Eastern Glantri
by RobinSome information I compiled and stored without sharing spawned from making the Ethengar NW map which In my opinion makes the work of Micky much more complete...Even if he's not here, his spirit brought a seed that still grows. All from the Fusion of Micky's information(see links below) and Betti's map
The map I created on this compiled source of Information.
I infused and used information from the following sources.
Tschernovodsk FP
Additional information
Kaschgar (225) on the Trans- Boldavia Bramya Highway, is not the only Village in the east of Tschernovodsk FP.
The following additional villages exist too.
These are mostly small farming communities, often with a single constebulary, with 3 farmers/or magic adept citizens called in as back-up force. There is rarely anything of importance within these small villages.
Names are taken from Betti's map, Population estimated . Extra information as by combination of Betti's map information and personal input, continuing Micky's information going north to south.Lesnou (55) on the Trans- Boldavia Bramya Highway,
Mansurovo(67) on the Trans- Boldavia Bramya Highway, Mediocre trail to Fort Chatimsk in the Bulgur Pass west, Mediocre trail east to watchtower 5, and the ruined village Putian
Putian (ruin) plundered and ransacked by Ethengerians in 998AC, abondoned as result. The Witch in the Putian Woods is still wandering the ruins to collect fallen body parts. Rumoured that either a Fleshgolem is created or she desires to become a Hag...nothing confimed, other than that she is not evil as of yet.
Estonarsk (as mentioned in Micky's information, Watchtower 5 is also called Ponte Tower. Mediocre trail north to Village ruin Putian.
Sescha (90) In the Kugulta Valley, mediocre trail to Ozerp North, mediocre trail to Kugulta south
Kugulta (110) in the Kugulta valley, along the Elkom Creek. Direct mediocre trail to Fort Chatimsk in the Bulgur Pass east, mediocre trail north to Sescha north
Fort Chatimsk (200) mediocre trail to Satu Mare, and a mediocre trail to Mansurova
Satu Mare (70) mediocre trail to fort Chatimsak west, and Estoniarsk East. name equal to its most famous tavern/butchery; Satu Mare (salted Horse) known for its horse meat recipies and sausages
Ut (45), this was formerly a camp, in 10010 has become a fortified village. mediocre trail to Kugulta nnorth, and bad trail south to Aendrilond, and Viscounty of Mongolia.
Aendrilond (135) mainly elven. bad trail nort to Ut and mediocre trail to Pastense Viscounty of Mongolia, bad trail south to and southeast to Trans Boldavian Highway. Most elves here are Belcadizan relocated elves , discontent with the current politics in Belcadiz. Also many halfelves live here of Belcadizian/other background.
Colonia (Ruin)plundered and ransacked by Ethengerians in 996AC, abondoned as result.
Camp Colonia(50)Military Camp to protect from further Ethegnerian incursions
Turquoise Tower (110)Military keep to protect from further Ethengerian incursions
New Colonia (180)Survivors of Colonia with new members recreated this village further inland in 1000AC in fear of the vile Ethengars. Ethengar fear and hatred is high here. Most if not all have family members and loved ones lost.
Froof (Ruin)plundered and ransacked by Ethengerians in 999AC, abondoned as result.
Longsheng(Ruin)plundered and ransacked by Ethengerians in 997AC, abondoned as result.
Jakar Castle(Ruin)plundered and ransacked by Ethengerians in 995AC, abondoned as result.
Kaschgar (see above)
Ceplenita(75) Similar to Kaschar, but much smaller. Has no market
Vladomira(90) Similar to Kaschar, but much smaller. Has no market
Xayar(ruin)plundered and ransacked by Ethengerians in 991AC, abondoned as result.
Sarsdell (190), on the Trans- Boldavia Bramyra Highway, A village similar to Kaschar, with a market, 3 constebulary, stronghouse, and well-visited tavern. Location start of the Ghost of Lion Castle adventure. (suggested trail chosen is marked in orange dots on the map)
Rock Tower (55)Military keep to protect from further Ethengerian incursions
There are also several Hamlets. Settlements of less than 30 inhabitants.
These have rarely a name, and if mentioned they are often related to the "Hamlet of the family (insert family Head name)", for example "Hamlet of Oscar van Beuningen", these are not registered on the map.
Ruined/abandoned hamlets also exist, these have rarely a name, and even if they had such this is also not registered on the map.Micky...if you read this or not....I hope you like it...it is done in your spirit