by Cab DavidsonAC: -3
HD: 20****
Move: 90'(30')
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite
Damage: 2d6/2d6/1d6+2 (all + poison)
No. Appearing: 1
Save As: F20
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: I, O, V
Intelligence: 11
Alignment: Chaotic
XPV: 10,500The fearsome draugr are a variety of spirit, but they are rather less restless than other Spirits, typically travelling in small territories in the frozen wastes, between grave sites, ancient battle grounds and cursed remains in an area rarely greater than a hundred miles across. They possess the same defences (+2 or better weapons needed to hit them, immune to spells below 4th level) and basic abilities (poisonous touch and presence, clerical spells, etc.) as described in the Compaion Set/Rules Cyclopedia.
Draugr appears rather like a zombie, invariably appearing to be an emaciated corpse with piercing, cold, blue eyes. While not incorporeal as such, the Draugr can freely travel through rock, stone, earth or ice in any direction, at normal speed. When doing so it will surprise a victim 75% of the time. They attack with their claws and by biting, and never carry weapons. Draugr are unusual in that they have an affinity with a non-undead creature, shadows, and once per night draugr can summon 3d12 shadows who will appear 1d6+2 rounds after summoning.
Draugr are resistant to turning similarly to revenants. If a turn attempt results in a D then a draugr may make a saving throw vs. spells to ignore the effect. A T result is handled normally, but the Draugr will return in 1d4 turns.
While draugr have little interest in treasure, there are often grave goods in and around the graves and ruins they frequent, and they are frequently on if not friendly terms with other undead at least willing to share information and loosely ally themselves with them. Their more localised habit than that of other spirits mean that they are more effectively able to become the lieges of lesser undead beings, these creatures informing them of happenings in their wider territories. They can on occasion amass groups of such creatures from the wider area for specific purposes.