Thoughts on the Denial feat
by argentmantleOkay, since Hin Master and Denial are so closely tied, I will try to address them both... First off the Denial feat, RAW, is not mechanically sound. I have rummaged around through the WotC books and tried to find something mechanically similar. The system used is 'Arcane' and does not fit well with other D20 mechanics.
The BAB requirement of 5+ means that a good BAB class will gain this before a Cleric... not sure if it should be redressed or not. Just an idea to look at.
Secondly, the method of calculating the 'Denial' Score is not related to the system at all. Maybe the Denial Roll could be CHA Bonus + Half the Character's HD + 1d20 vs. DC Spell Level + Caster Level with the above mentioned modifiers:
Denial Modifiers*
-5 | Trying to deny an artifact
+2 | Hin is defending his own home or clan stronghold, or spot thoroughly known as special to the hin
+4 | Hin is defending beings other than himself who are dear to him (family, close friends etc…)The reason I chose CHA is that this is an act of force of personality (the exclamation of "NO!") upon the outside world.
An alternate could CHA Bonus + WIS Bonus + 1d20 vs. DC Spell Level + Caster Level with the following modifiers:
Denial Modifiers*
-5 | Trying to deny an artifact
+2 | Hin is defending his own home or clan stronghold, or spot thoroughly known as special to the hin
+4 | Hin is defending beings other than himself who are dear to him (family, close friends etc…)