We tend to see lots of references to Jurassic and Cretaceous critters in the 'lost world' monster lists in all forms of D&D. But here's something older, a sheer terror from the Devonian period. Probably had one of the most powerful bites in the animal kingdom, ever. There are many stagings for a creature like this - you could have them skulking in the depths of an ocean trench, surviving in the depths of the lake on the Central Plateau on the Isle of Dread, swarming in the Merry Pirate Seas in the hollow worlds, in massive fish bowls kept as pets by Titans... Take your pick. But this is far too cool an extinct creature not to have in your D&D repertoire.
by Cab Davidson
Stat Dunkleosetus AC: 3 HD: 14* Movement (swimming): 120’(40’) Attacks: 1 bite Damage: 6d6+death Numner Appearing: 0 (1) Save As: F7 Morale: 10 Treasure Type: Nil Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 2500 The fearsome dunkleosetus is an horrific prehistoric terror of the oceans. Easily reaching 30’ long, with enormous, gaping mouths at the front of heavily armoured heads, they hunt by swimming to within 30’ of a target, at which point they suck water towards them and extend their grotesque, bony jaws forward 15’, well in front of their bodies, before closing their mouths in an horrific bite attack. On an attack roll of 15-20 their victim must make a saving throw vs. death ray or be cut in two and instantly killed by the unimaginable force of the bite. If they succeed they still take 6d6 damage from the attack. In addition, on an attack roll of 19 or 20 the victim is swallowed (no saving throw).
Dunkleosetus view almost anything they see that is smaller than them as prey, and can crush armour as easily as shellfish. Thankfully, they are confined to the depths of oceans in ‘lost world’ areas, although there are persistent rumours of populations of them surviving elsewhere in deeper ocean trenches.