Cynidicea/Nithia interactions
by Geoff GanderThe Cynidiceans (all this is based on the Cynidicea Gazetteer) were descended from the Doulakki, a fan-created offshoot of proto-Traldars who escaped Nithian domination c. 1500 BC. While the Traldar were being resettled in Karameikos, the Doulakki had fled to what is now Dythestenia, Nicostenia (in modern Ylaruam) and what is now Thyatis. There, they founded several city-states, and a common Doulakki identity arose around 1200 BC.
Some Doulakki took to the seas and migrated to the Isle of Dawn, where they founded Trikelios (you have to admit it's pretty Greek-sounding) and Ektos (later Ekto, of course) around 900 BC. In the meantime (around 800 BC), Dythesthenian Doulakki began to retreat in the face of Nithian encroachment to what is now the region around Parsa (which was quite lush at the time) - there, they drove out goblinoid tribes who worshipped a strange, tentacled idol (Zargon). Cynidicea was founded on that site in 797 BC.
The next few years were marked by sporadic conflict with other city-states and with the Nithian Empire, which, although increasingly decadent, was still a formidable force. The Pharaoh at the time, having enough trouble holding his current lands together, opted for a treaty of neutrality with Cynidicea (which was one of the more militarily potent city-states - others no doubt were conquered). By 700 BC, Nithia's corruption had worsened, and the Pharaoh began to worship Entropy openly. The empire then became more aggressive, invading Cynidicea in 694 BC. Although the empire was repulsed, the Cynidiceans suffered greatly. Nithia did not trouble the city-state again, and turned its attention to other, easier conquests (Trikelios and Ektos were conquered in 621 BC - Nithia already had a presence in Thothia by that time).
When the Thyatian, Kerendan and Hattian tribes fled Davania in 600 BC, they began a long campaign to wrest modern Thyatis from the various Doulakki city-states already there. They are largely victorious by 500 BC, after which a few thousand Doulakki refugees flee north - some arrive in Cynidicea, others flee to modern Darokin.
At this time (500 BC) the Nithian Empire is wiped out, the River Nithia is driven underground, and the region dries out considerably (but it is not as arid as today). BY 400 BC, Cynidicea begins to build extensive irrigation ditches to hold back the encroaching wasteland. Zargon's cult soon takes control, and the city-state begins a decline that ends with its above-ground destruction in 98 BC by Antalian warriors.
Anyhow, that's an executive summary of Cynidicean history. Basically, Cynidicea and Nithia were in formal contact for 297 years.