Elves of the Known World
by HåvardElves are slender and graceful. They stand between 5 and 5 1/2 feet tall and weigh around 120 pounds. They have delicate features and pointed ears. They have slightly pointed teeth and their eyes reflect light like the eyes of a cat. Facial hair is rare at a young age, but very old elves grow long beards. Mystaran elves were created by the Forest Immortal Ordana and placed in the legendary realm of Grunland. Their travels to the Known World and later experiences have split them into various subraces.
Elf, Ilsundal
Ilsundal Elves are the descendants of the elves who followed Ilsundal from Evergrun to the Sylvan Realm and later made their way to the Known World. Ilsundal elves are found in many parts of the Known World. Their major settlements before AC1000 are in Alfheim, the Principality of Erewan in Glantri (Ellerovyn) as well as the Radlebb Woods in Karameikos (Callarii). Ilsundal elves usually have fair or tan skin, blonde or golden hair and blue or green eyes. After the events in the years AC 1000-1010 Ilsundal Elves can be found in Wendar (Alfheim Clans) and Karameikos (Alfheim and Callarii Clans). Many Ilsundal Elves are also found living alongside humans in other parts of the Known World.
Ilsundal Elf Racial Traits:
+2 dexterity, -2 constitution.
Medium size.
Base speed: 30
Immunity to magical sleep. +2 bonus to saving throws vs. Enchantment spells.
Low-light vision: Elves see twice as far as humans in moonlight, starlight and torchlight conditions.
Weapon Proficiency: Elves receive martial weapon proficiency feats with longbow, longbow and shortbow as bonus feats.
+2 racial bonus on Listen, Search and Spot checks. If a Woof elf merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door, he is entitled to a Search check as if he were actively searching for it.
Bonus Languages: Elven and Thyatian. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Orc and Sylvan.
Favoured Class: Wizard.Elf, Belcadiz elf
The Belcadiz Elves of Glantri have a distinctly different culture from most other surface elves. By many, they are considered arrogant and foppish. Their honour is not to be joked with, as they are a proud people, and many are master duellists, sporting the rapier as their weapon of choice. The Belcadiz elves have bronze skin and dark brown or black wavy hair and brown eyes. Belcadizan elves live in the Principality of Belcadiz in Glantri.
Belcadiz Elf Racial Traits:
+2 intelligence, -2 constitution,
Medium size.
Base speed: 30
Immunity to magical sleep. +2 bonus to saving throws vs. Enchantment spells.
Low-light vision: Elves see twice as far as humans in moonlight, starlight and torchlight conditions.
+2 Bluff, +2, Diplomacy, +2 Sense Motive. Belcadiz elves are more refined in their interactions than other elves.
Weapon Proficiency: Belcadiz Elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feat for rapier and the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat for hand crossbow as bonus feats, and are always considered proficient with the light crossbows and heavy crossbows (even if they don't have Simple Weapon Proficiency).
Bonus Languages: Elven and Thyatian. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Orc and Sylvan.
Favoured Class: Wizard.Elf, Wood elf
Wood Elves are those Mystaran elves who have retained the original elven culture, once possessed by the elves of the legendary realm of Grunland. They have made their way to the Known World in different waves of migration, but have a common culture. They can be found in many parts of the Known World. Their major settlements are Wendar (Geffronell Clan), Minrothad (Verdier Clan), the Isle of Dawn (Trueflower Clan) and Thyatis (Vyalia Clans). Most Wood Elves have brown hair and blue or brown eyes, though the Vyalia Clans, have pale skin, and white or silvery hair, not unlike Water or Shadow elves.
Wood Elf Racial Traits:
+2 dexterity, -2 constitution.
Medium size.
Base speed: 30
Immunity to magical sleep. +2 bonus to saving throws vs. Enchantment spells.
Low-light vision: Elves see twice as far as humans in moonlight, starlight and torchlight conditions.
Weapon Proficiency: Wood Elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for hand axe, longbow and shortbow as bonus feats, and are always considered proficient with the spear and longspear (even if they don't have Simple Weapon Proficiency).
+2 racial bonus on Listen, Search and Spot checks. If a Wood elf merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door, he is entitled to a Search check as if he were actively searching for it.
Bonus Languages: Elven and Thyatian. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Orc and Sylvan.
Favoured Class: RangerElf, Shadowelf
Shadowelves are a race of elves that have been forced to live underground for generations. Through that time they have adapted to their underground environments. They are distinguished from Wood Elves by their pale white skin and white hair. They are not used to be exposed to direct sunlight and have a dislike for it.
Shadowelf Racial Traits:
+2 intelligence, -2 constitution, shadow elves are clever and quick learners, but they suffer the same physical frailties as other elves.
Medium size.
Base speed: 30
Immunity to magical sleep.
+2 bonus to saving throws vs. spells.
Darkvision 60 feet instead of Low-light vision.
Shadow Elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feat for scimitar as a bonus feat, and are always considered proficient with the light crossbows (even if they don't have Simple Weapon Proficiency).+2 racial bonus to Escape artist, Move silently and Spot. +4 to Hide.
Stonecunning: Shadowelves are as familiar with stone constructions and caves as Dwarves.
Light Sensitivity. -1 to all skill checks, attack rolls and saving throws when in direct sunlight or exposed to light from a continual flame or daylight spell.
Automatic Languages: Undercommon and Shadowelf. Bonus languages: Dwarf, Draconic, Ignan and Terran.
Favoured Class: WizardSchattenalfen:
Schattenalfen use the same rules as Shadowelves, except that their Favoured Class is Fighter rather than Wizard. Spell Caster classes can never be favoured classes for Hollow World races. (This is a replacement of the rule that a 16 in the primary ability score is required to select that class. It fits better with the 3e rules IMO.)
Elf, Water
The water-going elves of Minrothad are excellent ship captains, combining their navigational talents with magic. Water elves are towed headed or have light blonde hair that bleaches almost white in the sun. Their eyes are blue-grey and their complexions are pale in spite of their constant exposure to the sun. Their appearance is thus not so different from Shadowelves something many find unsettling. A Waterelf's first love is the sea. They have an innate wanderlust and have an avid interest in travelling the seas. Even though they hale from Minrothad, their love for travelling means that they can be found in most coastal areas of the Known World.
Water Elf Racial Traits:
+2 dexterity, -2 constitution.
Medium size.
Base speed: 30
Immunity to magical sleep. +2 bonus to saving throws vs. Enchantment spells.
Low-light vision: Elves see twice as far as humans in moonlight, starlight and torchlight conditions.
+2 to Swim, Profession (navigator) and Profession (sailor) skill checks.
Naturally proficient with Rapiers, Sabres, cutlasses and similar weapons.
Automatic Languages: Elven and Thyatian. Bonus: Aquan and Draconic.
Favoured Class: WizardElf, Shiye Elf
Shiye Elves were part of the elves Mealiden lead from Ilsundal's Sylvan Realm. However, the Shiye Elf Clans were lead away from the rest of the group by the Immortal Elven Trickster Eiryndul. Eiryndul has left his mark on his followers, as most Shiye elves are roguish tricksters. Shiye Elves have pale skin and dark brown or black hair and dark brown eyes. They are found in Alphatia and Norwold.
Shiye Elf Racial Traits:
+2 dexterity, -2 constitution.
Medium size.
Base speed: 30
Immunity to magical sleep. +2 bonus to saving throws vs. Enchantment spells.
Low-light vision: Elves see twice as far as humans in moonlight, starlight and torchlight conditions.
Weapon Proficiency: Elves receive martial weapon proficiency feats with longsword, longbow and shortbow as bonus feats.
+2 racial bonus on Hide, Move Silently and Escape Artist checks. Bonus Languages: Elven and Thyatian. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Orc and Sylvan.
Favoured Class: RogueElf Aquarendi
Aquarendi Elves are similar to other elves, but with light blue skin, dark blue or green skin and blue, violet or green eyes. They have gills on the sides of their neck and webbed hands and feet.
Aquarendi Elf Racial Traits:
+2 dexterity, -2 constitution
Base speed: 30, swim 40
Medium size: No penalties or bonuses
Superior Low-light vision: Aquarendi Elves can see twice as far as humans in starlight, moonlight and torchlight.
Gills: Aquatic elves can breathe normally under water and can survive out of the water for 1 hour per point of constitution.
Natural Swimmer. +4 to swim checks.
+2 to Hide and Move Silently when under water.
Automatic Languages: Elven and Undersea Common. Bonus Languages: Dolphin, Draconic, Aquan and Kna
Class: RangerThanks to Nikolas Landauer, David Ross, Andrew Theisen, and several others for helping out with these conversions.