Thoughts about what makes each elvish clan distinct
(Genalleth, Geffronel, Forenath, Soreth)
I see these as more Tolkienesque than other elves. Probably due to the style of X13. These clans also live among coniferous trees and probably have some norse aspects to them. They predate the migrations of Ilsundal and Mealiden so that also affects their culture. I would asume that the Shadowelves and Schattenalfen were similar to the Wendar Clans before they moved underground. The Alhambra/Belcadiz may also have been similar to these clans at some point, as would the Truedyl (Gentlefolk of the Hollow World).ALFHEIM CLANS
These clans are a mixed bunch. In my 5E campaign, I have designated some as wood elves and others as high elves (in 5E terms). This is part of something I prepared for my players on those (quick translation back to English):
- Chossum (High): Traders and wanderers. More open to other races than most other elves.
- Erendyl (High): Proud. Many are artists and master craftsmen. They are ambitious and any have leadership positions. The Erewan/Ellerowyn of Glantri were once part of the Erendyl Clan.
- Feadiel (Woodelves): Many are adventurers. Druids. They fled from the Sylvan Realm and are intent on proving that they aren't cowards.
- Grunalf (Wood): Monster-Hunters. Scouts. Gardeners. Riverboat sailors.
- Longrunner (Wood): Huters. Dressed in animal skins. Do not use their True Names.
- Mealidil (High): Conservative traditionalists. Protectors of elven lore and culture. They keep an enormous library. One of the most important clans.
- Red Arrow (High): One part of clan Mealidil. Militaristic and excellent archers. Loyal protectors of elven lands. Do not use their True Names.
- Minor Clans: Many minor clans exist.
- Ellerowyn : These elves were once part of the Alfheim Erendyl Clan (Glantri)
- Alhambra/Belcadiz: These tan skinned elves are part of the pre-Ilsundal migration and have their own unique swasbuckling culture (Glantri)
- Vyalia: Wood elves. Split from Ilsundal at Izonda. Train humans as Foresters. Possibly related to Verdier. (Karameikos/Thyatis).
- Callarii: Break-off from Alfheim migration. Pale skinned. (Karameikos)
- Meditor: Sea-going Water-Elves of Minrothad. Split from Ilsundal at Izonda. Closely connected to Verdier (Minrothad)
- Verdier: Wood elves of Minrothad. Split from Ilsundal at Izonda. (Minrothad)
- Shyie Clans: Broke off from Ilusndal Migrations due to Eiryndul's manipulation. Tricksters (Norwold).
- Shyie Lawr: Like Shyie above, but live in Alphatia (Alphatia)
- Trueflower: Isolated, living on the Isle of Dawn. Possibly related to Verdier/Meditor?
- Shadowelves (Gelbalf, Felistyr, Celebryl, Porador)
- Sheyallia: Split from Ilsundal at Izonda. Became Grakkhalia.
- Aquarendi
- Hatwa: Became the N'djatwa)
- Savage Coast Clans
- Genander: Found in the Known World, but trace their line back to the Blackmoor Clans (See DA1)
- Vulcania Elves
- Taneilim: From Book of Wondrous Inventions. Barbaric Elves (Central Brun)
- Wildwood: From AC1. Expanded by Lo Zompatore (Central Brun)
- Tarylon:From CM5. Likely migrants from Sylvan Realm (Central Brun)
- E'ar (Arm of the Immortal)
- Dark Elves: Masters of the Morigsverg (Northern Reaches)
- High Elves: From the Plane of Alfheim (Northern Reaches)
- Sylvan Realm Elves: The clans that stayed in the Sylvan Realm
- Faenare Ancestors: PC2 mentions the Shining Isles meaning a connection to the Faedorne.
- Pegataur Ancestors: Probably Shyie Lawr (Alphatia)
- Schattenalfen
- Icevale Elves
- Gentlefolk
- Blacklore
These are non-canonical as they were introduced in the ZGG Blackmoor line. See also Genander elves above.
- Cumasti
- Westryn
Regarding another group:
- Vyalia
- Verdier
- Meditor
- Trueflower
Fan material seems to suggest that these clans were originally part of Ilsundal's migration, but perhaps split off along with the Sheyallia and crossed from Davania via the Serpent Peninsula.
Is there any canon supporting this? I am leaning towards thinking it would be more interesting to have them be clans that departed for Brun before Ilsundal, but perhaps that is not possible.
I think the rationale in fanon material is that the Vyalia and the Trueflower Clans might have their own Trees of Life and thus they have to have been followers of Ilsundal.
The Vyalia and the Verdier are thought to be related "woodelf" clans and the Verdier and Meditor are of course closely tied together. Some have speculated that the Trueflower Clan (Isle of Dawn) might be related to the Verdier or Meditor, or possibly the Shyie-Lawr.