Customized Classes Revisited
In the May Nineteen-Eighty-Six issue of Dragon Magazine Paul Montgomery Crabaugh offered us the ability to generate an assortment of new and awesome classes for our D&D. No longer would we have to settle for a Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Thief, Cleric, Magic-user, or Fighter.Cynidicean Gnome
by Sean Meaney
HITDICE: D3 +0% HD LIMIT: 9HD +10% ARMOUR: None +0% WEAPONS: Axe, Dagger, Club +20% SAVE AS: Dwarf +40% HIT PROGRESSION: 5 Levels +10% ABILITIES: Infravision 60’ +20% ½ Damage – Magic +50% Hide in Wilderness (90%) +90% +1Initiative +10% Hear Noise +10% Climb Sheer Surfaces +10% Move Silently +10% Detect Slope +10% -2AC v Large Foes: L1 +10% (+300%) L5 +10% (+310%) L9 +10% (+320%) L13 +10% (+330%) L17 +10% (+340%) L21 +10% (+350%) L25 +10% (+360%) L29 +10% (+370%) L33 +10% (+380%) CYNIDICEAN GNOME EXPERIENCE TABLE
EXP LEVEL HD AC v LARGE 0 1 1d3 7 (Human) 1200 2 2d3 7 2400 3 3d3 7 4800 4 4d3 7 9920 5 5d3 5 19840 6 6d3 5 37200 7 7d3 5 77500 8 8d3 5 160000 9 9d3 3 (Elf) 240000 10 9d3 3 320000 11 9d3 3 400000 12 9d3 3 +82500 L13-16 1 +85000 L17-20 -1 (Dwarf) +87500 L21-24 -3 +90000 L25-28 -5 +92500 L29-32 -7 +95000 L33-36 -9(Halfling) Description: The Cynidecean Gnome has some Resistance to Magic, Camoflague 90% when in a natural Cave, +1 Initiative bonus, detect the slope of a Cave tunnel, Infravision 60', and the Thief skills Hear Noise, Move Silent, and Climb Sheer Surfaces.
The Cynidecean Gnome also decreases in size (Initial 3' - 4"/4 levels) every four levels improving their AC bonus vs large opponents.Their weapons are Stone Daggers, Stone Axes and Stone Clubs.