Deep Whistler Throwback [Ancient]
by WingofCootArmor Class: 8
Hit Dice: 3 [3 to 21]
Move: 120' (40')
Attacks: 1
Damage: By weapon
No. Appearing: 1 (0) + possibly 4d4 deep whistlers
Save As: Fighter 3 [Magic-User 3 to 21]
Morale: 8
Treasure Type Q (D)
Alignment Neutral
XP Value 35 [varies]These are a very rare form of deep whistler. If deep whistlers are already rarely seen, throwbacks are unknown to most of Vaniae's peoples.
Occasionally, by random chance, a deep whistler hatches with characteristics far more like their ancient ancestors. Their chitinous plates are less extensive and their claws much smaller-less dangerous, but also giving them far more flexibility and tool use ability. They have four 'fingers' (three large and clawed, one small and thumb-like) on each hand. They also have a fringe of delicate tendrils below their "chin" which can be used for very fine manipulation of small objects.
Throwbacks have far more intelligence than normal deep whistlers - potentially equal or greater than that of most humans. If they survive the dangerous period after hatching, they may lead unusually large packs (4d4 normal deep whistlers rather than the usual 2d4).
The ancient terraformers and mek builders would use the same statistics, but add Magic-User abilities of up to 36th level. Such an individual would gain 1 HD for every 3 full levels of Magic-User ability.
Adventure Idea (high-level!): a small group of ancient terraformers awaken and plan to restart their ages-stalled process. This will, unfortunately, flood a large part of Vaniae's currently habitable areas.
This is not because they are evil, or even necessarily uncaring of other intelligent life forms: to their way of thinking, a vibrant world is unambiguously better than a dying one, and anyone who disagrees is therefore automatically irrational. They will have no real concern for those displaced by the changes; they themselves would willingly move if faced by the same situation (of course, unlike the terraformers themselves, most beings of lesser magical power are far more dependent on things like buildings and agriculture that can't be easily moved).
The PCs could fight them, but this is dangerous: while small in number, the terraformers are all at least 25th-level Magic Users and the meks will immediately recognize them as authorized commanders.
Attempts to negotiate are possible, but the terraformers will not give up their plan for any reason (and continued insistence on doing so might lead to them viewing the PCs as irrational). However, they could be induced to change their schedule to give low-elevation populations more time to evacuate.
The PCs could choose to stand aside, which will eventually lead to a major conflict. Unless the PCs act, the terraformers will not do anything overt until they have gathered all the meks of Tharsis under their command. The entirety of the meks, now organized into a single skillfully-led force and backed up by extremely high level magic, will pose a threat to multiple nations.
The PCs could even take the side of the terraformers.