Immortal conversion
by Eyal FlemingerFor those new to this thread, this list is for use with the Priest's Spell Compendium; it assigns the deity-specific spell lists to specific Immortals.
Several notes:
1) Spells assigned to elven Immortals (Ilsundal, Mealiden, Eiryndul) can be cast by any elf using the spell lists in GAZ5. The DM may also allow these spells to non-elven clerics of these Immortals.
2) Spells assigned to Rafiel can be cast by any shadow elf using the spell lists in GAZ13. Similarly, spells assigned to Atzanteotl form the elf lists can be cast by Schattenalfen and shadow elven followers of Atzanteotl (spells of Rafiel can be learned by surface elves, given the opportunity) 3) If a location is listed in parentheses after an Immortal's name, that spell is known only in that location (but may be learned by visiting clerics of the same Immortal).
4) The lists are given in the same order as the appendix in volume 3.
5) These conversions are intended to match Immortals to spell lists, not necessarily to deities' fields, so there may be some portfolio mismatchesA) Spells listed in the clerical sphere of Law may be cast by clerics of the Immortals of Matter
B) Spells listed in the clerical sphere of Chaos may be cast by clerics of the Immortals of Energy
C) Spells listed in the clerical sphere of Time may be cast by clerics of the Immortals of Time
D) Spells listed in the clerical sphere of Thought may be cast by clerics of the Immortals of Matter
E) Clerics of the Immortals of Entropy may cast spells from the necromancer-priests list and the Ravenloft list, plus summon spectral death and create undead minion
F) Spells in the clerical sphere of Travellers may be cast by clerics of Asterius and Sinbad (and so forth)
G) Spells in the sea priest list are known to underwater races, but may be learned by visiting clerics
H) Spells in the savage setting list may be cast by Atruaghin and Ethengari shamans (see GAZ12&14)
I) Vedic spells are native to all Sindhi and Shahjapuri clerics J) Otherwise, any cleric may cast any spell, given alignment restrictions and those set by the DM.Forgotten Realms lists:
Akadi - Palartarkan
Amaunator - Ixion
Ao - no spells
Auril - Odin
Azuth - Rathanos
Bane - Alphaks
Beshaba - Tyche
Bhaal - Hel
Chauntea - Terra
Cyric - Alphaks
Deneir - Ssu-Ma
Eldath - Djaea
Emerald Enclave - Djaea, Ordana, Zirchev
Finder Wyvernspur - Faunus
Garagos - Bemarris
Gargauth - Masauwu
Gond - Kagyar
Grumbar - Terra
Gwaeron Windstorm - Zirchev
Helm - Tarastia
Hoar - Hoar's Revenance: Jammudaru, other spells: Tarastia
Ibrandul - Talitha
Ilmater - Diulanna
Istashia - Protius
Iyachtu Xvim - Alphaks
Kossuth - Rathanos
Lathander - Ixion
Leira - Loki
Lliira - Alphatia
Loviatar - Thanatos
Lurue - Ordana
Malar - Faunus
Mask - Asterius
Mielikki - Zirchev
Milil - Faunus
Myrkul - Thanatos
Mystra - Pflarr
Nobanion - Bast-Et (see Dragon #247)
Oghma - Ka
Red Knight - Halav
Savras - Yav
Selune - Asterius
Shar - Nyx
Sharess - Valerias
Shaundakal - Asterius
Shiallia - Matera (Milenian Empire)
Siamorphe - Taroyas
Silvanus - Ordana
Sune - Valerias
Talona - Atzanteotl
Talos - Odin
Tempus - Vanya
Torm - Thor
Tymora - Tyche
Tyr - Tarastia
Ulutiu - Odin
Umberlee - Protius
Uthgar - Atruaghin
Valkur - Calitha
Velsharoon - Thanatos
Waukeen - Asterius
Eshowdow - Nyx
Sseth - Ka
Ubtao - Diulanna (Tribes of Neathar)Old Empire lists:
General - Ixion, Kagyar, Pflarr, Rathanos, Ranivorus, Thanatos, Valerias (all in Nithian Empire, Thothia)
Bast - Bast-Et
Geb - Kagyar (Nithian Empire, Thothia)
Gilgaem - Rathanos (Nithian Empire, Thothia)
Hathor - Valerias (Nithian Empire, Thothia)
Horus-Re - Ixion (Nithian Empire, Thothia)
Isis - Valerias (Nithian Empire, Thothia)
Osiris - Orisis (Nithian Empire, Thothia, White Island)
Sebek - Ranivorus (Nithian Empire, Thothia)
Set - Thanatos (Nithian Empire, Thothia)
Thoth - Pflarr (Nithian Empire, Thothia)
Tiamat - PearlGreyhawk lists:
Boccob - Ka
Celestian - Palartarkan
St. Cuthbert - Petra
Ehlonna - Zirchev
Fharlanghn - Asterius
Heironus - Thor
Incubalos - Atzanteotl
Istus - Khoronus
Iuz - Thanatos
Nerull - Thanatos
Pholtus - Ixion
Ralishaz - Tyche
Ulaa - Terra
Wee Jas - RazudDwarf lists:
Abbathor - Talitha
Sharindlar - detect dwarves, flowstone: Kagyar (dwarf-cleric only), other spells Cheredestes
All others - Kagyar - (dwarf-clerics only)Elf lists:
general spells - Ilsundal
Aerdrie Faenya - faenare, ee'aar
Abgharradh - divine romantic interest - Valerias, other spells Ordana
Corellon Larethian - Ilsundal
Deep Sashelas - Calitha
Erevan Ilesere - Mealiden
Fenmarel Mestarine - Eiryndul
Hanali Celanil - see Angharradh
Labelas Enoreth - Khoronus
Rillifan Rallathil - Eiryndul
Sehainine Moonbow - Asterius
Shevaresh - Ilsundal
Solonor Therandira - MealidenGeneral drow spells - Rafiel
Ghaunadaur - Ranivorus
Kiaransalee - Atzanteotl
Lolth - Spider climb, Spidereyes, spiderform, spider summoning, spiderbite - Rafiel, all others - Atzanteotl
Selvaterm - Atzanteotl
Vhaeraun - AtzanteotlGnome lists: all Garal Glitterlode
Halfling lists: all spells in these lists can be cast by hin Masters
Beholder list - Entropic Immortals
Dragon list - Diamond, Opal, Pearl, The Great One
Sahuagin list - Crakkak
Treant list - spellcasting treants
Tribal shaman list - these spells can be cast by monster shamans (see p. 216 in the Cyclopaedia)
1) Protection form silver is granted by Mrikitat 2) Deities not listed (Deep Duerra, Eillistraee, Jergal, Kelemvor, Moander) have no appropriate equivalent - I may cover some of these with new Immortals (when I have time)