Ekto (Kingdom of)
Location: Isle of Dawn, east of Brun, southwest of the New Alphatian Sea. SD
Area: 38,160 sq. mi. (98,834 sq. km.).
Population: 28,600 (1,300 in the city of Ekto).
Language: Alphatian (Hillvale and Thothian dialects), Thyatian (Redstone dialect).
Coinage: Alphatian Standard: crown (gp), mirror (sp), judge (cp). Thyatian Standard also very common: emperor (5 gp), lucin (gp), justiciar (ep), asterius (sp), denarius (cp).
Taxes: 15% income tax on everyone of servant status or higher, and an import/export tax of 2% on magical items and components, and 1% on all other goods (Naycese kingdoms, Karameikos and Thyatis excluded). 10% of tax revenue goes to the Naycese treasury, and an additional 10% is spent on military forces in the name of the confederation.
Government Type: Semiautonomous monarchy, member of Nayce.
Industries: Agriculture, mining, metallurgy, and reconstruction.
Important Figures: Tristan (King and General).
Flora and Fauna: The sieges and razing of Ekto had left the kingdom little more than a wasteland, destroying most plant life and pushing animal life abroad. With rebuilding underway and a return of some of the crops, animal life has begun to return. As with any Alphatian kingdom, almost any creature can be expected.
Further Reading: Dawn of the Emperors boxed set, previous almanacs.
Last Year's Events: None to report.