by Giulio CarolettiArea: 7'000 km sq approximately.
Population: 30'000 humans (males all Tangors, females 70% Demonettes)
Languages: Tangor (Mawuru dialect)
Coinage: Lamia (gp), Dia (sp), Sep (cp)
Taxation: 5% of annual income to be paid three times each year
Industries: Agriculture (bananas, manioca, peanuts)
Government type: Monarchy
Important Figures: King Mojambo; Queen Kasumi
Ekleke is an independent city located in the eastern part of Mawuru. The city is surrounded completely by the Empire of Tangor, in the mountains at the western edge of the Tangor Chain. However, the city is safe from all sort of invasions from their neighbours because it is taboo.
The reason for this is the weird composition of the population: all males are clearly Mawurus, while females belong to another race known as Demonettes. The origin of the Demonettes is not known to the Tangors outside Ekleke, nor are their particularities as a race, so the Tangors believe that the Eklekans have made a sort of infernal deal with demons or other weird creatures.
During the two centuries of Lamu-Ekleke cooperation, the intermarriage between the two cultures have flourished, and thus most of the females of the city are Demonettes. A couple of aristocratic families of the city marry only with other Tangors, but with the current pace, in time there will probably not be any female of Tangor appearance in the city.
The Eklekans are extremely suspicious of strangers- this, because anyone in Swanamutu is suspicious of Eklekans. No-one outside Ekleke knows of the City of Lamu, and thus of the presence of other Demonettes outside Ekleke. However, in the Empire of Tangor sometimes a travelling Demonette may fall in love with a Tangor human; a marriage of this sort becomes easily the target of racists and nationalists, if not of romantic tales.