Cybrikain's Elder Dead for Tholl Votar
by AozElder Dead without Mask & Gloves | Image from pinimg.com
STATS (BECMI) Elder Dead Armor Class - 2 Hit Dice 12*** Move 90' (30') Attacks 2 Thaco 9 Damage 3-18 plus Special No. Appearing 1 (10) Save As Save as Class Morale 9 Treasure Type Nil Intelligence 15 to 18 Alignment Lawful Monster Type Undead Terrain Any An undead creature becomes an Elder Dead through a special process created by the Copper Dragon Sorcerer King named Cybrikain.
The Elder Dead resembles an older lightning zombie with electricity in eyes, teeth, and hands. A mask and gloves make it easier to walk among mortals.
Combat: The Elder Dead will not enter into direct combat unless he has no other choice or unless his target is helpless and easy to slay. If he chooses to avoid physical combat, he uses his ability to animate the dead to create an army of undead skeletons and zombies to fight in his stead.
The undead that Elder creates are under their full control, and all their actions can be manipulated by the Elder Dead. He can see through the remains of their eyes and hear through the remnants of their ears. Any living creature killed by or through the Elder Dead’s hand can be reanimated in this fashion.
In addition to retaining the abilities gained when alive. Touch causes electric damage 3d6 and save verse spell or be stunned for 1 turn.
The Elder Dead cannot be affected by enchantment/charm or necromantic spells, including those that allow others to control the undead. He is also unaffected by polymorph, poison, cold, insanity, and electricity magic. The Elder Dead turn as a Lich and immune to 1st through 2nd level spells. The Elder Dead does regenerate 1 point/round and will do so even if the body is destroyed and separated (if destroyed takes 1 turn to return to 1 hit point).
When reduced to zero hit points a raise dead must be cast upon the undead body to permanently kill the Elder Dead.
This Elder Dead is not restricted to humans and humanoids when creating undead. Long-dead creatures become skeletons, humans and humanoids become zombies, and all other large creatures become monster zombies. In addition to his regular zombies and skeletons, the Elder Dead has created a pack of undead rats (1 HP, AC 9, MOVE 60 (30), all other stats as per normal rats). These rats serve as his eyes, scouting the warrens for potential targets or enemies.
Creating an undead inflicts damage to Elder Dead. Skeletons inflict 2 hp per HD and Zombie inflict 5 hp per HD, and undead rats inflict 1 hp each. However, the Elder Dead will regenerate back to full health quickly.
Habitat/Society: The Elder Dead is not solitary. Rather, Elder Dead prefers to be part of an undead society, typically of their own creation. He/She commands his/her skeletons and zombies without question and imposes his/her will on other undead through the force of his/her personality or through threat if need be.
Ecology: The Elder Dead is undead, and with his regenerative properties can survive until he/she falls under the one true death from a raise dead.
New Kolland and Tholl Votar 2.0 by Aoz
All Elder Dead currently created fixate on Vras Kor Nen Nadarog and will work to the best of his/her undeadly ability to build the Company for Cybrikain. This becomes an overriding obsession of the undead to build the Business.