Glantrian Elemental Healing Spells
by AozGlantri Elementalism of Water Spell: Healing Spell
Discovered be a Glantrian 3rd level Water Elementalist in 1021 AC while researching a way to create a healing spell for the Water Elementalists.
Glantri Healing Waters | Image on ehowcdn.com
Glantri Healing Waters
5th level (6th level non Water Mage)
Casting Time: 1 minute
Components: V, S, and M (The water)
Range: 10 feet or by touch.
Duration: One minute per level of the spell caster.The spellcaster can temporarily transform a tub, barrel of water or pond into Glantri healing waters. Anybody placed in the water while it is enchanted will be physically restored. This means broken bones are magically knitted back together, cuts and bruises healed, and internal bleeding stopped and repaired; 1D4 Hit Points are healed. As many as 1 person per level can be in the water; must immerse (50%) themselves for 1 minute each for the healing effect.
2 minutes in the water stops itching, non-magical hiccups, skin irritation and pain of a rash or minor burn. + 1 more hit point restored.
4 minutes in the water: cures indigestion, gas, heartburn, minor nausea, motion sickness, slight headaches, minor muscle aches and low fever. + 1 more hit point restored.
8+ minutes will equal to lesser restoration + 1 more hit point restored. [
A being cannot benefit more than once per 24 hours from Glantri Healing Waters ]Glantri Elementalism of Earth Spell: Healing Spell
Discovered be a Glantrian Earth Elementalist in 1019 AC while researching a way to create a healing spell for the Earth Elementalists.
Ground near Water | Image from consciouslifestylemag.com
Glantrian Strength of the Ground
5th level (6th level non Earth Mage)
Casting Time: 1
Range: Touch or self
Components: V, S, and M (Earth)
Duration: 1 round per level of wizardWizard or target gets +4 to Str (up to 20), + 2 saves and regenerates 2 hp per round while in direct contact with the earth, sand, stone, even mud until end of spell.
However, if not in contact with the ground will get - 4 str, -2 saves and even takes 2 hp in damage per round until end of spell.
Glantri Elementalism of Fire Spell: Healing Spell
Absorbing the Flame | Image on saymedia-content.com
Flaems' Absorb the Flame
5th level (6th level for non Fire Mages)
Casting Time: 1
Range: Self only
Components: V, S, and M (Fire)
Duration: 1 hourAbsorb the next fire based spell and turn it into healing energy the next round. 1 die per two level (Maximum 18 die absorbed and heals 18 hp the next round.).
A 20d6 fireball hits the 36th level caster (protected by this spell), absorbs 18 die, the caster still is hit with 2d6 of damage then the beginning of the next round is healed for 18 hit points.
Glantri Elementalism of Air Spell: Healing Spell
Micky's Pic: Healing Fog | Image from DannyKirwanisaGod.com
Glantrian Healing Fog Cloud
3rd level (4th level for non Air Mages)
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, and M (air)
Duration: 1 minute per levelThe mist will restore 1 hp per 6 minutes (Maximum 6 hp for a 36 minutes) to anyone or anything within the fog.
The caster creates a 20-foot-radius sphere of fog centered on a point within range. The sphere spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. It lasts for the duration or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.
After casting the spell, the wizard loses 8 points of Constitution. The caster needs rest for one hour to recover each point of Constitution. If the 8-point loss drops the spellcaster below a Constitution of 1, he falls unconscious. Consciousness is not regained until full Constitution is restored, which takes 24 hours (one point per three hours for an unconscious character).