I have previously posted my versions of the Paladin and Avenger classes for BECMI D&D. Here, below, is the Defender class, a Neutral-aligned divine warrior. Whereas the Paladin is Lawful, and serves Law and Order, and the Avenger is Chaotic, and serves Chaos, the Defender is Neutral, serving the cause of Neutrality and the rights of the individual.
The idea for this class came from a question asked in the letters section of a Voyage of the Princess Ark article by Bruce Heard in which he suggested that their may be Neutral aligned paladins, suggesting a class name of Stalwart or Defender. This was in Dragon Magazine, Issue 178.
by Craig AntounPrime Requisites: Strength and Wisdom.
Other Requirements: Charisma scores of 9 or greater.
Experience Bonus: 5% for Wisdom of 13 or better and Strength of 13-15, 10% for Wisdom of 13 or better and Strength of 16-18.
Hit Dice: 1d8 per level up to 9th level. Starting with 10th level, +2 hit points per level, and Constitution adjustments no longer apply.
Maximum Level: 36th
Saving Throws: As Fighter of equal level.
THACO: As Fighter of equal level.
Alignment: Neutral.
Armor: Any; shields permitted.
Weapons: Any.
Special Abilities: Aura of Resolve, Fighter Maneuvers, Holy Fortitude, Lay on Hands, Remove Fear; at 3rd level Turn Undead; at 6th level Clerical Spells and Cure Ailments; at 9th level Fighter Combat Options; at 12th level Multiple Attacks.
Weapon Mastery: Four weapon choices at 1st level, then an additional choice at levels 3, 6, 9, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 30, 33, and 36. One additional choice earned for each 300,000 XP earned after 36th level.
Skills: Ceremony required. Recommended Bravery, Knowledge (Religion), Law and Justice, Navigation, Riding, and Survival.Defenders are holy warriors for Neutral-aligned Immortals and faiths. They are wandering crusaders who often live the life of a nomad, sleeping under the stars and taking what substance they can from the natural world. To a defender, the rights of the individual and freedom of choice are paramount. Often, a defender uses the laws of the land and local government to fight against injustices done to the people he protects, but just as often he is forced to fight alone, against established traditions, and against the will of society. The defender’s code requires that he respect individual liberty, help those in need (provided they do not use the help for Lawful or Chaotic ends), and punish those who threaten or curtail personal liberty.
A defender must swear fealty to a Neutral clerical order. Thereafter the defender may be summoned by the order’s leaders at any time, and must do as they command, as long as the service aids the powers of Neutrality.
Class Details
Prime Requisite: A defender has two prime requisites: Strength and Wisdom. If a defender has a score of 13 or more in both ability scores, he gains a 5% bonus to experience points earned in every adventure; if his Strength score is 16-18 and his Wisdom is 13 or more, he earns a 10% bonus to experience points.
Minimum Scores: A character of the defender class must have a Charisma of 9 or greater when first played.
Hit Dice: A defender starts with 1d8 (1-8) hit points (plus Constitution adjustments, if any) and gains 1d8 more hit points (plus adjustments) with each level of experience. Two additional hit points are gained for each level after 9th level.
Armor: A defender can wear any kind of armor, and may use a shield.
Weapons: A defender can use any weapon.Special Abilities
Aura of Resolve
Defenders are immune to charm spells and effects, and each ally within 10’ of the defender is granted a +2 bonus to saving throws vs. charm effects. This ability functions while the defender is conscious, but not if he is unconscious or dead.Fighter Maneuvers
Beginning defenders can utilize Fighter Maneuvers (Cleave, Lance Attack, and Set Spear vs. Charge).Holy Fortitude
This manifestation of faith provides the defender immunity to non-magical diseases. Immunity does not extend to curses such as lycanthropy or a mummy’s rotting disease.Lay on Hands
Defenders can heal any living creature (including themselves) of 2 hit points per level by laying their hands on wounded creatures and and reciting a short prayer (maximum 40 hit points healing at 20th level). If a wound requires less healing than what the defender can offer, the balance can be bestowed upon another wounded companion. Once the defender has used up all of his healing power, this ability is no longer available for the remainder of the day.Remove Fear
A defender can remove fear (as the cleric spell) up to once per round, simply by concentrating and touching his target. The defender cannot use this ability and attack in the same round.Turn Undead
A defender of 3rd level or higher can turn undead, as if he were a cleric of one-third his actual experience level (rounded down). For example, a 13th level defender can turn undead with the same ability as a 4th level cleric.Clerical Spells
Upon reaching 6th level, a defender gains the divine ability to cast clerical spells as if he were a cleric of one-third his actual experience level (rounded down). For example, a 17th level defender can cast spells as if he were a 5th level cleric.Cure Ailments
At 6th level and above, when laying hands, a defender may cure disease or neutralize poison as per the spells of the same name (caster level equivalent to the defender’s clerical spellcasting level). Each use of cure ailments is treated as if healing 5 hit points of damage in regards to the healing available for the day.Fighter Combat Options
At 9th level, the defender gains the use of Fighter Combat Options (Disarm, Parry, and Smash). See the Fighter class for a full explanation of these combat options.Multiple Attacks
Multiple attacks are gained at 12th level, which grants the defender two attacks per round with melee and thrown weapons. Three attacks are possible at 24th level, and four attacks at 36th level.Other Details
Associates and Hirelings
A defender may only travel with a number of hirelings equal to or less than his clerical level. Thus, if he can turn undead as a 5th level cleric, he can have five hirelings accompany him.While he may adventure with characters of any alignment, a defender will never knowingly associate with someone who uses their status or abilities to oppress the freedoms of others (i.e., a slave owner).
Code of Conduct
Defenders must operate within the boundaries of a strict code of conduct that requires that they respect individual liberty, help those in need (provided they do not use the help for Lawful or Chaotic ends), and punish those who threaten or curtail personal liberty. A defender loses all class abilities if he ever willingly commits an evil act.Ex-Defenders
Defenders who fail to live by their code of conduct lose their defender status and all associated supernatural abilities, becoming a fighter of equal level. If their failing was unintentional, they may recover their lost abilities with proper atonement; a deliberately heinous act incurs a definite loss.General Skills
Defenders are required to have the Ceremony skill at 1st level. Recommended skill choices for defenders include Bravery, Knowledge (Religion), Law and Justice, Navigation, Riding, and Survival.Humility
Defenders may only keep enough treasure to modestly support themselves and pay servitors. In any case, they should always donate a minimum of 10% of the treasure they earn to some charitable organization that furthers their cause.Magic Items
A defender may use any magic item a fighter may use as well as those not restricted to another specific class.Higher Experience Levels
When defenders reach Name (9th) level, they are often referred to as a liberator (whether male or female).
Land-Owning Defenders
The defender is an eternal wanderer, spending his time almost constantly on the road, seeking to defend the rights of the individual and freedom of choice. As a result, they never build a stronghold or establish dominions.Experience Table
Level 1: 0
Level 2: 2,750
Level 3: 5,500
Level 4: 11,000
Level 5: 22,000
Level 6: 45,000
Level 7: 90,000
Level 8: 180,000
Level 9: 360,000
Level 10: 500,000
Level 11: 650,000
Level 12: 800,000
Level 13: 950,000
Level 14: 1,100,000+150,000 XP each level thereafter