The Wonderful World of Mystara: A Manuscript about the Natural Magical World of Mystara
by RobinPrelude
As spoken by Proffesor Gaston Vanderklil, Geomage from The Great School of Magic in Glantri, penned down by Separim Longstrider.
Wondews of Mystawean Natuwe.
Welcome in the Fascinating Wowld of natuwe.
In the fiwst episode of ouw twavels on "The Discovewy", we will visit the Ethengaw and the Bwoken Lands.But Fiwst let me intwoduce ouwselves.
Ouw Stwong man is Salechaam Dewaan, fwom the Emiwates of Ylawuam. Bwought up and waised in the Makkwes Mountains of Wockhome, just nowth of Dewaan. Well known with the lands of wock and sand, he will guide us thewe.
Ouw othew companion is Sepawim Longstwidew, an Feadiel Elf frwom fowmer Alfheim. She will guide us in the wowld of plants, Fowests and woods of the wowld.
Ouw cook and most handy pewson is Stwaddle Leafboots fwom Fishtickle Bwidge in Heawtshiwe of the Five Shiwes. This Hin will bwing us into contact with the hills, wivews and fields.
That bwings us to myself, my name is Gaston Vandewklil, and not only am I the Leadew of this expedition, but I am also the mage with the knowledge of natuwe itself, geology, ecology and such.
At last we have Wow, ouw Guawddog, 'though he nevew listens to me.
And Samen and Dolos, the howses who pull ouw wagon "The Discovewy".
Art by Alies MeermanBasic Game statistics;
Salechaam Deraan,
Dwarf Level 9, 82 hp, HD9, AC 6, AV 4
St 18, IN 11, WI 12, CO 17, DX 9, CH 8. AL NG
Sv DeathRay/Poison4, Wands, 5, Paralysis/TurnToStone 6, Dragon Breath 7, Spell 3
Skills; Survival Desert/Mountains 11, Ceremony Kagyar/Al-Khalim 12, Navigation 11, Intimidation 18, Caving 12.
Craft; Engineer11; (Ettiquette 7(Ch) , Engineering 9, Architecture 11, Mapping 11)
Languages; Dwarvish (Rockhome Dialect), Ylari, Thyatian, Kobold (Soderfjord Dialect), Goblinoid (Makkress Dialect), Gnomish
Feith; Kagyar the Artisan, Great respect for Al-Khalim, Dislikes; Thanos(Thanatos), Orcus, Bagni Gullymaw.
Axe +3 of Returning "Mahawudi, Djinn Slayer", Dwarven Chain Mail +3, Ring of
Hometown; Deraan(Ylaruam)Separim Longstrider
Elf Level 10, Feadiel Clan, 52 hp, HD9, AC 6, AV 4
St 11, IN 15, WI 10, CO 11, DX 17, CH 15. AL NG
Sv DeathRay/Poison4, Wands, 7, Paralysis/TurnToStone 7, Dragon Breath 7, Spell 7
Skills; Animal Training (Horse)10, Alertness 17, Piloting (Wagon) 17, Hunting 15, Quickdraw 17, Nature Lore 15, Endurance 11(Co), Stealth Forest/Jungle/Woodlands(17 (Dx) ).
Craft; Herbalogist (Knowledge of Plants 16, Healing 14,
Languages; Elfish (Alfheim Dialect), Thyatian(Darokin Dialect), Orc (Tharian Dialect), Gnoll (Ylari Dialect), Hobgoblin (Darokin Dialect)
Feith; Ilsundal. Respect for Asterius, Ixion and Nyx (Moon, Sun and Night), Dislikes; Thanatos, Atzanteotl.
Spells 3x1st, 3x2nd, 3x3rd, 2x4th, 1x5th.
Bow +3 of , Normal Sword +2,+4vs Giants "Grobbarock",Elven Mithril Chain Mail +3, Ring of Hometown; Feador of former AlfheimStraddle Leafboots,
Halfling Level 7, 34 hp, HD7, AC 6, AV 4
St 8, IN 11, WI 14, CO 11, DX 17, CH 15. AL NG
Sv DeathRay/Poison2, Wands, 3, Paralysis/TurnToStone 4, Dragon Breath 5, Spell 4
Skills; Law and Justice 11(In), Blindshooting 17(Dx), Snares 11(In), Disguise11((In), Healing 11(Wi), Gambling 14(Wi).
Craft; Cooking11 (Foraging (Hills/Forest/Fields)10(In), Firebuilding 10(In), Foodtasting 10(Co), Drinking 9(Co), Butcher 7(St), Skinning 14(Dx), Art/Sculpting 8(In) ) .
Languages; Thyatian, elfish (Alfheim Dialect), Traldar, Alphatian
Feith; Raven Respect for all other Immortals, but also afraid of Humanoid and Entropic immortals.
Hin Leather Armor +5 of many pockets, Short Sword +3 "Loiuen from Lion Castle"
Hometown; Fishtickle Bridge in Heartshire of the Five Shires.Gaston Vanderklil,
Human Mage Level 15, 59 hp, HD9, AC 6, AV 4
St 7, IN 17, WI 15, CO 9, DX 10, CH 16. AL NG
Sv DeathRay/Poison 9, Wands, 10, Paralysis/TurnToStone 9, Dragon Breath 12, Spell 9
Skills; Knowledge Geomorfology and Ecology 17(In), Alternate Magics 17(In), Mapping/Cartography 17(In), Bargaining (16(Ch), Animal Lore 17(In), Knowledge Global History 17 (In), Piloting wagon 10 (Dx).
Craft; Apothecary 17(In) ( Alchemy 16(In), Herbalogy 16(In), Healing 16(In), Knowledge of diseases and afflictions 14(In) ).
Languages; Thyatian(Darokin Dialect), Averoigne (Glantrian), Sindhi, Stone Giant, Hulean.
Feith; Ilsundal. Respect for Asterius, Ixion and Nyx (Moon, Sun and Night), Dislikes; Thanatos, Atzanteotl.
Spells 5x1st, 4x2nd, 4x3rd, 4x4th, 3x5th, 2x 6th, 1x7th.
Staff +2 of , Dagger +1 of Summoning Stone Giants "Kailaahm", Ring of Protection +3, Ring of Teleportation.
Hometown; Glantri CityRow
Guarddog, Size 6' long, 3.5'high
ST 17, IN/WI 3, DX 9, CO 15,CH 12, AL N
AC7, AV by barding (2 if used), HD 2, Hp 17, Mv 120'(40') Run 1d10r 150'(50'), Sw 9'(3'), THAC0 17, Att; 1 bite 2d4+2, Sv F1, ML 8 (with Dwarf 9), 116 LBS
Skills; Instinct (Wi+4). Hide in Shadows (30%), Jump `0'(-2'with load 200-500 cn), Odor Scenting (Dx+2), Endurance (Co).
High Senses( 83% detect werewolf, Detect invisuble/ethereal IN+8, Tracking WI +8, Odor scenting Race succes, Odor scenting individual IN, Detect Noise 39%, -2 penalty on saves vs. sound/odorSamen and Dolos,
Superior Drafthorses
AC7, AV0, HD2, Hp 15 and 14, Mv 270'(90'), Packload 5000/10.000cn, Draftload 9000/18.000cn, Miles/day 18, THAC0 18, Att; 2 Hooves 1d6 each, or 1 bite 1d2. Upkeep 10 gp/month, Cost 50 gp each.
Responds to rider’s commands at the rider’s full driving skill at +2.
It can also do 1 horse trick; Samen; Dolos;
Samen; Mature 16 hands high, Grey flecked, with socks male. Dislikes Humans (75% turn/bolt/buck when riding, not when driving wagon). This horse can count.
Dolos; Mature 17 hands high, Chestnut, with white muzzle and star facial marking female (Chews Fences),. This horse fetches upon command.The Discovery
Large wooden Wagon, with copper curved roof
Capacity 30.000 cn, 4 Wheels, 2 horses for drafting, 500 gp value, 4000cn weight.
10'wide, 30'long, with horses, harness and beam 43', 15; high, 2.5'ax height, wheels 5'
4 beds/chests, 1 table/storage, 1 stove,
Art by Alies MeermanChapter 1
The Start of our voyage.
As spoken by, Salechaam Deraan, later penned down by Separim Longstrider.
Corunglain 1014 AC, 25th Flaurmont, early Morning
The sky was grey, the street-tiles were wet, when Salechaam looked out of the small window. The first carts and wagons were already passing by, and the sound of their metal plated wooden wheels made a sound hard enough to be heard from within the room. He washed his face, hands and upper body with the cold water decanter. Then he cleansed his brown red beard with the remaining water, adding some strokes of the scented soup and rinsed it all away. Wrapping a towel around the precious hairs to dry, he heard soft tickling on the window panes, rain. “A nice beginning of the voyage, the piss of Orcus, clearly a sign of troubles coming” he muttered within the towel. Sitting down he pulled up his pants, and boots, sturdy dwarven boots, made with the excellent craftsmanship of Ylari cobblers. Donning his shirt, the towel fell on his lap. He pulled the still moist beard from underneath the shirt, before putting on his chain-mail bodice. Then two silken bands were each wrapped around a separate even strand of the beard. The picture was almost complete. Salechaam grabbed a 3 inch stick from his bag, chewed it flat and caked it with the soap, then brushed his teeth with it. “Good sense this tavern-keeper has, mint scented brush soap, only the taste they have to invent something for. But hey, it is always better than no teeth at all.” Were his words while donning his other equipment; A belt pouch with some change in it, a large sack with his other belongings over his shoulder, and his proud axe Mahawudi, Djinn Slayer tucked in the leather ring on his back.
He went into the dark oaken hall, to the stairs down. The scent of fresh coffee drifted through the building. “Good Morning Salechaam” said the barkeep, when he saw him treading down the last steps.
“Morning”. “One coffee?...to lighten the spirit of the day?” Nah..Nay…I’ve to prepare our departure, my comrades will arrive soon from Glantri”. “Aye…Glantri, still a no-go for dwarves”. “Indeed”, while placing a few coins on the till, “Not by us dwarves and not by them frigging mages. For da night”.
“Thanx, and where will the voyage be going?” “Vestland, is all I know…Somewhere in Vestland. Thanx for the service and da hospitality”. “You’re welcome”. Salechaam opened the backdoor, and was instantly welcomed by friendly bark of Row. Almost toppling the dwarf when making a meeting jump, Salechaam corrected him with a soft pad on the back. Swaggling his tail, he eagerly awaited his treat. A dwarven hand dug into a pant-pocket and drew forth a string of beef jerky, tossing it up towards Row, which greedily caught it mid air. He passed Row, and moved towards the stables, to release Samen and Dolos, the drafthorses, and reign them in onto the Discovery. He removed their feeding sacks, affixed the reigns and led them to the wagon. A few minutes later, they were ready. He filled the barrel with fresh water, and loaded all the boxes and crates, sacks and bundles of food, tools, and other stuff…some completely unknown to him. “Not something a dwarf needs to know” are his words. Sascha, the young daughter of the tavern-keeper straddled forth, gently stroke the head and nose of Row, slobbered by a wet tongue as thanx; “Are you going away? Are you taking Row with you? Were are you going? Will you come back? When…” “So much questions little human, soo less time…lets just say we will meet again. So bye bye” while stroking the little girls head, he climbed up the wagon and drove through the porch onto the road. “Northbound, towards the border of the Broken Lands”, he mumbled under his breath. ”The adventure begins…naah.”
Callair FarmlandsThe room was dark, and only the runes on the floor gave a bright white-blueish light. Separim Longstrider stood in the corner viewing the incantation of Gaston Vanderklil. The spell went fluently and within a moment the room around them changed. The dark stones made way for acres of freshly dug up earth, where farmers were tilling the earth to sow new crops. To the south the sight of a large city could be seen, smokes rising from hundreds of chimneys, to the north broken lands and high peeked mountains. 7 stones were around them, and nearby a farm. A small brook cobbled towards the farm. Gaston new this place, and favoured this over any failed attempts at teleporting towards Corunglain itself, unknown were to appear, even when it was further away from the city proper. A small figure approached from the farm. It was Straddle Leafboots, a Hin from somewhere in the Shires. “Greetings Friends”. He gently spoke with a smile on his face. “Greetings Stwaddle” responded Gaston, “You didn’t have to wait too long I hope?” “No, two days only, with these gentle farmers. Some field work in the spring rain helped passing time”. “I hope you paid these fawmews some coins fow ouw use of theiw field I pwesume?” “Yes, yes, two gold seemed enough I thought” Straddle responded with a strange question-like face. “Allwight Sepawim, awe you paying them anothew thwee gold? A total of Five will do bettew I feel”. Without a word Separim moved towards the farm, while Straddle and Gaston started to pull the chests and boxes and bundles towards the road nearby. Placing it all next to the road, they had to go back and forth a few times, even with the help of a Floating Disc cast by Gaston. “I’ve given them five gold” said Separim glancing Straddle when he accompanied them. “Good, good…Now where is our transport? He should already be here, by now…I think”. “We’ve to wait until he awwives” Gaston responded, settled on a chest, and drew fort a long porcelain pipe, stuffed it with Halfling tobacco, and blew fort figurines in the smoke.
Artistic representation of Corunglain's Three Bridges as seen from looking back from the Bridge to Fort Nell. The middle being the Dike Road along the Streel River, the farthest away is Darokin's Main Road.The grey sky gave firth some more short showers, but not enough to get truly wet. Then after about two turns, movement became visible in the south . A wagon, and indeed it was the Discovery, pulled forth by Samen and Dolos. The wagon was driven by Salechaam as agreed, and Row ran towards Separim when he recognized him. Happily they tumbled over the road. Even Gaston smiled. It had been a long time since they last seen each other.
Salechaam frowned like only a Dwarf could do muttering “Elves”, and climbed down do help loading the boxes and other stuff. “Aren’t we supposed to travel lightly?” he responded grufly while stocking a roll of tapestry wrapped in a waterproof tarp. “Yes we awe” Gaston replied, “just the basic necessities”.
Bulging eyes were the only resonse Salechaam could give. Luckily the wagon had enough space, for all this unknown stuff. Again he muttered “Mages”.
Tavern "Lord in the Mist"Separim and Straddle entered the wagon while Gaston took his place besides Salechaam. He took the reigns and steared the wagon back south towards Corunglain. Near the city they took the eastern road along the city, until they met the road towards Fort Nell. The large stone bridge was only 5 horses abreast, and no wagon could travel here without making a sound. In the middle they stopped and paid the toll of 6 silver (one for each wheel and horse).
The first village they met was Zottegem before the crossed a small brook. Here the road became worse. It was an ancient road from times gone by Separim declared. Salechaam agreed and added it was good to keep the past from getting lost. The day went well, disturbed only by the short rainshowers. The landscapes was predominantely farmlands, with the Broken Lands towering on the northern horizon. When the night beckoned they reached a small town, named “Sword at the lake” after some legend. The travel was somewhat over 26 miles on a road. From here on the road would be more like a trail, limiting the amount of daily distance covered to about 18 miles at most.They settled at a local tavern called "Lord in the Mist", probably named after the same legend.
They day was uneventful as was the night. A few silver pieces each for the stay at the Tavern and for some food. The next morning the continued. Not much was spoken by Salechaam nor Gaston, but Separim and Straddle boasted several stories of history, and own stories, and had a lot of Joy. Row was in his happy mood too, as he ventured fort of the wagon, and returned with a freshly killed hare. The next morning, the critter was gone, except some barfballs of hair and bones.
Day 1; Corunglain to "Sword of the Lake" villageIn the next morning Salechaam was in the wagon and Gaston took the reigns, with Separim on the bock. Straddle dared to ask were the voyage was going.
"South East of the broken Lands, along Calor's Spur, then through Ethengar towards Vestland. And then probably back again." Answered Salechaam.
"Strange?...going forth and back?"
"Yes for Gaston wants to remove the flaws in our common knowledge of the Known world.
As the Great Sage Bruce Heard once said; The world is more different than you know, the maps you know off are wrong".
"And as thus the Streel River also belongs?"
"Indeed". Salechaam responded.
"It is a common flaw of knowledge about the Streel River. Hence we are going to the source, the well of the river".
"And along the way we will discover the truth".
"The truth?" responded Salechaam with a questionable face?
"I don't know if we will find the truth, but we will come very close at least."
The Artistic representation of Corunglain is original art by Stephen Fabian form Gazetteer11 Darokin , in which digitally removed the Mountains in the Left part of this art, as these do not exist there.Chapter 2
The Start of our voyage.
As penned down by Salechaam Deraan
Darokin Province of Calair 1014 AC, 26th and 27th Flaurmont
An uneventful night, in a small town, with a strange history..or legend...depending on the speaker.
The breakfast served however was not as uneventful. The grits and beans with blackbread, fried eggs and marmelade, still use our stomachs as a battleground. The populace didn't want us leave, but anyway we did. The further away we went the worse we felt.
It was already two hours underway that we noticed even the horses seemed to be sick, and Row. The only one not sick was Separim. Maybe because she is the only elf?. Gaston thought the reason could be that she was the only virgin female, and it had to do something with the legend of the village. As resistent as we Dwarves are, I decided to go back. I took Samen from the wagon. Readjusted the reigns and carefully climbed on his back.Samen disliked humans on his back, and I was very careful not to frighten him for disliking me doing the same. But my fears were not needed, and with all the speed he had within himself we travelled back to the village.
Within a hour I noticed the familiar structure, but also a crowd preparing to go after the wagon. These farmers had no riding horses, so they walked.
I took a sidecourse through the fields, hidden by the bushes. The other townsfolk, fled into their homes, doors and window shutters were closed. Clearly these people were afraid...afraid of those enforcing them to do something. My inner gut steared me to the temple of Darokin on the townsquare. The doors were closed, but not for Mahawudi, my precious axe. With only seven strikes the door broke down. The acolytes within approached with maces in hand, but a growl in name of Kagyar, caused them to bolt away.
The Evil shrine before being destroyed.I noticed the shrines to all immortals were covered in dark cloth, and a new unknown shrine was placed in the center of the main room. A red crystal figure of an orc...could it be a shrine to the evil god Orcus?. My rage brew and I commenced. With a heavy smash I destroyed the shrine. Waves of reddish light came forth. Including an explosion. When I came around, blown away by the blast, I saw the temple was damaged partially. The roof had come down. I saw some clergymen pinned beneath it, and decided they had to be saved.
Three I pulled underneath the debris, from them I took seven potions of Healing, and left them to the populace. Whatever happened here they would know to do justice. When I neared Samen, I saw them coming from their houses, looking outside, as if the world was new. Clearly vile magic had taken control of them, but for now they were free.
The small temple of the Village "Sword of the Lake" just after Salechaam leftWith the potions I travelled back to the wagon.
About halfway I noticed the populace that had followed them...they were all dumbfounded. As if none of them knew anything anymore. I passed by, slowly, but without being disturbed.
When I finally reached the wagon Dolos was lying on the ground, as was Gaston. I assumed the others were inside. I carefully gushed the potion down his throat, in the hope it would work. The silver glow that momentarily washed over him confirmed it was doing its work. I did the same with Dolos, and then went inside. Here I found Straddle and Row. Two more potions doing their job.
When I came outside I saw Separim arriving, clearly affected by the vile effect, but still able to move. I gave here the potion, gobbled down one myself and another for Samen.
Whatever it was the potions removed the effect in only a few rounds.
I didn’t spill a further word, pushed everybody inside the wagon, placed Samen next to Dolos in the Reigns and took of as fast as I could.
It was not until several hours after noon, that Gaston, beckoned to be on the driver-seat with me.
I told him what I did.
“Evil Clerics” was his response. “I don’t know if your assumption of Orcus is right, but it could well be. These evil Immortals always fight for supremacy over the mortal populace. It seems that they try to spread their vile influence over the humans here, with the use of some controlling magic. But it seems you struck the right blows with your axe, and easily ended the threat. The source of this control clearly lies within the shrines that replaced the original shrines. How they got to this remains a question for now. We have to continue”.
After several hours the horses became tired, both due the ordeal, and the distance travelled.
We were in the neighbourhood of the small village of Arong, but did not want to take any further risk. Just a mile passed the village juncture, we settled on a small creek, behind several bushes. And together with an Invisibility 10’radius only the horses could be seen, smelled or heard, and our fire we just placed outside the magical aura. As long as we didn’t attack anything the spell would keep us unseen.
That night we heard in the distance Kobold screams, but they never came within reach. Separim and Straddle took guard, changing after a few hours.
The next morning we were awakened by rain, not heavy rain, but that one you get very cold from. And as the temperatures were not high enough to warm upon, this would become a heavy day.
Our estimate was to arrive at Fort Nell just before dinnertime,…at least there we could warm and rest.
Day 2. Darokin Province of CallairThe whole day it rained, as driver I became soaking wet, my beard clung to my wet shirt and armor. The leather reigns became slippery and hard to handle. The old broken tiles of the ancient road, were used often, and made travel clear. When the shape of the fortress and village became visible we felt as if relief was found.
The wooden gate was open, guards checked our names, listed our weapons and description, but let us in. According to Separim, this was common behaviour in this region.
We came to a combined Inn and tavern; the Silver Stag. This was clearly a silver tavern, as all seemed clean, and well kept, and even the silver seal was pinned next to the door. After stabling the horses and wagon we went through the backdoor in the boothouse. Here we shed our mantles, raincloths, and wet and muddy boots.
Welcomed inside by the warm fire of a great hearth, and several people drinking, eating and chatting, we felt at ease. “Greetings in the Silver Stag of Fort Nell. My name is Esmerelda. How can I help you”? “My name is Salechaam, this is Gaston, Separim, Straddle and our dog Row. First bring us something warm to drink, please”. “Very well sir. Would a warm grog do?” “That’ll be fine”
Darokin. Fort Nell, Tavern/Inn "The Silver Stag"A few moments later the woman returned with warm grogs, “Four silver please” Gaston replied; “This is upon me”. And laid down a Thyatian Platinum piece. “Me thinks this will do for a bowl of soup fow each of us I pwesume”? “Of course sir, even though it is foreign currency, we accept those at a 5% exchange rate as according to Darokin law. We have Pea and Tomato soup ready with warm garlic bread. For me a Tomatosoup” Separim replied, “with the meat separate please”. Gaston, Straddle and I choose a Pie soup. Not even five minutes later, she returned with warm steaming bowls, clean metal spoons, and a basket of warm sliced garlic bread and a small bowl with two sausages. Separim took this bowl and handed it to Row, who heartily gobbled it down. A warm, feeking washed down upon us, we were content. While Gaston called forth his pipe sharing it with Straddle, Separim made some herb mixtures, and I viewed the locals. It was about nightfall, when a soldier approached us.
“Greeting visitors. My name is Julian Excelor. I am the current chief of staf here. May I sit with you, and listen to your stories and goals in the region”?
We agreed, and told what happened earlier. Julian explained that the humanoids sometimes spill over into the region and bring their vile magic and immortals with them. It must have been clearly something like this. “I will send a contingent of soldiers to the village for help”.
We explained that we were exploring the region north of the Dwargate Mountains, and therefore intended to take the seldom used pass through Inlashar, along Calor’s spur.
“That trail is indeed available, but inadvised, as the humanoids there are Gnolls. They are aggressive, but also tacticians. The best way is to keep as near to the mountains as possible, rest in farms and not in the open, as these farms are often walled enclosures. Until you reach Fort Brindolhath you will be reasonable save. However the fortress itself sometimes is overrun with Gnolls, and has to be retaken. Not now that we know of, but it happened before, so will happen more often for sure. Large rocks painted red with an invisible seal to make copying impossible, but visible to most elves and mages with a detect invisible spell. These rocks can be found at each bend, or twist in the road…for as far as you can speak of a road…it is more a rough trail, ..and guide you further into Ethengar. Be aware Ethengar does NOT accept foreign currency. So if you need money use nuggets, and be careful not to carry any accepted Tangs out of the country. Their punishments in this can be very primitive and harsh”.
“Thank you fow da wawning”, Gaston replied. “We will go to bed and leave eawly in da mowning”.
With that Julian shook our hands and left.The beds were clean, and no bedbugs in sight. Even the linen was pressed. This was a very good silver tavern, and in our opinion worth a gold mark.
Day 3. Darokin Province of Callair, towards Fort Nell.Chapter 3
Delving into the history of the Hills of Inlashar
As penned down by Separim or copied from the book.
Darokin Province of Calair 1014 AC, 28th Flaurmont
It was morning. Early morning. Esmerelda opened the window shutters of front side of the Silver Stag. A pale sun breached the dark grey sky. several drops of rain had created a linear pattern on the outside of the glass.
A broom in hand, she opened the front door and swept the dried muck of evening brawl from the floor, The evening latch was shifted to the side, so someone must have left the tavern already. She was not afraid of non-paying customers, or those leaving before filling the final bill, as the tavern was well inside the enclosed walls of fort Nell, yet qurious she was who and why. "I'll see later" she mumbled while cleaning the porch.
Fort Nell, with a small temple on the marketplaceand next door the Silver Stag Tavern. The Official and military buildings in the middle around the market, and some residential buildings around it. some acres and orcards within the fort walls making it comlete. Outside the many fields of produce; Apples, grapes, nuts and olive.Gaston, had awakened early, and after some meditation, he decided to go in town. On the market place he had seen a scribe was residing in town. The small room had ample place for the rack with inks, dried vellum, parchment press and rolls of other fabric. On the ceiling flowers and herbs hung down to dry, and on the tables stood jars with creature components within..."Scribe ink components" he thought. He glanced upon a stack of scrolls and bundled parchments. One was labelled "Inlashar, Land of Fortresses", written and compiled by sages Andrew Theissen, Geoff Gander and Aaron Nowack. .He removed the cloth binder and read the first page, and the next, and...
The Inlashar arose when a displaced Ethengari clan migrated into what is now northern Darokin in 780 BC, swiftly conquering the indigenous Neathar tribes. Within a century the two groups had merged, producing a somewhat stocky people with cream-coloured skin, and dark hair and eyes (with a slight epicanthic fold). For centuries, the Inlashar struck fear into orcish hearts in the north, and at their height (c. 500 BC) they controlled all the land between what is now Ardelphia and the gap between Alfheim and the Broken Lands. During that time, other human cultures flourished on the Streel Plain; although they occasionally suffered raids from the Inlashar. Their power ebbed and flowed over the following centuries, but they never regained their early prominence as other realms rose to prominence, and the orcs grew more organised. By 100 BC, successive orcish invasions had all but broken the might of the Inlashar, and only a scattering of them remained in the hills east of Corunglain – the remainder having fled south to Eraedan lands.
Inlashar as seen from Bird View.The Inlashar staged a bit of a revival in AC 672, following the collapse of the monarchy. A northern duke, claiming descent from one of the Inlashar houses and taking advantage of the chaos, declared his Duchy of Callair independent. The realm was short-lived, as the neighbouring humanoids of the Orclands also took advantage of the power vacuum. By AC 702 the realm had been laid to waste, with the capital of Tolann falling the following year. Most of the survivors trickled to Corunglain, where they remain to this day; although a handful of hill-folk still cling to their ancestral lands.
780 BC: To the north of Darokin, in the area that will later become the Ethengar/Glantri border, an Ethengarian tribe conquers several Neathar tribes. Over the next century, the two populations merge, becoming one people. Whatever names they might have called themselves are lost to history - for convenience they are referred to by the name later given to their descendants, the Inlashar.
650 BC: The Inlashar, migrating southward after several harsh winters in their homelands, settle in northern Darokin near modern Corunglain and Fort Nell, with some tribes ranging into the Broken Lands. Their excellent cavalry proves too much for the area's orcish tribes, and the orcs are driven deep into the Amsorak region and the modern Orclands.
With its clear flat topped hills (Called Amon Sûl=Elvish), and steep sides (10-30 feet at most), Inlashar is an interesting defenseable area. The strategically placed fortresses, and the view of these flat-topped hills as if fortresses themselves, are the main reason the area is called Inlashar--Land of Fortresses.
Urudkhal's road586 BC: One of the Inlashar chieftains, Urudkhal, asserts himself over his rivals, initiating a series of bloody wars along the fringe of the Broken Lands. Taking advantage of the humans' distraction, many humanoid raiders manage to enter the Streel Valley. It is around this time that the Ethengar/Neathar tribes gain the name by which they are known today - after his victory, Urudkhal orders the construction of strong fortifications in every clanhold, and the land becomes known as Inlashar ('Land of Fortresses'). Urudkhal grants the various tribes a great deal of autonomy, keeping control by marrying his sons to the daughters of rebellious chieftains - a thinly veiled form of hostage-taking.
543 BC: By this time Inlashar stretches from what is now the ruins of Ardelphia to the gap between Alfheim and what is now the Broken Lands. Urudkhal's son, Urudtai, orders the expansion of his land's network of fortresses, as well as the construction of a great road to link them.
505 BC: The Great Road of Inlashar is completed. At each end is a grand fortress built of stone, bearing the stern visage of Urudmu, the great-grandson of Urudkhal.
450 BC: Dwarves, lead by Feric Squinteye, arrive along the eastern Savage Coast and build small colonies.
1=Ruin of some olde temple or shrine300 BC: The ore from the meteorite is forged into a sword, Molharran's Hope, for King Kareth, in the hope that its auspicious origins will aid in the creation of a mighty weapon against the encroaching orcs. The Hierophant of Molharran, a man named Yalgar, decrees that the sword's forging is an ill omen, and that the blade is cursed. Around this time, the Inlashar, who have never reunited under a single ruler since Urudmu's death, are no longer able to hold off the orcs. As the Inlashar retreat into their fortified clanholds, orcish raids step up in Eraeda and Molharran. For the first time in centuries large orcish tribes begin to settle on the east side of the Streel.
273 BC: The orcs again form a mighty horde and invade Eraeda. King Korweth leads an effort to repulse an orcish horde during the Second Battle of Favaro. Again, the Eraeda rally to the Molharraner force, and this time more than a few Inlashar tribes join the battle. Although the orcs are again defeated and the horde scattered, Korweth soon dies of his injuries. Molharran's Hope is passed to Kareth II. This battle marks the beginning of what was known at the time as the 'Golden Peace'.
With the orcish defeat at Favaro, the great western horde is broken for a time, allowing Molharran, the Eraeda, and the Inlashar to drive them back with vengeance - almost to the very foothills of what are now the Silver Sierras. Until its end, the Streel Plains are largely free of orcs, and are lightly settled by people of all three realms.
2=Ruin of some trading post267 BC: Kareth II forges an agreement with the clans of Eraeda and the most prominent Inlashar tribes as to the division of the Streel Plain between the three peoples. A great stone obelisk is erected at the point where the three lands meet, and the Inlashar join the Pact of Comaelle. It still stands in modern times, though only a handful of scholars know what it signifies. Kareth II begins to try to reassert Molharran's authority over the Lordship of Meruvar over the next few years. The orcs are now restricted to the lands west of the Streel Valley and to the northern Broken Lands.
220 BC: Around this year, Calor or his forces destroy many settlements in Meruvar and Inlashar, until both lands submit to the dragon. Both are more loosely ruled than Eraeda, but still the orcish tribes move in and flourish under Calor's protection. Over the next few years, the City-State of Dolos rapidly declines and is eventually destroyed by Marwen, who claims the ruins as her own domain. Athenos begins to send tribute to the wyrm shortly afterwards. A survivor of one of Calor's rampages, a warrior named Balthac, dedicates himself to the dragon's destruction. (Accounts differ as to precisely what nation or clan Balthac originated from
3= Ruin of some larger unknown structure200 BC: Without Calor's presence, the orcs begin to slowly be driven back. However, none of the human nations fully recover from his reign of terror. The Inlashar decline continues, and they never quite regain the power of their greater days, when they shielded the entire Streel Valley from orcish invasion. The hero Aurum is again offered the crown of Molharran; he again refuses.
185 BC: In the north, the orcish tribes of the Amsorak region deliver a crushing defeat to the Inlashar in a great battle north of Favaro, razing several settlements in the area. The Inlashar tribal lands are now separated by orcish-held territory from the clans of Eraeda.
164 BC: With the bulk of the orcish might in the south, the Inlashar stage a revival, pushing the orcs back as far as the borders of Eraeda.
Several of the most prominent tribes of the day forge an alliance with the Eastwind Clan of Favaro against the orcs
150 BC: By this point, the Inlashar revival reaches its height. For the first time in centuries, the entirety of the ancient Great Road of Inlashar is in Inlashar hands. Orcish strength is lower than at any time since the razing of Comaelle. A few documents from around this time refer to these years as the "Silver Peace", but the term never really takes hold.
4= Ruin of the one Urudtai bridge existin128 BC: A new orcish horde forms in the west and advances into the Streel Valley, skirting the southern borders of Inlashar. They raze all save a handful of the remaining Molharraner villages north of Elstarath and raid the lands of the Ansimont Clan. The orcs then cross the Streel north of Favaro, where they succeed in destroying the few Inlashar strongholds in the region and again cut off Inlashar from the Eraedan clans.
122 BC: After years of skirmishing, the orcs overwhelm Inlashar defences near modern Corunglain, razing many strongholds and dividing Inlashar in two. The western half slowly falls to the orcs over the next ten years; the eastern section manages to put up more resistance.
120 BC: Attel Eastwind is born. By the time he is fourteen, he is known as one of the greatest warriors of the Eastwind Clan - if not all the Clans of Eraeda.
100 BC: Around this time, the orcs launch a major assault on the remaining Inlashar tribes. Attel Eastwind gathers a great host of men from the northern Eraedan Clans and marches to aid the Inlashar. The Clans do not hear of him or his followers again, and assume them lost.
5= Ruined valley fortress blocking traffick3 BC: The last of the Inlashar clan-holds is destroyed by the orcs early this year. Toward the end of the year, a host of refugees reaches the city of Favaro. They are lead by a man named Mithras Attleson, who claims to be Attel Eastwind's son by an Inlashar chieftain's daughter and therefore the rightful ruler of the Eastwind. After much debate, Ansel the Elder grants the refugees a stretch of land along the fringes of the Canolbarth to settle in and rule - if Mithras abandons his claim to rule the Eastwind. He accepts.
70 BC: Continued close ties between the Eastwind and the Ansimont bring a new unity to the Eraedan clans. Inter-clan wars become rare over the next decade, and many new towns and villages are founded. However, amidst the ruins of Inlashar and Molharran, the orcs also grow in number and strength.
6= Ruins of the Village of Tolann by day.Haunted by night not a welcome place.About current Inlashar; The region is dotted with village and Town ruins from the era were the Inlashar ruled (780 BC-702 AC). The other ruins were fortresses, hence the name Inlashar; This is Ethengarian for Land of Fortresses. The legendary road of Urudtai (543-550 BC) is eroded away mostly but where parts are still existing it has become part of today trails (Corunglain-Fort Nell and the main Road Corunglain-Darokin are being the best known). Several today structures are either still used Inlashar structures, or build upon them. It is not uncommon for today villages to have an ancient Inlashar tower, or other remnant (mostly fortification) within its limits. (fort Nell itself being the most known). The City ruins of Tolann last to fall in 702 AC are rumoured to harbour disgruntled noncorporeal undead, making the whole hills area very unwelcome.
A cough... Gaston arose from his devout reading. "Good morning Customer, found something interesting I see?" "Yes, ...sowwy...indeed. Pawdon my bluntness. It was pwecisly what I needed....eh...how much would you need to let it change ownewship?" "Fifty gold" the old man responded,; "it is an incomplete compilation of studies from different sagious writers about the region here, but not many here in Fort Nell are interested within it"
"Only fifty?...that's a bawgain. Would you accept Thyatian empewows, they awe platinum?"
"No sorry, only Daros or Tentrids please, gold or silver thus" while grabbing the stack from Gaston's hands."Platinum is hard to get exchanged here". He folded the leaflets back to a nice stack and knotted the cloth tightly. "Allwight, then hewe you go, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 45, 47, 49, ...50. tha'll do" The eyes of the scribe opened, clearly not expecting such a rapid sale. He handed the bundle to the mage while with the oher hand shoving the coins into an open drawer. "Something else. Of your service...?" He responded with a sudden yellowed smile."Yes, dear siw, that quillfeathew in that glass containew thewe please...I pwesume 400 gold will do fine..."
"Yes ..yes" responded the man, climbed upon a chair to reach the rectangular box, wit a glass lid. "You have a clear eye for the rare sir. This is a Quill of copying and writing, made by the elves who lived nearby some years ago. But I must inform you it can't copy magic spells, or write down magic words, only...lets say...normal speach". "I know, I knew befowehand that it was hewe, and the pwice".
Gaston accepted the casket and together with the book of leaflets, he left the shop.
Quill of Copying and Writing. Stroke the quil over any nonmagical written text, book, scrolls, pen or pencil art, and it will be copied onto a same stack of loose papers given. 1 jar of ink needed for 50 pages of text or 10 drawings. The speed of this will be twice that of a normal writer. It does NOT translate. The copies will be of the same size as the supplied "paper", thus may be different size than the original. When the ink stops it will keep memory of the incomplete text for 20+1d4 hours at most. The quill will alter color when the source has altered color. It makes copies in the same order as the writer/artist of the original did.
Size; 7 inches.Cost; 1500 GP,4 cn rarity; very rare although libraries.universities have several. Spells needed to create; Copy, Color, caster level 15+.Warning, possession of such item may be illegal and seen as espionage in/near military/official buildings.
In the Tavern the others had already awakened, washed, taken breafast, brushed the horses, walked through the walled town, smoked some pipeweed, brushed their shoes, polished and sharpened their weapons and even flirted with some locals.
"Finally" Separim responded irritated, "Our group leader took his time to continue the journey. Magic research I presume? Couldn't you've informed us beforehand? It is almost noon."
The purple numbers and circles are the pictures above. The dotted purple trail is the Urudkhai road severely damaged and absorbed by nature. As a line it is mostly intact.Chapter 4
Into the Hills of Inlashar
As penned down by Salechaam.
Darokin Province of Calair 1014 AC, 28th Flaurmont
The discovery loaded and prepped, our research group embarked on the next part of the trip. The horses and crew no more tired after their earlier ordeal, pulled forth the Discovery through the city gate of Fort Nell. The guards returned our weapons and wished us well.
Gaston was still digging deep in the bundled parchment book, so Salechaam drove the horses, with Straddle next to him.
The sky was clear, although a strong wind blew from the Black Hills South East into Inlashar. The first trail led north over a well kept trail along Preston creek towards the mining-farming community of Preston. We arrived at dusk due our late departure. The locals were already informed about us, and although there was only an Inn to drink or eat, a large shed gave enough opportunity to sleep safely …and that for only 4 Ducats.Darokin Province of Calair 1014 AC, 29th Flaurmont
The next morning we awoke as expected, a bit stiff, but well-rested. Separrim refused to wash in our company, so we decided she will be on the driver’s seat for today. I agreed to work with Gaston this day, a decision I still regret.
From Preston we went east, into the hills over a trail towards a copper-mine. About four and a half mile from Preston, the Urudkhai road became visible again. Badly damaged, but sill useable, it went up a slope and reached one of the flat-topped hills of which Inlashar is known about. These Amon Sûl as they are called, have steep sides with slopes in between. At a height of 2350 feet above sea-level measured with the magical altimeter, we reached the Amon Sûl and the first of the old ruins became visible. Some unknown part of a larger structure, it sank several feet into the ground, and weather, war and wind, and probably plunder has beaten it to this unrecognizable state. Now it is only a landmark of an almost forgotten era. After a few hours of investigation without success we continued. A small enwalled hamlet of 3 farms enabled us our next resting point. The farmers were friendly, and for a few silver they allowed us to set up camp on the grass between the structures. They were particularly interested in me; probably they’ve never seen a dwarf for ages here. This also means that or there are no valuables to find here…or they are forgotten. My advise for dwarves is as thus be careful, polite, inquisitive, and with an open eye, but also a ready axe and shovel.
I wished I had been more careful. Wiggling the children’s fingers from my beard, I questioned Gaston if we couldn’t do some research here, while we were waiting …or travel further and sleep in the open (I hoped for the last option, but work could save my beard from sticky fingers).
Gaston, arose from his seat, “Yes indeed, we need to do that. Thewe is no map of this wegion. You know how to make maps. Take youw wowk boawd and utensils. And come hewe”. Grumblingly I agreed. In the wagon I released the board from the wall, grbbed a tube of pencils, a gum, some mapping paper and returned. “Ok…I’m ready”. ”Nice be seated on that stuwdy chaiw” I did interrogatively. Separim tied all my stuff to the board, and the board to the chair, as if it was a drawing set. Then Gaston mumbled some words of magic and wiggled some fingers and with that I suddenly arose up. “I’ve given the contwol of this levitate spell to you, so you could go down when evew you desiwe” And with that I moved up at a rate of 20 feet each round. I wanted to scream, but my pride was in the way, so I just closed my eyes. When the movement stopped I opened them up again I was half a mile or so up. I couldn’t resist screaming here, nobody would hear me, so no shame.
Separim’s bindings worked against the strong wind here, and I commenced the mapping. The sun was already low, so I made haste with the main features of the region. When the light no longer fell on my paper, the sky was already darkening. I decided to go down. I had the control said Gaston…but how?
The Ruined and cursed city of Tolann, former capital of Inlashar (North Darokin)
The well as seen through the archway to the roadI tried to push, hop, bounce, scream, the damned thing down…nothing worked in my opinion. The problem was I could not notice the difference at this height. The screaming (or wording “down”), had worked and I sank at a rate of 20 feet per round. I noticed this only after a few minutes. But then I noticed something else. I had drifted. A Levitate spell moves only up and down, not sideways, you have to do this by forcing yourselves away from surfaces in the direction sideways you desire…but there was no surface here, just air. The damned wind must have blown me away. I had drifted several miles east, to south east. Down below me, the Urudkhai road led into a city, a ruined city. I decided to continue mapping while I was slowly sinking.
The city was build up along a few roads next to each other with buildings in between. When I was down, it was at the end of twilight. I felt uneasy, as if something was here, some influence, or someone. Luckily I now had a map, so I knew which direction I had to go.
Next to me was some structure that seemed to be a stone well, roofed to prevent spoilage by rain as in many places. The typical thing was, the structure seemed undamaged by time, unlike the other buildings. I looked down, and saw steps carved into the sides, no rope, nor bucket, but water glistening deep below, some hundred feet or so.
Tolann's Tomblike structureThen I heard some unindentifiable noise, and being alone I decided to move away here, back to the Discovery as fast as possible. Through a small arch I reached the street.
Consulting the map, and the last shimmer of sunlight on the horizon I could decide which way to go, but first strolled a bit around. Most structures were indeed ruined walls, but together with the well I noticed three intact structures; The well (or whatever it actually was), a tomblike structure with a clear entrance, and in the distance some other building which I did not investigate.
Then I heard an unearthly scream that almost stilled my blood. I grabbed my axe an ran, as fast as I could along the street home. It was at this moment the last sun rays had left. No twilight, but true night. Whatever made that noise, I did not want to meet it. I noticed the last ruined structures in front of me, so soon this immortal forgotten location would be behind me, yet then some fleeting images appeared on either side.
Spectres, I shouted an old dwarven curse “Spirits and Bones” and increased my speed as fast as I could.
Tolann armed Orc SpectresThe spectres however were a bit faster, as being flying creatures. The arrived in front of me. Clearly armed Orcs, but then translucent vile undead, there’s not much worse.
At first they used only their weapons, which did not affect me with their undead chill, but the arrows and sword blows weakened me enough to enable them to make their draining strikes. The first struck me to the head, dizzying me, the second passed through my armor and grabbed my heart. And again the next round. Which each stroke the made I became weaker and more dizzy. I fell to the ground, and with my last moment within the conscious world I heard a powerful word; a name of an Immortal in an old and obscure tongue. Drifting in and out of consciousness, a few moments later I thought I was touched by someone soft, and being fed the ethereal goo that normally remained when slaying Spectres. The bile liquid gushed through my throat, I fainted, but slowly I regained strength. The last thing I remembered were two huge yellow eyes with a large black iris in a haze of brown and grey.
I awoke a few miles west of Tolann, still weak and bruised, but all of my possessions and weapon were with me. It was a small brook that gave me water, so I could continue west. I recognized this brook as the one between the Amon Sûl east next to Tolann, and the hills west holding the farmstead enclave where the Discovery would be. The brook water refreshed me somewhat, and my survival skill enabled me to find some herbs that lessened the pain. At about dawn I stumbled towards the enclave, and beckoned in. They all helped me. Gaston immediately recognized I had been drained and poured two potions of Heroism down my throat, to restore the damage done.
Later Gaston told me the city is, or was called Tolann, and it was founded along with other separate villages in the area in 780BC by several Ethengar tribes merging with local Neathar tribes. Of these villages, Tolann was the largest. Here, in the hills of Inlashar, the early Inlashar prospered due to their uncanny ability to grow amazing crops in the almost dead ground. These villages flourished here for hundreds of years… until one day, in 25 BC, they simply vanished.
The story goes that there was an evil half Orc Wokani who had a lot of power in the government of the humanoid forces which defeated the Inlashar holdings one by one, and he had his eye on the human daughter of the chief of Tolann. Dewan was his name, and he came to the chief and asked for his daughter’s hand in marriage. The chief told him that it was against their local customs to marry outside of their own clan. Dewan grew very angry and gave the chief a deadline on accepting his offer. If the chief failed to accept Dewan’s offer by the deadline, Dewan would take the chief’s daughter forcibly, and slaughter the rest of the town's population.
The chief didn’t know what to do. Finally, he convened with the heads of the larger families, and they reached a decision together. To preserve the pride and honour of their people, they were going to leave. Here’s where it gets a little weird. All inhabitants – this means thousands of people – left overnight. Nobody even saw them leave either, which is pretty unbelievable, considering the terrain and the sheer number of people that were fleeing, but it gets weirder. Nobody even knows where they went! They vanished into thin air! We do know one thing though: before they left, they cursed this village to bring death to anybody that tried to live there in the future. The Orcs who later invaded the area became affected and were turned into Spectres. Their skills and weapons still available, they became a force to be reckoned with. Unable to move further from the city than a few miles, they cause Tolann to become almost forgotten.
There are rumours that Mithrass Attleson who appeared in 3 BC was the offspring of the Tolann’s daughter and Attel Eastwind; others say there was Orc blood within his veins, but the mother was indeed this daughter of Tolann.. But if he was a half-Orc, Dewan must have succeeded in capturing the Tolann female, and he must have been born before the spectre curse came into effect, or born later by the mother who succeeded to flee before the curse took effect. Nobody now could tell the truth, as time hid all. They settled along the Canolbarth fringes, and most descendants can be found in the Nutt-bearing hillsMagical Altimeter; created 671 AC by Arturo Devonsmith of Thyatis.
Rumored to have existed by the ancient Nithians. A bronze stick with several thickened knobs around it, each with a different thickness. On top belonged a copper encrusted magical crystal. This crystal is placed somewhere at sea-level (in this case the port of Thyatis secretly embedded in a stone at sea level (mid tide). The copper tip is placed on the ground and a magical connection is created between the crystal and the stick. Five soft electrical current rise one after the other along the stick until the stops and stays at that location until the tip is removed from the ground. At several intervals are placed the thickened knobs. These stand for the different numbers (2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 and 15.0). The first current displays the single feet, the 2nd current the tens of feet, the 3rd the hundreds of feet, and the 4th the thousands of feet. The last current always reached the top when the calculation transfer is ended.
When the holder feels along the stick he/she can thus roughly estimate the height of the ground point of the stick as seen from the level of the crystal. Exact measuring is very difficult, as the display is rough, and the crystal at sea suffers mistakes due the different tides, which can vary up to 5-25 normal, 15-45 feet at full moon, or even up to 25-60 feet at springtides. This is the reason the crystal is placed at mid tide, to lower the ratio of flaws. When the crystal falls dry for longer than a single day, both stick and crystal lose all magic. They need to be reconnected for 1 full moon cycle to be recharged, and then placed anew. The stick measures only the difference between crystal and its metal point, if the crystal is thrown in the see at say 34 feet it will measure from that location. Likewise if the crystal is placed at a mountain-lake of 1500 feet above sea-level it will calculate any higher altitudes from this number. The stick does reveal lower altitudes by ending the last charge at the tip instead at the top. The maximum height to be measured is 15.000 +1500+150+15=16.665 feet difference.
A person under influence of protection/immunity to electricity can’t use this item.
Size; 65 inches (with crystal +5).Cost; 350 GP, 24 cn rarity uncommon although often known to exist. Spells needed to create; Levitate, transport through water, caster level 9+.
Warning; do not use in thunderstorms; the chance of being hit by natural lightning doubles. The saving throw vs lightning attacks is worsened by 4 if holding this item while being hit..
A level draining in actionA note about Level Draining; As according Canon matter about level draining (also found in my Monster manual compilation about Undead).
When an immaterial undead capable of level draining is slain in whatever manner it falls apart in quickly evaporating ethereal goo. When this goo is devoured it will restore some of the power this undead had drained from any victim. Check for initiative for the moment the goo comes into existence (the same moment the undead was slain). Then add one initiative segment for each Level/HD the specific undead drained to the half of the undead’s own strength (round up).
Each initiative segment one Level/HD is evaporated from the goo. A character gobbling up the disgusting black or ethereal goo (depending on the undead), will be able to restore as many HD/Levels drained as it can consume before it evaporates, but never more than its own body lost, and never faster than 2 + PC’s constitution adjustment (never less than 1) in 1 round = 6 segments.
Only thus will HD or levels drained from a spell or item be able to restore a living creature, and not restore the spell or item in question. The goo cannot be stored in any way, but temporal stasis, or setting it outside of time, will prevent it from evaporating. It will further always evaporate unless consumed.
The goo of a stronger undead like spectres that has drained levels/HD will not be as reactive to the environment and will be existent for an additional 1d3 initiative segments more, and may be stored in a pure clear crystal bottle that may never be exposed to light other than a small candle or soft magic light (any other will instantly destroy the goo, in an explosive way—literally blasting the crystal bottle in all directions 10' for 1d8 dm (sv DR for ½) Some assassins thus use this goo as a trap..
The blood of material undead that has drained levels/HD will be able to function similar, even when it does not evaporate, but this will always cause a poisonous reaction, even when it restores the drained levels. This poison will cause 1d6 points of damage for each HD the Undead had, at the rate of 1 point of damage for each HD the undead had. The victim must make a single saving throw of poison to half the damage done each round and in total. A Neutralize poison spell cast beforehand on the blood will negates this, but also the restoring capability, however if cast on the victim when poisoned after the first poison effects become clear, the restoring will continue without further poison effects. A Slow Poison spell will function as normal. A protection from poison effect will not poison he victim but does allow the regenerating HD/Levels effect. As rotting takes place very rapidly when an undead is slain, blood can only be extracted on a succesful healing or alchemy skil with a cumulative penalty for each Turn one hour after the Undead is slain as per table and can be stored in a Dark Ceramic jar, for up to 3 full moons that passed (3 month max)-When blood or Goo are expired or from an undead that did NOT drain levels, all negative effects still take place, but no restoration takes place.;
Time passed Skill Penalty 0-1 Hour 1 1 Hour 2 1 Hour 1 Turn 4 1 Hour 2 Turns 7 1.5 Hour 11 1 Hour 4 Turns 16 1 Hour 5 Turns 21 Another thing that could restore drained levels are Potions of Heroism and Super Heroism.
Normally they give a temporally boost in Level and HD, but if the imbiber is drained, it restores drained HD or levels at once. No more HD or levels are given then the imbiber originally had in this case. Heroism restores 1d4 drained levels, Super Heroism restores 1d6. These potions are somewhat stronger than the goo, and function fully till 24 hours after the draining took place.
Then there is the Restore spell which temporarily gives power from the Cleric as healing to the patient. The cleric naturally restores these lost HD/Levels
An unconscious person (due the draining) could be saved by pouring either goo, or potions down his/her throat, but to prevent drowning in this a successful healing check must be made (or survival at -5).
A person fully drained can’t be restored this way, not with goo, not with blood, not wit potions, there must still be somewhat of life within the body, to enable restoration.Then there is the magic way of Restoration.
Range: Touch Duration; Permanent Casting Time ; 3 r. Effect: Restores 1 level lost to Energy Drain Save: None Cleric 7, Healer 6, Exorcist 6, Humanoid Shaman 7, Druid 7, Dervish 7, Master 7, Shaman 7 spell.
This spell restores one full level of Energy (experience) to any victim who has lost a level because of Energy drain (for instance, from a vampire’s attack). It doesn’t restore more than one level, not does it add a level if no level has been lost. Furthermore, the Cleric casting this spell loses one level of experience, as if struck by a Wight when the spell is cast; however, the Cleric’s loss is not permanent, and the Cleric need only rest for 40 minus his or her level in days to regain the lost experience. This loss will not be regained as long as the caster doesn’t rest continuously. It is clearly that the caster can’t use this spell on him or herself, since the level added by use of this spell will be the same as the one that is drained by it.
Additional information; Living creatures that use draining magic or weapons (always an Evil act!!) and are killed DO NOT have the stolen Levels/HD stored somewhere that can be retrieved, (unless specially noted.
In this case only the Goo/blood of an Undead that has drained levels/HD, A potion or a Restore spell will work.Adjusted text to Mystara and adjusted pictures from Peter On The Edge Of Nowhere: Jaisalmer + The Ghost City
Tolann map source; google maps same area
Draining art from D&D Mystara Rules Encyclopedia.Chapter 5
Still in the Hills of Inlashar.
As penned down by Salechaam.
Darokin Province of Calair 1014 AC, 2nd Yarthmont
After my ordeal in Tolann, It was decided I had to stay in the wagon, so I could heal the faster, while we did not need to stop. As thus we continued iur journey.
But it was not the smooth ride we had on the Corunglain -Fort Nell Road and Trail. Oh, yes we had some smooth sections, over the ruined Urudtai road...or what remained of it. As in between these sections, the road was so bumby, I almost fel out of my bed. I felt the pain still soaring within my heart, but I almost forgot it due the bumbs on my head, elbow and back. Sometimes we stopped, and as I peaked out of the Window I saw Gaston together with the others investigating the old Inlashar ruins. Even from this distance I could see there was not much left of the original structure. Time, battles, erosion and plunder had clearly taken its toll, and it was barely noticeable what the purpose of the building must have had. As we passed the last ruin,(The remnants of somekind of Fortress in the clasp of the valley walls.) I could look back over the Barrowfields we had circumvented. A location of History and adventure, I had heard, I dared not to question where our adventure would bring us.
Finally we passed the last Amon Sûl and entered the earthen trail to the northwest.
To the right was the Blackwater River, with its darkened color rapidly flowed Southeast into faraway Canolbarth. Maybe those friggin Shadow Elves would drown in it...nah..they may be fools, but aren't stupid.
Straddle was the first to notice Centaurs on the otherside of the river and tried to make contact, but the stubborn creatures did not respond. And as we passed, so did they. They were armed to the teeth, for some reason we were unaware of....yet.
At night we reached a location of farms called conveniently "At Eylial", which were a set of ruins on the other side of the river. The connecting bridge no longer did exist, and no ford was in sight. The Blackwater River was wide, deep and fast. Maybe lucky, as even when we approached we could see the fires of small burning encampment next to it. We could see bodies and even some wounded, but the distance was to great to even recognize race.
The farmers were notified of our arrival by message pigeon from Fort Nell, and graciously accepted in their midst.We paid them not with money, but with some tools they needed (which Separim had stocked on top of the wagon). It was simple, a clear farmers life. The settlement was actually a collection of 3 or even four farms, and could in the future maybe become a small village. Lord Bodong Harrisford, a retired Darokin sergeant, welcomed us. "Greeting Explorers. Be welcome here. You can stall your wagon near the that large storehouse., and your horses could graze in the field next to it. My name is Lord Bodong Harrisfield, Lord Bodong for friends" We all acquainted. The night was good, the food, though simple beans vegetables and some rabbit, was wholesome and welcoming.
"What is happening on the othewside of the Blackwatew Wivew?" Gaston questioned "At the Ruins?"Yes?"That is a strange story..."Lord Bodong responded. "You maybe aware that this region has its own legendary history?. Now, Eylial belongs to that history like the curl in a pigs tail. Eylial was one of the few real villages of the Inlashar, just like Artil...you'll probable will see several miles further on the trail. It all has to do with the changing politics in the Broken Lands. Some Shadow Elves claim they have conquered their ancestral Holy Land. Probably as important to them as the Canolbarth of Alfheim, so not much good can come from this". I responded; "Yes we know, we the Dwarves found a secret city of Humanoids on some floating Island in a lake of magma. We had almost defeated the humanoids there when we were secretly and deviously attacked in the back by cowardly Shadow Elves. In the name of Rafiel this,..in the Name of Rafiel that...Long story short we had to retreat." we all took some sips of our beverages, before Lord Bodong reacted; "Yes, a misery retreat. Not a war of treu warriors. Separim was silent like a mouse on the morning table, but had its pointy ears rightup. As Alfheim Elf, they did not like the Shadow Elves either.
"As being originally Ethengerian, the Inlashar had great knowledge of horses, and great skill too. Within this skill, their mages created magical items for the ride. One of these set of items belong to a Great Warrior Ugleton. The humanoids say he was Orcish in origin, the Ethengar say he was Human, but bicker which tribe, the Shadowelves even claim he was one of their kind, while the Darokinians claim he was only a wel experienced half-orc". "Why all these contwadicting opinions?" Gaston inquired. "That was for his items. And it is these the Humanoids quest for, to kill the Shadow Elves, the Shadow Elves want to prevent this, and acquire the items for themselves, and then use against all races in their way of conquest. The Centaurs, just happen to live un the region, and did not like the search and combat on their lands. They attacked the humanoid encampments, and killed several Shadow Elves too. As long as we stay on this side of the river we will not be attacked by them, but they keep a keen eye open just in case. As you can see, they succeeded to remove the threat for the moment.
We are unaware of what the items might be. The rumours run wildly between Horshoes of Flight or shoes of speed, or a Saddle conveying Dragon abilities. I myself think it is jus a magical barding, an piece of armor just for horses, possibly enchanted to give a high protection, and maybe even a magical attack or two. Not something thus special, they all fight and die for at least." "Then, is it safe fow us to twavel fuwthew?" "As long as you stay on this side of theBlackwater River, but to reach komkommer, you must pass the ford a few miles further upriver, and there you must be very, aware. Like Eylial here, Artil there suddenly has peeked the "treasure hunter's " interest."
After this interesting piece of information, and a few pints of local ale, we went to sleep.In the silent night, far away, the howl of several wolves broke the silence, and nearby a hoot of an owl. I cfolded my beart in my shirt, and closed my eyes
Maybe tomorrow, I would be able to be active again...my heart pulses, a soft numbing pain follows...maybe the day after,Adventure Idea; The Legend of Ugleton. is as described above. He was indeed a Half-Orc Ethengar/Inlashar warrior. He had battled the Knights in the North, the mages in the west, dread spirits on the Mountain, and horned fighters in the East. When he finally went south, into Inlashar, his fame and cunning had preceded him. The Elves took no chances, and used some missiles treated with some rare plantjuices. The wound he surely would survive, but the contra effects, would grow within him, fester, and weaken this fighter. Until at the end Ugleton was to weak to defend himself against a Grizzlybear. Nothing other than his left leg was retrieved and several Inlashar Villages Claim they buried it, together with the remains of his trusted horse and equipment.
The Equipment was a set of Horshoes of Speed ( effectively doubling the creatures running speed for 8 hours, but functioning only once a three days. With a Word of Recall charged within (rechargeable at the arriving point by local Shamani) bringing the horse and all it bears directly to Xantha Ethengar. The Armor of Ugleton was a simple chainmail of +2, with a single spell reflect once a day. The Barding of the horse, however, was able to create 3 Magic missiles each 5 rounds, on the bearer's commands. Simple, but mighty items indeed, but not worth the hunt and the losses for either race. Some adventurers might however be willing to take a chance, but keep in mind, they must fight through violent Orcs, Gnolls, Ogres, and Hobgoblins, wanting the items themselves. trying to stay alive against the Evil young Shadow Elf followers of Atzanteotl (these belong to the groups fighting in Aengmor, and with great discontent in the Canolbarth affair and Rafiel's promises.). And llast but not least the Centaurs who actually only want to defend their lands from any invasions. Their leader Barthulli, would however really welcome the items if they exist. He would dislike the word of Recall efffect, but as a last act, it might be worth the risk to stay alive. If he would done the Armor, Barding and shoes, the Centaurs would surely have a chance to hold their dominion on this location.
This is a great socio-political adventure a DM could handle.Advised Level 9 to 25. With several High level Shadow Elves, Humanoids and Centaurs (use Gazetteer 10, Orcs of Thar, Gazeteer 11 Shadow Elves, and PC1 Tall Tales of Wee folk to create worthy opponnts. What would the characters do; The humanoids trule need the items to ward of the Shadow Elves desiring to chase them away from the Broken Lands, The shadow Elves, do not really need it, but want to have the items to keep them from others using it, and maybe use them later against their enemies, TheCentaurs like to form their own dominion, and the adventurers may be greedy themselves.
Have funChapter 6
Venturing in the Black Hills
As penned down by Separim Longstrider
Darokin Province of Inlashar 1014 AC, 3rd Yarthmont
After several confusing transcripts, it is my blessed turn to tell the fortuitous readers of our splendid exploration of the wilderness areas of the Known World.
This night we heard the vague story of the hero Ugleton. The name does not provide any more hints, and actually we did not need to know. All we could be certain was to be aware in the lands in front of us. The Emyn Mon or Black Hills as the Humans call this area. Actually a series of hills and pushed up ground, eroded by time and weather, with several layers of volcanic ash from the Twin Volcanoes in between. The ground is very fertile, but the combination of Pine trees and volcanic ash discoloured the waters here. It is due this disturbing fact we call this area The Emyn Mon or Black Hills. Several springs find their origin here converging in the Celon Morgulduin or Blackwater River. Further to the North East there are Nen Morgulduin, which further downstream becomes Wente Morgulduin, and the Bambra Brook. All these streams eventually merge with the Blackwater River entering the Canolbarth. But even here we can see the devastating effects what the foul Shadow Elves have done to our beloved Canolbarth. With their evil magic they changed the trees, stopped the magic, and with that changed the weather patterns. In all our horror, we see the forest slowly dying, and the hills becoming dryer as less precipitation falls. The Black Hills suffer the same, but seem to attract some rain due the static energies from the Twin Volcanoes…every eruption is followed by a local rain it seems. This instantly spreads the fertile ash, and keeps the area from drying out. Yet even here the reduction in precipitation can be seen…The tops of the pines show more brown twigs and dead branches, and more dead trees can be found within these woods.
Who knows what the future will bring, can this area survive on its own? Will the Canolbarth be saved?
Who knows…I do not. And though the pain in my soul burns brightly of this vile Shadow Elven act, I have to continue, explore the world.
Back to the Night. The stars were brightly in the clear evening sky, and while my guard duty entered I saw the various star signs. (DM's Here is more on Mystara Astrology)
Today the Fenumëlaewcari or the Hydra was best visible. One could even see the slim belt of Rocks where once Damocles was. Like the last year many small falling stars lit up the sky, their traces all from the same origin. Then some of the stars were blocked as something large flew over. The size of it deemed it to be a Dragon. That is something new. As far as we Elves know there does not live a dragon in this area, maybe it came here due the changes in the environment…again more evil brought in by those vile Shadow elves. The dark shadow went north…our direction. I decide not to inform the others, it is not their best to become anxious and change their course. We must learn more about this area, and although many elves accompanied the few caravans traversing this alternate route to Ethengar (instead going through the Broken Lands infested with Humanoids), our exact knowledge is limited. If we truly intend to re-conquer Our Canolbarth we must learn to know the current areas around it in the best detail. The dragon, or whatever it was is no more visible. The sky betrays a clear day tomorrow. 4 hours have passed, My guard duty is over, the Hin Straddle Leafboots takes over.
Darokin Province of Inlashar 1014 AC, 4th Yarthmont
A coldwater shower, refreshed my aching muscles, and removed the dirt of the day before. I must be prepared to moments where I can’t clean myself. A dwarf does not seem to wash itself, the Hin does not care if it does or not, and the human does do so only in the human locales. My delicate nose is not used to the stench of all that sweat. Luckily we follow water thus far, and the streams go in our direction. A breakfast from the friendly farmers prepares us for the day. Berries and Salad…they still do know how to treat an elf, even though we aren’t their neighbours anymore. The others think they are carnivores and mistreat their bellies with bacon, beans and eggs. Another hour of informative discussion passes with Gaston and the Farmers…to learn what can be expected.
Then we finally leave “At Eylial”. After about three miles we use a ford to cross the Blackwater River, and arrive on the safer Eastern side. Here the train continues through the Pine forest
The trail also goes here towards a similar barn conglomeration as last night, this one is named Komkommer, and like “At Eylial” on the other side of the river is an old ruin of a former village of the Inlashar named Artil. Though we did see several centaurs from a distance gleaning upon us, we made no real encounters. Their muscular bodies soon disappeared again between the pines.
A single abandoned farm reveals the strenuous feeling in the area. It may be due the humanoids, the volcano or the recent skirmishes, or even the change of the region. It is a pity to see all change. And though we Elves love change, this kind we do not respect as part of Nature. In the early afternoon we arrived at Komkommer. Indeed a farmer settlement, somewhat larger than “At Eylial” with 6 or seven farms. And importantly, not a palisade is used here, but Thorn bushes and slanted pikes as defence. There are several farms, mostly beans and cabbage, and some sheep and cattle. The ruins of Artil on the other side bear a Humanoid flag; Kobolds, apparently they control the other side of the river. But no kobolds can be seen, and from the local Farmers we hear, that they indeed take not much interest in this section of the wood. There are however several Kobold settlements to the west; Camp Cold Water, Camp Waarp Camp Papyrus and even two Kobold villages Koltes and Kolera.
The reason according to the farmers is the areas with larger and darker pines, known as the Whispering trees, more they could (or would) not say. Now that is something I am curious at…would Treants life in the area, or is it something else. It does not seem to be Treants, as the nature is not as abundant as normally when they have settled and control the forest, but maybe they are a recent addition to the region.
After some communication between the farmers we decided to continue our voyage, trying to reach the Hamlet of Estobrun somewhere just after or before Nightfall. Salechaam bought a pig with a broken leg, grinning from ear to ear, the brute probably intents to kill, prepare and devour it later.
Soon the few farms we leave behind, the trail continuous in a region known to the Locals as Maghyar Orzag. A name originating from the Old Inlashar era, when this section was the last province to be abandoned by the Inlashar so long ago.
In the late afternoon, while following the trail up in the hills, going slowly but clearly higher (The magic altimeter of Gaston gives an altitude of 1490’above sea level) we are halted by a small group of Centaurs. Their leader comes forth while at least seven other Centaurs have encircled us, and bow ready. “Who are you, and why do you go here” he speaks in Elvish first and repeats in Thyatian. “Sepawim?” Gaston beckons me. I dismount from the wagon, and step forward, my weapons still at my belt and shoulder. I see the wonderful muscular body of the leader if front of me, his chest a sixpack chest above a lower musled V, and a face, faintly elfish in appearance with dark brown hair maned over its neck and back to where his horse section begins. His warm and astounding beautiful face looks stringent and tenacious.
His beautiful face…Breaking from my beginning fantasies…I hesitatingly respond in Elvish; “I ..eh…I am Separim Longstride. We are travellers, explorers of the world to say, and follow this trail to the Ethengar Khanates.” “So you do NOT desire to quest or battle in this region?” “No, we do not desire to do battle, other than to defend ourselves, and though we are interested in the area, its population, and vegetation, we have no real goal here other than to learn” “Then, trusting the words of an honourable Elf, Separim Longstride, I Pernicus, Troop leader of the Adanrohir allow you to continue. But beware, we do keep an eye out to all who pass. We do not want to have war here, or vile craves for magic items.” “I only, honourably can tell you Proud Pernicus, that we are not interested in these.” With that sentence Pernicus raised his right arm, the centaurs regrouped behind him; “I wish you well on your exploration Separim and companions. If you are true in your words you will find no hinder from us or the humans living here, but be aware the region has its own dangers, you must learn by yourself.” With these words he turned and with several long strides I saw his muscular back, partially covered by the glistening dark-brown hair and mane disappears. His strong behind bore a similar dark brown tail, but had a large scar on the right cheek…”Come on Separim…stop dreaming”…, Salechaam teasingly spurred me back to reality “…we are waiting for you”
Without a word I climbed back on the wagon, stroked the dogs face gently, looked up into Salechaams face, and although I desired to verbally lunge out to this emotionless dwarf, I turned, took the reins from Gaston and continued our voyage…without a word. But what a beautiful Centaur specimen Pernicus is…brrr.
The trail continues through the woods, the strong scent of the pines is relaxing. Birds sing and some deer burl further away. Their mating season has started. While in this long section, the creeks parted away from us, they come now nearer again, the more Northeast we go. Then another scent, burning wood reveals we are near a settlement. And indeed in the last rays of the Sun we see a small settlement, protected by a palisade wall and thorned hills around the farms; The Hamlet of Estobrun. Again we are welcomed, the humans here rarely receive visitors, as the alternative trail, is not used as much as it could be. Straddle explains that if we explore this region, this might change. The farmers are content, and so are we. It is a night to remember, Straddle is as interesting to the young maidens as if he is a diamond, I have company of a friendly human (similarly appearing as Pernicus..ahem), even the Dwarf has found joy in a small female, and nobody seems to sleep alone,…except Gaston we discover the next morning.
Chapter 7
A Moment of gentle Seduction in orgiastic frenzy
As penned down by Separim Longstrider
Darokin Province of Inlashar 1014 AC, 4th Yarthmont
After a night of gratifying results…ahem…I awoke. The blankets just covered me, and my companion was just preparing to don his last boot. My nails raked his still bare back, and he turned around. Instantly I was shocked…he did not look like he did the night before, the same features, but more gruff, dirty and …older…and his muscular lower body had been replaced by a floppy belly. Even his voice was broken and crooked, when he gently tried to ask if I desired bread and milk for breakfast. That was one thing that did not change, his personality, and demeanour. Yet somehow I did not notice how simpleminded he actually was…a local farmer. How could I…What did happen…what had happened. When he departed for getting breakfast, in his friendly mood, I got dressed. I ventured outside, and noticed that the village of Estobrun, was a village as any other local in the region, gone was the beauty, the radiance, gone was the aura of pleasantness. It was a boring village like any other, and the people within were similar. We were the exception, clean, reasonably young and attractive to some point we all were. To the locals at least, turned to my Book of Leaves and opened the Divination chapter. Rapidly memorizing several divination spells, as due the sleep all my spells had gone.(1)
“Sorry Milady” here’s bread and milk as promised”. The voice of the man was still gruff, but his intentions were gentile, …and I did sleep with him tonight. “Thank you…sorry I do not know your name?” “Neither do I know yours Milady, even though…we…eh…did …eh… spend the night together. I must apologize, this is not my normal behaviour. I truly hope you are not offended, and I am willing to undo any harm I can undo and help where ever I can, and…” Here I stopped the poor fellow with his rapid apologies, with a simple shhh.” It is not your fault”…and cast a spell of Detect Magic. My eyes blinked as normal, and my vision revealed all magic in the familiar blueish glow, unless covered. We both bore a cloud of dissipating magic, so magic of Thought it must have been, maybe a charm spell of some kind. It was dissipating, thus had no more effect, maybe it had some illusionary effect too, but that’s thought magic too. I saw the glint of a simple protection ring on the man, but he further had no ambient magic or any residue other than what we both had. We were both victimized by this spell. “Wait a moment here,…please” I gestured to the man while moving outside. It was a clouded day, not warm, not cold, and actually normal to the season. I wandered a bit around, and saw faint residue of the same cloudy aura on any person or animal in the area, and evaporating traces in the air. Whatever this spell was, it was much stronger than a simple Charm spell. It had affected the whole village, and turned all within to an ecstatic orgy of wild sexual desire. Some people were bickering, not content what they had done, some did the same wanting more. All bore the same traces of magic….the spell could have ended only some time ago. As I moved around I saw Straddle and Salechaam bearing the same aura. They seemed to be content by what happened, seeing no apparent difference between the last night and now, they happily greeted and send their happy companions away. Gaston did not bear the residue…could he…Before I could finish my sentence in my thought, he looked upon me. “Twuly,…?” frowning his thick brows. I did not know if he reacted upon my thought or that I was looking through a divining spell. “Stwange night tonight, stwange effects, don’t you agwee Sepawim?”
“Yes, absolutely” I responded while still looking around. The aura seemed to originate from the area where we entered the village. “Do you have magic available?” I requested. “Yes, I have not slept so all spells awe still within..” Together we moved towards the gate, noticing our searching movement, Straddle and Salechaam followed, bearing Row the dog with them. “Here the spell is cast, and it did affect all within a hundred feet or so” I spoke out loud when I noticed the residue spark of the spell. “I think the caster was about 5’high as the gesture spark is just at 3.5’.” Row suddenly started barking. Salechaam instantly responded “Fetch”, and released the loop which held him. The dog spurred forward, and attacked something on a small hill, 50 yards or so away. Words were spoken and some shrieking, attempts at spell casting, but the trained dog’s attacks were so rapid each spell was disturbed. Within the ruckus a maiden appeared, stunningly beautiful, but now bearing several scratch and bite marks. Row had toppled the girl and was standing on all fours over the young girl, his jaws above the throat, saliva dripping down from upturned lips. “Halt” was all needed by Salechaam to stop the attack.
Gaston grabbed the girl by her arm; “Who awe you and what magic did you cast?” Straddle increased the threat, by yelling “Or we will not heal your wounds”. The girl bursted out in tears, and was unable to respond. Gaston cast a decreased web spell to bind the girl.(2) And we moved here to the centre of the village. Soon the whole population was attending. Then together with Pernicus the Village leader/elder we started to interrogate the girl, for it seemed that she was either responsible for the effects of last night, or part of it. At first all she could do was whine and snotter, until Salechaam brazed his voice to a heavier tone, and ordered answers. Instantly she fell silent. Some men and women found Salechaam a brute, gruff, and unfriendly, but it seemed that this was a side effect of the ambient magic she carried, for as she stood up, to view around, she fell, still bound by the web, into the mud. Instantly everybody thought she was the one responsible.
“Who are you?” Straddle requested. “Melissa, my name is Melissa Alkesander” was a soft, sad, response. “What magic did you use upon us?” Gaston asked in a softer tone, like a father uses on his faulty daughter, but this was rapidly followed by Salechaam ordering “And speak the Truth, our mage has a detect lie active, and we will throw you in the brig when you lie!!” Timidly she responded; “Actually several spells…”. “Speak up, which spells!!” Salechaam thundered. “Several Skank Spells….. But there was something wrong, I could not stop casting the spell, even when I was out of my normal limit of spell capability”.
”SPELLLOCK” Gaston replied “You’ve been Telepowted ow something?” “Yes, I was in the mansion of Senator Serpetius Asbestos trying to make my earnings”. “You mean theft…” Straddle responded “…for you were invisible.” “Ehh…yes” was the soft reply. “So you’ve been caught red-handed” Salechaam thundered with a smile as wide his beard could carry. “I suppose that happened last night, somewhewe awound the time we awwiwed in this settlement?” “I am really sorry, I am not an evil girl, I am just a…” “Seductress” Straddle interrupted. Shamefully she looked up “Yes…I am a Seductress” (4)
“Where ya from” Pernicus the village Elder requested. “I am from Armstead, a small town in Darokin, I was captured some years ago, sold as a slave in Ylaruam, and the only way for me to escape this predicament was to learn the craft of Seductress. A local lady Ishya helped me in this, and that’s how I escaped and ended up in Thyatis. I am not a very powerful or experienced caster, so the senator’s mage detected me casting Skank while invisible in an attempt to get the guard distracted and I could escape”.
“Hmm nice idea, failed though miserably” Straddle reacted admiringly. “I knew there’s something of a thief in you…” Salechaam instigated agitation. “SILENCE!!”
Gaston ordered. “So you awe belonging to the weakest mage class existing and you claim twying to escape a theft attempt. You can pwove this if you show what you stole!!” “Empty her Pockets” the dwarf ordered. Pernicus send the smith, a tall muscular man, to search her coat, for pockets, not forgetting the belt, and boots. A scroll with seal, and a small blue velvet spellbook, a slice of tack, some silver pieces and a hoof of a mountain goat came forth.
Gaston investigated. “Is youw Detect Magic spell still active Sepawim/…Then please take a look”.”Only the hoof and the spell book have remnants of ambient magic upon it. The hoof sheds matter magic, while the book sheds minute traces of Though magic.” Gaston opened the scroll and broke the seal with a snap.
“Hmmm.” he pondered and with a simple scorch spell burned the scroll. The girl cried “Noooo!!!” “What you said is the twuth Melissa, but the scwoll is not the one you needed. You stole the wwong one.” “Noo, no no…” was all she said. “Pewnicus”. “Yes master”. “Please wash and dwess the giwl and then wetuwn hewe to me with hew…no violence and some decency please, she is ouw guest…fow the time being”. “Yes Sir” and with the smith and some women they went in the washhall where the women normally do laundry. “Out, Out “the women pushed the men away, “Now its our work. No need for eyes of desire and lust.”
The Discovery crew convened, investigating the items. “What was on the scroll Gaston? Straddle requested. “Nothing impowtant fow us to know. If the giwl wetuwns bwing hew to me. I have to memowize my spells”, and went into the wagon. Straddle looked upon the ashes…”Nothing to learn from that thus”. “Look at these spells” I responded; “See these names? Yemelat's Orgiastic Frenzy, Seduction, Charm Man, De Grass Pilfering Fingers. I’ve even never heard of these spells. And they aren’t even written in mage script, so each mage could read them”Salechaam tore the booklet from my fingers…: “There are only scribbles within, no letters or runes or such”. “Hmmm, apparently the ambient magic reveals itsels on specific conditions, either the Detect Magic, or the fact that I can cast magic must be the key”
“Hi…” a timid female voice broke my thoughts. “Here she is heroes. Clean as a whistle” It was Pernicus with the girl, and several gleaning men behind them. The girl was gorgeous, decently dressed, but this could not cover her well developed figure. I ordered the men to return to their daily duties while we were to bring Melissa to Gaston. Tapping on the wood of the wagon to call Gaston, he soon came out. “Ah, you’have hew weady” “Now Melissa, listen cleawly. You can’t stay hewe in da wildewness. This be no place fow a city giwl like you. I’ll cast a spell to bwing you to Cowunglain, ow at least neaw to it. Thewe you can find youw way and fweedom”. “But the scwoll…”. “You do not need it, you do not even need to know its contents”. So pwepawe, Hewe awe youw items, say goodby, and entew youw fwee life…thewe.”Melissa stood up;”Thank you for your kindness, all of you. I will not forget this”. “Neither will we” mumbled many men, pinched in the side by their women. “Middle fingew taught, index fingew cwooked, waving the stweam of an accolade, my mind set up, To Cowunglain you go” With these words following the fibrant tunes of magic, were weaved, a circle of magic runes was shortly visible around Melissa, and before the round was past the spell was finished. With a silent plop, she disappeared instantly.
North of Corunglain, Mellisa did appear near the farm Gaston so liked (see chapter1). Indeed only a short distance from the city. “Thank you friends, truly thank you. I will not forget this”. She opened here booklet and began memorizing her spells. The first she cast was a Balance spell, using the hoof as focus component. Then she made small steps over the rocks in the brook, despite her high heels, and walked into the city, free.Epilogue;
While the discovery left the hamlet of Estobrun. Gaston bore the reins. Straddle next to him. “Gaston? What was written on the scroll?” “A wawning my fwiend, a wawning to us all. The Iwon Wing is meddling again in the affaiws of nowmal men.” “The Iron Ring?” “Yes, sowwy to say that, but as she’s telepowted hewe, the castew must be familiaw with the wegion, and the sole weason, today is us…ouw voyage!!” “Damn…” was all Straddle could say. He looked around, his eyes met the dog walking beside the Discovery. The wagon slowly continued over the trail through the the region of Magyar Orzag.
1). Important notice; Spells of magical or clerical origin are stored in the mind of the caster until used. However; when the caster loses consciousness or falls asleep, all spells are lost. This means danger to any caster, because if he/she loses consciousness, he can’t bring any spell out. This is the reason most experienced casters have, several scrolls, rings, staffs or other items able to be used when no magic is memorized or stored within the brain.
Spell storage (Int/Wis); High-level casters can however, learn a specific skill which enables them to memorize one spell for each intelligence bonus (Wisdom for Clerical classes) even while losing consciousness. This skill can only be learned if the caster is able to cast 5th level magic. The skill adds 10 minutes (1 Turn) to the memorization/praying time to acquire the spells, and the caster chooses which spells will be stored. If the spells are cast prematurely, or the caster is subjected to forget spells, Anti Magic, severe brain damage or similar before the loss of consciousness appears, they will NOT be available. The caster must roll his skill check to this ability, and if successful the spells chosen will be available instantly when the caster awakes from sleep or resumes consciousness as if still memorized. Nothing changed to the spells. If not successful, the spells will be gone as normal. The skill can be learned from any with this skill, and needs a free skill slot as per skill rules from the D&D Rules Cyclopedia pages 81-86. The caster is unaware if his skill use is successful or not until he/she awakes. The first time the skill is learned it has a value of 8+1d4, but never more than the current intelligence (or wisdom if clerical) of the caster. This can be increased by learning from another teacher later, but is never higher than the value of that teacher. Casters able to use clerical AND magical spells must choose before which type of spells, and the skill will be based on that type alone.2). A caster is always able to reduce the effects of any spell he or she is casting, on a successful ability check (Mages; intelligence, Clerics; Wisdom). As some spells have random effects, the reduction will be counted from there. Mostly a caster decreases distance, area of effect, or the final effect. However, the whole spell is used, however small the effect is. This ability does not affect the spell in any other way and normal saving throws do apply. A web spell for example does normally cover an area of 10 feet, with this reduction, it could be used to bind a person.
3). Spelllock. This severe handicap occurs on a magic user of any class which is severely disturbed in casting a spell. The handicap causes the same spell to be cast continuously, thereby draining the caster of all available magic, including items. Artifacts will be nullified for a week at most, but each spell cast drains that amount of spell levels, charges or HD from the items until there is no more magic. Continuous or temporary effects are exempted (example; Bless, Invisibility). If the caster happens to be in an area with magic nearby, the handicap will continue until that magic is empty/suppressed too. This includes all magic items within 10 feet.
This severe condition only happens to those casters who are subjected to a transportation spell of any sort while casting the spell that is repeated by the effect, and failing an intelligence check. The caster will still be transported, but then the handicap will be released. Non magic users and clerics of any kind will not be affected, but could be affected by the magic drain caused by a caster suffering this handicap.
4). Seducer class is a mixture of Darokin Merchant (of which they use several spells), Mage and Thief, where the goods are the service of the Seducer. To know more about the seductress class download the PDF with all class info and special spells here.
Warning; this is adult material. Do not use this class in a way children learn wrong things. Even if though this is a game, women, even those of the craft, earn our respect, for if it were not for them, many more women would be victimized by the lust of others.
The class is meant to fill in the niche of womanizer or desirable woman like as presented in many movies. Not to incite indecent behaviour. Cases of sex are therefore best NOT detailed, just mentioned, nothing more. This way some eroticism can enter the game and keep it respectfully to all.
We are all adults, lets behave like adults, with fun and respect
A very nice miniature can be found here; SeductressChapter 8
Through the Hills of Maghyar-Orzag
As penned down by Salechaam Deraan
Darokin Maghyar-Orzag Region 1014 AC, 5th Yarthmont
Now it is my turn to write down all that happens. First repair the flaws of our female elf….; the region we travel in, is not Inlashar, maybe it had been so in the past, yet we Dwarves (and the locals of the hamlet of Estobrun) know it is actually named Maghyar-Orzag. This was a group of humans as far as we know, (at least they are now, which lived in these mountains before the Great Rain of Fire. They had contact with old dwarven tribes in the mountains of Rockhome, and several Dwarves must have lived amongst them; sharing their knowledge. This we know as the Maghyar learned a dwarven based rune script named; székely–maghyar rovásírás which up to today is used on maps and road signs. So is
the local scripture for the hamlet Estobrun. Although clearly Dwarvish in origin, they totally mixed up the signs, and created several new ones. For example the rune they use for ‘r’ is actually the dwarven rune for ‘h’. Yet we must keep in mind, these are mere humans, not knowing the importance of the power of the runes. As such it is only writing, and none of these bear any magical powers. The name Orzag means ores; which implies the people here derived (and some still do) delve for ores in the broken lands or hills of the region. Though not gold, or platinum, electrum is found here in justifiable amounts to set up a trade.
After leaving Estobrun we followed the existing trail towards the east. The Calor’s Spur of the Dwarfgate mountains most western edge peaked over and through the gates. At least now we were heading to normal mountains. I don’t like all this greenery; it feels as if something—a vile Orc, stinkin’ kobold or some’tin worse—looks from the various creepy corners. The scents are overwhelming, not to speak of the many animal sounds. Separim holds the reigns, while Gaston studies. I don’t know where Straddle is, he regularly leaves the wagon to forage in the neighbourhood. T’is good he has Row with him. I don’t like the region…hmm…I tend to repeat myself. The heavy pine forest became hilly forest. A forest used by the locals to regularly cut trees; many stumps can be seen, where trees have stood. I already noticed a small herd of deer. The leading bull has a nice rack of antlers to put on the wall…pity we’re not huntin’. We passed an abandoned settlement a few hundred yards of the road south. There was no sign, yet many tracks of humanoids; these must have been the reason the humans grouped together or fled. I grab Mahawudi and polish his cutting edge to a sheen.
Gaston somewhat later steared away from the track going north; “look thewe are wuins of a lawge village. That must be Maghyaw, the main settlement of the wegion. Lets take a look, we awe explowews aftew all”.Here we could see again one of the strongholds of Inlashar, as it was called the Land of Fortresses. It was old, and damaged. Nature has made it into a ruin, and the visiting humanoids and travellers passing by helped a hand. All we could was map the ruin and but it into storage. No valuables could be found here without going deeper. All we could discover were washin’ basins to clean the electrum. Yet none of the metal was found…probably taken by others. The ruin was located at 1578’ above sea-level as the magical altimeter revealed.
After a two hours of foraging, and exploration (and grazing for the animals), we continued, yet not back to the trail, instead we went north. Moving slower, and more careful, we traversed the hills. In a patch of dead trees we saw the evening shade of the Gnollistan plateaux darkening the region. We had to find a safe spot to go through the night. The landscape suddenly changed. Though eroded into hills, this was a region which had been a mountain long ago. Yes, here a mountain “died” in the east the steep sharp edge of Calors Spur revealed, it had been part of the Dwarfgate Mountain chain long ago. Large pieces still revealed how the mountain must have been disintegrated. This shrapnel has become the broken lands of the area. The line between hills and former mountain was thus clear we could even place it on the map as a brown line; to the south the normal hills, to the north the broken lands, eroded into hills with clear sharp stones and rocks revealing it had been once a mountain. The altimeter revealed we were at 2035’ altitude. The area was very hard to traverse with the wagon. And already two miles into the ruged terrain we had to stop. One of the spoke of a wheel broke. Not a great problem, yet we needed to make a new one and replace it, this would cost us time. Time we did not had, as the nearby humanoids often went through here traces revealed. We decided to set up camp. Gaston levitated up to map the region, yet returned invisible; he must have seen something. “Fwiends we must be vewy caweful. Thewe is a Gnoll Camp on the othew sude of the stweam two miles away”. “Gnolls!! Damn” I cursed. We now had to set up Nightwatch to prevent surprise attacks. These dangerous humanoids are intelligent, and evil to the bone. Gaston helped with the use of a powerful Mass Invisibility, and Detect Invisible spells (also cast by Separim) enabled us to see. That means no fire tonight, no warm meal, and trying to keep silent. The creek revealed traces of Gnoll filth floating by. We had luck on our side. The night was warm, warmer than expected. No encounters, except a very annoying night owl.