Dwarven Families Expanded
by Hausman Santos and Leandro Abrahão from Threshold Magazine issue 18 and Threshold Magazine issue 19[Image: Logo]
This article includes expanded details of the dwarven families and additional information beyond what was reviewed in the last article "Updates to your Rockhome Campaign" - despite repeating family names, it includes a little more detail on minor families and presents diagrams such as genealogical charts, and family relations.
This article also counts on some additional contributions from Leandro Abrahão; a friend,
enthusiast in Mystara (who has helped me a lot in the Mystara Brazilian group "Mystara De Hausman" on Facebook page here in Brazil) and player of my dwarf game group campaign since 2004. We both discussed the structure and meanings of each Heraldric symbol together, and Leandro was responsible for the execution of the graphic part of the Heraldry and Coat of Arms of the families and clans.Below is the structure of the article, each Rockhome clan in alphabetical order, followed by their larger and smaller families (with family tree diagrams) as well as additional details such as domains, allies, relationships, and coats of arms.
Being large enough in dwarf numbers, Rockhome is the ancestral land of the Rockborn Dwarves. This means a complex and ordered structure of families and clans in their territory (not to mention the distant colonies founded by exploratory dwarves away from Rockhome).
Their main families make up the base structure of each clan; these families can count on more than 1000 members. We are talking about extended families here: usually several venerable dwarf family leaders, their senior children and the senior to whom they are married; their children; adopted children, fosterlings, apprentices from outside the family, etc.
Extended families are more politically active within the clan; and have the immediate support of the smaller families who accumulate a lot of members but have little influence of power (but hope to ascend socially through the vassalage to the main).
[Image: Dwarf on Rockhome lizard]
Expanding villages and settlements in Rockhome
This article takes into account the work of Robin1 and Ignacio Ramos about other settlements in Rockhome in addition to those described in the official map of Gaz 06. Below is an excerpt from Jose Ignacio Ramos' explanation of his opinion of Rockhome in his project "Ramelin Mystara"2 :
“Rockhome lacks villages (it has almost as many settlements as Alfheim!). Moreover: Where are all the mines? These are Dwarves, for Kagyar's sake! I agree there are problems with the river bifurcations on the Klintest and Vestfjord rivers.
Therefore, on this map: 1) I added some villages, 2)Added mines, 3) Separated the river Klintest form the Masfjord system, 4) Separated the Vestfjord river from the Rockhome system, renamed the new river "River Kur (black)" and in a very dwarven fashion linked the two rivers by an artificial channel and named it the "Evekar Channel" 5) I added many geographical labels, using the Dwarven language set by Aaron Allston on GAZ6,6) I added tall mountains to make the realm a little more closed in, like two bowls around the lakes, 7) I added farmland around Greenston and Kurdal, as the text on GAZ6 explicitly tell us that these are extensively farmed regions. “
[Image: Map by Ignacio Ramos]
Having been adapted to the canon map of Rockhome (of the original Rockhome Gazetteers) what follows is an alternative proposal to the fanon that can unite the two ideas and versions (and the additional version from Sturm´s map - last issue #16).
[Mixed version of the map of Rockhome]
Wartime militia by Families: In times of need, confrontation, or battle campaigns, families can muster a considerable number of troops to defend their territory or pursue a campaign against the enemy; usually ¼ to ⅓ of the dwarves in the family are brought together with quality and equipment varying according to the financial resources arranged (treat the main militia unit or cohesion of family nobles as having the stats of a Typical Village Squad (CT Good / BR 116) and the other units that make up the militia as having stats of a Wartime Militia Company (CT Poor / BR 36)3.
Clans and Families
[Image: Buhrodar Heraldry]
[Image: Buhrodar families]
The Buhrodar follow in their policy of reconstruction and pacification of Rockhome after the intense years of conflicts. Between their support of the Everast, and encouragement of understanding between Torkrest and Wyrwarf, they also support the growth of Syrklist trading (under the guidance of Kagyar).
Personalities - Koris (Senator) daughter of Goris; Doric (Venerable); Dorto (Head) son of Doric; Thoric (Minister) son of Dorto;
Major Families: Buhrodar/ Dulrad (in Stahl)/ Blystats/Denwarfin / Blystat-hrodar/ Buhrast/ Buhrad.
Minor Families: Buhraden (in Buhradwal) /Buhrhrokar (in Bolhrokar) / Buhrod-Syrklis (in Fort Denwarf).
[Image: Dulrad Heraldry]
Dulrad - The Dulrad follow a tradition of engineers and builders. They have excellent relations with Dorto (leader of the Buhrodar) who has a prodound knowledge of subterranean rivers and irrigation. Senator Koris lived among the Dulrad before she married Dorto Buhrodar. The Dulrad are still a very influential family in Stahl and where possible assists the Blystat-hrodar in border territories such as Karrak Castle and Fort Denwarf.
Siege - Stahl.
Allies/Enemies - in Good Relations with the families that govern Stahl (Daroban, Kurutar, Evedain…); Allies mainly with the main family Buhrodar (by marriage alliances)and also with Blystat-Hrodar (which offer some local help).
Personalities - Goris (Venerable); Koris daughter of Goris; Kolin (Airship Project) son of Gorin; Koric (Library Auxiliary) son of Kerdan; Gorin Dulrad (Head); Kerdan (Minister) son of Gorin; Gorto (deceased); Bramer Fullight son of Gorto; Kuril sister of Bramer.
[Image: Blystats Heraldry]
[Image: Buhrodar families 2]
Blystats – The Blystats descend from a noble lineage of kings. During the reign of the Torkests (811-730 BC)4 some Blystats broke away from their main branch and soon after joined in marriage to Buhrodar families. This branch of the Blystats (now Buhrodar) ruled for some time (697-661 BC). Haughty and aristocratic, they remain strong and manipulative politicians in the Senate.
Siege - Dengar.
Allies/Enemies - Allied with all Buhrodar in Dengar. Poor relations with Hurwarf and Wyrwarf (like the Torenwarf). Respectful with families of noble lineage like Blystar(Torkrest), Everast, Thoric-Hrodar(Hurwarf), Daroban(Syrklist), Sardal(Torkrest)... etc.
Personalities - Blystat (the Old); Blytor (Head) son of Blystat; Blindis (deceased) wife of Blytor; Blirun (Senator) brother of Blindis; Blirin, daughter of Blindis; Blindar son of Blirun; Bifor son of Blytor; Birin daughter of Blindis.
[Image: Denwarfin Heraldry]
Denwarfin – The Denwarfin have tried to preserve their ancestry from the Everast since they first protected Denwarf. They have a great religious dedication to the temples and the faith in Kagyar.
Siege - Dengar.
Allies/Enemies - Allied with all Buhrodar in Dengar (greater proximity to the Buhrast and Blystat-Hrodar). They live in good terms with the Everast (from whom they descended).
Personalities - Gorfin Denwarfin (Venerable); Dorfin (17thDEF) son of Gorfin; Bolum (Master of the Temple) son of Golum; Bomur the “purified” son of Bolum; Mogum (Thoric Auxiliary) son of Bolum; Golum (Head/Senator) son of Gorfin; Dolin son of Dorfin.
[Image: Blystat-Hrodar Heraldry]
Blystat-hrodar – These practitioners of the ancient tradition of the Order of the Golden Battle (“Buhrad – Hrodar”) still preserve its ideals and dedicate themselves to military support on the frontiers and personal honor in battle. Its most ancient and oldest members still remember the deeds of the order. They are very devoted to honor and their Order as the dwarven equivalents of paladins.
Siege - Dengar.
Allies/Enemies - Near the Denwarfin and the Forgotten Buhrad; Occasionally they visit and help the Dulrad in Stahl or even the distant Buhrod-Syrklis in Fort Denwarf.
Personalities - Belic son of Olic; Bolic son of Olic; Baled (15thDEF); Balen (Library Auxiliary) son of Baled; Olic Hrodar - the Old (Head); Bolis (Senator) wife of Olic; Balan daughter of Olan; Olan sister of Olic (seniority).
[Image: Buhrast Heraldry]
Buhrast - They are great artificers and guardians of ancient forging secrets and incantations of dwarven legends. Many sages and researchers are among them (including the creators of the Royal College of Sages) - they are by habit, isolated.
Siege - Dengar.
Allies/Enemies - They live in cordial relation with all the Buhrodar (but remain far away); the closest families with whom they have a relationship are Denwarfin and the Blystat-Hrodar besides the small but old Buhrad.
Personalities - Dagan Silverbeard (Sages College); Kolil (Library Auxiliary) daughter of Dolil; Dolil daughter of Donia (deceased); Bolil son of Dagan; Konto (deceased) son of Konan; Konan son of Donan; Donan Buhrast (Head/Senator); Donia Buhrast (deceased).
[Image: Buhrad Heraldry]
Buhrad – Currently a smaller family. They are cited here among the larger families because of their great importance in the clan. The Buhrad claim to possess the lineage of the first leaders among the Order of the Golden Battle (as well as important relics, trophies and documents sacred to them). Successive combats, deaths and exclusive dedication to order, contributed to the reduction of its members, its economic power and influence - today they are a pale shadow of its days of former glory. They are aided politically and economically by Buhrast and Blystat-Hrodar (who share their ideology and history).
Siege - Dengar.
Allies/Enemies - Generally little noticed by the large families of the other clans (well seen and received among the Buhrodar); has alliances with the Buhrast, the Denwarfin and the Blystat-Hrodar.
Personalities - Buhkar Buhrad (the Old); Buhradrin (Head) son of Buhkar; Buhrod son of Buhradrin; Buhres wife of Buhradrin; Bluhfar (absent) son of Buhradrin; Buhkris daughter of Buhres.
[Image: Buhraden Heraldry]
Buhraden - Following the tradition of the ancient order, the Buhraden fought several battles in the Klintest Lowlands region and remained there after the end of the order of the Golden Battle (around 500 BC). Being more isolated from most other Buhrodar, they entered into ideological attrition with the Skarrad and preferred to remain outside the City of Smaggeft (assisting and guiding philosophically and spiritually the other dwarves in the Klintest region). The Buhraden have concentrated their activities around Kurdal.
Siege - Around Smaggeft and Kurdal on village of Buhradwal.
Allies/Enemies - They disagree with the Skarrad because of their practical / scientific pursuit; have good relations with the Buhrhrokar (Buhrodar) and the Hwyrdal (Wyrwarf).
Personalities - Dorflun (Senator/Head) mate of Korlin; Korlin sister of Korlun; Korlun ;Borlun son of Dorflun; Dofun son of Dorflun; Dofin son of Dofun; Dorbin son of Korlun; Dorbis wife of Dofun.
[Image: Buhrhrokar Heraldry]
[Image: Buhrodar families 3]
Buhrhrokar - Like the Buhraden, they fought many battles in the Klintest Lowlands. The Buhrhrokar are accustomed to battle and remain vigilant over the mountains and around the Makkres ever since the ancient goblinoid incursions (and more recently during Thar's attack in AC 1016). They study geology and mountaineering in addition to monitoring any visible or noticeable changes in the "Triangle of Ashes" (where the three volcanoes exist: Hrumrast, Belfrast and Buhrrast5). The high incidence of goblinoids prevented them from better exploring the region, but some Buhrhrokar they noticed lost vestiges of ancient civilizations and ruins (even among the abandoned paths and ruins of dwarves and gnomes there). Some members of the family disappeared in attempts to explore the region.
Siege - Village of Bolhrokar (near Makress Mountains - east of Kurdal).
Allies/Enemies - Good relations with the Durolar (Torkrest) in occasional military campaigns, allies of the Buhraden (Buhrodar) in the Klintest Lowlands and have regular contact with the Hwyrdal in Kurdal colony.
Personalities - Glolun (SagesCollege); Gloren (Head); Gored (military) son of Gloren; Glarin (Senator) wife of Gloren; Glorin son of Gloren; Glondar son of Glolun; Glolia (deceased) wife of Glolun; Gloran (deceased) son of Gloren.
[Image: Buhrod-Syrklis Heraldry]
Buhrod-Syrklis - They are of Syrklist origin. This family fought in many campaigns in the north next to the old king Blystar III against the goblinoid invasions in Denwarf Spur and Styrdal River (around 950 BC - which also saw the fall of Jhyrrad). They came to the peak and the end of the Order of the Golden Battle and remained united with the families that formed the Buhrodar. They still protect and influence the region.
Siege - Around Fort Denwarf.
Allies/Enemies - They are allies of the Hurgon-Hrokar (Torkrest). They have considerable respect for the Blystar (Torkrest), Evedain (Torkrest) and especially for the Blystat-Hrodar (Buhrodar).
Personalities - Toril son of Thorfic; Thordic (Templar) son of Thorfic; Torto (Templar) son of Torban; Torban (Senator); Toris wife of Thorfic; Thorfic (Head); Thordil wife of Torban.
[Image: Everast Heraldry]
[Image: Everast families]
The Everast were subjected to many tests and trials after the clan war. After the government reformulation, there are some issues that need to be solved to consolidate Rockhome into a united and strong nation. King Everast XVI has this great responsibility and has the support of the families of his clan. They are dedicated to dialogue and to reuniting the families of the other clans again.
Personalities - Bifin son of Bofin (deceased in the Clan Wars); Bofin (King) son of Bifin; Nais (deceased); Noris (Senator) daughter of Nais; Duris (Military) daughter of Nais.
Major Families: Everast/Tordar/ Styrdal (on Evemur)/ Sarkrey (on Karrak Castle).
Minor Families: Hrumdal (Hrumdal Valley - Dengar) / Evehrodar.
[Image: Tordar Heraldry]
Tordar - Among the aristocratic tradition, they are the largest and strongest supporters of the royal family among the Everast. They are bureaucrats and plotters in the senate and have better contact with other senators of the various clans.
Siege - Dengar
Allies/Enemies - Strong support to the main Everast family (as to the clan also in general); Cordial relations with the Styrdal (Everast) and Sarkrey (Everast).
Personalities - Giled son of Gilar (deceased in the Clan Wars); Gilar (Minister) son of Gilum; Gilis (Head) wife of Gilum; Gilin (Senator) daughter of Gilis; Gloum (12th DEF) mate of Gilin; Gilum (deceased); Glolum (Sages College) son of Gilum; Gilto (scout DEF) son of Gloum.
[Image: Styrdal Heraldry]
Styrdal – They are the largest allies and supporters of Syrklist in Evemur - dedicated to trading and studying in metallurgy. They are the diplomatic bridge between trade and politics in the Stahl Lowlands.
Siege - Evemur.
Allies/Enemies - Well connected with the King's Guard and the Dulgar (Syrklist) besides of course, the rest of the Everast clan; they supported the Garrak assuming leadership of clan Skarrad after AC 1016.
Personalities - Norah (King´s Guard) daughter of Noria; Norin (King´s Guard) son of Nored; Noria (Senator) wife of Nored; Nored (King´s Guard Representative) son of Durun; Dured (1st DEF) son of Durun; Durun Styrdal (Head); Dugun (King´s Guard, died in the Clan Wars) brother of Durun.
[Image: Sarkrey Heraldry]
Sarkrey – They are the greatest Everast power in the south and influential in Fort Karrak, and are strongly allied with Everast XVI since he served time as general there. They have contacts and allies in the Emirates of Ylaruam.
Siege - Karrak Castle.
Allies/Enemies - Well connected to King Everast XVI (due to his service as general in Karrak Castle) as to the clan in whole; Allied Kurpuhn (Torkrest - allies in marriages in the family) as well as allies of the Sardal (Torkrest). They have commercial and diplomatic contacts with Ylaruam.
Personalities - Thraor Sarkrey (Head/Senator); Throic (absent) son of Oic (Torkrest) mate of Dorfia; Durfic son of Bofic; Doric son of Bofic; Bofic son of Thraor; Dorfia daughter of Daria; Daria (Head) wife of Thraor.
[Image: Hrumdal Heraldry]
[Image: Everast families 2]
Hrumdal - Patrol and protection: they are guardians of the valley and hills around Mount Everast and Dengar (and surrounding roads). They can always count on the support of the King's Guard or the Dengar garrison (for this they receive some privileged positions among the military and local authorities).
Siege - Dengar and Valley Around.
Allies/Enemies - Support of military forces and King´s Guard (when needed) on the roads around Dengar; occasional tensions with the Evehrodar (Everast), Torenwarf (Wyrwarf) and Eftkroten (Syrklist).
Personalities - Thraor (kingsguard) son of Tharudar, Thrarin wife of Throril, Thraril son of Throril, Throril(Head/Senator), Tharudar (military), Thrabol (military) son of Throril.
[Image: Evehrodar Heraldry]
Evehrodar - By tradition, they are servants of the King's Guard and are the arm of action within the Everast clan. They have a history of escalating disputes, being the exaggerated defenders of Everast honor (for being bellicose, they tend to get more involved in conflicts).
Siege - Lower Dengar.
Allies/Enemies: Unconditional protectors of the main Everast family and true allies of the King's Guard (their motive of social standing); occasional tensions with the Hrumdal (Everast), Torenwarf (Wyrwarf) and Eftkroten (Syrklist).
Personalities - Faric (kingsguard) son of Firun, Faria (Templar) daughter of Faruin, Faruin wife of Firun, Farin (kingsguard-deceased in the Clan Wars) son of Faron, Faron (Senator); Firun (Head) mate of Faruin, Dofic (kingsguard) son of Firun.
[Image: Hurwarf Heraldry]
[Image: Hurwarf families]
Clan Hurwarf underwent one of the most drastic changes after the Clan Wars. Their leaders, Duric and Bifia, were exiled, along with several families. Furthermore, there were many deaths. The Lyrrast family, which used to lead the clan, was almost eradicated. Only a direct agreement between old Kuric and the Kudwarf and Hrokar familes, strengthened by several marriages, could restore some order to the clan leadership. At that point, the leaders of the Kudwarf and Hrokar families would take over as clan leaders, with old Kuric, who is of fragile health, taking an advisory role.
Personalities - Kuric (Venerable) son of Burid; Duric (Exiled) son of Kuric.
Major Families: Lyrrast /Kudwarf/Hrokar/Hurdurgar/Throrur
Minor Families: Hurkrey / Hurgwerf (Dengar and Fort Hurgwerf)/ Thoric-Hrodar
[Image: Lyrrast Heraldry]
Lyrrast - Weakened as ever, but still prominent in leadership. They were reorganized after defeat, and though still fragile, have been reinforced with new alliances and marriages (among them the Kudwarf and Hrokar). There is still some resentment with the Torkrest, although it has not visibly manifested yet.
Siege - Lower Dengar.
Allies/Enemies - All Everast and Buhrodar are mostly enemies (though they currently tolerate the rule of King Everast - over the Clan wars); a reasonable relationship with the Torkrest (a few distrust or resent the past). They Oppose the opening of Rockhome boundaries proposed by the Skarrad and Syrklist. No current contact with the exiled Lyrrast (like Duric and Bifia).
Personalities - Bifi (deceased); Bifia daughter of Bifi (Exiled); Bifin (deceased); Bifed son of Bifin (went missing during the wars, may be dead); Bilia niece of Bifi; Balor (6th DEF); Bifa (Sages Auxiliary); Morlun (Kudwarf Family) mate of Bilia.
[Image: Kudwarf Heraldry]
Kudwarf/Kurwarf – This family ascended by joining the Lyrrast. They are zealot-style politicians and many of their members are part of a Hurwarf subgroup - the Black Mantles. Their preoccupation with an isolated and strengthened nation (complete with migration control) generated ties and contacts with the Hammer (guild) and with some Torkrest hard-line sympathizers of the Black Mantles.
Siege - Lower Dengar.
Allies/Enemies - Allies with the Throrur (Hurwarf) and the Lyrrast (Hurwarf) through marriages; integrated with the Black Mantles (and Torkrest Hard-line sympathizers) and also with links to the Hammer subgroup. Reasonable relations with the Torkrest, suspicious of the Everast and Buhrodar.
Personalities - Mathora daughter of Dora; Morlun son of Dohr; Fared cousin of Mathora; Dohr (Head) father of Mathora; Dohrun (Senator) brother of Dohr; Durla (Exiled) daughter of Dora; Bilia (Lyrrast Family) wife of Morlun; Farin (Throrur Family) wife of Fared (Exiled).
[Image: Hrokar Heraldry]
Hrokar – The Hrokar are regarded as the most combative and bellicose warriors among the Hurwarf (rumors and tales point out that their ancestors were already part of the Order of the Golden Battle before humans were allowed to enter into Rockhome, when they began to isolate themselves from the others). They resent the Torkrest and Everast after the fate of Denwarf, and the Torkrest support to Everast XVI, and many left the military life and became more insular. They are skilled explorers as well as guards, mercenaries, and escorts for miners.
Siege - Lower Dengar.
Allies/Enemies - Allies with Black Mantles and Hurwarf clan in general - except to Thoric-Hrodar (Hurwarf) for not following Denwarf in the Clan Wars; Enmity and current hostility to Torkrest and Everast; Indifferent to the Wyrwarf and isolated from the others (currently their alliances with the Buhrodar families - the links with the old order of the Golden Battle - were shaken).
Personalities - Gored (Senator) nephew of Oar; Oar Hrokar (the Old); Dofar (deceased in the Clan Wars) mate of Doar; Durur (exiled) son of Dofar; Dored (Military – Removed) son of Gored; Doar daughter of Oar (Head) wife of Dofar.
[Image: Hurdurgar Heraldry]
[Image: Hurwarf families 2]
Hurdurgar/Hurdagar - They are skillful builders, and miners: always in service at Riverrun Cavern (with eventual help from Hrokar for their safety and defense). They responsibly assume the task of structuring, mining, and engineering the boundaries of Tunnels Pass into the unknown6 as entrusted to them by the Hurwarf.
Siege - Lower Dengar.
Allies/Enemies - Good relations with the Hurwarf in general; Good alliance with the Hrokar (Hurwarf) who defend them and help in underground work. They have little contact or closeness with any non-Hurwarf, except for the Syrklis-Hurgon (Syrklist) with whom they exchange experiences of excavation work and techniques.
Personalities - Bifar (Library Auxiliary) son of Bolar; Bolar son of Bofar; Bolan daughter of Bolana; Bolana (Senator) wife of Bofar; Bofar (Head) son of Nodar; Nodar Hurdagar (deceased).
[Image: Throrur Heraldry]
Throrur – These nationalist politicians were strong allies of the Lyrrast. They are articulators in the Senate and bureaucrats who also had a greater participation in the Clan Wars. With the loss of members, like the death of Faroc in the Duel of the Kings, part of their family were exiled: Farin and the ex- Senator Duroc in AC 1011 (following Duric and Bifia). The part of the family that remained neutral or loyal after agreements was not banished and continues to reorganize its structure (without contact with the exiles).
Siege - Lower Dengar.
Allies/Enemies - Allies of the Lyrrast (Hurwarf) and Kudwarf (Hurwarf) through marriages; Reasonable to Indifferent to Torkrest (post-Clan Wars); Neutral to other clans; Hostile to the Everast.
Personalities - Throrun (Head) son of Borun; Borun (deceased); Giltor the Old (Senator); Fared (Kudwarf family) mate of Farin; Thuroc (absent) son of Duroc; Duroc (Exiled) son of Borun; Farin (Exiled) daughter of Barin; Faroc son of Duroc (deceased in the Clan Wars); Barin (deceased).
[Image: Hurkrey Heraldry]
[Image: Hurwarf families 3]
Hurkrey - This family is famous for mediations; are forward speakers and spokespeople (in matters requested by the clan) to resolve sensitive issues and cases outside of the Hurwarf. Although reserved, they are more accessible to other clans and generally diplomatic and courteous in behavior.
Siege: Lower Dengar.
Allies/Enemies: Away from the Everast; Neutral to other clans (it is necessary for diplomatic work and agreements between families and clans). Relative to close contact with the Torkrest. They do not usually declare enemies (this does not do well in their profession).
Personalities - Oras daughter of Boras, Boras (Senator) wife of Oren, Oris (merchant) daughter of Boras, Borasin (military), Olin (Senator) wife of Orin, Orin son of Boren, Borin (Head/military); Boren mate of Boras.
[Image: Hurgwerf Heraldry]
Hurgwerf - It comes from the corruption of the original name "Hurgon-Warf" (cavern Born). They are minor allies of the Black Mantles among the Hurwarf (though hardworking and dedicated). They have even gone on missions in the past to aid the Thoric-Hrodar and Hrokar (and more recently some Thorns - in the times of Bifed Lyrrast as one of the leaders among the group). Being helpful in pursuing external missions to Dengar whenever necessary to the Hurwarf, they until recently supported the Torkrest ,and took part in the construction of a fort at the Darokin Tunnel to prevent goblinoid invasions through it. This became known as Fort Hurgwerf where some of its members are military there (near a local village - Batavia)7.
Siege - Lower Dengar and Fort Hurgwerf.
Allies/Enemies: Among the Hurwarf, they are closer to the Thoric-Hrodar (Hurwarf) and Hrokar (Hurwarf); have already worked together with the Thorns on missions by the Darokin Tunnel (and some Torkrest as the Norden and the Sardal) and have taken part in campaigns with the Black Mantles. Their sense of duty and patrol allows them to tolerate others but they are more comfortable when among their own.
Personalities - Faror (miner) son of Nogor; Firin(Thorn) daughter of Fobin; Filin (military); Farin (hammer) also Head/Senator; Noror (military/hammer) mate of Farin; Fobin daughter of Filin; Fobrin (military - deceased); Filan mate of Filin.
[Image: Thoric-Hrodar Heraldry]
Thoric-Hrodar - Former members of this family had a stake in the Order of the Golden Battle (Buhrad-Hrodar) until near the end in 500 BC. These, however, did not join the Buhrodar, preferring the seclusion of the Hurwarf. Thoric Hurwarf, supreme war leader of Rockhome, son of the Hurwarf Clanmaster and of Bifia Buhrod-hrodar, sister of Blystar IX, was proclaimed king by his troops 8.
They are priests of Kagyar and have relative contact with Buhrodar (this put them in a complicated situation during the Clanwars in AC 1011). Their dedication, protection and faith focused more on the undergrounds of Dengar, the relics and properties of the race and history of the dwarves - and especially - of the Hurwarf.
Siege - Lower Dengar.
Allies/Enemies: Their relationship with the Buhrodar generally cooled somewhat due to the Hurwarf's displeasure and pressure on them (after the Clan Wars). They were closer to the Blystat-Hrodar, Buhrast, Denwarfin, and Buhrad (for their links to the old Golden Battle - and the maintenance of secrets); are allies of the Hurgwerf (Hurwarf) but have lost their ties with the Hrokar (Hurwarf); The Thoric-Hrodar are considered by them as traitors of Denwarf (they did not support him in AC 1011). They do not have much contact with the families of the other clans.
Personalities - Bolis (priestess) wife of Bofan; Bolan (military-Air troop) son of Bofan; Bolana (deceased); Bofan (Senator); Bifan (Lyrrast family) mate of Bifan; Bofin (exiled); Bilic (Head/Venerable); Bifis (Templar) daughter of Bolis.
[Image: Skarrad Heraldry]
[Image: Skarrad Families]
The invasion of Smaggeft in AC 1016 and the execution of Thrais and several other allies of the Nordenshield and Skarrad leaders, crushed the structure of the clan in the city (its power base and Stronghold). A few of the Nordenshield, and their allies, survived the massacre (Bolto and Kori Fire-Eyes) via escape routes through hidden or salvaged passages. It was the turn of some families to try to rise, but the successful families had an unexpected plan: multiple marriages combining several family lines. The Nordenshield today still lead the clan, but no longer alone: the remaining families (who supported the Nordenshield) came together and one of the strongest also joined with them forming a small council: the Hurblystyr and the Garrak with the Nordenshield.Personalities: Thrais daughter of Thori (died in the invasion of Smaggeft); Bolto and Kori Nordenshield.
Major Families: Nordenshield/Hurgon-Skarrad / Eveskyn /Nogon/ Hurstyr/ Garrak
Minor Families: Radrast (Klintest Lowlands) / Klintgar / Torenmur
[Image: Nordenshield Heraldry]
[Image: Nordenshield Heraldry #2]
Nordenshield - The ruling family of the clan has been leading the Skarrad for many years. With the unexpected invasion of AC 1016 and the execution of Thrais and several other loyal allies, those remaining in the clan can only continue to join forces in a council of fragmented smaller families (Hurgar/ Blysrad / Gorstyr) and through marriages into the rising family of the Garrak (supported by the Styrdal Everast liaisons). Dwalur and Dia (of the Syrklist) have been financially supporting the Nordenshield in order to strengthen their now-fallen allied family.
Observation: We present here the two models of coats of arms used by the Nordenshield family (before and after Thar's invasion of Smaggeft - when they adopted the inverted chalice and black line in the book - so that players and DM feel free to adjust to their setting or moment of the campaign they are using).
Siege - Smaggeft.
Allies/Enemies - Allied by marriage to the Garrak (through the marriage between Filia and Garor) and between members of the new family Hurstyr (Skarrad) and the Larodar (Wyrwarf) from the days of the government of Thrais (that was originally a Wyrwarf); Occasionally political clashes with the Nogon (Skarrad) and Klintgar (Skarrad) for their emerging and progressive thinking when it exceeds views of how the Skarrad should be led (the Nordenshield avoid overindulgence so as not to conflict directly with the thinking of the other clans in Rockhome ); Good relations with the Everast (especially the Styrdal) and the Shieldkroten (Syrklist); friction of ideas with the Buhraden and the Buhrodar in General.
Personalities - Nolto (deceased); Bolto son of Nolto; Duro (deceased) son of Nolto; Thrais (deceased) daughter of Thori; Filia (Senator) daughter of Koria; Kori daughter of Filia; Garor (Garrak Family) mate of Filia.
[Image: Hurgon-Skarrad Heraldry]
Hurgon-Skarrad – The tradition of this family is the exploration and security of the underlevels of Smaggeft. The Hurgon-Skarrad (so called for distinction) are originally descended from the Hurgon clan which departed from Alphatia (and were followed by several smaller families of other clans desirous of building a new future). Always regarded as bellicose explorers.
Siege - Smaggeft.
Allies/Enemies - Good relations with Skarrad in general; relations of close friendship with the Syrklis-Hurgon (Syrklist), and the Hurdurgar (Hurwarf) - given their similar interests in engineering and excavations, as well as the close kinship between the families - although they do not see the Hurdurgar much given their isolation in Dengar; indifferent to other clans.
Personalities - Zarthor Lantorun (from Alphatia -Airship Project); Hurgrin (Head) son of Hurgress Hurgon; Hurgress Hurgon (deceased); Hurgred son of Hurgrin; Hulgris (Senator) wife of Hurgrin; Naia (from Alphatia); Throla (from Alphatia) distant relative to Hurgrin; Dorlam (from Alphatia).
[Image: Eveskyn Heraldry]
Eveskyn – These gnomes are from a settler family from the distant Torkyn Clan (originally from the ruined old city of Torkyn Falls9 in the Wendarian Ranges) and established themselves in Rockhome many years ago (at the same time gnomes returned to the ruins of Torkyn Falls10). They are skillful smiths and workers of metal alloys and complex mechanical equipment. Recently they contacted the newly established Torkyn now in Falun Caverns in Soderfjord (established in AC 1018) and denounced the Modrigswerg to King Everast XVI for attacks on their gnomish relatives. A few hin also remain among them.
Siege - Smaggeft.
Allies/Enemies - Close relations of friendship with the Nogon (Skarrad) and the Klintgar (Skarrad) for their support to the Eveskyn’s settlement among the Skarrad clans; respectful of others in the clan; indifferent to other clans.
Personalities - Zoldar Torkyn (the Old-Head/Senator); (Sons) Zinbaram brother of Strug and Baramun (son of Zoldar)/ Baramun brother of Strug and Zimbaram; Strug brother of Baramun and Zimbaram; (Zimbarams) Zahizdush wife of Zimbaram; Plicoc (Airship Project) son of Zimbaram; Dupac (Sages College) son of Zimbaram; Gathuram son of Zimbaram; (Strugs) Kharbhat wife Strug; Shathar daughter of Kharbhat; Sharak son of Strug; (Baramuns) Bunala (Hin) wife of Baramun; Bungo (Hin) son of Baramun; Bunulbun son of Baramun (Hin); Filto (Hin) mate of Wally; Wally (Hin) wife of Filto; Gully (Hin) son Filto.
[Image: Nogon Heraldry]
Nogon – Mechanical scientists: They were the main supporters of the establishment of the Eveskyn in Smaggeft and the most technological innovators among the Skarrad. They apply gear and crank technologies to pulleys, steam furnaces and large mechanical devices11.
Siege - Smaggeft.
Allies/Enemies - They are part of the progressive wing of the dwarves (this puts them on the path of friction with clan mediators such as the Nordenshield, Hurstyr, and even the "treacherous" Garrak); supporters of clan Skarrad in general; in friction with the Buhraden and other Buhrodar; indifferent to the other clans.
Personalities - Filis (at Syrklist Conservatory - Evemur) daughter of Dwalifa; Maruin (3rd DEF) mate of Mara; Dufir (Airship Project) son of Maruin; Dwalin “the Creator” son of Maruin; Mara daughter of Dwafa; Hagar (Northern); Dwalifa (Priestess Kagyar in Smaggeft) daughter of Dwafa; Dwafa Nogon (the Old- Head/Senator).
[Image: Hurstyr Heraldry]
[Image: Skarrad Families 2]
Hurstyr or Hurblystyr (Hurgar/ Blysrad / Gorstyr) – Smashed families after the Smaggeft invasion in AC 1016 were left to gather their pieces and survivors and join forces in a coalition of families to have a chance to maintain and support what remained of the Nordenshields. The eventual alliances and marriages with the Garrak (with the support of the Everast) brought some control of the situation to the Skarrad (The Syrklist helping the Skarrad and the Everast with the support of a larger family Skarrad - the Garrak - joining the Nordenshield). The Hurgar/ Blysrad / Gorstyr gather the activities and functions of their former families (mining and ore metallurgy, and trade and transportation across Lake Klintest).
Siege - Smaggeft.
Allies/Enemies - These are part of the pro-labore bloc (commitment and mastery of the essential dwarven works around their areas of expertise: mining, forging and crafts) and traditionally support the moderate use of technology in the Skarrad clan - thus supporting the Nordenshield in mediations with other clans; Cautious in the frictions of the progressive bloc inside of the clan (like the Nogon and the Klintgar); until recently they also had friction with the Garrak (Skarrad) but changed their position when ascending in union with Nordenshield (which irritated the Nogon and other progressives); good relations with the Skarrad in general, as well as with the Syrklist and Larodar (Wyrwarf); indifferent to the Buhraden (Buhrodar) and the other clans.Observation: We present here below the previous models of coats of arms used by the each one of prominent families (before the union/fusion to Hurstyr's new family of Smaggeft - so that players and DM feel free to adjust to their setting or moment of the campaign they are using).
[Image: Blysrad Heraldry]
Personalities - (Blysrad – Mining): Kona (Airship Project) daughter of Konis; Koned (at Syrklist Conservatory -Evemur) son of Dored; Konred (Absent) son of Dored; Dored (Sick) mate of Konis; Konis daughter of Konan; Konar (Head); Konan (deceased).
[Image: Gorstyr Heraldry]
(Gorstyr – Sea Trade): Donin wife of Doned (deceased); Donan (deceased); Donil daughter of Donin; Doned (Head); Dored son of Doned; Konis wife of Dored; Dandar (Military).
[Image: Hurgar Heraldry]
(Hurgar- Metallurgy): Hured (Old); Hurin (Senator) son of Hured; Huris wife of Hured (deceased); Huria daughter of Huris; Huran (Blacksmith - Merchant).
[Image: Garrak Heraldry #1 and 2]
Garrak – They are applied in the concepts and studies of dwarven construction and engineering. Most are builders of great guilds or known teachers at Skarrad High Seminary in Dengar. The Garrak are initiators of opinions and trends among new engineers in Rockhome, and are now in the ascendancy. They took part in the leadership of the Skarrad after the union with the Nordenshield and the great support received by their Everast allies.
Observation: We present here the two models of coats of arms used by the Garrak family (before and after Thar's invasion of Smaggeft - when they adopted as modifications in support of Nordenshield mourning; This change may be temporary, symbolic or permanent- so that players and DMs feel free to adjust to their setting or moment of the campaign they are using).
Siege - Smaggeft
Allies/Enemies - Allied by marriage to the Nordenshield (Skarrad) with the political support of the Styrdal (Everast) and the Shieldkroten (Syrklist); Relatively close to the Nogon (Skarrad) and the Klintgar (Klintgar) - in the past, they formed a forward-thinking progressive bloc in the clan (today they have changed their opinions somewhat); Precarious with the Hurstyr (Skarrad) because they were opposed in the past - the new functions in the clan compel them to political unification in the leadership of the Skarrad.
Personalities: Gorin Garrak (Head/Senator); Gared (deceased); Garor son of Gorin; Filia (Nordenshield Family) wife of Garor; Garin (Head) wife of Gorin; Gurin (Skarrad High Seminary) son of Gorin; Gorar (Skarrad High Seminary) daughter of Garin; Gogun (Guild´s Leader) son of Gared.
[Image: Radrast Heraldry]
[Image: Skarrad Families 3]
Radrast - To the north in the Klintest Lowlands (near the Hrap River) this family of miners extract metal ores and export to Dengar and Smaggeft. They are notorious for using technology in extraction techniques - but they try not to reveal all the secrets behind the methods of obtaining superior metal alloys.
Siege- North Klintest Lowlands (Denwarf Spur).
Allies/Enemies Although absent from the main core of the clan in Smaggeft, they are on fairly good terms with all; Their work tries to efficiently gather pro-labor and progressive concepts (believing in coalition and possible harmony) in mining and extraction. However, they avoid unnecessary friction with the Skarrad by not exposing their techniques to others. They have good relations with the Durolar (Torkrest) and Klyntar (Syrklist) given their respective work activities (trade and caravans); Indifferent to others.
Personalities - Doled (miner) son of Dolic; Dwaled (mercenary) son of Dolic; Dwelin daughter of Dalia; Dwelar (Head); Dwalun (scientist); Dolic (blacksmith) mate of Dalia; Dalia (merchant) daughter of Dalida; Dalida (Senator) wife of Dwelar.
[Image: Torenmur Heraldry]
Torenmur - These are port and dock managers, boat and ship designers and builders in Lake Klintest (some have also sold boats to be used on Stahl Lake). Having a percentage of profit in the maritime trade, this family has relative economic power. During the invasion of Thar in AC 1016 they were of extreme importance in saving important dwarves of several families sailing by Lake Klintest (unfortunately their allies in Gorstyr had bigger casualties in the defense of the port during the invasion of Smaggeft and escaped by the sea). Returned Gorstyr (now unified as the Hurstyr) try to position themselves on the maritime market with the Torenmur, but these new unifications / alliances still make the process slow and delicate.
Siege: Smaggeft.
Allies/Enemies: Good relationship to Hurstyr (given his business ties to the Gorstyrs); Support to the Nordenshield (they are more inclined to the pro-labore group); Cautious with the progressive blocs (like the Nogon and Klintgar); indifferent to Buhrodar in general; Good relations with the Durolar (Torkrest) and its wood market north of Lake Klintest as well as the Klyntar (Syrklist) on Smaggeft Road.
Personalities - Hogar (merchant/builder) brother of Horgen; Horgen (northern/Head) mate of Horgrin; Horgrin (Senator) wife of Horgen; Nogrin (ship designer) daughter of Horgrin; Bogun (merchant) mate of Nogrin; Bugin son of Bogun; Buin (mercenary) son of Bogun; Bugan (deceased) son of Bogun.
[Image: Klintgar Heraldry]
Klintgar - A family of mechanical science scholars, they were at the forefront of several modern and mechanical science and engineering guilds. Their contact with the Nogon and the establishment of the Eveskyn in Smaggeft allowed them to create a school / academy for these studies (best defined after the problems in Smaggeft in AC 1016). They are activists in the Science Academy of Smaggeft besides being allies and defenders of the culture and science practiced by the gnomes. The Klintgar are hardworking, in-depth theoretical scientists / applied to the new ways of science (among these, some are priests of Garal Glitterlode).
Siege: Smaggeft.
Allies/Enemies: Allies cohesive with the Nogon (Skarrad) and Eveskyn (Skarrad) who make up the block of progressive science and technology within the clan; resentful of the Garrak (Skarrad) who were part of the allies in the bloc, but changed their posture after the rise to leadership in the clan through marriage with the Nordenshield (to compose support to the pro-labore block); cautious about the Hurstyr (for their differences of opinion); Hostile to Buhrodar (who conflict with their modern science overlapping the religiosity of Kagyar). Indifferent to other clans.
Personalities - Mored (Science Academy) son of Gorin; Morin (military) daughter of Mordrin; Gored (Priest of Garal) son of Gorin; Gorin (Head/Priest of Garal) brother of Gormin; Gormin (Science Academy) brother of Gorin; Mordrin (Senator) sister of Gorin; Goran (deceased).
[Image: Syrklist Heraldry]
The Syrklist had much economic loss with the isolation of the nation after the conflicts of Oenkmar in AC 1011-1012 (just when they hoped to resume the foreign trade after their long underground confinement of AC 1006). They were the crucial tool of understanding between the Torkest and the Everast in the cessation of hostilities in AC 1011 (given the family ties between Dia and Bali). The Syrklist wanted to pursue economic plans including the resumption of foreign trade, which was again interrupted with the isolation of Rockhome after the campaign against the Shadowelves. The Syrklist are in a new campaign to convince the Senate (through dialogue with the Everast and the Torkrest who have family ties in common) to re-open the borders with the outside world, despite putting themselves in the middle of the conflicts between the Hurwarf and Everast. They have seen an unusual support from the Wyrwarf. Some Syrklist have suggested, to Dia and Dwalur, giving political, financial and economic support to the Skarrad (under new structuring) so that once reorganized, they can support the Senate struggle to reopen the borders of Rockhome.
Personalities - Dwalur (Head) son of Belfur; Belfur the Old; Belfed (13th DEF) cousin of Dwalur; Belfin son of Belfed.
Major Families: Shieldkroten/Dulgar (on Evemur)/Daroban (on Stahl lowlands)/Styrklint (on Stahl)/Syrklis- Hurgon.
Minor Families: Syrast (Denwarf Spur - Stahl Lowlands) / Klyntar (on Klyntmur) /Eftkroten.
[Image: Shieldkroten Heraldry]
[Image: Syrklist Families]
Shieldkroten – Since the death of Veneravel Fara and the leadership of the family falling into the hands of Dia (now married to Dwalur son of Belfur) the Shieldkroten have prospered in alliance with the leadership of the Syrklist main family. Being practically one united family and an ally of the main Syklist clan, these follow their lead in political matters.
Siege - Dengar.
Allies/Enemies - Good relations through marriage alliances with the Torkrest clan (between Bali and Korin); patience and mediation in the commercial disputes involving the Daroban and Dulgar (Syrklist) to prevent harm to the Syrklist clan general economy and politics; Patronage in relation to the Silver Company (a guild of mercenary troops serving Syrklist interests in protecting caravans and dwarf trade routes); Cordial in relation to the other clans (with the exception of the Hurwarf and its policy of isolationism).
Personalities - Fara the Old (deceased); Dia (Senator) daughter of Fara; Bali daughter of Fara; Thruic mate of Fara (deceased); Thrumbar (in Karameikos) cousin of Dia and Bali; Farar (11th DEF) niece of Fara; Farin daughter of Farar.
[Image: Dulgar Heraldry]
Dulgar – Dedicated to engineering and construction and located in Evemur. They concentrate trade from the Stahl Lowlands towards Karrak Castle and then to foreign nations. A few years ago they rendered services to the Golden Khan of Ethegar, proposing to modernize trade and the supply of metals by export - an agreement now no longer in service given the death of Moglai Khan in AC 1015. The Dulgar continue attempting to convince the Everast (especially the Styrdal) to reopen the Rockhome borders.
Siege - Evemur.
Allies/Enemies - Strong trade relations with the nations of Ylaruam and Ethengar (now weakened after the death of Moglai Khan); friction and trade disputes with the Daroban (Syrklist) over trade routes in the Stahl Lowlands; Amicable relations with the Sardal (Torkrest), the Sarkrey and Styrdal (Everast) in the attempt to reopen trade with foreign nations; Slight friction with the Klyntar (Syrklist) for their alliance with the Daroban; They support the Eftkroten (Syrklist) for their commercial partnership with the Torenwarf (Wyrwarf), and are indifferent to the other clans.
Personalities - Morur Blackheart adopted son of Gorur; Nour (Syrklist Conservatory) son of Gorur; Gorur Dulgar (Head/Senator); Nourin daughter of Nola; Nola sister of Gorur; Noren (deceased).
[Image: Daroban Heraldry]
Daroban – Styrklint allies, they dominate the trade traffic in the Stahl lowlands with the borders to the north (Fort Denwarf and Styrdal Road). They had little friction with the Dulgar during their commercial expansion into Ethengar, which ended with the death of Moglai Khan during the Glantri invasion in AC 1015 - with the Dulgar once again restricted on Evemur, the Daroban remain the leaders of commerce in the region.
Siege - Stahl.
Allies/Enemies - Good trade relations with the Styrklint (Syrklist) and Syrast (Syrklist) - who work for the Daroban mining in Styrdal Valley and Denwarf Spur; friendly to the Evedain (Torkrest) and Dulrad (Buhrodar) in Stahl; indifferent, but conduct trade with Kurutar (Wyrwarf); friction and trade disputes with the Dulgar (Syrklist) over rade routes in Stahl Lowlands; Commercial relations with the families in Fort Denwarf and Karrak Castle (through the region where their merchant caravans pass); indifferent to others.
Personalities - Oris (9th DEF) daughter of Orin; Gilan (in Greenston) brother of Gilin; Giris niece of Gilin; Orin (Minister) mate of Gilin; Girin (Merchant) son of Gilin; Gilin Daroban (Head/Senator).
[Image: Styrklint Heraldry]
[Image: Syrklist Families 2]
Styrklint – Allies of the Daroban (to whom they supply ores for external trade) and located in the City of Stahl. Their main activity is mining in the Altan Tepes and Styrdal Valley. They are also responsible for the administration of the Ferryway barge (which was designed with the help of Skarrad Gorstyr).
Siege - Stahl & Ferryway
Allies/Enemies - Commercial allies of the Daroban and Syrast (Syrklist) in Stahl; have the support of the Silver Company (sponsored by the Syrklist clan) and when necessary they support troops against goblinoids or escort minerals on caravan routes; Good relations with the Gorstyr (Skarrad) the Dulrad (Buhrodar) and Evedain (Torkrest), indifferent in relation to the other clans and families.
Personalities - Norden Styrklint (the Old); Nodar (Senator) son of Norden; Nodrin (Head) son of Norden Styrklint; Nordun (Merchant) son of Nodrin; Norila daughter of Nodrin; Noril (14th DEF) son of Nodril; Nodril mate of Norila.
[Image: Syrlis-Hurgon Heraldry]
Syrklis-Hurgon – Part of the Syrklist clan, from which they originally departed together along with the Hurgon and the Skarrad - now residing in Alphatia (Kingdom of Stoutfellow). They are from Dengar and still have good contacts with the Hurgon-Skarrad in Smaggeft.
Siege - Dengar.
Allies/Enemies - Good relations with the Syrklist clan in general; well connected to the Hurgon-Skarrad (Skarrad) by distant family ties; friendship with Dorto of Buhrodar clan (knowledge of tunnels and rivers) and with Hurdurgar (Hurwarf) with whom they exchange experiences and techniques of excavation work.
Personalities - Hurgress Hurgon (deceased); Hulgar (Head) son of Hurgress Hurgon; Hugris daughter of Helga; Helgor son of Hulgar; Helga-Syrklis (Senator); Horgin (Merchant) brother of Hulgar; Hurbol (from Alphatia – Distant Relative).
[Image: Syrast Heraldry]
Syrast - They are miners in the Stahl Lowlands and coordinate other groups and smaller mining families in Denwarf Spur and Styrdal Valley. They are vassal allies of the Daroban in Stahl and this affords them a comfortable situation there.
Siege - Village Syrast (Denwarf Spur) and mines around.
Allies/Enemies - Allies of Daroban and Styrklint (Syrklist) and trading partners providing smaller mining services; they participate in the Silver Company actively providing protection services and escorting the clan's trade caravans; respectful of the Dulrad (Buhrodar) and Evedain (Torkrest); they occasionally hire the Thordrin (Torkrest) when they need support from troops against goblinoids in the Denwarf Spur (and for protection in their mines); indifferent to other families and clans.
Personalities - Karar (merchant from Karodar family) wife of Bared; Kared (Silver company) son of Bared; Kured (venerable); Korar (Head/Senator) son of Kured; Farar (blacksmith) wife of Korar; Barar (blacksmith) daughter of Farar; Bared (miner) son of Korar; Kuric (Dealer/Karodar Family).
[Image: Eftkroten Heraldry]
[Image: Syrklist Families 3]
Eftkroten - They manage trade guilds for grain and food in Dengar. They are allies of the Torenwarf (Wyrwarf) trading directly the goods brought from the Stahl Lowlands to the capital. Due to past frictions in Rockhome history, there is some political hostility with some Everast, but especially with the Torkrest (ever since the Torkrest dynasty that started in 1161 BC with Thoric I (1161-1119 BC)12.
Siege - Lower and High Dengar.
Allies/Enemies - Commercial allies of the Torenwarf (Wyrwarf) in the trade of grains and spices (like wood) in Dengar; Hostility towards Klyntar (Syrklist) and Torkrest clan in general; Good relations with the Shieldkroten (Syrklist) and the Dulgar (Syrklist) where they receive political and economic support; indifferent to other families and clans.
Personalities - Bruna (Library auxiliary - deceased) daughter of Brunar; Brogon (mercenary - absent) son of Brodin; Brun (mercenary) mate of Brunar; Brulin son of Brun; Brunar (merchant) daughter of Brulis; Brodin (merchant )son of Brulis; Brulis (Head/Senator).
[Image: Klyntar Heraldry]
Klyntar - For centuries they have been Skarrad allies in the Klintest Lowlands. The Klyntar mediate trade and have good relations there (from Evekarr road to Everast Road) not only by establishing the best partnerships (such as Radrast in ores, Durolar in wood and mercenaries - but also in general with the Skarrad and its technology). At times they have disputes with Dengar's Eftkroten (who see the Klyntar as a healthy and free "market initiative" only) but these tensions remain at acceptable levels. They live in a village on Smaggeft Road called Klyntmur.
Siege: South Klintest Lowlands (village of Klyntmur).
Allies/Enemies: Some trade frictions with the Eftkroten(Syrklist) about the trade in Dengar; good allies of the Skarrad in Smaggeft and the Radrast (Skarrad) in the Klintest Lowlands; occasionally they make deals with the Durolar (Torkrest) in exchange for protection and escort support in caravan transport (from Evekarr Road to Everast Road); friendly with the Larodar (Wyrwarf) and the Hwyrdal (Wyrwarf) in Kurdal - where they occasionally trade.
Personalities - Durval (military) mate of Dovia; Dorana (merchant); Dovia (merchant) sister of Dorana; Dolia daughter of Dovia; Durbol (Head); Dubal (Senator); Dorin(Silver Company) son of Dubal; Doria daughter of Dorana.
[Image: Torkrest Heraldry]
The succession struggles were harsh, extensive, and did cost many Torkrest lives: many members of their important families suffered; the clan leaders lost their heirs in defense battles across the nation.
After one campaign however, another follows; and Rockhome goes through external and political dangers that threaten the security and structure of the entire nation. There is little left for them to do beside continuying in their defense effort (even in the face of new threats in AC 1020). The senate and the clans are not very close; King Everast XVI did not have the response time envisioned by the Torkrest supporters (though not everyone is bad and he has had relative success, possibly better than Duric and Bifia); Modrigswerg and shadowelves knock on Rockhome's door, and the clans enter into friction through the foreign trade given the actions of Wyrwarf-Skarrad-Syrklist. Everyone is too busy to think about the dangers that threaten Rockhome - only the Torkrest remain in a constant vigilance.
Personalities: Orin son of Borin (deceased); Korin (Head/Senator) son of Orin; Bali (Head) daughter of Fara; Balin son of Korin (deceased in the Clan Wars); Balis daughter of Bali (deceased in the Clan Wars); Norred “Blackbeard” (8th DEF) son of Norrin; Norrin son of Borin (deceased).
Major Families: Torkrest/Kurpuhn/Blystar/Duril (on Greenston)/Sardal/Narum/Evedain (on Stahl and Ft. Denwarf).
Minor Families: Durolar (North Klintest Lowlands) / Ivrast / Norden (South Stahl Lowlands) / Hurgon-Hrokar (Fort Denwarf)/ Thordrin (Fort Denwarf).
[Image: Torkrest families]
[Image: Kurpuhn Heraldry]
Kurpuhn – They are given to political alliances with the Everast - especially the Sarkrey. Among its members, Throic (in a bonding marriage to the Sarkrey family) follows Duris' directions in gathering information outside of Rockhome. He is also part of an old tradition of Thorn Adventurers (as was his father Oic, Bifed Lyrrast of the Hurwarf and Gram of the Narunthar). Throic dialogues with Daril Ironboots about his expeditions - which eventually reaches Duris. He has recently been commissioned again to inspect the alleged alliance and return of the Alfheim elves to the Canolbarth.
Siege - Dengar.
Allies/Enemies - Active contact with the Thorns (this left them with a few contacts between the Lyrrast and the Narunthar); alliances with the Sarkrey (Everast) and the Torkrest in general; They are indifferent (unlike most Torkrest) to the Wyrwarf.
Personalities - Throic (Thorn) son of Oic; Oic son of Dolic; Dolic (Senator) brother of Doic; Daril (5th DEF) son of Baril; Doic the Old (Head); Dorlum (20th DEF) son of Dolic; Baril (Military).
[Image: Blystar Heraldry]
Blystar – Aristocrats of noble descent, their ancestors were kings and rulers. Among its main achievements is the Blystar III campaign (1000 BC) against the goblinoid invasion in the north at Denwarf Spur - which still generates bad comments among other families about how the service has not yet been completed there. They are military strategists of note.
Siege - Dengar.
Allies/Enemies - Good relations with other families of noble lineage like the Daroban (Syrklist), Sardal (Torkrest), Everast, Blystats (Buhrodar) and the Sarkrey (Everast). Due to their history of working with Blystar III (1000 BC), they have contact with the families living around Fort Denwarf such as Hurgon-Hrokar (Torkrest), Buhrod-Syrklis (Buhrodar) and Evedain (Torkrest). Some of these families however resent the fact that the Blystar were stationed in distant Dengar - giving no political and economic support to those who remained there. Occasionally they make good use of the Ivrast (Torkrest) on their private or military expeditions or campaigns. The Blystar have a bad relationship with the Wyrwarf - especially the Torenwarf.
Personalities - Borfor (4th DEF) the Old; Moror (Senator) son of Borfor; Doror (Head) son of Borfor; Dorin son of Doror; Durin son of Dorin; Doris mate of Dorin.
[Image: Duril Heraldry]
Duril – From mining and iron trading in Greenston they managed to extend their business relatively to Buhorur in Thyatis. The family line in the capital of Dengar is dedicated to study and research.
Siege - Greenston (a few in Dengar).
Allies/Enemies - Commercial friendship with the Makrest in Buhrohur (Thyatis) and provide some service in metals and minerals for the Narum/Narunthar (Torkrest) in Dengar. They live relatively well with the Norden (Torkrest) and the Wyrwarf families around Greenston; contacts with the Royal College of the Sages in Dengar.
Personalities - Thora sister of Kolmar; Bofur mate of Thora (in Thyatis); Kolmar son of Korif; Altudra (Northern) wife of Kolmar; Filia (Library Auxiliary) daughter of Altudra; Grondar (Military) son of Kolmar; Brida (from North) sister of Altudra; Gloria (in Greenston) daughter of Faria; Korif Duril (Venerable -Head/Senator); Mora daughter of Thora; Faria sister of Thora (deceased).
[Image: Sardal Heraldry]
[Image: Torkrest families 2]
Sardal – These are veterans in the defense of the nation and descendants of the heroes in the traditional Battle at Sardal Pass against the goblinoid hordes of Queen Udbala (492 BC). They have relative contact with the Sarkrey (Everast) in friendly military exercises.
Siege - Karrak Castle.
Allies/Enemies - Good relations with the Blystar (Torkrest), the Sarkrey (Torkrest) and the Dulgar (Syrklist) as well as King Everast himself (since his time as General at Karrak Castle years ago). Indifferent to others.
Personalities - Bundar (16th DEF) son of Bolar; Bahrundar son of Bundar; Balthar son of Bundar; Belfar son of Bolar; Belas (Head) wife of Bundar; Bolar the Old (deceased).
[Image: Narum Heraldry]
Narum/Narunthar – The Narum bring together and make up a family of aristocrats and politicians in the Senate - they are in essence political articulators. Its ancient and older members had old ties to the Hurwarf and the Black Mantle faction (Hurwarf zealots and nationalists).
Siege - Dengar.
Allies/Enemies - The political side of the family has good relations with the Tordar (Everast) in addition to occasional alliances with the Kurpuhn (Torkrest) and the Kudwarf (Hurwarf); they receive some service in metals and minerals from the Duril (Torkrest) in Greenston; The Narum also provide loyal and continuous support to the Torkrest main family and the Blystar (Torkrest).
Personalities - Gram (the Old) brother of Torun; Dolun (Head/Senator) son of Torun; Torun (deceased); Eirin (Military/Airship Project) son of Dolun; Filed son of Dolun; Konia daughter of Kolis; Kolis daughter of Dolis; Dolis (deceased).
[Image: Evedain Heraldry]
Evedain – They aid the defense between Stahl and Fort Denwarf (members of this family can be found in both places). Those in Stahl are more given to the diverse services of a large city, while their relatives in Fort Denwarf are given to trade and defense of borders.
Siege - Stahl & Fort Denwarf.
Allies/Enemies - Cautious with the Kurutar (Wyrwarf) who have great influence in Stahl; allies of the Buhrod-Syrklis (Buhrodar), the Hurgon-Hrokar (Torkrest) of Fort Denwarf; good relations with the Daroban (Syrklist), Dulrad (Buhrodar) and Syrast (Syrklist) of Stahl; contract with the Thordrin (Torkrest) for military services of expeditions and defense of dwarven territory. Disappointment with the Blystar (Torkrest) who became more absent after years of problems in the Styrdal Road and Valley.
Personalities - Lain (Military) daughter of Alin; Alin daughter of Amin; Gloeen (Medic) son of Dalen; Amin (deceased); Glomin daughter of Amin (Woodman); Dalen Evedain the Old (Head).
[Image: Dwarf crossbowman]
[Image: Durolar Heraldry]
Durolar - These have long been held by military and northern defenders in the Klintest Lowlands (some family members own a modest timber trade on the Evekarr Road and Lake Klintest). Most traditionally they are in the army (on patrols of the Evekarr Road or by Fort Evekarr or even in Smaggeft).
Siege - North Evekarr Road (Makress Mountain).
Allies/Enemies: Friendly relationship with the Radrast (Skarrad) and the Buhraden (Buhrodar); good business and working relations with the Klyntar (Syrklist), with the Skarrad clan at Smaggeft and with the Buhrhrokar (Buhrodar) for expeditions or services at Makkres Mountain; indifferent and distant from the Hwyrdal (Wyrwarf) in Kurdal.
Personalities - Dalan (mercenary/Hammer) son of Dalic; Dalic (Sage College-Seniority) brother of Dalin; Dorun (military) son of Dalin; Dovana (Senator) wife of Dalin; Dalin (Head/Merchant); Doril (merchant) son of Dalin; Dorin (woodman) son of Dalin.
[Image: Norden Heraldry]
[Image: Torkrest Families 3]
Norden - This family lives near the Norden River (South Greenston) and are by tradition woodcutters and hunters, living relatively well with the Wyrwarf nearby. Already faced many invasions of goblinoids coming through the Darokin Tunnel and around the Altan Teppes Mountains. More rustic and isolated from the other Torkrest in Dengar (who see them as ignorant countrymen and lumberjacks), they are generally ignored by the rest of the clan - except when problems arise in the Norden region.
Siege - South Greenston (around Norden River).
Allies/Enemies - Distant and ignorant of most other clans, relative contact with the Duril (Torkrest) in Greenston and the Herkur (Wyrwarf); indifferent to Hurgwerf (now managing Fort Hurgwerf in Darokin Tunnel). Sincere allies of the main Torkrest family - though absent (when reminded and summoned, they attend).
Personalities - Norur (woodman) son of Norer; Nalar (Hammer) wife of Norur; Norer (Thorn) son of Noralin; Noren (hunter) son of Norur; Noralin (Head/Senator); Norin (merchant) son of Noralin.
[Image: Ivrast Heraldry]
Ivrast - This family came from a lineage of the Blystats13 and are equivalent to knights; elite warriors who are engaged in the defense of clan sites and Torkrest families. They now take care of the safety and protection of Lord Korin's family at Stronghold Torkrest in High Dengar. They have vassalage to the Torkrest family and thus achieve important social standing among the smaller families in the clan.
Siege: High Dengar.
Allies/Enemies - Primary loyalty to the Torkrest clan and the main clan family; great and deep respect for the Blystar (Torkrest); sympathy for the Blystats (Buhrodar) and the Blystat-Hrodar (Buhrodar); indifferent to the other clans and suspicious of the Wyrwarf.
Personalities - Konto (Senator/Military Advisor) son of Boltor ; Torto (Templar) son of Konto; Boltos (Clansmen Guard) son of Konto; Boltor Ivrast (the Old/Head); Boltar (Knight/ Paladin) son of Konto ; Bronar (Red Hammer Mercenary/Clan Wurkrest) from Wyrmsteeth ; Boria (priestess of Vulcanos) wife of Konto - daughter of Bronar.
[Image: Hurgon-Hrokar Heraldry]
Hurgon-Hrokar - They are guardians of the passage at Fort Denwarf. They settled permanently in the region during the campaigns of king Blystar III and they gained titles and lands in that place. They still had many campaigns against the goblinoids in the foothills and also in the undercaves in the Denwarf Spur (from what they inherited in part the family's name). They were on the first punitive expedition to the goblinoids at Jhyrrad (600 BC) alongside the Buhrod-Syrklis (Buhrodar) but the high influx of goblinoids in the region made them cease their campaigns there for many years.
Siege - Fort Denwarf.
Allies/Enemies: They are allies of the Evedain (Torkrest) and the Buhrod-Syrklis (Buhrodar); good relations with the Blystar (Torkrest) - albeit distant due to their detachment in Dengar. Occasionally they fight alongside the Thordrin (Torkrest) in campaigns against the goblinoids in the Denwarf Spur.
Personalities - Gorur(Advisor to senator)son of Girur; Goror (Mercenary) son of Girur; Goronfar (military)son of Gorur; Goron (Explorer)son of Gorur; Gilic (Hammer) wife of Gorur , daughter of Gila (Hammer-deceased); Jorur (military) son of Goror; Girur (venerable/ Head/ Senator).
[Image: Thordrin Heraldry]
Thordrin/Thor-Dor - Their name is a corruption of Thor-Dor ( "Notables of Thor") they are a smaller family that survives from the sale of mercenary services and organized militia. They are one of the most recognized and reliable mercenary company in the Stahl region, but they also provides men to other regions of Rockhome. Despite having blacksmiths and tradesmen, military skills are the most common among adults and young dwarves. Therefore, it is customary for young people to join the army or join the expeditionary forces at an early age to learn new talents. One of the differentiating traits of the family warriors is that they descended from the old Konin, a priest of Thor, and tend to be berserkers. They form an elite militia troop.
Siege - None. living on North Stahl Lowlands and Fort Denwarf.
Allies/Enemies: Their relations with the other families is that they generally serve as auxiliary troops for military services on expeditions defending dwarven territory. The most frequent contractors are the Evedain (Torkrest), the Daroban (Syrklist) and the Syrast (Syrklist); the Hurgon-Hrokar (Torkrest) are their closest allies.
Personalities - Finan son of Fillum; Fillum son of Thored; Belfia Daughter of Kuria; Kuria wife of Fillum; Giled son of Wharic; Gilia sister of Giled & Kuria; Koric (merchant) son of Balin; Balin (miner) mate of Gilia; Torif son of Balin; Thralum son of Thored; Wharic son of Konin; Thored son of Kured; Konin (venerable) brother of Kured; Kured (venerable) brother of Konin.
[Image: Wyrwarf Heraldry]
The Wyrwarf's struggle for support, respect, and security in the lowlands is not recent. Their leaders have tried to show the Senate that the defense of the lowlands is flawed, that abuses by the military are constant, and that none of this will change unless the Rockhome economy targets improvements in agriculture and the import of spices and export of produce. The Wyrwarf can cross their arms - and Rockhome could starve. The Kurutar have recovered from the Stahl attack of AC 1011 and the Stahl lowlands on AC 1015-AC 1016. The moment calls for improvements, and the Wyrwarf have pressed the Senate to implement these.
Personalities - Belfin (Head/Senator) son of Dorfin, Gilia Songsmith (Head) daughter of Toris.
Major Families - Kurutar (on Stahl) / Larodar (on Klintest lowlands and Smaggeft) / Tordal (from Karameikos) / Kerdol.
Minor Families: Stahlin (Stahl River) / Hwyrdal (Near Kurdal) / Torenwarf (Dengar & South Greenston) / Herkur (Stahl River).
[Image: Kurutar Heraldry]
[Image: Wyrwarf Families]
Kurutar – The current governing family of the Wyrwarf had their power base strengthened after the return of Belfin with his wife Gilia Songsmith. They often bring together the other Wyrwarf family leaders in meetings in Stahl, discuss directions to be taken in accordance with harvests and seasons, and join forces when the military threatens them or when monsters come up from the mountains to attack their lands and farms.
Siege - Stahl.
Allies/Enemies - They live relatively well with the Syrast (Syrklist) and the Dulrad (Buhrodar) respectfully; allies of all Wyrwarf families in general; good terms with the Skarrad of Smaggeft in general - through alliances between the Larodar (Wyrwarf) and the Nordenshield (Skarrad); indifferent, but commercial with Stahl's Daroban (Syrklist) - which puts them in estrangement with Evemur's Dulgar (Syrklist); suspicious and distrustful of Torkrest in general.
Personalities - Belfin (Head/Senator) son of Dorfin; Dorfin son of Olin; Olin the Old (deceased); Gilia (Head) daughter of Toris (from Stronghollow); Ori (on Greenston) niece of Toris; Oror cousin of Oris.
[Image: Stronghollow Heraldry]
Stronghollow (in Karameikos) – Originally a family formed in Highforge in Karameikos. The rise of Gilia among the Wyrwarf and the need for support made it possible for a few of the companions to accompany Gilia to join the Kurutar (they are more a joining and union to Kurutar than a family for themselves).
Siege - Highforge (Karameikos), Stahl and Greenston.
Allies/Enemies - Allied by marriage to the Kurutar (Wyrwarf) through weddings between Gilia and Belfin; strong ties to the court of Dorfus Hilltoper (in Karameikos); good relations with the Wyrwarf in general and respectful of the Syrklist; suspicious of the Torkrest.
Personalities - Gilia (Head) daughter of Toris; Toris niece of Dorfus; Ori (in Greenston) niece of Toris; Oror cousin of Oris.
[Image: Larodar Heraldry]
Larodar – Part of the established and dominant clan in the Klintest lowlands and Smaggeft. They have had good ties with the Nordenshield since the times of Thrais and Duro. They are restructured after the conflicts of AC 1015-AC 1016 and believe that Evekarr Pass is important for grain and food economy.
Siege - Smaggeft and Klintest Lowlands.
Allies/Enemies - Until recently, allied by marriage to the Nordenshield (Skarrad) through weddings between the deceased Thrais and Duro. With the rise to power of the Garrak to the Skarrad clan, the old ties are weakening (few were the Nordenshields that survived); estrangement from Torkrest in general - with a slight exception regarding the Norden (Torkrest); good relations and alliances with the Syrast (Syrklist) and Torenwarf (Wyrwarf).
Personalities - Thori Larodar (the Old); Thrais daughter of Thori (deceased); Thraia (18th DEF, Head) niece of Thori; Throrin (Senator) daughter of Thraia; Throden cousin of Thraia (Merchant).
[Image: Tordal Heraldry]
Tordal – With little time in Rockhome, those that come from Highforge are a mixture of dwarves, gnomes and some hin from Karameikos. Because they are composed of a union of races, they are seen with much disdain by the traditional families of Rockhome (as if it were not bad enough to be Wyrwarf ...).
Siege - Stahl Lowlands
Allies/Enemies - Can be accepted and relied on only by the Wyrwarf (this mixed nature is not part of the tradition in the dwarven family); have heard of the Eveskyn (Skarrad) as a family of gnomes in Smaggeft and have since tried to establish contact and proximity. Precarious about the Torkrest; good relations with Highforge (in Karameikos).
Personalities - Gilic (19th DEF) counsin of Gilian; Gilian (Head) son of Gigum; Gigum the Old (deceased); Giloen son of Gilic; Gillum (Senator) son Gilian; Giloar (murdered by Hammer) son of Gilian; Gilbin (Gnome) wife of Gilian.
[Image: Kerdol Heraldry]
[Image: Wyrwarf Families 2]
Kerdol – The times, difficulties and conflicts make them stronger; when things get really tough, the Kerdol gather their trained weapons and mercenaries and go on to defend the clan and their lands. They are dedicated to organization and defense.
Siege - Stahl Lowlands.
Allies/Enemies - Declared enemies of the "Hammer" (among several conflicts, have already lost several members of the family). Hostile to the Torkrest in general, indifferent to the Norden (Torkrest). Neutral to Syrklist and Buhrodar. They sympathized with the losses suffered by the Tordal (they were also very attacked by "Hammer").
Personalities - Whara (10th DEF) daughter of Dwas; Dwas (deceased); Dwara (Military) daughter of Whara; Das (Head/Senator) mate of Dwas; Dwaria daughter of Whara; Dwator (murdered by Hammer); Dalban son of Das.
[Image: Stahlin Heraldry]
Stahlin - A prominent family among farmers by the Stahl River (Stahl Lowlands, between plains and beginning of the hilly country with forests). The strength of the Stahlin consists of the union of Wyrwarf clusters and neighboring allies who usually trade with Greenston, Stahl and also the surrounding communities of loggers and miners.
Siege - Village of Stahlin (North Stahl River).
Allies/Enemies- Good relations with the Wyrwarf in general; strong alliances with the Herkur (Wyrwarf); they have a business partnership with the Torenwarf (Wyrwarf) who trade their products in the capital; cautious about Torkrest; warlike in relation to the "Hammer" - where they always count on the help of the Kerdol (Wyrwarf) to defend themselves.
Personalities - Konar(Senator) mate of Konis;Konis (murdered by Hammer) wife of Konar; Konid(merchant) daughter of Konis; Konen (Head); Konin (animal trainer) daughter of Komia; Kolor(farmer) son of Konar; Komia(farmer)wife of Kolor- daughter of Kolis; Koran (woodman)son of Konen.
[Image: Hwyrdal Heraldry]
Hwyrdal - Recently relocated in Kurdal after the recovery of the penal colony and the destruction of the Sarrast family (Wywarf) during the invasion of Thar there in AC 1016. They manage agricultural production and local commerce with the help of the Skarrad in Smaggeft and the Larodar (Wyrwarf).
Siege - Kurdal and Village of Hwyrdal (Klintest Lowlands).
Allies/Enemies - After the destruction of the Sarrast (Wyrwarf), it's only Wyrwarf allies that remained in the Klintest Lowlands are the Larodar; indifferent to Durolar (Torkrest) and Syrklist in general; good relations with the Skarrad in general and with the Buhraden (Buhrodar).
Personalities - Bombic(Head); Moric brother of Bombic; Bolic son of Moric; Bolia wife of Bombic; Balia daughter of Bolia; Morin son of Bombic.
[Image: Sarrast Heraldry]
Observation: (to DM use) - We present here the model of coat of arms used by the Sarrast family (before and after Thar's invasion of Kurdal and consequently the complete destruction of this family - and allies - so that players and DM feel free to adjust to their setting or moment of the campaign they are using).
Sarrast - Field production inspectors; overseers of the works in the Kurdal penal colony; this family had a well-defined structure of alliances in the Klintest Lowlands - Larodar (Wyrwarf), Hwyrdal (Wyrwarf), Buhraden (Buhrodar) and occasionally when necessary, the Durolar (Torkrest) - in Kurdal works and administration. However, the attack of Thar was brutal: no life was spared and no Sarrast survived; the Hwyrdal begin to assume the responsibilities in Kurdal after the resumption by the dwarves in AC 1016.
Personalities (deceased): Dardan Sarrast(Head) ; Darfan brother of Dardan ; Difur son of Darfan; Dorad son of Dardan; Dorfor son of Darfan; Daren daughter of Durfa; Durfa wife of Dardan; Difor son of Dardan.
[Image: Torenwarf Heraldry]
[Image: Wyrwarf Families 3]
Torenwarf - The economic and political power of the Wyrwarf in Dengar who negotiate the goods produced by the clan. Allies of the Eftkroten (Syrklist) in High Dengar. When outside the business circles, they are taken with a certain contempt and disdain by the more traditional families (Everast, Torkrest) as opportunistic fools devoid of nobility (but their economic influence allows them to position themselves politically). The Torenwarf sell and transport what they can from the Wyrwarf and negotiate directly in the capital; they have also become one of the most active Wyrwarf families in the Senate.
Siege - High Dengar and South Greenston (Stahl Lowlands).
Allies/Enemies - Stahlin and Herkur trade allies (Wyrwarf) - they have a business partnership to trade their products in the capital; allies of the Eftkroten (Syrklist) in Dengar; hostilities with the noble families in Dengar who treat them like foolish insurgents.
Personalities - Moria daughter of Morilar; Morila (priest of Asterius) daughter of Morilar ; Morilar (Head) the Old ; Moren son of Modrin; Modrin mate of Moria; Mofia daughter of Morila; Mofin son of Moria.
[Image: Herkur Heraldry]
Herkur - This family of loggers and miners bring together the other groups of families in the hills and forests south of the Stahl River (as well as miners in the Altan Tepes in this region). They have a very close contact with the Stahlin (doing trade of frequently produced goods). By living originally in this region, they are well accustomed to the environment of forests and mountains - knowing how to use the advantages of terrain when goblinoids attack from the mountains.
Siege - Herkur Village.
Allies/Enemies- Good relations with the Norden (Torkrest) for the proximity of territory and similarity in their professions; allies of the Stahlin (Wyrwarf) commercially (exchange products and services between them); indifferent to the Hurgwerf (Hurwarf) to the south and the Duril (Torkrest) in Greenston; cautious against the Torkrest in general and mainly against the "Hammer" group.
Personalities - Rurin son of Kundar; Kurin son of Rurin; Kuri (mercenary-deceased) son of Rurin; Kufic (deceased) wife of Rurin; Ruren son of kundar; Ruron son of Ruren; Kundar (Head).
Here is a short list of Senators representing the prominent families in Rockhome (within each clan). It is important to realize that each clan has dozens of other Senators (usually one for each midsize family) and this small sample is an aid to help DMs expand their games involving family policies in clans and political agreements.
Buhrodar: Koris daughter of Goris (Buhrodar); Blirun brother of Blindis (Blystats); Golum son of Gorfin (Denwarfin); Bolis wife of Olic (Blystat-Hrodar); Donan Buhrast (Buhrast); Dorflun mate of Korlin (Buhraden); Glarin wife of Gloren (Buhrhrokar); Torban (Buhrod-Syrklis).
Everast: Noris daughter of Nais (Everast); Gilin daughter of Gilis (Tordar); Noria wife of Nored (Styrdal); Thraor Sarkrey (Sarkrey); Throril (Hrumdal); Faron (Evehrodar).
Hurwarf: Dohrun brother of Dohr (Kudwarf); Giltor the Old (Throrur); Gored nephew of Oar (Hrokar); Bolana wife of Bofar (Hurdurgar); Boras wife of Oren (Hurkrey); Farin (Hurgwerf); Bofan (Thoric-Hrodar).
Skarrad: Filia daughter of Koria (Nordenshield); Gorin Garrak (Garrak);Hulgris wife of Hurgrin (Hurgon-Skarrad); Zoldar the Old Torkyn (Eveskyn); Dwafa Nogon the Old (Nogon); Hurin son of Hured (Hurstyr); Dalida wife of Dwelar (Radrast); Horgrin wife of Horgen (Torenmur); Mordrin sister of Gorin (Klintgar).
Syrklist: Dia daughter of Fara(Syrklist); Gorur Dulgar (Dulgar); Gilin Daroban (Daroban); Nodar son of Norden (Styrklint); Helga-Syrklis (Syrklis- Hurgon); Korar son of Kured (Syrast); Brulis (Eftkroten); Dubal (Klyntar).
Torkrest: Korin son of Orin (Torkrest); Dolic brother of Doic (Kurpuhn); Moror son of Borfor (Blystar); Korif Duril (Duril); Belas wife of Bundar (Sardal); Dolun son of Torun (Narum); Dalen Evedain the Old (Evedain); Dovana wife of Dalin (Durolar); Noralin (Norden); Konto son of Boltor (Ivrast); Girur (Hurgon-Hrokar).
Wyrwarf: Belfin son of Dorfin (Kurutar); Throrin daughter of Thraia (Larodar); Gillum son Gilian (Tordal); Das mate of Dwas (Kerdol); Konar mate of Konis (Stahlin); Other minor wyrwarf families - no senator.
Below are the main and best-known organizations, guilds and institutions that are part of the day-to-day activities of several dwarf families in Rockhome:
[Image: Kingsguard Heraldry #1,2,3 ]
Kings´ guard - More than a garrison, these make up the guard and personal escort of King Everast XVI. Its military compound (next to the palace) serves as headquarters of this detachment composed exclusively of young dwarves from clan Everast. Some marks are used for internal distinction of its members; the yellow crest means honor and notoriously decorated (Gold member) and composes those who lead the units of troops; The Red Star crest (Red Star member) make up the value-in-battle prizes; the remaining members are Yellow Star (traditionaly blue crest).
[Image: Royal seal]
Royal Seal - For the representation of emissaries of the king in distant audiences (as diplomatic missions) or royal decrees and symbols linked to actual royal descent, the seal used by King Everast XVI follows; It presents the authority and sovereignty of the Rockhome crown.
[Image: Great Council seal]
Great Council (Senate) - In regular and solemn sessions of the Senate, in committees or delegations that contain their representatives or in authorized decrees, it follows the seal of the Great Council of the Senate.
[Image: Dwarven foot banner I and II]
Dwarven Foot - Extension of Dwarf Army for missions external to Rockhome or internal (but outside civilized cities or regions). The hammer symbolizes its main unit of light infantry - the "Hammers", but other special divisions complement the units of the expeditionary army (the symbol may be accompanied by unit of division or company, special unit troops ... etc).
[Image: Thorns symbol]
[Image: Hammer dwarf]
The Thorns - “The Thorns In the Sides of Those Blasted Elves” composed a small expedition and espionage group against the elves in Canolbarth (this group takes on another major importance when the alliance between Alfheimers and Shadowelves comes about in AC1015) they have sponsorship of some Everast, Torkrest and Hurwarf; their symbol is not widely publicized outside the group ("TH" or Thurisaz rune), but it serves to remind the main ideals and goals of its members - spying and performing mischief among the elves.[Image: Underside heraldry]
Underside - Having as its main objective operations of vandalism, the dwarves (and some humans!) attached to underside are as close as Rockhome may have to a Thieves' Guild (though not exactly). For identification among their members or contact with criminal guilds outside of Rockhome, they often use an identification symbol other than a heraldic shield - which may change from time to time.
[Image: Silver Company heraldry]
Silver Company - Sponsored by the Syrklist clan, this troop of young dwarves (and some veterans in the lead) has as its primary function to protect and escort clan caravans and defend Syrklist commercial interests where necessary (roads and routes, caravans that travel far from Rockhome, etc). Occasionally the interests of the Silver Company intersect with those of the Union of Trade Guilds (especially when the Syrklist clan is involved in the process). In situations of great need, the Silver Company may hire small groups of mercenaries to supplement its contingent of soldiers (such as auxiliary troops).
[Image: Black Mantles Heraldry]
Black Mantles - Just as the Hurwarf are regarded as nationalist zealots, Black Mantles make up their political arm of action; difficult to define this faction only as a military group: political activists, guild of nationalist ideology (for the sake of the dwarven race), its influential reach is extensive. The Black Mantles find many supporters in other clans (like some Torkrest), butthey still remain very connected to the Hurwarf.
[Image: Union of Trade Guilds Heraldry]
[Image: Bakers and Confectioners]
Union of Trade Guilds - This large corporation gathers and strengthens the power of the smaller retail guilds in Rockhome (bakers, blacksmiths, stonecutters, miners, woodcutters, crafters and merchants in general). The council that leads this organization is made up of the richest merchants among the dwarven families in Rockhome (like the Daroban, Dulgar, Eftkroten and others). They have a working relationship with the Banking Guild, the Silver Company and the Company of Lakes (among others). Its main goal is to unify and strengthen the trade of the great guilds in Rockhome.
Observation: Bakers and Confectioners Guild is just one example of smaller guilds that make up the Union of Trade Guilds among others.
[Image: Banking Guild Heraldry]
Banking Guild - For better security of merchant guilds, the Banking Guild administers transportation and payment through the system of transactions involving large amounts of money (larger than 500 gp), the CLOC - Certified Letter of Credit15 - is used (thus discouraging thugs and looters to act). Until recently, the guild was working together with the Bank of Darokin, but the events of AC 1012 have since moved them away.
[Image: Royal College of Sages Heraldry]
Royal College of Sages16 - The Royal College of Sages is based in Lower Dengar in Rockhome at the very heart of power in the kingdom. Its headquarters is a magnificent domed structure next to the Senate in the Dwarfheart Cavern. It was founded in 737 AC with both a public and a secret agenda.
Publicly, it is a scholarly organisation devoted to archaeology and recording historical events both in relation to the kingdom of Rockhome and the world outside. The college of sages maintain a very large non-human library and are the custodians of massive amounts of knowledge – from the trivial to the most important scientific and religious discoveries of the ages.
[Image: Black Banner Heraldry]
Black Banner - After being exiled these few Hurwarf (the most loyal and close to Duric and Bifia) of Rockhome, have joined Duric's troops as voluntary allies and are currently training (with armaments and equipment provided by the Modrigswerg allies) - hoping for the fall of Everast XVI and reconquest of Rockhome. This small army unit is still quiet, awaiting instructions before acting again.
[Image: Clergy Heraldry]
The Clergy - The Clergy form a kind of society; they meet in an annual forum on a regular basis (their principal meeting - The Cleric´s Forum on Dengar - is on 21 Styrlin/Yarthmont) , but the 21st each month is the date for lesser meetings in all Rockhome. They discuss their philosophies, the current spiritual state of the nation and how they can better guide the dwarves in communion with Kagyar.
[Image: Company of the Lakes Heraldry]
Company of Lakes - Composed of a union of smaller guilds and families working with the maritime trade of goods between the Stahl and Klintest lakes. They are good allies of the Banking Guild and the Union of Trade Guilds. The Company of Lakes inspects travel regulations and regulates ship-to-ship traffic within Rockhome. Usually each major port city has some chapter of this guild.
[Image: Sharp Blades Heraldry and Brooch #1,2]
Sharp Blades - Sharp Blades is a mercenary guild in Dengar. They gather a good amount of mercenary troops as well as other smaller guilds of Ax-for-hire and Men-at-Arms; the leadership of this mercenary guild is commanded by a cohesion of veteran dwarves (mostly Torkrest) or retired military personnel. They sell their services for various tasks and do not distinguish those who wish to join their ranks (in a format similar to the French Foreign Legion in RW).
[Image: The Hammer Heraldry]
The Hammer - A secret society of dwarves (made up mostly of military Torkrest) determined to contain the Wyrwarf turmoil and to keep the farmers in their respective places; every few weeks they meet in secret places featured in black clothes and masks to plan and wreak some havoc on farmers when necessary.
[Image: The Cliff Hangers Heraldry #1,2]
Cliff Hangers - The Cliff Hangers (or Clangers, as they usually abbreviate) are an informal explorers' guild; a group of adventurers aiming to explore the mountains, caves, valleys and Rockhome wilds (and beyond borders!). Among this group can be found warriors, cartographers, geologists and scouts17. Among its members is Kori Fire-Eye (Nordenshield) - its motto includes: "Be Prepared"!
[Image: Temple Guards Heraldry]
Temple Guards - They form a kind sub society inside of The Clergy; their main goal is the zeal and protection of the temples of Kagyar and sites sacred to the dwarves or of great historical value (such as ancient ruins and sanctuaries) as well as relics linked to the history of the dwarves. In the temples of the big cities (Dengar, Smaggeft, Evemur) there is usually a small circle (3-6 members) while for the other towns and cities of the kingdom there are some itinerant Templars or some others responsible for a region of small villages (the central guild is in Dengar).
Below is a brief list of clans and families that are outside of Rockhome in colonies established for some time; part of them still maintains active diplomatic contact with Dengar. Others are either without news or have been destroyed for some time.
Tordal - ("strong hollow") These are formed in Highforge, Karameikos, around 450 BC. They have relative contact with the Rockhome families, for example, with the Stronghollow of the Wyrwarf and with the court of the king of King Everast XVI through his ambassador in Mirros - Bolto Nordenshield.
Makrest - ("broken teeth") Formed in Buhrohur, Thyatis, 1st century AC. These are led by Gilla of the family of the Blyskarats. These still maintain (although little) relative commercial contact with Rockhome.
Denkress- ("longtooth") These are formally established in AC 400, in Kildorkak. The city is named "Stormhaven"; translated to dwarven "Kildorkak", in Norwold, the colony of Kildorkak was founded in AC 386). His contact with Rockhome is infrequent. Its leader is the Evedotar Gard Rocktooth.
Barrad - ("blonde iron") They were formally established around AC 400-425; twin Clan of Denkres; founded Borneth'k'rak, twin colony of Kildorkak, AC 391.
Wurkrest - ("wyrmsteeth") They were established in Wyrmsteeth, Norwold, around AC 800. Despite their isolationism, these dwarves have strong ties with their cousins of Stormhaven, and holds some contact (with clan Ambassadors) with Rockhome. These are Lead by Wurkrest Clanmaster Baldur Borneth (also leader of the Red Hammer an elite dwarven organisation, with a few human members, mostly clerics).
Takkras - Corrupted from “Tar-Kres” (“Beard fangs”); they were formed near Arcadia, Norwold, AC 828. Ruler:Tark Takkras (Clanlord).
Duger (possibile from Dulgar, "house in the deep") These Minrothad dwarves no longer use their names from Rockhome, but have taken craft-related names like other guildsmen.Leading clans are Clan Stronghold, Clan Duger, and Clan Hewer.
Hewer/Hammar ("hammer") Most dwarves are members of Guild Hammer, named for the Hammer clan which led the exodus to Minrothad (all descendants of the original immigrants led by Darkbrow Hammer or of dwarves who followed shortly thereafter). The guild does crafts which deal with metal and stone.
Rak ("stronghold") In 828 AC they migrated from Rockhome to Glantri in search of gold; being very unwelcome there (being hunted, tortured, examined and blamed for the Plague by the mages even up to today), they departed on Guild ships to join the craftsmen of the Minrothad Isles. They settled on Fortress Island around 841 AC when the dwarven port of Stronghold was established. Important ruling member: Guild Master Thor Stronghold.
Hurgon (“cave/cavern”) They were formed in Alphatia, around AC 950; These were led by the Queen Buthra of the family of the Bofadar. They maintained relative commercial contact with Rockhome until they were destroyed when the Alphatian continent sank in 1009 AC.19)
- Aaron Allston, GAZ6: “The Dwarves of Rockhome” (TSR publishing),1988
- Jose Ignacio Ramos, “Mystara Ramelin Project”
- Jesper Andersen, “The Royal College of Sages”, from the Vaults of Pandius.
- Giulio Caroletti, “Timeline of Dwarven Kings”, from the Vaults of Pandius.
- Giulio Caroletti, “Annals of the Denwarf Dwarves”, from the Vaults of Pandius.
- Robin , “Darokin Tunnel Map in 1 Mile Hexes” from The Piazza posted 28 March 2015.
- The Almanac Team, “Mystaran Almanacs” AC1015-1018, from the Vaults of Pandius.
- Giulio Caroletti,”The (Not so) Young Races Part 2” , from Threshold Magazine issue #16.
- Hausman Santos and Otávio Gadelha, “Updates to Your Rockhome Campaign” from Threshold Magazine issue #16.
1For more information about this map, refer to “Darokin Tunnel Map in 1 Mile Hexes” by Robin at The Vaults of Pandius http://pandius.com/m_drtnl2.html
2You can know a little more by visiting his deviant https://ramelin.deviantart.com/ or in https://br.pinterest.com/jiramosl/rpg-ramelin-mystara/ or here at the Vault of Pandius http://pandius.com/ramelinm.html
3These statistics are used based on the description ”The Rockhome Military” Gaz 6.
4Dates and periods are in accordance with: Timeline of Dwarven Kings by Giulio Caroletti on Pandius [http://pandius.com/dwrfking.html].
5The names of the respective volcanoes were proposed by Jose Ignacio on his Rockhome map for his personal project Ramelin Mystara as shown on the map above.
6See GAZ6 The Dwarves of Rockhome, page 54.
7See more info on Robin’s “Darokin Tunnel Map in 1 Mile Hexes”.http://pandius.com/m_drtnl2.html
8This passage is well described in the Giulio Caroletti,”The (Not so) Young Races Part 2” , from Threshold Magazine issue #16 - Page 16. http://www.pandius.com/Threshold_16.pdf
9The city of Torkyn Falls was generally considered the last of the great gnomish cities of the Wendarian Ranges. It was presumably destroyed by dragons in the times when the Flaemish ruled the region that is currently Glantri [See the novel Dragonlord of Mystara. Ed].
10When gnomish scouts returned to the city after the assault of the dragons, they found that the damage was largely superficial, and that it could be rebuilt. Several members of the various gnomish clans that had lived in the Wendarian Ranges returned to the area of Torkyn Falls. They kept the rebuilt city a secret from their neighbours, more wary than ever after the trouble with the dragons. See Mystaran Almanac AC1018 - Nuwmont 5, AC 1018: Gnomish Emigration [http://pandius.com/1018nuw.html#nuw5a].
11You can apply here the interesting comedic suggestions of technologies described in the section Dwarven Science on page 36 of GAZ6.
12As already described in ”The (Not so) Young Races Part 2” by Giulio Caroletti, from Threshold Magazine issue #16 http://www.pandius.com/Threshold_16.pdf
13The Blystats are a Buhrodar family, but of Torkrest origin; It is remotely linked to the Blystar dynasty. The Ivrast are the part of the Blystats that remained among the Torkrest.
14Even though they were presented at Threshold # 16, the minor families updated in this new article were also included here.http://www.pandius.com/Threshold_16.pdf
15A Bank of Darokin Letter of Credit can be seen in the Mystara Accessory TSR 2510, Player’s Survival Kit, handout 9.
16See The Royal College of Sages by Jesper Andersen, on Pandius.
17Inspired by Real World scouting organizations (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scoutcraft)
18See more detail on Annals of the Denwarf Dwarves by Giulio Caroletti http://pandius.com/annaldwr.html
19This event can be checked on TSR 1082 Wrath of the Immortals book 2 - 1992