Currency Exchange Fees
Most nations add 5% surcharge to the regular fees for exchanging gems and treasures.
Currency Fee Almarrón No fee Alphatia (a) 5% Atruaghin No fee Cimarron No fee Darokin 5% Ethengar No fee Five Shires 5% Gargoña 5% Glantri (a) 10% Heldann Freeholds No fee Hule 15% Ierendi (a) 10% Karameikos (a) 10% Minrothad 5% Ochalea (a) 10% Ostland 15% Rockhome (b) 10% Sind 15% Soderfjord No fee Thyatis 10% Vestland (a) 10% Wendar 10% Yavdlom 5% Ylaruam 15% (a): For gems and treasures, drop the usual 5% surcharge but double the exchange fee.
(b): 5% exchange fee maximum on gems and treasure. Gems are duty free (no import/export tax).Major Imports/Exports
[The following uses a system introduced in GAZ 9: Minrothad Guilds and GAZ 11: Republic of Darokin. For those without the rules, assume a simple +/- 1 equal to +/- 10% to the price of the item. The better the city class (A is better than B), the better the chances to find/buy or sell items. These tables are not identical to those in the GAZ. Main changes include prices of grain (i.e.: increased in Darokin due to all the disasters) and prices of weapons (cost more where there are wars going on). ED]
Here is how the various cities of the world stood for the prices of various items in the year AC 1014. A negative price adjustment means export, a positive price adjustment means import.
City; Nation Class Modifiers to Price Adjustment Akesoli; Darokin D Fish -1, Porcelain -1, Tea -2; Grain +1, Salt +4, Silk +3, Spices +2 Akorros; Darokin C Fish -3, Hides -1, Meat -2; Cloth +2, Grain +1, Semiprecious Stones +2, Wine +2 Alpha; Alpha (NACE) C Grain/Vegetables -3, Meat -3; Armour +2, Ivory +6, Coffee +5, Weapons +2, Wine +5 Athenos; Darokin D Gems -2, Glassware -3, Ivory -3, Meat -2; Animals +1, Monsters +2, Precious Woods +2, Porcelain +3 Atruaghin; Atruaghin E Coffee -3, Mounts -3, Tobacco -4, Textiles -2; Beer +3, Semiprecious Stones +4 Azurun; Hule C Grain -3, Cloth -2, Gems -2, Glasswork -1; Red Steel +3, Common Metals +2, Fish +2, Salt +2, Spices +2, Silk +1, Dye +1, Tobacco +1 Beitung; Ochalea C Silk -4, Grain -2; Wood +1, Rare Books +2, Art +2 Biazzan; Thyatis D Silk -2, Spices -2, Tea -2; Animals +2, Ivory +2, Rare Books +3 Castellan; Soderfjord E Common Metals -4, Dyes -2, Semiprecious Stones -3; Armour +3, Fish +2, Weapons +4 Ciudad Real; Gargoña D Art -2, Musical Instruments -1, Grain -1; Cinnabryl +2, Rare Books +3 Ciudad Tejillas; Alma. D Silver -3, Cloth -2, Tobacco -1, Coffee -2, Furniture -1; Cinnabryl +2, Red Steel +1, Rare Books +1 Corunglain; Darokin B Gems -2, Monsters -2, Semiprecious Stones -2; Grain +1, Hides +2, Pottery +2, Weapons +3 Cubia; Ylaruam E Pottery -3, Dye/Pigments -4, War Horses -3; Grain +3, Meat +3, Hides +3 Darokin; Darokin A Common Metals -2, Common Woods -2, Grain - 1, Ivory -2, Textiles -2; Gems +3, Monsters +5, Mounts +2, Precious Metals +4, Weapons +2 Dengar; Rockhome B Armour -4, Gems -4, Weapons -3; Animals +3, Grain +3, Tobacco +4 Dunadale; Thyatis B Porcelain -3, Weapons -2, Monsters -4, Gems -2; Tea +5, Ivory +5, Grain +4, Glassware +3 Ethengar; Ethengar D Hides -3, Mounts -4, Salt -3, Common Metals +4, Common Woods +4, Tea +2 Freiburg; Heldannic D Animals -3, Porcelain -2, Armour +3, Oil +3, Weapons +2 Glantri; Glantri B Monsters -4, Rare Books -3, Pottery -6; Gems +4, Glassware +3, Tobacco +4 Harbortown; Minrothad B Fish -2, Dye -2, Animals -3; Spices +2, Meat +2, Wine +2 Ierendi; Ierendi C Fish -2, Precious Metals -2; Dyes +2, Cloth +2, Animals +3, Silk +1, Meat +1 Kelven; Karameikos C Glassware -2, Pottery -3, Precious Metals -2; Ivory +2, Meat +2 Kerendas; Thyatis D Beer -2, Grain -3, Meat -2, Wine -2; Common Metals +3, Common Woods +2, Dyes +2, Oil +1 Kopstar; Glantri D Dyes -3, Oil -5, Precious Metals -3; Precious Woods +4, Semiprecious Stones +2, Spices +2 Minrothad; Minrothad B Coffee -2, Tea -2, Beer -2, Fish -3, Dye -2; Pottery +3, Cloth +2, Precious Metals +2, Gems +2, Common Wood +2 Mirros; Karameikos C Animals -1, Common Metals -2, Common Woods -3, Hides -2; Armour +2, Mounts +3, Rare Furs +3, Weapons +2 Newkirk; Thyatis B Armour -2, Dye -4; Coffee +3, Gems +4, Porcelain +3 Norrvik; Vestland C Salt -3, Silk -4, Weapons -2; Cloth +2, Ivory +3, Pottery +2 Oceansend; Heldannic D Books -2, Common Wood -4; Dye +2, Grain +2, Salt +2, Silk +4 Sayr Ulan; Sind B Salt -2, Spices -2; Common Woods +2, Fish +2, Tea +3 Seahome; Minrothad D Wood -2; Silk +3, Dye +4, Hides/furs +2 Selenica; Darokin B Cloth -2, Precious Woods -3, Rare Books -1; Dyes +3, Fish +3, Glassware +2 Shireton; Five Shires D Beer -3, Grain -2, Tobacco -4, Wine -3; Coffee +2, Fish +3, Tea +2 Slagovich; Slagovich C Cinnabryl -3, Fish -1, Common Metals +2; Salt +2, Spices +2, Red Steel +3 Smokestone City; Cima. C Ale -2, Cinnabryl -1, Smokepowder -2, Wheellocks -1; Grain +2, Meat +2, Salt +1, Spices +1 Soderfjord; Soderf. C Common Woods -4, Grain -2; Armour +3, Wine +3 Stahl; Rockhome C Ivory -3, Monsters -3, Precious Metals -3; Grain +1, Meat +3, Silk +2, Textiles +4 Tanakumba; Yavdlom C Cocoa -3, Coffee -3, Fish -2, Gems -2, Precious Wood -3, Ivory -2; Grain +3, Meat +2, Silk +2, Precious Metals +2 Tameronikas; Ylaruam E Animals -3, Cloth -2, Tea -3; Glassware +1, Porcelain +2, Salt +2 Tel Akbir; Thyatis D Beer -2, Coffee -2, Oil -2; Cloth +2, Dyes +2, Hides +2 Tenobar; Darokin D Cloth -3, Fish -5, Pottery -5; Grain +1, Hides +2, Precious Metals +2, Salt +2 Thyatis; Thyatis A Armour -3, Mounts -1, Silk -2, Weapons -3; Gems +3, Grain +1, Oil +1, Precious Metals +3, Rare Furs +3 Verdun; Minrothad D Woods -2, Cloth -2, Books -2; Furs +3, Dyes +4, Silk +3, Salt +2 Vyonnes; Glantri E Rare Furs -6, Textiles -5, Wine -4; Beer +4, Meat +4, Silk +3 Ylaruam; Ylaruam B Oils -2, Porcelain -3, Semiprecious Stones -4; Coffee +3, Mounts +3, Tobacco +3, Weapons +1 Zeaburg; Ostland C Fish -3, Cloth -3, Textiles -1; Common Woods +2, Meat +6, Weapons +2