(I saw the Desert Leviathan and thought it needed a place on Vaniae...)
Daedalia Planum, the Land of Shifting Mazes
by WingofCootSouth of the heights of Tharsis, east of the sand deserts of Mygalla and west of Terra Sirenum, is one of Vaniae's most desolate regions - a land even the Alphatians of the Empire fear. One Imperial canal outpost, west of Tharsis and well north of the regions of peril, keeps the waters from flowing southward into the ever-changing canyons. None venture farther.
Nearly two million square miles of broken rock, shattered hills, gravel, and sand - this is a realm where the very geography shifts seemingly at whim.
For this is the land of the Desert Leviathans. Far larger than the Lava Worms of Tharsis, and burrowing through much softer material than Tharsis' basalt, they constantly re-shape the landscape.
A few small bands of minotaurs - Noctauran exiles or their descendants - use their maze-navigating instincts to survive in the ever-changing canyons that mark its eastern highlands.