Durifern Widefarer
by Giuliano MichelonHigh Elf Male
Ranger 9th – Elf Treerunner 6th – Legendary Leader 1st
the Legendary Leader came from "Heroes of Battle" (WotC); the Treerunner from "WAR" (AEG)
Non-player Character
age: 275 (app. 55)
hair: sun-white
eyes: blue
XP 130.000
AL Neutral Good
hp 128 (10 +14d10 + 1d8 + 64 constitution bonus)
Init +4 (+4 dexterity)
Spd 30 ft. (30 base)
AC 22 (touch 16, flat-footed 22) ((10 base, +4 from dexterity, +3 from ring of protection +3, +5 from leather armour +3 ))
Atk +22/+17/+12 melee (longsword +3) ((+15/+10/+1 base, +3 strength, +3 enchantment from magical weapon, +1 weapon focus)) or +20/+15/+12 (longsword +3 and [off hand] +17 masterwork shortsword or [double off hand] +14/+14 masterwork shortsword or +21/+16/+11 ((+15/+10/+1 base, +4 dexterity, +1 enchantment from magical weapon, +1 weapon focus)) missile (mighty composite longbow +1) or +22/+17/+12 melee Vs. magical beasts.
Dam 1d8 +6 longsword +3 melee crt. 19-20/x2 ((+3 enchantment from magical weapon, +3 strength, )) or 1d8 +6 longsword +3 and 1d6 +3 master shortsword or 1d8 +3 (+1 enchantment from magical weapon, +2 strength) mighty composite longbow +1 or 1d8 + 2d6 +5 Vs. magical beasts (+3 enchantment from magical weapon, +2 strength, +2d6 bane weapon)
SV Fort +16 ((+8 base, +4 constitution, +4 cloak of resistance )) Refl +18 ((+8 base, +4 dexterity, + 2 lightning reflexes, +4 cloak of resistance )) Will +17 ((+7 base, +4 wisdom, +2 iron will, +4 cloak of resistance ))
Abil Str 17 ((13 base, +4 belt of giant strength )) Dex 19 ((15 base, +4 gloves of dexterity )) Con 18 ((14 base, +4 amulet of health, )) Int 18 ((16 base, +2 ioun stone)) Wis 18 ((18 base)) Cha 20 ((16 base, +4 headband of charisma))
Skills ((total skill bonus (ranks, characteristic, synergy, special)) Animal Empathy (6,5,0,0), Balance +16 (12,4,0,0), Climb +17 (14,3,0,0), Craft, trapmaking +12 (8,4,0,0), Handle Animal +15 (8,5,2,0), Heal +8 (4,4,0,0), Hide +16 (12,4,0,0), Intuit Direction +14 (10,4,0,0), Jump +15 (12,3,0,0), Knowledge Nature +14 (10,4,0,0), Listen +10 (4,4,0,2), Move Silently +16 (12,4,0,0), Search +12 (6,4,0,2), Spot +12 (6,4,0,2), Swim +7 (4,3,0,0), Use Rope +8 (4,4,0,0), Wilderness Lore +18(12,4,2,0)
Feats track (ranger), ambidexterity, weapon focus (longsword), lightning reflexes, iron will, leadership, improved two-weapon fighting, weapon focus (longbow)
Languages: common (Thyatian), elven, draconic, orc, undercommon, sylvan
Special Qualities: [elf] immunity to magic sleep spell, +2 racial ST Vs. Enchantment spell effect, low-light vision, [ranger] 1st favoured enemy: magical beasts – 2nd favoured enemy: shadow elves, ranger spells (DC 14 + Spell level) 2 – 1, [elf treerunner] treerunning, trackless step, weapons of the Order, treewalking, speak with plants, arboreal ally, arboreal ambush [legendary leader] fearless, hero’s luck +1, natural commander, legendary reputation
Possessions : Backpack, Traveller's outfit, Waterskin
Magic Item: long sword +3, leather armour +3 of moderate fortification, rope of climbing, gem of seeing, belt of giant strength (+4), amulet of health (+4), headband of charisma (+4), cloak of resistance (+4), boots of Elvenkind, ring of protection (+3), gloves of dexterity (+4), ioun stone scarlet and blue ( +2 enchantment INT), potion of cure moderate wounds x2 (2d8+10), potion of lesser restoration
Mighty Composite [+2] Bane (magical beasts) Longbow +1: diventa +3 (+2d6 danni) contro bestie magiche.
Leather armour +3 of moderate fortification: 75% di probabilità di ingorare critical hits e sneak attacks
Gem of seeing: guardandoci attraverso ha gli effetti dell’incantesimo true seeing
Rope of climbing: lunga 20 metri, sottile come una bacchetta può reggere il peso di 1400 kg (3.000 lb.)
Spells Prepared: 2 – 1
Level 1: resist elements, delay poison
Level 2: animal messenger