Elven Timeline
by Christopher Cherrington5000 BC: The childhood of the elves is over; the forest spirits stop sheltering them, forcing them to leave paradise and to seek their own futures. The first great elf civilisation, Evergrun, develops on the southern continent in areas now covered in ice.
3600 BC The Meditor following their clansman Calitha Starbrow's love of the sea, splinter from the Verdier and start wandering the coastlines and venturing further and further into the ocean's expanse.
3500 BC: 6 elven clans from Davania travel to the Known World region on Brun. These are the ancestors of modern day Shadow elves (Celebryl, the Porador, the Felistyr, and Gelbalf), the Aquarendi and the Gefronnel.
3100 BC: Aquarendi elves seek the guardianship of Manwara, an Immortal of the Sea, and enter the warm waters to begin a new life. (PC3) 3000 BC: Some Blackmoor devices explode, shifting the axis of the Known World in an event later called the Great Rain of Fire or the Planetshift. Blackmoor becomes the north pole and its civilisation disappears. The elven civilisation becomes the south pole; the elves are able to migrate to the area called Grunland (which now begins centuries of volcanic upheaval that lead to its being renamed Vulcania). These southern-continent elves, though suffering hardship, are not in immediate danger of extinction and so none are taken to the Hollow World.
Survivors of the elven colony near Blackmoor flee to the newly-formed Broken Lands; they burrow deep into the ground to survive the after effects of the Great Rain of Fire. These are the ancestors of the Shadow Elves. (GAZ13) 2800 BC: New elven nation on the southern continent land of Vulcania divides on magic vs. technology. A separatist branch of the southern elves, led by Ilsundal the Wise, decides to abandon Blackmoor technology and return to the nature-oriented magic of their ancestors. The Meditor were asked to sail Ilsundal's group northwards, but did not want to leave without their kin the Verdier, so Ilsundal cursed the Meditor (although none know what exactly the curse is, but some ancient Sylvan records of the Faedil read this to their distinct coloration that most find disturbing. Modern times attribute this to their uncanny resemblance to the Shadow Elves, but in ancient times no one knew of the Shadow Elves, so this mistrust by other Sylvan Elves has been around long before). Ilsundal's group begins a long migration northward in the hope of finding the lost colony of elves that had settled near Blackmoor. (GAZ5) 2600 BC: Climatic changes due to the axial shift have rendered the lands of Blackmoor and the elves uninhabitable. In Vulcania, the elvish civilisation is losing its battle with the elements; it has forgotten most of its magic and its Blackmoor technology is failing. A second separatist group of southern elves (the Sheyallia and Mohesia) ask the Meditor to transport them northwards. In return the Sheyallia gift the Meditor with the ability to find their way back home.
2410 BC: It is obvious to the Immortals that the southern elves are doomed, but this leaves them with a quandary. They want to preserve that elvish culture, but not the technologies which nearly destroyed the world. They settle on a compromise: They will magically alter the devices upon which the elves have grown so dependant, so that these devices will operate in only one certain valley in the Hollow World. That way, the dangerous sciences of Blackmoor cannot infect any other part of the Hollow World. Many of the elves of the southern continent are transplanted to the Hollow World. They are placed in a warm, volcanically-heated series of valleys near the southern polar opening, far away from any of the other Hollow World cultures. (HW) A great volcanic explosion occurs in Vulcania, destroying the remnants of the southern elvish civilisation. Verdier and Grunalf clans survive as they wait along the shorelines for the Meditor to return home to save them.
2300 BC: Ilsundal's elves cross the Strait of Izonda to the Immortal's Arm, then head east along the Savage Coast. Meditors taking the last survivors of the southern continent, the Grunalf and Verdier, cross the Addakian Sound, where they meet Ilsundal's band and rejoin with them. This was an ill meeting, the Grunalf's were well received, as most of their relations left with Ilsundal; but the others were not welcome. Ilsundal offers amnesty to his curse. Some Meditor and Verdier join Ilsundal, and take the Meditor's Pearl of Power with them. Poladan Meditor, an assistant keeper, takes a chip with him to stay with the original group. The Mohesia stayed and settled in on the Savage Coast. They live alongside, but not among, Oltecs. The Meditor then rejoined the Sheyallia and Verdier on the Serpent Peninsula. The Meditor and Verdier soon split from the Sheyallia, as the woods of the area were not good for ship making and the shores of the peninsula where not hospitable to the Verdier. The Meditor found a home for the Verdier along an unclaimed coast east of the Taymor. (GAZ5) 2200 BC: Other clans disliking Ilsundal's treatment of the Meditor and their allies, soon left and settled further north in now modern day Glantri.
Some Tanagoro colonists from halfway around the world reach the Serpent Peninsula and decide they like the abundant rain forests. However, the elves regard their slash-and-burn agriculture with horror. Eventually, they work out a compromise: the Tanagoros keep to the coastlines and forest fringes, while the elves withdraw deeper into the forest. (CoM) 2100 BC: Meditor and Verdier separatists decide to leave Ilsundal, but Ilsundal won't let them take the original Pearl of Power. This group forms together to become the Vyalia, and settles north of the Verdier and Meditor in the Traldar lands (Karameikos). Not being accepted back into the Meditor and Verdier clans as they lost their relic.
The main force of Ilsundal's migration reaches the Sylvan Realm, far to the west of lands such as Karameikos and Thyatis. (GAZ5) 2000 BC: The Beastmen have now evolved into the modern species of orcs, goblins, ogres, giants, and trolls. (GAZ10) Elven and human mages settle in the forests of the western Savage Coast, supplanting aranea; they name their land Herath. Enduks are created on the Orc's Head Peninsula and begin building the civilisation of Nimmur. (RS) 2000 - 1750 BC: An agricultural settlement flourishes along the River Nithia. It swiftly becomes the seat of a fast-growing culture.
In the Sylvan Realm, Ilsundal creates the first elvish Tree of Life and becomes an Immortal. (GAZ5) 1750 BC: A series of great volcanic eruptions and earthquakes split several large land masses away from what is now the Five Shires and Atruaghin Clans area; aboriginal (Neathar-descended) peoples called the Makai and lizardmen called Malpheggi are stranded on the new islands. The Taymora civilisation is destroyed. The plateau under which the surviving Azcans have been living largely collapses, killing many of them and leaving the survivors in a shattered, hostile land. (GAZ4,GAZ14) Many Meditor became ill with a strange disease that many attributed to Ilsundal's curse, as no prayers to Calitha would heal the sores or numb the pain. Others associated the strange disease to the Taymor that the Meditor traded with, and the sudden appearance of the disease when the sudden disappearance of the Taymor happened. Some Meditor abandon Calitha and join the Vyalia clans. Others seeking help, discover the advanced medicines of the Sindai culture west of Taymor. This relationship with the Sindai culture left a lasting impression on the Meditor, and the newly formed Kasan clan adopted much of the same practices of these people, but still revered Calitha. The cultures were so entwined, it could have been said the Kasan influenced the Sindai.
1750 - 1500 BC: The human tribes along the River Nithia progress from Bronze Age to Iron Age metals technology. A jackal-headed creature named Pflarr achieves Immortality.
With the rise of Nithia, the Meditor clans become their official shippers. They transport cargoes and people to and fro. Their travels brought news to the Traladaran of a southern continent, and even gave news to the Halflings that there was a northern continent.
1700 BC: The elves of Glantri discover, in the Broken Lands, a strange artifact from the lost Blackmoor civilisation. They tinker with it, and the artifact explodes cataclysmically, sending impenetrable clouds into the sky (which last for years), and spreading a strange rotting plague among the surviving elves - those who were far enough away to survive. The elves shelter themselves in the deepest caves of Glantri. They find an incredible series of caverns there and begin a years-long migration. The travelling tribes are separated from one another. These are the ancestors of the Hollow World's Gentle Folk, Icevale Elves, and the Schattenalfen. A fourth group, led by an elf named Atziann, has no survivors save that king. Some emerge, years later, hundreds of miles south, past the Broken lands. Some perish. Belcadeil being descendants of the Glantrian elves and interbred with the Meditor live closer to the Doulakki and befriend them. These are the ancestors to the modern day Belcadiz of Glantri.
1680 BC: Land masses split further, forming 10 islands south of the Five Shires.
Verdier elves build ships and join their cousins, the Meditor clan, in the Sea of Dread.
1650 BC: A surviving clan of Glantrian elves from the outer world finds its way to the Hollow World through thousands of miles of subterranean passages. The tribe emerges in lands thickly occupied by hostile Neathar tribes and dinosaurs; they migrate northward, to lands similar to frozen Glantri, and settle in the mountains south of the Beastmen and west of the Antalians. They call their new land Icevale. (HW) Atziann, king and sole survivor of a clan of Glantri elves who had been driven underground, comes across the Hollow World Azcans, emerging near Chitlacan. Fascinated by these people, he spends several years among them (in disguise) and studying their ways before leaving to pursue his dream of Immortality. (HW) 1500 BC: Nithian culture begins its climb to greatness. One colonial expedition led by the Nithian Traldar clan travels to the lands now known as Karameikos. As these colonies spread out, they become the first humans to inhabit Darokin. (GAZ1) The elf Atziann attains Immortality and adopts the Azcan form of his name, Atzanteotl, "Atziann the Divine." He begins whispering to selected Shadow Elves and Azcan rulers of the power and glory he can bring them, and lures them away from their faiths. Increasing numbers of Shadow Elves (especially those of the Schattenalfen clan) turn from the worship of Rafiel to that of Atzanteotl; likewise, many Azcans turn away from Otzitiotl and Kalaktatla. Only Atruatzin, the Azcan priest-king, who would later become Atruaghin, resists the Immortal. (HW/GAZ14) 1420 BC: The underground elven wanderers stumble upon Mictlan, and overthrow the humans. Those elves who have been seduced by Atzanteotl declare that the temple is sacred to him, and he has given them victory over their enemies and a place to call home. These elves become the Schattenalfen. Most of the elves are uneasy about this alien Immortal, but they are weary, and so they settle and build the city of Aengmor. All of Atruatzin's followers are slain; he alone escapes. (HW) 1400 BC: A colonising party of Shadow Elves, mostly Schattenalf followers of Atzanteotl is driven out of Aengmor (by the will of their patron). Retracing an earlier lost expedition's path to the Hollow World, they emerge just north of the great equatorial mountain range, right in the middle of the Kogolor Dwarf territory. They immediately begin a war against the dwarves, whose lands they want. The Immortal Kagyar causes Denwarf, the former leader of the Outer World's dwarves, to help the Kogolors against the Shadow Elves. (HW) 1395 BC: The Schattenalfen are badly beaten by the Kogolor dwarves and must break off the war. They continue travelling west, to an area not infested with dwarves, and settle there. But due north of their new lands are the Azcans, whose culture and architecture are disturbingly and insultingly like theirs (a result of Atzanteotl's guidance of the Schattenalf culture, though they don't know this); the Schattenalfen hate these people, whom they see as a mockery of their culture, and begin an ages-long war with the Azcans. (HW) 1300 BC: The halflings from the southern continent, long-abandoned by their friends the elves, and increasingly endangered by the ever-growing human population, make a mass naval migration to the northern continent. They settle the area later called the Five Shires, which they name Faerdinel. They become friends with a declining, pacifistic clan of elves called the Gentle Folk.
In the Savage Coast, goblinoid hordes decimate elven and Oltec civilisation. Those humans and elves that remain fall to a savage, semi-nomadic existence. (RS) 1290 BC: The outer-world Shadow Elf city of Aengmor is "destroyed" (actually, merely surrounded by lava and made uninhabitable) during a volcanic eruption; many Schattenalfen escape, burrowing deeper into the crust of the earth. Actually, this is part of a grand scheme of Atzanteotl, their patron.
1104 BC: Underground elves discover the Refuge of Stone and take the name of shadow elves unto themselves. Building work begins on the City of Stars. Myfallar The Old is chosen as temporary King.
1100 BC: Nithians colonists are shipped all over the Known World by Meditor elves. Some lead by Minroth colonises the islands later to be called the Minrothad islands, and found Harbortown.
Nithians under Prince Ramenhotep establish the colony of Thothia on the Isle of Dawn. This is the eastern extent of Nithian colonisation and Meditor maritime activities.
1050 BC: Great wizards of the Nithians, inspired by the Immortal Pflarr's servant race (the Hutaaka), create the gnoll race by magically blending trolls and gnomes. But they've been deluded that the results might be an equivalent servant-race for the Nithians; instead, the gnolls turn out to be savage, strong, warlike, and prolific. They rebel; they escape and later invade Karameikos. Nithian priests visit the Shamans of Oenkmar. Atzanteotl is increasingly offended.
1040 BC: Tarasfir is enthroned as the first King of the Shadow Elves selected by the shamans of Rafiel.
1000 BC: The Broken Lands are overpopulated. Broken Lands orcs, ogres, trolls, gnolls, and goblins migrate outward, especially southward, displacing other humanoid tribes before them. All forces join and raid Rockhome; they are defeated by dwarven King Blystar III. Minor raids go on for 500 years.
The Nithian Empire is at its peak; it is the first post-Blackmoor empire in the world. It features monumental architecture, large urban complexes in the delta region of the River Nithia, conquest of neighbouring states, establishment of more remote colonies, and the development of sophisticated arts and culture. Colonies are planted in the Makai islands (south of the Five Shires area), where they conquer the aboriginal natives. The humans of the Northern Reaches areas are conquered and enslaved by the Nithian Empire. The Nithians, made curious about the southern continent by the stories of the Meditor, have them transport many Northern Reaches slaves to Harbortown and thence to the southern continent, to colonise there. This is the southern limit of Nithian expansion, and it isn't very successful; as tensions rise between Nithian expansion and Meditor willingness to continue support. The Meditor refuse to send reinforcements and supplies to the colonies. Soon the relationship became openly hostile. The Northern Reaches slaves soon rebel and slay their Nithian overlords. These tribes carve out their own territory in the southern continent, and are the forefathers of the Thyatian, Kerendan and Hattian tribes who later found the empire of Thyatis.
Meanwhile, an expedition of Shadow Elves leaves the City of Stars in an effort to find the path to the surface world. Instead, they find their way to the Hollow World, where they are fatally poisoned by the rays of the eternal sun. Some of them make it back to the City of the Stars with news of their voyage, but all soon perish. (KW/HW) On the Alphatians' world, the war between the Followers of Air and Followers of Flame reaches its zenith. The Followers of Flame are defeated. Alphaks is banished. Old Alphatia is destroyed; the Followers of Air come to the Known World to settle on the great continent they name Alphatia, bringing along natural strains of wolf and tiger lycanthropy. They proceed to build a mighty empire based on magic. (DotE) 1000 - 610 BC: Orcs, part of the migration from the Broken Lands, invade the Five Shires region and enslave the halflings. The Gentle Folk elves of the Five Shires region disappear or are destroyed by the orcs. Over a period of four hundred years, the halflings are conquered and reconquered by orcs, dwarves, and bandits of different races; eventually they reclaim their land and establish Shaerdon, a strong nation of hin.
896 BC: First shadow-elf exploration to the surface world ends in disaster with few survivors.
800 BC: The ice finally recedes to the north of Glantri.
Tensions are at their worst between Nithia and all elves of the region. After major cries for help, Ilsundal sends dreams to Mealiden to travel east with 9 new Trees of Life. He instructs Mealiden to befriend the lost brethren and to protect them from the growing evils of the Nithian culture and reminds him of the folly of Blackmoor and the Great Rain of Fire. Elves led by Mealiden Starwatcher leave the Sylvan Realm via the magical rainbow; they carry nine seedlings of the tree of life with them. They land in the forested regions of the Vyalia. Seeing the Vyalia territories would not be supportive enough for a good front, they placed 6 clans directly west of Nithia. One clan, the Shiye, was to be placed by the Meditor east of the Nithians and two clans stayed with the Vyalia. That is where all 9 seedlings are as well. Of the elf-clans, the Shiye, listens to the guidance of the elf-immortal Eiryndul, and used the situation as a "free ride" away from Ilsundal and Mealiden. More conservative Vyalia don't like the new religious influence of Ilsundal and they keep the name Vyalia for their clan name but move west to the Dymrak and shun the other clans to continue worshiping Ordana. The other Vyalia have by now formed into the Blueleaves, Greenheights, and Treeshields. The Sylvan clans, the Etherdyls and Callarii, later on split into the Hierydyls when the Callarii move west to Traladaran lands. The sixth "Vyalish" clan, the Diamaraks, are made of an early mix of the Etherdyl and Vyalia. These clans worship Ordana, Ilsundal, and later on Zirchev (a patron of the Foresters). Depending on which clan, Ordana may be the prominent immortal, or Ilsundal. The Etherdyl shared grafts of their tree to each of these clans, except the western Vyalia and the Verdier, as they would not accept Ilsundal as a patron.
Elvish wizards begin to alter those steppes with their magic, changing the land nearly overnight into terrain where a mighty forest could flourish. In the process, they drive orcs from the open lands to the west.
Human clans begin building permanent settlements in Darokin.
792 BC: Second shadow-elf expedition to the surface lands emerges in the Broken Lands. Failure of this expedition leads to abandonment of further attempts to reach surface.
The waters and coastline are hostile to the elven ships. Several shipwrecked Shiye and Meditor moved further inland on the Isle of Dawn and became the Trueflowers of today.
700 BC: Thanatos, Immortal of the Sphere of Entropy, helped by the Immortal Ranivorus, corrupts the Pharaoh of the Nithians. The Pharaoh turns the Nithian Empire toward worship of Entropy.
The Nithian colonists in Thothia turn away from the Entropic faith of their homeland and increasingly turn to a new form of mysticism.
Nithians arrive on the Savage Coast. They interbreed somewhat with Oltecs. Elves of the eastern coast establish settlements in and around what will eventually become Torreón and Narvaez. (RS) Mealiden is acclaimed king of Alfheim.
556 BC: A boy named Yav is born to an elven mother and a Tanagoro father in the Serpent Peninsula. He is the strongest seer yet known in the area, and his many timely warnings of hurricanes and other disasters make him a hero.
529 BC: A series of abuses by the Serpent Peninsula seers cause a major revolt. Elven purists slaughter every seer they can find. Some take more extreme measures, killing people of mixed elven and human blood regardless of their precognitive abilities. The unrest ends with the power of the seers broken and the Sheyallia elves fleeing the wrath of the Tanagoro people. Yav vanishes; it is thought the elves killed him.
528 BC: 3,000 Sheyallia elves fleeing from the Serpent Peninsula stumble into the Plain of Fire and discover the intricate networks of caves and tunnels beneath. The settle, war with the gnolls, and eventually cooperate with them.
500 BC: The Traldar are in the midst of their Dark Age. Communication between communities is infrequent. Local dialects begin to differ widely. The national epic of King Halav is the only thing which gives the people a sense of unity. Linguistic changes are already advanced enough that the people consider themselves Traladara, descendants of the Traldar, the people of King Halav. (GAZ1) Oenkmar Rock sinks into the earth.
Elsewhere, the Nithian Empire, having incurred Immortal dislike, abruptly ends; the Immortals alter the climate, divert the headwaters of the River Nithia, promote social unrest, deny magical powers to their clerics, and take other actions which cause the Empire to collapse catastrophically. The Immortals use magic to ensure that almost all trace of the Empire is wiped from the face of the Known World. The colonies are systematically destroyed - except for Thothia, which has already turned away from the Entropic faith which led to the destruction of Nithia.
When Nithia collapsed, due to immortal intervention, the elves lost much knowledge as well; because of so many ties to the Nithian presence from trading to open hostility. The Meditor's ports of call became abandoned and forgotten. The Minrothad humans forget about the elves on their island and the elves forget about the Minrothad humans.
By now, the steppes where Mealiden's elves settled have become the mighty Canolbarth forest. They have forgotten their original mission, and so settle in their new forest and abandon the Sylvan Realm.
350 BC: Mealiden abdicates the throne to follow Ilsundal's path to Immortality. Alevar of the Grunalf clan becomes king of Alfheim.
322 BC: A Schattenalfen attack annihilates the southern Azcan city of Axateotl for the seventh, and last, time. (HW) 250 BC: Mealiden becomes an Immortal of the Sphere of Energy.
200 BC: Tritons fleeing from their devilfish enemies enter the Sunlit Sea and establish the Kingdom of Undersea in the waters between the islands of Ierendi and Minrothad.
By now, orcs control the land to the west of the Streel River, as far south as Akorros. They also control the Broken Lands, southern Glantri, and most of Ethengar. Humans control the areas south of Akorros; elves control Alfheim to the east.
150 BC: The outer-world Shadow Elves contact the humanoid tribes of the Broken Lands, spreading their hatred of the above-ground elves and persuading the humanoids to attack Alfheim. (GAZ13/GAZ10) 0 AC: The economies of both Thyatis and Alphatia have been wrecked by the war; the two powers conduct a peace treaty in the city of Edairo, the capital of Thothia (on the Isle of Dawn). Later, in Thyatis, General Zendrolion Tatriokanitas assassinates King Lucinius and several other kings gathered there, and crowns himself Emperor of Thyatis, Ochalea and the Pearl Islands. The Thyatians celebrate for weeks. Thyatians do some trading with Minroth islanders. (DotE) The Traladara begin a period of regrowth as trade is slowly established with southern peoples. Peaceable demihumans (the Callarii elves and the Highforge gnomes) settle in Traladara territories; warlike demihumans (goblins, hobgoblins, orcs) do as well, in lesser numbers. (GAZ1) 67 AC: Orcs living near Lake Amsorak wrest most of Darokin from its human inhabitants in this bloody summer. The humans and elves of Darokin join forces to drive the orcs out; they're successful. Thousands of orcs flee into Nagpuri, slaying and pillaging as they overrun the lands. Nagpuri's warriors must contend with orc troubles for the next decade. (GAZ10/GAZ11) 88 AC: Orcs make major gains against the leaderless Darokin humans, forcing the Elves of Alfheim to support Corwyn Attleson as a compromise choice to lead Darokin. The reign of Darokin Kings begins. (GAZ10/GAZ11) 100 AC: Celedryl of the Erendyl clan is crowned king of Alfheim. (GAZ5) Goblinoid hordes sweep the Savage Coast again. Tortle civilisation falls, and humans, dwarves, and elves remaining along the eastern coast are prompted to build permanent settlements. (RS) 130 AC: First contact by humanoids with shadow elves. Shadow elves rejected by Celedryl. Campaign of shadow-elf incitement of humanoids against surface elves begins.
276 AC: Human and elf cultures in the Isles of Dread meet and establish trade.
284 AC: Minrothian and Alphatian cultures clash on Dread Island over slave trading issues; elves force the humans to make peace.
300 AC: The water elf trading port of Seahome is established on Alfeisle in the Minrothad isles.
330 AC: A group of humans exploring deep underground finds the shadow elves and rekindles their interest in the surface world.
360 AC: Minroth traders carry slaves for Thyatian Empire; halfling slaves are introduced to the Isles of Dread.
390 AC: Disastrous humanoid raid on Alfheim. Some orcs captured.
400 AC, the Meditor's ties to the Sindai culture were severed, as the Sindai were conquered by many shapeshifters and lycanthropes. This "invasion" was so swift and sudden that the Meditor had no power to help and all traces of elvish influence were eradicated by the shapeshifters so the Sindai would not contact the elves for help. When lycanthropes were discovered within the Minrothad Isles some 43 years later, the Meditor and Verdier clans did not hesitate to act and cause the Silver Purge.
443 - 445 AC: Expeditions of elves and humans attempt to purge Dread Island of all lycanthropes; human population is decimated; this time is called the Silver Purge. Similar events take place in Undersea, during the Night of the Long Knives; many weresharks flee to deeper waters. Werecreatures know this time as the Great Persecution.
450 AC: Traldar arrive in the Savage Coast region. They establish several city-states on the eastern shores of the Gulf of Hule. Traldar who settle on the western shores are absorbed into existing human cultures descended from the Oltecs. Humans of the eastern coast begin to establish permanent villages and begin to intermingle with elves of the region. (RS) 475 AC: The forest elf trading port of Verdon is founded on Alfeisle.
488 AC: Hadric Corser, the Great Uniter, brings the remaining Minroth humans together; founds the city of Minrothad and lays foundation for an organised trading federation.
500 AC: Humans move into the areas that will eventually become Eusdria and Robrenn; some elves and dwarves ally with these humans. Lupins and rakasta form permanent settlements along the central Savage Coast, in lands that will eventually become Renardy and Bellayne. (RS) 501 - 504 AC: Darokin blames the elves for an attack on a farm near the Alfheim border, and battles Alfheim in the Elfwar.
550 AC: The beast man invasion of the wizard Illodius scars the magical forests of Alfheim. Alfheim Town founded in the blighted area.
560 AC: Alfheim/Darokin alliance crushes the shadowelf invasion.
582 AC: Telemon, the current shadow-elf King, is crowned at the Temple of Rafiel.
600 AC: The Sylvan Lands are conquered by humans led by the wizard Moorkroft; the surviving elves of the Sylvan Lands, the Feadiel clan, make the dangerous passage to Alfheim.
601 AC: Gregus Verdier, the "Second Uniter," is born on Alfeisle in Minrothad.
610 AC: A band of a hundred elves fleeing their recently conquered Sylvan Lands far to the northwest encounter a group of Graakhalians on the Plain of Fire. Most decide to stay; the rest, having problems accepting the gnolls, leave at sword-point.
646 AC: Gregus Verdier forges forest elves of Minrothad into unified political and economic faction.
675 AC: King Celedryl purges shadowelf infiltrators from Alfheim, but is only partly successful.
691 AC: Gregus Verdier establishes the Council of Dread and the Minrothad Guilds.
700 AC: Gregus Verdier is assassinated.
Doriath, a former adventurer, assumes the throne of Alfheim. The Erewan faction of Erendyl clan leaves Alfheim for Glantri.
722 AC: In Graakhalia, a rebellion by some of the Sylvan Lands immigrants is quickly put down, and the leaders executed.
730 AC: Settlers come to Glantri, including fair elves (descendants of the elves who fled the area in 1700 BC who now call themselves the Belcadiz) and humans from Traladara and Thyatian colonies in Ylaruam. Frictions begin between the Flaems and settlers.
750 AC: A wizardly Samdu, named Elyas, immigrated to North Island from Sind. Elyas introduced a new way of thinking called the Quiet Way. His followers call themselves the Siswa, but are a mixture of differing clans. Their village, Kota-Hutan, is the only other village on the island.
784 - 788 AC: The Followers of Flame (the Flaemish) war with other settlers in Glantri. With defeat come the executions of Flaemish lycanthropes who fought against the elven and Thyatian settlers.
786 AC: An Alphatian wizard named Halzunthram the Free Sword arrives in Flaemish lands and helps the humans and elves there against the Flaems, organising the settlers into an efficient fighting force.
814 AC: A massive Schattenalfen invasion of the Azcan Empire is turned back at the Battle of Huixtla. (HW) 815 AC: The Azcan attempt to carry the war onto the Schattenalfen lands ends in ambush and disaster at the Battle of Wondyviel. (HW) 825 AC, Elyas has the help of both elves and dwarfs build his tower and temple area to teach more of the peaceful culture of the Quiet Way. Through his example, Kasan Clansmen invite dwarfs being expelled from Glantri to live on Fortress Island.
890 AC: Ruling Minrothad guild master Kitrina Meditor passes Isolation Act prohibiting immigration and most visitors to Minrothad.
900 AC: A new wave of colonists begins to reach the eastern Savage Coast, including people from Ylaruam, Yavdlom, and the Thyatian Empire. They bring feudalism and class structure. Adventurers begin to establish domains that eventually develop into the Savage Baronies, and absorb the elven, dwarven, and human cultures already in the region. Settlers discover the Red Curse, but decide to stay anyway. A few halflings also begin to arrive on the Savage Coast, and are absorbed into local cultures. (RS) Kitrina Meditor has the city of Gapton built on North Island. With the sudden disappearance of the Siswa leader Elyas, many more people travel to Gapton to study and share their beliefs.
906 AC: Dwarves and elves in lands claimed by Narvaez declare themselves the Barony of Montoya. (RS) The Barony of Alcazar is founded near Cristobal. (RS) 941 AC: The Barony of Torreón is founded south of Cristobal and Alcazar. (RS) 942 AC: The Azcans defeat the Schattenalfen at the Battle of Ploiec, and are consequently able to maintain the Tepetitlan gold mines. (HW) 965 AC: Kitrina Meditor, ruling guildmaster of Minrothad, is assassinated. The council of guild Leaders acts as regent until Oran Meditor comes of age.
989 AC: Oran Meditor takes office as ruling guildmaster of Minrothad, instituting reforms.
Black Eagle Barony invades Eastshire in the Five Shires in search of slaves and ill-gotten booty; is repelled. Attacks continue for two decades.
990 AC: Cimarron ratifies the Treaty of Tampicos. (RS) 991 AC: Oran Meditor rescinds the Isolation Act and opens Minrothad to outside contact.
995 AC: First assassination attempt on Oran Meditor. Clan Kasan is behind the attempt and is removed from control of the water elf guild. Clan Elsan is promoted to replace Clan Kasan.
998 AC: Second assassination attempt on Oran Meditor. The assassin is believed to be a hired wizard from Glantri.
1000 AC: Minrothad celebrates 150 years of nationhood. Oran Meditor makes public appearances to stop rumours of his continued ill health.