Ee'aar and Enduks
The high mountains of the Great Immortal's Shield are home to the winged elves known as ee'aar.
These winged elves, known as avariel or al-karak-elam in some areas, are not native to the Savage Coast, so they are rare as player characters. Ee'aar come from Aeryl, a kingdom on the Arm of the Immortals, a peninsula several miles to the west of the Orc's Head Peninsula.
Appearance: Ee'aar look much the same as regular elves, but appear even more delicate with more angular facial features and slightly larger eyes. Ee'aar also have large, feathered wings with a span of 12 feet when unfolded. When folded, the wings stretch from their heels to a few inches above the head, and they cannot be concealed except through magical means.
Ee'aar usually have white or silver hair, though some have hair that is black or a shade of grey; ee'aar wings are about the same colour as their hair. Their eyes are amber, violet, or deep green.
Personality: Typical ee'aar are reclusive, preferring the company of their own kind. Those who choose to adventure on the Savage Coast have overcome this tendency enough to associate with others but still tend to be very private. Ee'aar are curious and regard all nature as wondrous and worth protecting. They pity those who cannot fly and do not understand people who voluntarily spend time beneath the ground, away from sky and sun. Most ee'aar are very vibrant, full of humour, and unafraid to show their emotions.
Ee'aar tend toward good and chaotic alignments, with few lawful individuals and even fewer who are evil.
Lifestyle: An ee'aar on the Savage Coast is away from home, where beautiful, fragile looking cities rise to great heights among the mountains. They are accustomed to cold and all forms of weather but only the most daring fly during storms and high winds.
In ee'aar society, male and female are considered equal but there is another dichotomy. About half of the ee'aar have trained for combat and hold to a strict warrior's code. The others know little of war and concentrate more on art and philosophy. It is generally the more martially minded ee'aar who seek adventure on the Savage Coast.
Neither type of ee'aar completely ignores the other side of their personality and it is common to find warriors with artistic talent and thinkers who can defend themselves. Similarly, all ee'aar tend to be very religious without trying to serve as missionaries to the unenlightened.
Ee'aar buildings are composed mostly of glass and are open and spacious. They usually have tall foundations of glass or stone, with open living quarters that can be accessed only from great heights. They seldom have doors, just wide openings for ingress and egress.
Ee'aar sometimes bond in a ceremony similar to marriage but that can be dissolved if both partners agree. Children are cared for by both parents and are rare and therefore precious to both the parents and the community.
Equipment: Technologically advanced in the field of architecture, ee'aar are skilled glassworkers and they create buildings and weapons from glass, which their most powerful wizards enchant with glassteel. An ee'aar character, when created, can purchase weapons of enchanted glass instead of metal, such as a glass short sword or a spear with a glass head. These weapons cost the same as a normal weapon of that type, if purchased by an ee'aar in the ee'aar homeland.
Ee'aar as PCs
The ee'aar have adapted to the cold environment of their high mountains. They rarely wear more than light, down-lined tunics, leggings, and soft leather boots. If caught in a severe storm, ee'aar can kneel in rocky recesses and protect their bodies with their wings. It takes months of discomfort for an ee'aar to become used to the warmth and humidity of the lowlands, especially in tropical regions.
Most ee'aar have had little contact with races native to the Savage Coast, so they have no preconceived notions or pronounced racial preferences. They are friendly with enduks, who also now live on the Arm of the Immortals. They tend to like phanatons and wallara and pity the wingless elves and half-elves. They sometimes slightly fear gurrash, lupins, and rakastas, because they resemble creatures that prey on birds, creatures that would prey on ee'aar if they could. They do not care for manscorpions due to those creatures' betrayal of their friends, the enduks.
For combat, ee'aar prefer small weapons that can be wielded with one hand. Their favourite weapons are short swords, bolas, lassos, nets, blowguns, and spears. Ee'aar cannot effectively use medium or large slashing weapons (such as the battle axe and many swords), because their wings impede their use. Similarly, ee'aar cannot utilise long bows and very seldom use short bows, although crossbows are sometimes employed. Flight lances are popular among organized fighting groups, but other large weapons are avoided because they are too unwieldy.
An ee'aar can still fly while wearing leather or studded leather, but not anything bulkier. Special elven chain mail (made with glassteel enchanted glass) can also be worn without impediment. If purchased by an ee'aar in Aeryl, this special elven chain mail costs the same as normal chain mail (75 gp). Ee'aar rarely use bulky armour and never use shields, because their desire for mobility is quite strong.
Special Abilities: The most important special ability of an ee'aar is flight. Ee'aar can fly at a speed of 18, with manoeuvrability class B. They can carry half their body weight without penalty; carrying more weight reduces manoeuvrability class to C. An ee'aar cannot fly if carrying weight greater than the character's body weight or if wearing armour bulkier than leather, studded leather, or elven chain mail.
Ee'aar must make a Constitution check for every hour of flight. If an ee'aar fails the check, he must land and rest a half-hour for every two hours of previous flight. The Constitution check is subject to a penalty of -1 if the ee'aar is carrying weight over half that of his or her body weight. If favourable winds are present (like updrafts in the mountains or a strong sea breeze), ee'aar can simply glide, in which case they receive a +4 bonus to Constitution checks. They suffer a further penalty of -1 to the checks for every 5,000 feet of altitude above the first 5,000 feet. They cannot fly above 20,000 feet.
Ee'aar's wings are AC 9 minus any Dexterity bonus and cannot be hit in a frontal attack unless the attacker is taller than the PC. If a flank attack misses but is still good enough to hit the wings' AC, the wings are hit. Back attacks are always made against the wings.
An ee'aar that loses 50% or more of his normal hit points cannot fly, but can glide until 75% or more points have been lost. Even a grievously wounded ee'aar can jump to a height of 10 feet from a standing start.
Ee'aar wings are especially vulnerable to fire and burn quickly when ignited. An ee'aar who is hit by a flaming arrow or similar weapon or who fails a saving throw against a fire-based spell, must spend 1d4 rounds extinguishing the wings immediately or the feathers burn. The ee'aar takes an additional 2d6 points of damage and loses the ability to fly for a month while the feathers grow back.
Miscellaneous: Ee'aar suffer from claustrophobia and cannot bear to be in enclosed places, especially underground. If confined in such a place, an ee'aar must make a Wisdom check each day of confinement, with failure indicating a neurosis: The ee'aar becomes somewhat violent, very lethargic and mostly unresponsive, or extremely nervous. The neurosis disappears when the ee'aar reaches open air. An ee'aar who fails five or more Wisdom checks during a single sojourn into an enclosed space takes on a psychosis, becoming very violent, catatonic, or panicked; this condition lasts until cured by heal or cure disease.
Ee'aar receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls when using a short sword, bolas, or lasso. They have infravision to a range of 60 feet and have excellent normal vision, being able to notice details from more than a mile away.
After reaching maturity, all ee'aar become the recipients of a controllable light spell, which is cast in the centre of the individual's chest; the ee'aar can use this to surprise enemies or light the way for travel. This variant of the continual light spell allows the magical light to be turned on or off at will or to flicker at a specific rate. Ee'aar use the lights to communicate with one another during the night and to blind or frighten nocturnal monsters. Each family within a clan has a specific blinking rate that identifies them to other clans; it is their version of heraldry.
Another use has recently been found for their lights. Ee'aar have been flying off the coast of the Arm of the Immortals, flickering their lights to imitate certain stars. This is to fool sea captains into sailing farther away from the ee'aar homeland but it has caused several ships to run aground in dangerous, orc-infested regions.
An ee'aar is 30% resistant to sleep and all charm-related spells.
Language: Ee'aar speak a dialect of the elvish tongue called Aeryla and can communicate with little difficulty with those who speak standard elvish. Ee'aar curiosity often encourages them to learn the languages of other races.
Classes and Kits: Ee'aar are usually fighters, priests, wizards, or some multiclassed combination of those classes. Only a very few are thieves. Ee'aar wizards may be mages, enchanters, illusionists, diviners, transmuters or air elementalists.
The following kits are appropriate to ee'aar: They may be Nobles or Swashbucklers. Warriors may be Defenders, Honourbound, Wilderness Warriors, or Myrmidons. Though uncommon, ee'aar wizards may choose to be Militant Wizards. The most popular wizard kit among the ee'aar is the Mystic. War Priests are common, and the few thieves among them usually become either Bandits or Scouts. They have no bard kit that is exclusive to the Savage Coast.
An Inheritor kit can be used by an ee'aar who begins a career on the Savage Coast (and thus does not have ready access to special racial equipment, unless, for instance, such items are inherited from parents who lived and adventured on the Savage Coast). Ee'aar gain no initial Legacy when created.
The history of the ee'aar is shrouded in mystery. It is known that they are not native to the Savage Coast and that centuries ago they migrated from a far land called Davania in order to reach the Arm of the Immortals. What prompted the ee'aar to abandon their old home and undertake this dangerous exodus is unknown, but they believe it was to enable them to found a homeland where no one could find them.
Most of the ee'aar died on the way; the survivors claimed the high, desolated mountain lands where no foe could easily reach them. Ee'aar myth tells of a lone hunter named Aeryl who trod upon the clouds to reach a magical spire and thereby entered the Realm of Faerie. She lived so long among them that wings grew on her back and she learned much from her faerie friends. Being homesick, she returned and was welcomed back by her kin, who marvelled at her wings. She married and passed the wings on to her descendants, until today, centuries after her death, all the ee'aar bear wings and they named their kingdom in her honour.
Long ago, the ee'aar were contacted by the Nimmurians (enduks) and established friendly relations. When the enduks were driven from Nimmur, the ee'aar helped them escape. Using large nets slung between their giant eagles (see below), the ee'aar assisted the enduks in crossing over to the Arm of the Immortals (since the distance was too great for enduks to fly all the way) and founding a new home there. Today, some ee'aar are helping the enduks attempt to retake the land of Nimmur from the usurpers and have recaptured the city of Um-Shedu as the first step.
The Kingdom of Aeryl
Capital: Ithuín (Pop. 12,100 winged-elves, some pegataurs)
Army: 12 Wings
Ruler: Enerin II, The Gaunt, oldest son of Syrond I. Royal lands include the area immediately adjacent to Ithuín. The family domain includes the city of Mythror and immediate lands.
Patron: Ilsundal.
Aeryl lies among some of the highest peaks of the mountains known as the Great Immortal's Shield. It consists of four clans and royal lands belonging to the throne of Aeryl, which together surround a grassy plateau called Oethrun. The plateau is part of a commonwealth available to all citizens of the kingdom and serves as both a garden and hunting grounds for the ee'aar, the greatest source of food in their kingdom. They maintain a careful balance between hunting and gathering and tending wildlife in order to avoid straining Oethrun's fragile ecology. Because of this and their need to remain flight-worthy, ee'aar never consume more food than is necessary for their health. It is unheard of for an ee'aar to be overweight.
Royal responsibility includes defence of the nation from monsters and invaders. King Enerin is also the clan leader of Mythror, which he rules from Ithuín. His present task is to waylay the explorers from Porto Maldição who are searching for a way to get across the Great Immortal's Shield. The former Vilaverdans, who have now claimed their independence, are seen as loud, greedy, overfed wastrels who will eventually cause trouble for the quiet kingdom of Aeryl.
Troops serve on a voluntary basis for one year every 20 years, which means that 5% of the whole adult population is serving in the army at any time. Clan nobility commands the troops. Armies break down into battle wings of 50 troops and five giant eagles, which then break down into hunting wards of 5-10 troops and one giant eagle. The capital has 12 such wings. The other four cities of Aeryl rely on another eight wings each, for a total of 2,200 ee'aar warriors and 220 giant eagles. For every 50 troops, five commanding nobles ride the giant eagles and carry short bows and swords; 20 fight with the clan weapon of their city (nets, bolas, and so on); the remaining 25 fight with normal swords.
Flora and Fauna
The high peaks of the ee'aar homeland radiate outward from the central plateau. The plateau is covered with grasslands and trees reminiscent of an alpine meadow environment with various nut trees, berry bushes, and a few fruit trees providing food for both the ee'aar and some of the animal inhabitants. The ee'aar also grow hardy grains on part of the plateau and gather honey from the bees that have adapted to the region's cool air. Deer, small pigs, and mountain goats all provide meat for the clans, though many goats are kept for their milk to make goat cheese. Game birds such as pheasants live in the area and the upper lakes are a stopover point for migrating wild geese.
Predators include bears, foxes, mountain lions, and giant eagles. Trees are deciduous rather than tropical due to the coolness.
Above the plateau, the mountains rise above the tree line and are often ringed in clouds; below, the mountain slopes descend into heavy growth forest.
The City of Ithuín
The capital of Aeryl is an elegant and refined city set among the high mountain ledges and cliffs. It is a place of slender glass towers with graceful arching walkways that hang outward from the mountain and blend in with the snow and icicles that linger year round. Portals open half way up the towers and a few crystalline balconies overlook the grassy valley below. The palace is slightly larger than the other towers and has an icy, silver-blue tint to it. Ee'aar come and go, flying, gliding, and gracefully walking along the arched walkways. Here and there, guards with glass flight lances stand before open doorways. Because the buildings are constructed of glass and shaped to blend in with the icicles and ledges of the snowy mountain, it is possible to mistake the city for a natural formation until coming quite close to it.
The Ee'aar Pantheon
The Guide (Ilsundal): Ilsundal is the chief Immortal patron of the ee'aar. He represents peace and serenity as well as wisdom, law, and trust. The ee'aar believe it was his will that led them to the high mountains and that he requires the ee'aar to live there in quiet seclusion from the rest of the world.
The Guardian (Mealiden Starwatcher): Mealiden is the one who protects Ilsundal-for the ee'aar that makes him the patron of war and the defender of Aeryl. He likes bold, mocking, light-spirited adventurers. His priests are the ones who provide the ee'aar with their special controllable light spells.
The Adventurer (Eiryndul): He represents jokes, amusement, relaxation, and freedom. Eiryndul is an inquisitive maverick who breaks the rules to unveil secrets. Those with a particular interest in new magic, who are curious about the world beyond the mountains (like ee'aar Scouts), who are impulsive and curious, and those who do not fit the traditional ee'aar culture revere him. Most of his followers become wanderers or adventurers.
The Kingdom of Eshu
The high plateau of Eshu serves as the homeland for the displaced enduks, winged-minotaurs driven from their original home in Nimmur by the dreaded manscorpions.
Enduks are winged minotaurs, the only "true" minotaurs according to their history and legends (others are cursed versions that lost their wings when they turned to evil). Like the ee'aar, enduks are not native to the Savage Coast but come from the Arm of the Immortals, so they too are rare as player characters. The enduk homeland is the Kingdom of Eshu. Enduks once inhabited the Kingdom of Nimmur, but were betrayed and displaced by the manscorpions.
Appearance: The enduks look like minotaurs with wings. They are humanoid, appearing to be furred humans with heads like those of bulls. Their fur is usually light brown, ranging to black but a very few have creamy-white fur. Enduk wings are feathered black, white, or a shade of grey or blue-grey. Hair (and beard, for males) is coifed into curled rows.
They stand 6 to 7 feet tall and are often well-muscled; enduks who are taller than 7 feet are considered Large creatures and take damage accordingly. Both males and females have horns; these stick out from the sides of their heads (rather than curling close) and are usually ivory-white, though some are yellow, light brown, or grey. White-furred enduks have pearly horns. Horns are 1d6+12 inches long. They typically have brown eyes, though some have black irises.
An enduk's foot has only two large toes, both with hooflike coverings. Their hands look human but have thick, black nails. Enduks are carnivores and have sharp teeth.
Personality: The typical enduk is a religious individual; most are lawful good. They are not very trusting and seldom make friends among the wingless. Enduks are honourable and go to great lengths to keep any promises they make.
Lifestyle: The land of the enduks is closed to most other folk. Once they ruled Nimmur and welcomed all peoples. They opened their kingdom to manscorpions, and later were betrayed by those creatures. Enduks in general want to recapture Nimmur and most enduks who adventure on the Savage Coast try to organise missions to Nimmur to spy on and harass the manscorpions.
Because of their experience in Nimmur, enduks are distrustful of most strangers. The ee'aar are exceptions and are viewed as friends. Enduks hate manscorpions and wingless minotaurs. With most other races, enduks are hesitant and tend toward distrust, but they are generally willing to give each person a chance. Once befriended, they tend to trust more easily; once betrayed, they never forget.
The Kingdom of Eshu is on a large plateau surrounded by towering mountains. The ruler of the land is a priest-king who guides his subjects in religion and in secular life. Eshu is a peaceful land, but is always ready to defend itself against enemies. Most common enduks are farmers, scholars, and artisans, but all are part of the militia.
Enduks walk about as much as they fly. Though they often fly to battle and use flight for strategic advantage, they prefer fighting on the ground.
They live in stone structures close to the ground. Their homes are simple and practical but tend to be large, with huge doorways, because of the enduks' size and wingspan. Enduk buildings have doors, but these are left open unless strangers are present or in the case of some threat. Most enduk structures also have trapdoors on the roofs.
Enduk priests choose lifemates for their people. An initial "marriage" takes place when the enduks are about 12 years old, though the pair can put off cohabitation for as much as two decades, to give them time to get to know one another and to seek adventure if they so desire. Once the final ceremony takes place, the enduk couple bonds for life. Any children are cherished and raised in a loving, deeply religious household.
Equipment: Enduks are usually equipped with a footman's mace or club, a net, and/or a flight lance. They have leather armour or bronze plate mail and carry net bags for personal effects, hanging them from their belts to leave their hands free.
Eshu's Armies
The organisation of Eshu's armies is similar to that in present day Nimmur, since the manscorpions copied enduk practices. Armies break down into battle storms of 100 troops, in turn splitting into tactical warbolts of 20 troops. The capital city of Sardon has 12 storms. Erdu and Gildesh have six storms each, and Masur and Enveh have another three each, for a total of 3,000 soldiers.
Enduks as PCs
Enduks are about as technologically developed as the other cultures of the Savage Coast and the Arm of the Immortals. They are generally good engineers if they choose to take the appropriate skills. Though they once were highly decorative in their architecture, now they choose practicality rather than art as the guiding factor in designing their buildings and crafts.
In combat, enduks like bludgeoning weapons that can be wielded with one hand. The footman's mace is preferred. An enduk must spend one weapon proficiency on a mace or club at 1st level; an enduk wizard is allowed the use of a club but otherwise has the same weapon restrictions as other wizards.
Nets are also popular among enduk warriors. With the exception of the crossbow and the flight lance, enduks cannot take a proficiency for a piercing or slashing melee weapon until they are 3rd level or higher. Enduk fighters, priests, and fighter/priests can take a proficiency in flight lance.
Enduks prefer crossbows and cannot use long bows or short bows. Like ee'aar, they cannot effectively use medium or large slashing weapons (such as the battle axe and many swords), because their wings impede their use. Other large weapons are avoided because they are too unwieldy.
Typically, enduks wear leather armour or bronze plate mail. They cannot fly with anything bulkier than bronze plate and, because they are naturally Armour Class 6, most lighter armour gives them only AC 5, so they are better off wearing leather armour. Banded and splint armour is not made in the enduk homeland. Enduk Defenders can buy bronze plate mail for 100 gp from the church organisation in Eshu.
Miscellaneous: Enduks' horns cause 1d4+1 points of damage on a successful attack. They have excellent vision and are able to note details from as far away as half a mile.
Enduks can fly at a speed of 12 with a manoeuvrability class C. They can carry weight equal to that of their body weight without penalty; carrying more weight reduces their manoeuvrability class to D. Enduks cannot fly if carrying a burden greater than twice their own body weight or if wearing armour bulkier than bronze plate mail. Though they are strong fliers, they cannot fly great distances. They must make Constitution checks every turn of flight after the third. If the check fails, they must land and recover for one turn for every three turns spent in prior flight.
Enduks who lose 50% or more of their normal hit points cannot fly, but can glide until 75% or more of their points have been lost.
Like ee'aar, enduks' wings are especially vulnerable to fire and burn quickly when ignited. Enduks struck by fire or who fail their saving throws against a fire-based spell must spend 1d4 rounds extinguishing their wings immediately or their feathers burn, doing 2d6 additional points of damage and preventing them from flying for a month while the feathers grow back. Unlike the ee'aar, enduks do not have claustrophobia and suffer no disability when underground.
Enduks cannot fly above 10,000 feet, but could glide from that altitude, if necessary.
Language: Enduks have their own language, a beautiful and complex tongue known as Nimmurian. This language has been adopted by the manscorpions, but never spoken so fluently by them as by the enduks. The enduks consider most other languages simple and learn new languages quickly.
Classes and Kits: The vast majority of enduks are fighters, priests, or fighter/priests. Enduks can become skilled wizards, but seldom pursue that profession, most preferring religious and martial activities. It is extremely rare to find an enduk who has become a thief. If psionics are used in the campaign, psionicists (and multiclassed psionicists) are about as common as wizards or thieves and enduks have twice normal chances of having a wild talent.
The following kits are appropriate for enduks: It is rare, but possible for enduks to become Inheritors. They may be Local Heroes and Swashbucklers; fighters may be Defenders, Honourbound, Wilderness Warriors, or Myrmidons. Enduk wizards may opt for the Militant or Mystic kit and their priests are almost invariably War Priests. Those few who choose to be thieves may be Bandits or Scouts. White-furred enduks are usually inducted into the Order of Eshu, a group of honourable knights (fighters and fighter/priests) who use the Defender kit.
Long ago the enduks were created when a herald of Idu rendered a great service to his patron. As a reward for Gildesh, his servant, Idu formed a race with some of Gildesh's features. Gildesh was a shedu, a winged bull with a human head, and he ruled over Idu's newly created followers, who for practical reasons had been given winged humanoid bodies and the heads of bulls. These were creatures of exalted goodness who lived to serve Gildesh, which means the defender in their language, and further the ideals of Idu-the sun. Centuries later, Gildesh had enough followers to found a kingdom in the western part of the Orc's Head Peninsula. It was called Nimmur, which means the homeland.
Over the centuries, envoys of other Immortals quietly influenced some of Gildesh's followers, introducing greed and violence to the Nimmurians. One of those, a warrior known as Minoides, betrayed Gildesh over a holy treasure and killed him. As he died, Gildesh cursed his murderer and his treacherous lackeys, who fled Nimmur and lost their wings. They became the evil minotaurs of the world.
Gildesh was not truly dead, just banished to another plane by the death of his mortal body. Idu suggested that he give his followers time to learn and grow on their own and Gildesh agreed to return only every third century. During his absence, the manscorpions arrived and were welcomed by the peaceful Nimmurians. They were beset by the orcs of the Dark Jungle. The manscorpions aided them during the struggle, only to turn against their allies once that fighting was done.
When the manscorpions overran their cities, the enduks were forced to flee and with the help of the ee'aar, they relocated to a vast plateau hidden in the mountains of the Arm of the Immortals. The Eshu plateau was infested with monsters but the enduks and ee'aar working together eradicated them. The enduk were ecstatic about their new, secluded land where they could honour their Immortal patron, Idu, and their spiritual leader, Gildesh.
The kingdom was named for the priest-king Eshu, who ruled ancient Nimmur at the time of their flight to the Arm of the Immortals. Upon pacifying the northern end of the plateau, he had the great fortress of Gildesh built to hold its entrance. He died several years later at the Battle of Urduk, when several hordes of orcs attempted to find a way onto the plateau. Idu's herald Gildesh returned a decade ago and is now ruling for another mortal lifetime.
Today, the enduks are a peaceful race of farmers and soldiers who live simply. They grow crops in the rich soil, hunt boar and deer and fish in their many rivers. As before, they build villages, cities, temples, and fortresses, though not such grand ones as they once constructed in ancient Nimmur.
It is a particular goal of the enduks to try to retake Nimmur. To that end they often send adventurers to the Savage Coast to harass the manscorpions and plan raids. In the last decade, heavy attacks by the orcs of the Dark Jungle, which occupied much of Nimmur's army, created an opening that allowed a combined force of enduks, ee'aar, and a few repentant manscorpions to seize the city of Um-Shedu. Thus far, they have held the city and hope to use it as a staging base from which to retake the whole country.
The Kingdom of Eshu
Capital: Sardon (Pop. 11,200 enduks and a handful of visitors from elsewhere)
Royal Army: 12 Storms
Ruler: Priest-King Gildesh II, Herald of Idu
Patron: Idu
Flora and Fauna
The land of Eshu occupies a vast plateau similar to Aeryl's Oethrun. It is a heart-shaped grassland that slopes down toward a northern bottleneck, the Gildesh pass. Eshunite rivers drain toward the pass, eventually forming a very high waterfall at the eastern edge of the Great Shield of the Immortals. High mountains surround the kingdom, preventing neighbouring populations from reaching Eshu.
Like Aeryl, the region is rich in farmland and hunting areas. Although it is very well watered, thus having richer soil, Eshu supports almost exactly the same flora and fauna as Aeryl.
The City of Sardon
Though large, the city of Sardon is remarkably uninteresting. Architecture is spare and practical, and the streets are straight and wide. The only buildings of real interest are the palace and temple complex. These are built along patterns established in Nimmur, the large palace intended to serve both as a court and as a counting and storage facility and the temple resting atop a three-tiered ziggurat.
The Enduk Pantheon
Idu (Ixion): The enduks are essentially followers of Idu, which is what they were created to be. Idu represents fire and the sun as well as a balance of passion and wisdom, power, and scholarship. Enduk priests of Idu have the following special powers: They can cast a produce fire spell twice a day and receive a +1 to their rolls to turn undead.