reflected, and this immediately ends that activation of the Legacy. For example, a character attacked with two missiles from a magic missile spell could reflect only one, or a character attacked with sword and hammer could reflect only one.
Note that an attack must hit the character to be reflected, but the caster takes no damage from the attack. The individual who originated the attack must make a saving throw vs. spell, or suffer damage from the reflected attack.
Detriment: Many Afflicted acquire a shiny, silvery body covering. Normal visual reflections can be seen in this coating. Other Afflicted are affected as if they have the Armour Legacy.
Ability Score: Charisma
Duration: Special
Description: With each activation of this Legacy, the caster regenerates a number of hit points equal to his level at a rate of one hit point per round. The Legacy does not operate when the character has 0 or fewer hit points, but it can help the character regrow small body parts such as a nose or finger.
Detriment: The caster constantly sprouts small growths, and skin flakes away from these spots. Some Afflicted grow additional body parts like an extra nose, ear, or finger which eventually flake away and fall off.
Repel Metal
Ability Score: Intelligence
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: Metal weapons cannot hit the caster when this Legacy is activated. During this time, any metal swung or hurled at the character veers away at the last moment. Metal worn by the character remains in place.
Detriment: An Afflicted with this Legacy cannot touch metal; small items skitter out of reach, and the character cannot force his or hand to touch larger items. The character cannot wear metal armour or armour with any metal components. Fast-moving metal, like a swinging sword, can still hit the character.
Ability Score: Strength
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: The caster gains superb senses of sight, hearing, smell, and touch. The character can note small details (such as a disguise or a hidden door) by sight, hear faint sounds, identify or track individuals by smell (as if with the tracking proficiency), read by touch, or tell precisely how much something weighs by lifting it. This Legacy can instead be used to counter effects that impair the senses, such as fog or deafness. When it is activated, the character treats such things as if they did not exist.
Detriment: The character's eyes, ears, and nose grow large and misshapen. Sometimes, the fingers grow as well, becoming elongated.
Ability Score: Charisma
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: The character can detach a hand or an eye from his body, which can then act on its own. For example, a detached eye left in a room can see whatever crosses in front of it, or it can roll around for a better view, while transmitting visual images to the caster. A detached hand can move on its own and even retrieve small items. The detached parts are controlled by the caster. The separation is bloodless and painless. At the end of that time, the part reappears where it belongs. Detached parts can be damaged normally and are considered to have the same Armour Class as the caster (though the part can find cover more easily).
Detriment: At unpredictable intervals, the character's hands fall off or eyes pop out. As with the normal use of the Legacy, this separation is painless and bloodless, but the detached part ceases all function until reattached. Reattachment must occur within a turn of when the part falls away, or the body part cannot be reattached, and the character suffers damage (1d4 points for the loss of an eye, 1d8 for the loss of a hand). Sleeping characters wake when one of their body parts detaches.
Shape Stone
Ability Score: Wisdom
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: With activation of this Legacy, the caster becomes able to mould stones with bare hands. To the caster, stone feels like soft clay; it can be moulded and shifted, or even torn apart. To mould a cubic foot of stone requires one to four rounds, the exact time required depending upon the amount of precision desired. The caster can change general shape, tear out pieces, or create a hole in about one round, but shaping stone more artistically, such as to create a small, rough statue, requires closer to four rounds. Softer stone (limestone) is easier to mould than very hard stone (granite), so this affects the time required as well. Note that gems can be affected by this Legacy, but require about one round per cubic inch of material to be manipulated. The DM can choose the exact amount of time required or simply roll 1d4. Of course, this also determines the amount of stone that can be affected. When the Legacy's duration expires, the stone remains in its new shape.
The character can shape tools or weapons using this Legacy, make a hole in a wall, or create a rough shape that can later be carved or otherwise refined into a work of art.
Detriment: The Afflicted gains a stony exterior covering, usually of a red, orange-red, or reddish-grey colour. This covering replaces scales or skin. If the character normally has fur, this now sprouts from seeming cracks in the covering, but most of the character's hair falls out. This covering provides no special protection to the individual. In addition, it can be moulded rather easily. For example, the character's features can be changed, and the indentation from a weapon strike remains in place until the flesh is remoulded.
Ability Score: Strength
Duration: Instantaneous
Description: The caster can release an electrical charge from a hand, choosing one or the other each time the Legacy is activated. A 1st-level character has no range for the power and must touch the target to effect the discharge. Range increases by one foot per level after the first (one foot at 2nd level, two feet at 3rd level, etc.), up to a maximum range of 10 feet. This charge requires a successful attack roll on an opponent (dexterity adjustments apply). If the target is wearing metal armour, that armour's protective value is not included in the target's AC, though magical bonuses still apply. Armour that is not primarily of metal, such as studded leather, leather, or padded armour, applies to the target's AC as normal.
A charge causes 1d4 points of damage, plus 1 point per level of the caster. Note that the charge can be issued through a metal object held in the caster's hand, if so desired. If this is done, the object must touch the intended target. It will not extend the range of a bolt of electricity.
Detriment: The character is constantly affected with static electricity. Whenever the Afflicted touches another person or object, he receives a mild shock. If the character has fur or hair, it stands on end all the time. Clothing worn sticks together and to the character. The character's skin is dry and flaky.
Ability Score: Wisdom
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: By using this Legacy, the caster can acquire the THAC0 of a warrior of the same level, but this is applicable only to missile fire or other long-range combat (such as the Shock Legacy). A caster who is already a warrior receives a +2 bonus to attack rolls.
Detriment: Afflicted with this Legacy are very temperamental and anger easily. In addition, their arms and fingers grow in length, to perhaps twice normal length, as if stretched out of proportion by excessive throwing or firing of missiles. The lengthened extremities provide no particular advantage, except to somewhat extend the character's reach.
Ability Score: Charisma
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: The caster can decrease his size and weight, or that of any creature size large or smaller, reducing the affected individual's height, width, thickness, and weight by half. Note that when a character is affected by this Legacy, body weight is no longer in the correct proportion to mass. A lesser amount of shrinkage can be caused as well, the exact amount being determined by the caster each time the Legacy is activated. Weight and all linear dimensions can change in the same proportion, or by different amounts. Unwilling targets of the Legacy can make a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effects entirely.
Clothing and armour worn by the target do not change in size when the Legacy is used, so the character shrinks out of clothing and armour without harm to the items worn. If the target's linear dimensions are affected in any amount by this Legacy, its movement rate is halved. The target's Strength and other abilities do not change.
Multiple applications of this Legacy are cumulative in effect or in duration, but not both.
Detriment: Some part of the Afflicted's body shrinks. Typical effects include one or more limbs becoming half their normal size (though never just one leg). The character might instead change in one dimension, becoming half as wide, thick, or tall as normal, with all parts of the body appearing shrunk in that dimension (so if the character becomes half as wide, so do the caster's eyes). On some Afflicted, the facial features shrink, so the character's ears, eyes, lips, and nose become small. When the character uses the Legacy to affect himself, the character's original dimensions (before acquiring the Legacy) are used to determine the size of the new form.
Ability Score: Constitution
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: Each use of this Legacy enhances the caster's vision. The character can gain infravision, the ability to see normally underwater, the ability to see through normal or magical fog, or the ability to see invisible creatures and items. The exact effect is chosen by the caster each time the Legacy is activated and cannot be changed during that activation. Note that the ability to see invisible beings does not allow the character to see ethereal forms that do not have a visible manifestation, nor to see creatures whose natural state is invisibility (like the invisible stalker, which is invisible not because of magic but because it is made of air).
Detriment: The Afflicted's eyes usually change, perhaps growing to very large proportions or even growing eyestalks. Alternately, the character might grow an extra eye in the centre of the forehead or in some other place. This eye is completely useless, but it sometimes moves of its own accord as if looking around. If an extra eye is grown, it becomes active when the Legacy is activated, and the character's normal eyes stop functioning for the duration of the Legacy.
Ability Score: Intelligence
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: The caster can cause an aura of silence to encase one person, either the caster or another target. Any recipient other than the caster can make a saving throw vs. spell to completely avoid the effects of the Legacy. If the saving throw is successful, the Legacy's effect dissipates entirely. The duration is doubled if used on the caster.
This Legacy is typically used for stealth purposes, so the recipient creates no noise while moving, but it also prevents the recipient from vocalising (which includes casting spells with verbal components).
Detriment: Most Afflicted with this Legacy become mute, losing their tongues. Some become deaf, losing their ears. Many acquire a particularly loud walk. Some have loud voices, but their feet become large and brush-like, creating only a whisper of sound when the character moves. In other Afflicted, the sounds the character creates fluctuate wildly in volume.
Ability Score: Charisma
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: This Legacy can cause one living being within 10 yards of the caster to fall asleep. The caster need not see the intended target, but must direct the effect to a general location. It then affects the being closest to that location, regardless of the number of Hit Dice. The victim is allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effects, however.
Detriment: The Afflicted always appears tired, with droopy features and eyelids. The character has trouble sleeping, but yawns incessantly, usually noisily.
Ability Score: Wisdom
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: This Legacy allows the caster to move at twice his normal speed. The caster gains a -2 initiative bonus while the Legacy is active, also gaining twice his normal movement rate and number of normal melee or missile attacks. Spellcasting speed is not increased, nor does the Legacy enable the character to use more special powers (spells, Legacies, etc.) than can normally be used in the same round.
Detriment: In most cases, the Afflicted gains additional legs, usually two. In some cases, the character's normal legs might change into a cluster of insectoid or other arthropod legs (like an ant, spider, or even a millipede). The character might also gain extra arms. These extra limbs grant no special abilities except when the Legacy is activated. However, any extra legs become necessary for locomotion.
Spell Shield
Ability Score: Strength
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: When this Legacy is activated, a flat, transparent, glowing red disk begins to orbit around the caster. The disk is about a foot in diameter and moves very quickly. During this time, the shield interferes with the effects of all Legacies and spells directed at the caster, who receives a bonus to all saving throws vs. spells. The bonus is +1 per three levels (+1 at 1st-3rd, +2 at 4th-6th, etc.), up to a maximum +5 bonus. The effects for success and failure of the saving throw are normal.
Detriment: The character grows some sort of body covering, which might resemble spikes, large scales, bark, rocks, wrinkled skin, or writhing worms. This covering feels like normal flesh and provides no special protection. It is fairly thick but appears only in scattered patches. These patches slowly migrate slowly around the character's body. The character must wear special clothing and armour to accommodate the changed flesh.
Ability Score: Charisma
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: When this Legacy is activated, the character grows spikes over the entire body. All the spikes are sharp, though most of them are small. Spikes on the backs of the hands are fairly long, however. The caster's clothing and any non-metal armour worn are pierced by the spikes, though metal armour impedes them.
If the caster is physically touched by another being (bitten, slapped, punched, grabbed, or wrestled, for example), the individual touching the caster receives 2d4 points of damage. In addition, the caster can physically strike an opponent with the backs of the hands (requiring an attack roll) for 1d6 points of damage per successful hit. The character can attack with both hands in the same round.
Detriment: The Afflicted grows spikes over the entire body, but these spikes are relatively soft, causing damage only when the Legacy is activated. The spikes are uncomfortable, and they require that special clothing and armour be made. The character cannot wear plate armour of any material except red steel (see the "Magic" chapter for details on red steel armour).
Ability Score: Intelligence
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: When this Legacy is activated, the caster's Strength becomes 18/00. If the character's Strength is already 18 or more, the caster receives a +2 bonus to Strength, up to a maximum Strength of 25. With activation of this Legacy, the caster's muscles grow to large proportions as well, sometimes ripping through clothing worn. A character wearing armour when the Legacy is activated takes 1d4 points of damage. While the armour's protective value is unaffected, the armour must be repaired unless it was specially constructed to accommodate the change.
Detriment: The Afflicted sometimes grows two extra arms. Usually, specific muscles grow to huge proportions. The muscular growth sometimes affects one arm, though it may affect both arms, both legs, or the torso instead. Only the muscles of a specific part of the body grow. The expanded muscles grant the character no advantage, but they make the sizing of armour and clothing difficult.
Ability Score: Intelligence
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: This Legacy allows the caster to swim at a movement rate of 12 and be quite manoeuvrable in the water. If the caster can already swim, swimming speed is increased by 6, but this Legacy does not provide any special underwater vision or breathing abilities.
Many characters, though not all, transform when this Legacy is activated, typically growing webs between their fingers and flipper-like feet. In some cases, a character's fingers grow to about twice normal length with webbing between them, or the arms become flipper-like. The precise changes, if any, are determined by the caster when the Legacy is first acquired and remain the same with each activation of the Legacy. Any transformation takes place instantaneously. The character's clothing or armour does not automatically change to accommodate a transformation unless made of red steel, as explained in the "Magic" chapter. Growing flippers or webbing can break through armour or clothing, damaging it, so most people who transform wear special armour and clothing.
Detriment: The Afflicted permanently transforms in one or more of the manners described above. The extra growth serves no useful purpose except when the Legacy is activated.
Ability Score: Dexterity
Duration: Special
Description: This Legacy can have one of three effects, chosen by the caster each time it is activated.
The first use gives the caster immunity to normal temperature extremes, such as desert heat or arctic cold, for a number of hours equal to caster's level.
The second effect provides partial immunity to unnatural or unusual effects that can be used as attacks. For a number of rounds equal to the caster's level, the caster takes only half damage from normal or magical fire, or from cold-based attack forms.
The third effect of the Legacy allows the caster to adjust the temperature in the area upward or downward by as much as 20 degrees. The area affected has a maximum radius of 10 yards, and the effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to three times the caster's level.
None of the effects of the Legacy are cumulative with other uses of the Legacy, though they can be cumulative with spells of similar effects.
Detriment: The character suffers from personal temperature extremes. At times, the character's flesh feels cold, often temporarily growing thick hair, fur, or scales; cold breezes also emanate from the character to affect those nearby. At other times, the character's flesh feels hot, temporarily shedding fur, hair, or scales; hot breezes then emanate from the character to affect those nearby. Changes between the two states are relatively slow, taking as much as a day, while the different states might last for as long as a week.
Ability Score: Strength
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: When this Legacy is activated, the character can speak, understand, read, or write in any other language. This can include modern or ancient languages. With activation, the caster must name the language to be translated, so if the language is coded or completely unknown to the character, the Translate Legacy cannot be used.
Detriment: The Afflicted constantly changes form, transforming from the physical appearance of one race to that of a similar race (a PC could acquire the physical form of any other PC race). Tails and wings are neither lost nor gained during transformation.
The character gains none of the special abilities of the other race, and loses none of his normal abilities. For example, a lupin transforming into a phanaton grows gliding membranes but cannot glide. Similarly, a rakasta transforming into a human loses his claws but can still cause the same damage with a clawing attack. Each transformation takes several days but the form acquired lasts more than two days.
In addition, at random intervals, the character speaks or writes in another language, without conscious control or effort. Sometimes, this is only for a few words. At other times, it lasts for a few sentences or even over the course of an entire hour.
Ability Score: Wisdom
Duration: Instantaneous
Description: With the activation of this Legacy, the caster gains a chance to open any lock. The chance is equal to 20% plus 5% per level of the caster, up to a maximum of 95%. The lock to be opened must be touched. If the caster's percentage roll is successful, the lock springs open instantaneously.
Detriment: The Afflicted's fingers (on one or both hands) double in length, acquiring an extra joint at the end. This extra joint takes on the shape of a lockpicking device. When the Legacy is activated, the Afflicted uses these organic lockpicks to open the lock, with the same percentage as normally granted. At all other times, the Afflicted is unable to use these growths to pick locks, even if the character has the rogue lockpicking skill.
War Cry
Ability Score: Wisdom
Duration: Instantaneous
Description: The individual with this Legacy can issue a loud cry with a range equal to 10 yards per level of the caster, up to a maximum of 150 yards. Within that range, opposing monsters must immediately make a morale check; failure means they panic and flee. Player characters (and all others without morale ratings) must roll a saving throw vs. paralysation. An opponent who succeeds suffers no ill effects from the War Cry, but one who fails suffers a loss of courage and cannot attack for 1d4 rounds.
Individuals immune to magical fear are still susceptible to War Cry because its effects are based on sonic wavelengths as well as magic.
Detriment: In most cases, the Afflicted's mouth becomes very large. In some Afflicted, the mouth changes to become trumpet-shaped, with the teeth exposed in a ring around the inside. The character's jaw parts are immovable, and the individual cannot eat solid food unless it is finely chopped.
Ability Score: Constitution
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: Using this Legacy, the caster can weaken any other living being within 10 yards. The caster need not see the target but must aim the Legacy's effect at a specific area. The Legacy affects the individual closest to that place. The target individual can make a saving throw vs. spell to completely avoid the Legacy's effects. If the saving throw fails, the target suffers the loss of Strength.
An individual who has a Strength score is reduced to a Strength of 5 and suffers penalties of -2 to melee attack rolls and -1 to damage rolls. A being without a rated Strength suffers a penalty of -2 to attack rolls, and a -1 penalty for each die of damage normally inflicted (though each die still causes a minimum of 1 point of damage).
Detriment: The character looks very weak. Though the Strength score is unaffected, the character seems to have no muscle tone, appearing extremely emaciated.
Weapon Hand
Ability Score: Intelligence
Duration: 1 round/level
Description: When this Legacy is activated, one of the caster's hands changes shape to resemble a normal melee weapon that can be wielded in one hand. Any weapon is possible, from a sword to a hammer or a whip. The weapon form is selected by the caster when the Legacy is first acquired, and it cannot be changed.
The weapon has most of the properties of a normal weapon of that type, such as hardness and sharpness, but it looks like the character's normal flesh. Regardless of the weapon's form, it causes 1d8 points of damage per attack, and it is not considered a magical weapon in any way. It is possible for the caster to use the Legacy twice to transform both hands into weapons.
Detriment: An Afflicted always has one hand in the shape of a weapon. The flesh of this hand is as soft as normal flesh, and it cannot be used as a weapon except when the Legacy is activated, though most can be used to punch as a normal fist. The hand can no longer be used for manipulation, except to shove things around.
Ability Score: Strength
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Description: When this Legacy is activated, the character assumes a demispider form. An extra eye appears at each temple, the fingers and thumbs acquire an extra joint, and two fangs grow in the character's mouth. The new eyes cannot see, and the change in the fingers grants no advantage or ability. However, the fangs can be used to bite for 1d2 damage (or an additional 1d2 points of damage if the character already has a bite attack). A caster who normally has no bite attack suffers a non-proficiency penalty to attack rolls with the bite.
In addition to these transformations, spinnerets appear in the palms of the character's hands. With each activation, the caster can generate a 10-foot strand of webbing from each of the two spinnerets. With a normal attack roll, the caster can attack with a web strand as if it were a lasso (see the "Equipment and Economics" chapter). The web can instead be cast to wrap around an item, requiring the caster to either touch that item or roll an attack roll against an Armour Class determined by the DM based on the item's size, varying from AC 10 for a human-sized or larger item to AC 1 for an item that could be held in the palm of a normal human hand. The web is strong enough to support about 400 pounds.
Detriment: The Afflicted acquires demispider form, as described previously, permanently.
Ability Score: Constitution
Duration: Special
Description: The caster can generate a wind from his mouth. This wind moves at a speed of about 30 miles per hour and is sufficient to extinguish candles, torches, and other unprotected flames. Protected flames (such as those in lanterns) dance and have a 5% chance per level of the caster to be extinguished. Large fires are fanned 1d6 feet in the wind's direction. The speed of flying creatures is reduced by 50%. Vapours, small items, and levitating beings (or those using the Float Legacy) are moved by the wind. The wind lasts for a number of rounds equal to the caster's level, or it can be split into short gusts, one per round for a number equal to the caster's level.
Detriment: The Afflicted's features appear windswept, as if affected by an incredibly strong wind. The nose tilts, the eyes are a small distance to one side from where they should be, and the mouth's shape is distorted. In addition, a small vortex of wind surrounds the character, causing hair and loose clothing to whip about constantly. Small, light items are sometimes blown from pouches, backpacks, or even from the character's grasp.