Markov's Protection from Intoxication
by Aoz3rd level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V S
Duration: 1 hourThe spell caster can target themselves or touch another creature. If it or the spellcaster is Intoxicate, the spell neutralizes the Intoxication.
For the duration, the target has a saving throws against being Intoxication (+4 save) and it has resistance to Intoxication (half normal effect). :twisted:
Even with the spell. Aozy thinks Micky the Mage knew of some of the unique foods (Bugs) in New Kolland and lost on purpose ;) Aozy just highlight the most popular and there still were other strange and disturbing dishes in New Kolland some bug, some slime and some tentacles of some swamp thing that he decided not the write home to Glantri about.