Elven Magic Review (Gaz 5, Gz 13 and PC1)
by DJ HartelI started to review Elven magic and I see similarities across the two types of Elven classes provided (Gaz 5 - Elf, Gaz 13 - Shadow Elf) and they Fairy Magic from PC1. I will do a little review on the Gaz 5 Treekeepers and Gaz 13 Shamans as well though I tend to feel those are the more "Clerical" version of the Elven classes presented.
Background: Elven magic is derived from Druidic/Fairy magic and some of it is quite old. Per the Hollow World circa 6000 BC " Elves are sheltered, protected and nurtured by the forest-spirits they worship; they do not need to work or suffer. " Ordana was a heavy influence in their development, but I also believe the Fey were as well. I may need to read PC1 and Gaz 5 further to establish their relationship, but I can also see it in their spell selection for the specific racial classes, including the Shadow Elves. If the Shadow Elves didn't have such an overlap with Alfheim Elves I may not have seen the connection. I also read a number of threads on thePiazza, (Thanks Cthulhudrew) and on Pandius or provided independently (Robin was a great help in this). Piazza Threads:
- Magic systems of Mystara: How do they work?
- Types of magic on Mystara
- Magic and technology of a civilization
- HW magic-users question
Spell Review: I created the Spell Index to get a better idea of how magic looks like in BECMI for conversion of some content into 5E. However, before I could convert the content I wanted to analyze a few areas where I noticed some similarities and thought I would share that with folks here. Hopefully none of this is redundant.
For the below list I will be using the Gaz 5 Elf and the Gaz 13 Shadow Elf for the Spell Levels. I will note commonalities with PC1 Fairy Magic or with the Gaz 5 Treekeeper and Gaz 12 Shaman. I cannot use the same level though as in Fairy Magic is sometimes higher or lower than the equivalent spell for Elves. I will also join spells that are similar but differ on Above Ground/Underground or Plant/Rock.
I'm going to break for a bit and see what folks think. For me this was a great exercise to see how Elven magic has been represented by a couple of the stand out cultures. There is also a little information from the books that allow us to see spell origin (at least for Elves). I also think this should provide a template for anyone who wanted to make their own regional Elven class. The google sheets version of the various tables below is here.
Spell Similarities between (Both Alfheim and Shadow) Elves and Fairy Magic
Analysis: These spells appear to have been taught by the Fey to the Elves very early in their history. It could even be possible the earliest druids learned their spells from the Fairies given the similarities. For the other clans of elves in the world I believe most of these spells should be known. However given the Elven tendency to adapt spells it a clan lives in an environment other than the forest it's quite possible they have their own variant (Sheyallia may have a "Fungus Door" vairant).Spell Similarities between Alfheim Elves, Shadow Elf Shamans and Fairy Magic
Analysis: I view all these spells should be "in theory" available to elves of any clan as well. It could be argued the Clerical spells (Purify Food and Water, Neutralize Poison) should be limited to Treekeeper. I think Faeries can cast those spells because of some kind of lingering magical energy/essence that allows them to be cast. If you think all Elves should have these spells then you need to consider the case with the Shadow Elves. Either Shadow Elf Shamans carried on spells that were once common to all the Elves, or because Shadow Elves are underground only the connection to the radiance allows these spells.Spell Similarities between Alfheim Elves and Fairy Magic
Analysis: This is another list which is probably known to many Elven clans. What is missing at this level is a "Warp Wood" variant for the Shadow Elves, a "Warp Rock" spell probably wouldn't be terribly useful in combat, but maybe mining. "Charm Plant" also does not have an equivalent "Charm Rock" spell, though perhaps Shadow Elves could have a spell for charming Earth Elementals.Spell Simularities between Alfheim Elven Treekeepers and Shadow Elves and Fairy Magic
Analysis: I think Pass Plant should be knowable by all Alfheim Elves (to follow other patterns). This would also indicate that different elven clans would also have their own version if the environment was different.Spell Similarities between Alfheim Treekeepers and Shadow Elf Shamans and Fairy Magic
Analysis: These spells are mostly clerical, with some druidic spells. For the most part they make sense to be known by Treekeepers and Shamans. The fact they are represented in Fairy Magic as well implies that the Faeries (who lack access to an Immortal Patron) must have some residual magic/energy/essence in them that allows it.Spell Similarities between Alfheim and Shadow Elves
Analysis: Most of these spells do not have an equivalent non-Elven version (the only exceptions being Speak with Animals). Unlike the preceding list of spells, this list of spells was mostly invented early in Elven history, probably after they found Evergrun and before they Shadow Elves would travel to the Brun and Skothar.Spell Similarities between Alfheim Elves and Shadow Elven Shaman
Anaylsis: This is also odd, and another that is hard to explain. I almost think the spells below should be reserved for Treekeepers and accidentally got added to the wrong list. Resist Fire and Cure Light Wounds are clerical spells, and I think really should be reserved for the Treekeeper. Command Word closest quivalent I can see on other editions is "Command" which is a clerical spell. I suspect it should be clerical as well and this reserved for Treekeeper usage. Given these spells are given via Divine Insight, I think they may have been present since the Immortals decided to gift them. Oddball of this list is Wall of Fire which should probably be a normal spell for Shadow Elves.Spell Similarities between Alfheim Treekeepers and Shadow Elves
Analysis: These spells probably should be available to either all Elves or only to Treekeepers/Shaman. This could possibly have been an error when setting up the classes. Alternatively, it could be the Elven Treekeepers restrict the knowledge of these spells to limit any damage that could be done with their usage where as the Shamans have not instituted the same practices.Spell Similarities between Alfheim Treekeepers and Shadow Elven Shamans
Analysis: These spells would also be common to the other Elven clans. Ceremony is of special note as it is one of the spells used when a human becomes a Forester. In theory the Shadow Elves could use this as well to create their own version. I can't think of a good name for this character class. It is also very moot in most campaigns as the Shadow Elves zenophobia limits their ability to trust races outside their own.For a good example of specific regional Elven magic please look to the Merchant Prince spells in Minrothad and Water Elf Spells. This is trickier to determine if the spells come from Alphatia or if they're from Elven or Fairy origins. The only clear cut spells are Call Lightning, Faerie Fire, Locate Sea Life, Precipitation, Produce Fire, Protection from Lightning, Purify Food and Water, Resist Cold, Summon Sea Creature, Warp Wood spells that either appear above, or are a regional variant. Some specialized spells for the Water Elves Keepers are , Predict Weather, Talk to Sea Creatures. these spell are comarable to other Elven magic or Treekeeper/Shaman magic of similar effect. Water Elves even have a similar spell to "Rock" called "Water Form". "Watery Form" allows for some movement but more or less enables the Water Elf caster to blend in with water.