here is the first of a series of five kits that detail the Hulean priests of the Temple of Chaos. All of these kits are based on the priest kits from "Al Qadim Arabian Adventures", though all have been adapted to the different nature of the Hulean religion (Chaotic rather than Lawful) and of Bozdogan.
by Giampaolo AgostaThe veritable eyes and ears of Hagiarchy, Diviners are the thought police and inquisitors of Hule.
Requirements: Diviners must be of Chaotic alignment, and cannot be Good. They need to meet the following minimum scores: 12 Wisdom, 9 Intelligence, 9 Charisma.
Role: Diviners are similar to police. They travel the country freely, often in disguise. These officials have two important duties.
First, they search for criminals. Criminals include not only thieves and murderers, but also those who have "wrong thoughts." Wrong thoughts are considered to be those against the state religion or those who cast doubt on the "miracles" of the holy men. All clerics who do not belong to the state religion are "wrong thinkers". All people who follow other Immortals, or no Immortal are "wrong thinkers." All magic-users are "wrong thinkers," except those working for the Diviners or the clergy.
The second duty of the Diviner is to find worthy candidates for government service. If they find a particularly holy person, they bring him before the leaders of Hule for testing.
Weapon Proficiencies: any Thief weapon. Diviners often use maces, staves and daggers.
Non-weapon Profs: Bonus: Religion (Temple of Chaos), Ceremony (Bozdogan), Bureaucracy.
Required: Information Gathering, Reading/Writing (Hulean).
Recommended: Intimidation, Disguise, Religion (heretic religions).
Equipment: Diviners dress in flowing red robes, and don black, featureless masks. They bring clear crystals as symbols of their office, hanging from a cord or chain on the chest. Diviners may use any armour up to Chain Mail, but no shield.
Access to Spheres: Major: All, Astral, Charm, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Necromantic, Protection, Summoning, Sun (reversed spells only), Chaos.
Granted Powers: Detect Lie (3/day), Detect Law (3/day), ESP (1/day).
Diviners can Control Undead.
Special Benefits: a Diviner will receive food and lodging from any temple, for himself and up to 1 companion per level.
He can also request resources up to 100 Liras per level, but he will be called to explain the use of that money to his superiors. He may request funds no more than every two months.
The Diviners can gather fanatic followers, either janissaries or defenders of Bozdogan, for up to 1 day per level. A number of 1st level fighters (2 x level of the priest) will answer his call.
Last, a Diviner can request an assistant, who may be another lower level Diviner or a member of the Clergy. The assistant will be at a level equal to 1/2 the Diviner's own level, up to 4th, and will stay for 1 week per level.
Diviners can pass judgements and act as a combination of police officers, inquisitors, and judges. This powers give them a great ascendant over the lower ranks of the Hulean hierarchy.
Therefore a Diviner receives a +2 bonus to the Intimidation NWP, and a +2 reaction bonus from all native Huleans but other Diviners and Holy Men.
This does not mean the Diviner are popular, just that people are cowed by the Diviner's power, or just wise enough to avoid angering one of them.
The effect of the reaction bonus lasts as long as the Diviner is around.
Special Hindrances: While they may be feared, Diviners are not liked.
Their reaction bonus becomes immediately a penalty, when the Diviner is away--when they can get away with it, the people of Hule tend to disregard the authority.
Diviners are bound to the hierarchy, and must answer to the Holy Men, and follow their orders to the letter.
Foreigners in Hule develop quickly an intense dislike for the Diviners.
Any foreigner who has been to Hule for any relevant time will react at -3 to any Diviner.
Starting Funds: Diviners start with standard cleric funds. They can get more money from the church, should they need it for their activities.