This one straight out of Balkan legend so yes, the dark Dracula-esque valleys of Glantri or rural villages in the borderlands of Karameikos make perfect sense for this one.
by Cab DavidsonFrom the Journal of Averyx
Perhaps the least expected of the strange vampire offshoots of Mystara is the Dhampir. In that this is simply a person infected with the vampire virus.
Now, you'd be right to be confused, since I've been telling you all about strange creatures that have caught vampirism as a metaphysical virus, that the act of a vampire draining the life from someone creates conditions for the virus to thrive and resurrect the person, cut off from limbo so that their soul cannot pass, leaving them to live what is typically a lonely existence neither alive nor dead. But herein lies the paradox of the creation of the dhampir. You see, Vampires are not strictly dead, nor are they strictly alive. They have a soul but no living body. But they do have a body. And that may have... Consequences.
Whether it is with one a new vampire loved in life, or a new lover obsessed with finding a lover in the true darkness, it matters not. But it is such coupling that creates the dhampir - a human, but infected from birth with the vampric virus. I shall not provide details of this, I'm sure your imagination will do well enough. This has a number of effects. Firstly, the progeny casts no shadow - they feel the warmth of the sun and see its light, but the sun itself does not see them. Secondly, they are enormously perceptive if confronted with supernatural entities, and can typically detect such before other mortals. Lastly, should the dhampir have children, they can pass this trait on - but only to the first born of their own sex (a man to his son, a woman to her daughter). Once the virus is passed on, any further children are not infected. Why? Well that will be the subject of further study. Wouldn't life be dull if we knew everything?
Stat Dhampir AC: 9 HD: 2* Movement: 120’ (40’) Attacks: 1 weapon Damage: By weapon Number Appearing: 1 (1) Save As: F1 Morale: 9 Treasure Type: P (U) Intelligence: 12 Alignment: Any XP Value: 24 Dhampir result from the union of a vampire and a human, usually (although not always) a male vampire and a female human. There are examples of women meeting with their husbands for a final time after they have been turned into vampires and of women who have sought out vampires for such a reason, hoping to produce a dhampir. However this transpires, dhampir are not bound by or beholden to their vampiric origin.
Dhampire are almost indistinguishable from humans, identifiable only by lacking a shadow. They are a little more robust than most humans, saving as first level fighters and having two hit dice. Many live relatively ordinary lives, but a few take up adventuring professions where they may excel. An adventuring dhampir requires 5% more experience points per level gained.
They can use any weapon or armour allowed to their class, and possess a few abilities that normal humans do not. They can sense supernatural creatures within 60’ of them. They have a 5% chance per level of experience of detecting hidden or unseen creatures that require silver or magic weapons to be struck. They also have a 10% chance per level (to a maximum of 90%) of knowing if an invisible, charmed, gaseous or shape changed/polymorphed creature is within 5’ of them.
Dhampir are not ordinarily predisposed to be sympathetic to the undead, in fact many become hunters thereof, seeking redemption for their line or revenge against the parent that abandoned them, using their innate skills to infiltrate organisations supportive of the undead.
While being able to mix freely with humans, dhampir may also breed true, but each generation only produces a single true dhampir. A male dhampirs first son will also become a dhampir, and a female will beget a new female dhampir as her first born daughter. Whole lineages of dhampirs have been known to devote themselves to ridding the world of undead, especially vampires.