Ok this is a beginning of the textual information I have collected on the map of Karameikan Coast.
The purpose of this is to collect more information and compile these together later into a single PDF.
As the map is very large my intention is to do this in segments.Today we begin with the sections on the side of the 5Shires; Eastshire and Seashire..at least what is visible on the Karameikan Coast 1 mile hex map. Where I put Question Marks more information has to be placed.Some I will do on my own using canon, others require your help. Taverns and Inns for example mostly have no name as of yet, and many special extra information is as of yet not listed.
All compiled sources are listed HereLocations in Eastshire and Seashire
by RobinEastshire
Five Shire Communal Shrines
As the Shires do not really have Temples or Shrines dedicated to a single or group Immortal, they instead use a general Shrine on non consecrated ground where everybody can do his or her practises (no sacrifices of any kind). Mostly a small leather, wood, or vellum piece of a few inches holds an Immortal name(not always), the person’s name (mostly), a Hin Rune of Request with a second rune identifying the request. Most requests are luck, love, harvest, sale, craft related, rarely these are for acquiring benefits or items from any Immortal. All pieces are public and mostly through this rewarded by the people if found deserving by the readers. Immortals will also be aware of the simple pleas and might reward these if fitting in their own agenda. Hin Immortals regularly used are; Raven, Brindorhin, Coberham Shadowglint, Nob Nar. Yet Darokinian Immortals like Asterius, Elven Immortals, and Traladaran Immortals, as well as Valerias the immortal of Love are sometimes used. There is a sort social control on this system, pieces addressed to Immortals of Entropic or Humanoid origin or those of clear malign intent are regularly removed and destroyed.Traladaran Shrines
Some older Traladan Shrines do exist, and are sometimes even used by Traladaran people passing by. these grounds are still consecrated, although the shirenes are seriously neglected and mostly in ruins.Wardle Reed
Source; Self Created
Small Village ??? inhabitants
Mostly Reet fletchers, Reet Workers
2 Taverns; 1 copper 1 silverKuchi
Source; Sturm Blight Swamp Map, name self created
Small Village ??? inhabitants
1 Tavern copperRollstone Keep
Source; Gaz8, Sturm Blight Swamp Map
Inhabitants; ??
Troop information; ??
1 Inn Copper
1 Tavern SilverRollstone Port
Source; Gaz8, Sturm Blight Swamp Map,
Small Village ??? inhabitants
1 Tavern copperWardle River
Source; Gaz8, X1 6mile map, TM2, Gaz1
Originates from High Shire. Formed mainly with the deprivation of the Large lake there. Very Fertile shores, river undeep (1-8’) not suitable for other than flatbottom boats, canoes and rafts. Current speed ??Wardle Delta;
Source; Gaz8, Sturm Blight Swamp Map, Gaz1,
Part of the declining Halag Bay and the former Wardle Lake, formed by the Wardle River, filled with high amounts of sediments
Used as a fishing area for shrimps, shellfish. can be passed at low tide.Birds feeding ground at low tide.(see dark blue line=high tide line).Former Wardle Lake
Source; 2300BC/1000AC overlay.
This area was the bottom of an undeep lake in 2300BC. The 1750AC disaster raised the lake with several feet, and emptied the water in the newly formed Halag Bay. Due to the sediments and plant remains the area is very fertile, and reasonably flat when seen in comparison to the rest of the Shires, making it perfect for the high amounts of plant crops, and healthy cattle.Satesqual
Source; Self created based on 1700-1750BC information
Ruin of Taymoran Lake Village ???inhabitants
Mostly common fishermen
Yet also refugees from raids by taymoran vampires.
Treasures may be hidden in these ruins. Most of the surface structures remaining are less than a few feet. One large pedestal of a former statue is still remaining holding two large sandaled feet.Leverne Alon
Source; Self Created based on Gaz8 information
Large Green Dragon under dominance of the Gold Dragon
Has secret alter-ego of a druid tending the forest. likes to hunt deer...and roaming humanoids. The Hin Know both the Dragon and Druid yet are unaware they are the same. Reasonably friendly...for a green dragon. Became Large in 970AC during the Thyatian invasion of Traladara. some say this ascension did help the Thyatians, others say it lured them , some Hin say it only lured Baron von Hendricks gredy searching for wealth and magic.
This dragon often competes with Vulomar, yet as of yet none of them has won. They truly dislike eachother though.Seashire
Nob’s Boots
Source; Gaz8
Small Village ??? inhabitants
Has a 1 silver Tavern
Has 1 copper InnHarbourlee Rock
Source; Gaz1, Gaz8, KkoA, Irving Galvez Hrbourlee Rock,
100yard map here
Island split between Black Eagle Barony troops and 5Shire Troops. Some commerce beteen them. Busy Transfer point illicit trade. Seawind Isle piratesCoastfollow Road
Source; Gaz8 and self created
A pebblestone road with the width of a Thyatian Road (6 horses abreast) yet quality as a minor road. Especially in wagon unpleasantly and noisy to travel. Something the Hin enjoy for unknown reason.Bargles's Bumm
Source; Self created
This silver Caravanserai/Inn is one of the many mockeries of Baron Ludwig von Hendricks. Many jokes refer to him as Hin drinking out a larder in his bumm.Three times raided last years by Baron's mercenaries in revenge.Stormy Road;
Source; Self Created
A pebblestone road with the width of a Thyatian Road (5 horses abreast) yet quality as a minor road. Especially in wagon unpleasantly and noisy to travel. Something the Hin enjoy for unknown reason.Shirefang Rocks
Source; Gaz1, Gaz5, Gaz4, TM2,
100 yard map here
The islands have several small forts of 50 to 100 men, with each two average vessels, used to defend against intrusions of the Black Eagle Barony.
On each of the main roch a small lighthouse is actively manned to prevent accidents to happen due the many undersea mountains of which tops still breach the water and form small islands of a few hundred yards which are regulargly flooded with the tides.Perrycorn Lighthouse
Source; Self created, based on Hin Tales, and an AD&D1 adventure (I have to check)
?? more informattion will be added.
Perrycorn Reef
Source; Self created based on 1700-1750BC information
Petrified trees form this nasty reef. They do not damage your vessel enough to let it sink, yet shards may pierce several inches of wood as if a dagger and damaging those on the otherside. There are also man Murene eals here, so swimming is not advisable. The Perrycorn Lighthouse warns vessels of the reef.Former Taymoran Clifflake
Source; 2300BC/1000AC overlay, (yellow line/text on map)
This lake was drained completely in the 1700-1750BC disaster and large parts have risen due lack of weight of the water. Other sections are sill underwater in the Halag Bay. Geologist, druids, masters and biologists can recognize the difference in the ground and/or vegetation where the lake did exist earlier. Often small shells, fishbones and even boats can be unearthed from that period in this region. Some may hold treasures of monetary value of historical value.Mountain Reef
Source; 2300BC/1000AC overlay, Gaz1, Gaz5, Self created following Ecology and geomorphology rules
This large mountain, even while sunk still breaches the water close to the islands and are a great danger. The Hin and Traladaran Merchants grouped together to place Buoys to warn of the danger an prevent vessels to sink there.
Besides a few unlucky shipwrecks dating from before the buoys were placed, the region is uninteresting....ecept the sunken Astronomy Tower of the Taymoran. This Stucture made with an interestingly sturdy architecture has almost no damages due the earthquakes and the inundation. The large puzzleshaped marble stones still hold the structure well together. This was actually a merging of ancient Azcan/Oltec Archtecture with Taymoran usages. The 40 feet high domed partially ruined building is so intact that most of it is still functional. of course all metal items have rusted away or stiolen by whom were interested, yet the inner structure of this former astronomy tower might hold more than you bargained for, and at lowtide its top is only 10 feet underwater.Saq-a-Kerin
Source; Self created based on 1700-1750BC information
Ruin of Taymoran mountain Village ???inhabitants
Mostly common miners and astronomers.. Other scientists might have been here too.
Treasures may be hidden in these ruins. Most of the surface structures are 50% damaged and caved in. Less than three structures are largely intact but damaged.Nissa
Source; Self created based on 1700-1750BC information
Ruin of Taymoran River/Lake Town ???inhabitants
Mostly common Fishermen, Traders, foresters and farmers
Treasures may be hidden in these ruins. Most of the surface structures are 50% damaged and caved in. Less than 5% structures are largely intact but damaged.Teqorien
Source; Self created based on 1700-1750BC information
Ruin of Taymoran River/Lake Town ???inhabitants
Mostly common Elven and Taymoran Fishermen, Traders, foresters and farmers
Treasures may be hidden in these ruins. Most of the surface structures are 50% damaged and caved in. Less than 5% structures are largely intact but damaged. There are some burial tombs in these ruins that have never been opened.Qadiras
Source; Self created based on 1700-1750BC information
Ruin of Taymoran Lake Town ???inhabitants
Mostly common Fishermen, Traders, foresters and farmers
Treasures may be hidden in these ruins. Most of the surface structures are 70% damaged and caved in. Less than 5% structures are largely intact but damaged.Eoghan
Source; Self created based on 1700-1750BC information
Ruin of Taymoran Lake Town ???inhabitants
Mostly common Elven Fishermen, Traders, foresters and farmers
Treasures may be hidden in these ruins. Most of the surface structures are 90% damaged and caved in. There are no intact stuctures, yet many creatures locval enjoy nesting/breeding here.Sespen
Source; Self created based on PC2 Sea People
Underwater Sharkin Village; 65 inhabitants
Mostly common Hunters, foragers, Traders
These sharkin are friendly to those visiting, as long as treated fairly. once treated unfairly, they will hate you (and those with same appearance/items/name) for life.Twin Soul Rocks
Source; Gaz1, Gaz5, Gaz4, TM2,Irving Galvez Twin Soul Rocks
100 yard map hereVildel Island
Source; Gaz1, Gaz5, Gaz4, TM2, AD&D1 adventure N4 Treasure Hunt,
100 yard map hereMuldair Rock
Source; Gaz1, Gaz5, Gaz4, TM2, Irving Galvez help
100 yard map hereBroken Sea Islands
Source; Gaz1, Gaz5, Gaz4, TM2,Irving Galvez help Broken Sea Archipelago PDF
100 yard map here