by Anarion_ElendiliThe RAW (RC, p. 154) is that you get one saving throw, and if that fails, death comes at 25% certainty in 1d6 days, or, in the case of infected rats, you might be sick up to a month instead, needing bedrest.
Here is an alternative system that I came up with (mainly to use with my minor Cure Disease versions, but I figured that it might have some wider interest, so I split it off into its own topic):
1. If the animal is infected, every bite requires a Save vs. Poison. Immediate successful Healing skill roll may give +2 to the saving throw (washing the wound with wine, etc).
2. If the saving throw fails, the symptoms (high fever, infection) appear in a day or so, and the character needs bedrest. Make a second saving throw. Note, if the character cannot rest (being chased by monsters, needing to carry a warning), he automatically fails the second saving throw, but can continue on. If the second saving throw is successful, the character's fever will break in 1d6 days, and he recovers fully in the same number of days.
3. If the 2nd saving throw fails, the disease becomes very serious. In 1d6 days, the character becomes delirious, and at the end of the period, make a 3rd saving throw.
4. If the 3rd saving throw fails, the character dies of the illness. However, if he succeeds (and gets some rest), he is on the mend. After each week, make a saving throw, and if it is successful, he recovers.That is slightly more deadly vs. normal people, but becomes much more forgiving for higher level characters, thanks to the multiple saving throws rather than a flat 25%. However, since the higher level characters likely have easy access to Cure Disease, I am not too bothered by this.