by John CalvinThese constructs were once completely biological beings. Now they have enhancing technological/mechanical devices integrated into their bodies. These machines can confer enhanced abilities, however in many cases these machines are required for the continued existence of the cyborg. Most cyborgs start their careers as normal, fully biological, individuals. At some point in their lifetime, these individuals have a serious accident. The only way to prevent their death is to enhance their bodies with techno-mantic machinery. Some individuals actually volunteer for these enhancements.
Cyborg enhancements take proficiency slots. If no slots are available during the initial process of construction, then one proficiency must be sacrificed. This sacrifice represents the disruption that cyborg implants cause in their host, either mental (for knowledge based proficiencies) or physical (for physical proficiencies). Cyborgs also suffer an additional, and permanent, loss of -1 to their Charisma for each proficiency slot filled with a cybernetic enhancement. The DM may wish to require that multiple slots be spent on the initial cybernetic enhancements, especially for those individuals who are severely damaged.
Other cybernetic enhancements may be added when proficiency slots become available. These enhancements are not needed to maintain the life span of the cyborg, in fact the cyborg need never add enhancements after the initial procedure is done.
Race and character class are not necessarily affected by cybernetic enhancements. The decision should be up to the DM. For example, if a character with infravision has his head damaged, then it is quite possible that the initial cybernetic enhancements could cause the loss of that ability. Of course it would be possible for that character to add cybernetic eyes which confer infravision, at the cost of a proficiency slot.
There are drawbacks to cybernetic enhancements. The cybernetics need a power source in order to function. It is possible for cyborgs to store power internally, but even so they must recharge themselves periodically. If a cyborgs implants cease to function for any reason (including running out of power) that cyborg will die. For this reason cyborgs tend to stay relatively close to available power sources. Most often this means staying near the Chamber of some techno-mage willing to share its power.
Cyborg implants:
Ability Enhancement - For each proficiency slot spent (up to a maximum of 3) one ability score can be raised by one point. Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence can be raised in this manner.
Racial Characteristic - For each proficiency slot spent (up to a maximum of 3) one racial characteristic can be gained (infravision, improved sight, hearing, or smelling, the ability to detect traps, secret doors, or invisibility, etc)
Saving Throw Improvements - For each proficiency slot spent (up to a maximum of 3) one saving throw can be improved by one point. Cosmetics - For each proficiency slot spent, Charisma can be raised by one point. This is the only enhancement that does not cost the cyborg a loss in Charisma.
Magical Power - The cyborg gains the ability to reproduce one spell effect. Once the spell effect is chosen, it cannot be changed. The number of proficiency slots spent is equal to the level of the spell effect gained. Thus, spending one slot will allow the cyborg to gain a first level spell ability, while three slots allow the cyborg to gain a third level spell. These implants will only function a certain amount of times per day. Increased Health - This enhancement adds 10 hit points per slot spent (up to a maximum of 3). Charisma lost in this manner cannot be regained with cosmetics.
Battery - The cyborg has the ability to store energy for later use. The amount of energy stored depends on the type of battery installed. Without a battery, the cyborg is forced to stay in contact with his power source. Batteries can be interchanged without detriment. (More on power and Batteries later)
Cyborgs must have a supply of power in order to survive. There are three ways that they can achieve this. The first way is by establishing a Link with a power source, such as a techno-mage's Chamber. The Link is established by the owner of the power source, and is one way only. The cyborg does not have control over the Link. For the Link to remain open, both the cyborg and the power source must be in the same crystal sphere. The second way for a cyborg to get power is for him to store it internally.
For this a battery is needed. Batteries still need to be recharged periodically, so the cyborg still needs to have access to a power supply. The third way is to install a mini-Chamber. These will provide a permanent source of power, but the price they carry is heavy. A mini-Chamber causes the cyborg's flesh to deteriorate. There is a 1% x the cyborg's level, per game year that one of the cyborgs extremities will rot. The cyborg will lose the use of that extremity, and if it is not replaced with cybernetic implants (one proficiency slot must be spent per extremity) then the cyborg must make another roll each month, with the same chances. Batteries are assigned a numerical value to represent how much energy they can store. A battery with a value of 1 can power one cyborg implant for one month when fully charged. Cyborgs can not choose which implants to power and which to not power. Thus a cyborg with two implants needs a battery(3) to stay powered for one month (one point for the initial cybernetics, and one for each of the additional implants). Batteries can be interchanged without detriment, and thus the cyborg can carry extras with him. The higher the value of the battery, the more expensive it will be.