Dorfus Hilltopper
by Gary DaviesDorfus Hilltopper CR 7
Gnome-King of Highforge
Male Gnome Fighter 7
LN Small Humanoid (gnome)
Init: +1; Senses: Listen +6, Spot +5; Low-light vision.
Languages: Dwarvish, Gnomish, goblin, kobold, Thyatian, Traladaran
AC: 20 Touch 11 Flat-footed 18
+4 dodge bonus to AC against giants.
Hp: 71 (7d10 HD)
Fort: +9, Ref: +3, Will: +4
+2 racial bonus on saves against illusions.
Speed: 15 ft.
Melee: Longsword +9/+4 melee (1d6+2)
Ranged: +9
+1 racial bonus to attacks against goblinoids and kobolds.
Base Atk: +7; Grp: +7
Spell-like Abilities: 1/day
speak with animals (burrowing mammal only, duration 1 minute). 1/day
dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation. Caster level 1st; save DC 12 + spell level.
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 14
Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Endurance, Negotiator, Run, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialisation (longsword)
Skills: Appraise, Craft (alchemy) +3, Craft (gem-cutting) +5, Hide +0*, Listen +6, Speak Traladaran, Speak Goblin, Speak Kobold, Spot +5, Survival +3
*Includes -7 Armour Check Penalty.Possessions: Half-plate, heavy steel shield, longsword