Death Becomes Life
by AozThis Entropy spell was created by necromancer and a witch (husband and wife) working together to cure their daughter of an incurable disease. Level: 6 necromancer and witches (only)
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 10 minute
Components: V, S
Duration: InstantThe Spellcaster touches two targets.
The Spelllcaster transfers all afflictions to "willing" being, but the process snuffs out the lifeforce of that "willing" being.
The Spellcaster can heal the other target: up to 2 hit points + 1 hit point per level two level of spellcaster [Maximum healing 20 hit points at level 36th] including broken limbs and damaged organs, AII afflictions (from blindness, curses, paralysis, deafness, poison, illnesses, weakness, or nausea including rot grub and other parasitic infestations, diseases even mummy rot, and even Lycanthropy) are all transferred to the other "willing" target just before death.
The "Willing" will be affected by broken limbs and damaged organs, start with a mere 1 hit point and aII afflictions even into the afterlife (Limbo).
The "Willing" target can be charmed or dominate into becoming "willing". Certain conditions could cause a charmed being to get a Save versus Death Spell (A save: will inflict 10d6 damage to Spellcaster and 5d6 of damage to the "Healed" target). However, a dominated being does not get that chance.
The "Willing" must be the same species, similar age ( within 1 week per spellcaster level) and sex as the target being "Healed".
This is an Evil Spell; however, using a charmed or dominate being is Double Evil Act!!