by John Walter BilesDevilfish are a race of evil priestly servitors of the Entropic Immortals. Every adult Devilfish, male or female, is pledged to the Entropics and draws power from them. Physically, they resemble unnaturally large manta rays. They tend to travel in large groups outside their home bases. They live under the sea, especially in warmer waters.
Devilfish Believer Level 2 Minion
Large natural beast (manta ray) XP 125
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +2
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 16; Fortitude 15, Reflex 14, Will 13
Speed 8
m Bite (standard; at-will)
+6 vs. AC; 4 damage.
M Tail Lash (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; +4 vs. Reflex; 3 damage
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Devil ray
Skills: Athletics +9, Religion +5
Str 16 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 12 (+2)
Con 14 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 10 (+1)The weakest Devilfish are the Believers, who have faith in the Entropic Immortals but not enough faith to actually wield clerical powers on their behalf. They follow along, assisting the priests. Most either die or become priests, though some will simply grow in fighting skill without achieving enough faith to call on divine power.
Devilfish Acolyte Level 3 Soldier
Large natural beast (manta ray) XP 150
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +4
HP 44; Bloodied 22
AC 19; Fortitude 15, Reflex 15, Will 16
Speed Swim 6
m Bite (standard; at-will)
+10 vs. AC; 1d10 + 3 damage.
M Tail Lash (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; +8 vs. Reflex; 1d8+3 damage
R Eye of Entropy (standard; at-will) | Divine, Necrotic
Ranged 5; +8 vs. Fortitude, 1d8 +3 Necrotic Damage and one ally gets a +2 bonus to hit the target until the end of his next turn.
M Healing Strike (standard; Refresh 6) | Divine, Healing, Necrotic
+8 vs. Fortitude; 2d10+3 damage and one ally within 5 squares regains 1/4th of his max HP.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Primordial, Devil ray
Skills: Insight +9, Religion +6
Str 14 (+3) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 16 (+4)
Con 12 (+2) Int 10 (+1) Cha 14 (+3)Devilfish Acolytes have achieved enough faith to command simple powers granted by the Entropics, but still serve more powerful Devilfish and only get to bully children and Believers. Most are ambitious to rise further in power; a handful will never get any stronger in faith but might get better at killing people with what they have.
Devilfish Priest Level 4 Artillery
Large natural beast (manta ray) XP 175
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +6
HP 43; Bloodied 21
AC 16; Fortitude 16, Reflex 16, Will 17
Speed Swim 6
m Bite (standard; at-will)
+11 vs. AC; 1d8 + 3 damage.
M Tail Lash (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; +9 vs. Reflex; 1d6+3 damage
R Eye of Entropy (standard; at-will) | Divine, Necrotic
Ranged 10; +9 vs. Fortitude, 1d10 +4 Necrotic Damage and one ally gets a +2 bonus to hit the target until the end of his next turn.
R Sting of Entropy (standard; Refresh 5-6) | Divine, Necrotic
Ranged 15; +9 vs. Fortitude; 3d8+4 Necrotic damage
R Curse of Entropy (standard; Refresh 5-6) | Divine, Necrotic
Ranged 15; +9 vs. Reflex; 2d10+4 Necrotic Damage and one ally gains combat advantage against the target until the end of his next round.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Primordial, Devil ray, Common
Skills: Diplomacy +9, Insight +10, Religion +7
Str 15 (+4) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 17 (+5)
Con 13 (+3) Int 11 (+2) Cha 15 (+4)Priest Devilfish command forces of Believers and Acolytes and deliver frequent long boring sermons to them. They function as morale officers as they know what encourages and discourages Devilfish. They learn to smite their foes from a good distance. And to run when that doesn’t work. A lot of Devilfish never manage to rise beyond this point.
Devilfish Curate Level 5 Skirmisher
Large natural beast (manta ray) XP 200
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +4
HP 60; Bloodied 30
AC 19; Fortitude 17, Reflex 17, Will 18
Speed Swim 9
m Bite (standard; at-will)
+10 vs. AC; 1d10 + 4 damage.
M Tail Lash (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; +8 vs. Reflex; 1d8+4 damage
M Entropic Tail Lash (standard; at-will) | Divine, Necrotic
Reach 2; +8 vs. Fortitude, 1d8 +4 Necrotic Damage and the target suffers –2 to hit until the end of his next turn.
M Thunder Strike (standard; Refresh 5-6) | Divine, Thunder
+8 vs. Fortitude; 3d6 +4 damage and the target is pushed 2 squares and knocked prone.
M Healing Strike (standard; Refresh 6) | Divine, Healing, Necrotic
+8 vs. Fortitude; 2d10+4 damage and one ally within 5 squares regains 1/4th of his max HP.
Mobile Skirmisher
The Devilfish Curate adds +1d6 to damage if it moves 4 or more squares away from its starting location that round
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Primordial, Devil ray, Common
Skills: Arcana +6, Diplomacy +8, Insight +9, Religion +6
Str 14 (+3) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 16 (+4)
Con 12 (+2) Int 10 (+1) Cha 14 (+3)Devilfish Curates are mobile fighters, enhancing their attacks with divine power. They command several Priests, and through them a mass of Acolytes and Believers. Even ambitious Devilfish often never pass this level because to rise further, they must attempt a risky vision quest which turns some Devilfish into Bishops, but leaves most drooling idiots or zombie servitors for the Bishops.
Devilfish Curate Zombie Level 6 Minion
Large natural beast (manta ray) XP 250
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +4; darkvision
Immune Disease, Poison
Resist Necrotic 10
HP 60; Bloodied 30
AC 19; Fortitude 17, Reflex 17, Will 18
Speed Swim 9
m Bite (standard; at-will)
+10 vs. AC; 5 damage.
M Entropic Tail Lash (standard; at-will) | Divine, Necrotic
Reach 2; +8 vs. Fortitude, 4 Necrotic Damage and the target suffers –2 to hit until the end of his next turn.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Primordial, Devil ray
Skills: Arcana +6, Diplomacy +8, Insight +9, Religion +6
Str 19 (+7) Dex 12 (+4) Wis 10 (+3)
Con 16 (+6) Int 8 (+2) Cha 6 (+1)Those Devilfish who fail their vision quest to become Bishops instead end up as undead minions for high-ranking Devilfish. Such is the price of power.
Devilfish Patriarch Level 7 Brute
Large natural beast (manta ray) XP 300
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +6; darkvision
Immune Disease, Poison
Resist Necrotic 10
Vulnerable Radiant 5
Regeneration 5 (Fails on any round in which the Devilfish takes Radiant Damage)
HP 98; Bloodied 49
AC 19; Fortitude 20, Reflex 17, Will 19
Speed Swim 6
m Vampire Bite (standard; at-will) | Necrotic
+10 vs. AC; 2d6+5 Necrotic Damage and 5 ongoing Necrotic Damage
M Entropic Tail Lash (standard; at-will) | Divine, Necrotic
Reach 2; +8 vs. Fortitude, 2d6+5 Necrotic Damage and the target suffers –2 to hit until the end of the devilfish’s next turn.
M Break the Spirit (standard; Refresh 5-6) |
Reach 2; +8 vs. Will; 4d8+5 damage and the target suffers –4 to hit until the end of the devilfish’s next turn.
R Command (standard; Refresh 5-6) | Charm, Divine
Ranged 10; +8 vs. Will; target is dazed until the end of the devilfish’s next turn and the devilfish can either knock him prone or slide him up to 4 squares.
Healing Word (Minor; 2/Encounter)
Close Burst 5. A single target in the area of effect chosen by the Devilfish recovers 1/4th of his HP + 2d6
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Primordial, Devil ray, Common
Skills: Arcana +9, Diplomacy +9, Insight +11, Religion +9
Str 19 (+7) Dex 12 (+4) Wis 16 (+6)
Con 18 (+7) Int 12 (+4) Cha 12 (+4)Male Devilfish Curates who succeed in their vision quest become vampiric priests of Entropy, leading Devilfish forces in war. They ultimately obey the Devilfish Matriarchs, however.
Devilfish Matriarch Level 8 Controller (Leader)
Large natural beast (manta ray) XP 350
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +8; darkvision
Immune Disease, Poison
Resist Necrotic 10
Vulnerable Radiant 5
Regeneration 5 (Fails on any round in which the Devilfish takes Radiant Damage)
HP 88; Bloodied 44
AC 22; Fortitude 20, Reflex 20, Will 21
Speed Swim 6
m Vampire Bite (standard; at-will) | Necrotic
+13 vs. AC; 1d8+5 Necrotic Damage and 5 ongoing Necrotic Damage
M Wrath of the Dark Lords (standard; at-will) | Divine, Necrotic
Area Burst 1 within 10 squares; +12 vs. Fortitude, 1d8+5 Necrotic Damage and the target is slowed until the end of the devilfish’s next turn.
Bringer of Night (standard; Encounter) | Darkness, Divine, Necrotic, Zone
Area Burst 3 within 10 squares; +12 vs. Fortitude, 1d6+6 Necrotic damage and targets are blinded (save ends); Secondary: Target area is covered in darkness until the end of the Devilfish’s next turn. Sustain Minor: The area lasts another turn.
Strengthen the Faithful (standard; Encounter) | Divine, Healing, Necrotic
+13 vs. AC; 3d10+5 Necrotic Damage and all allies within 5 squares recover 1/4th of their HP + 3.
Healing Word (Minor; 2/Encounter)
Close Burst 5. A single target in the area of effect chosen by the Devilfish recovers 1/4th of his HP + 2d6
Unholy Ground (standard; Daily) | Divine, Necrotic, Zone
Close Burst 1; this creates a zone which lasts until the end of your next turn; it can be moved 6 squares with a standard move action. Enemies who begin their turn in the zone take 1d6+3 Necrotic; Allies who start their turn in it heal 4 HP. Sustain Minor: The Zone Persists
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Primordial, Devil ray, Common
Skills: Arcana +12, Diplomacy +12, Insight +13, Religion +12
Str 17 (+7) Dex 12 (+5) Wis 20 (+8)
Con 16 (+7) Int 17 (+7) Cha 16 (+7)Devilfish Matriarchs lead Devilfish colonies and communities. Like the Patriarchs, they undergo a vision quest to achieve this status; failed questers end up as zombies, same as the men. Female Devilfish, however, come out more powerful than the men and act as leaders of society.