Ethengar Khanates
Location: Central plains area, north and west of Rockhome.
Area: 57,970 sq. mi. (130,433 km2)
Population: 325,000 (population down from previous years due to internal civil war in 1014 AC). There is also an unknown number of goblinoids.
Languages: Ethengarian.
Coinage: All referred to as tangs. Coins of platinum, gold, electrum, silver and copper come in 1x, 5x and 10x their normal value denominations.
Taxes: None; all property belongs to the khan. Each year, on Sviftmont 23 (the Day of Counting), all families herds are returned to the main herd. On Flaurmont 15 (the Day of Blessings) the khan divides as he sees fit all herds and wealth among the families of the tribe.
Government Type: Nomadic tribes ruled by khans (chieftains), loosely allied under a Great Khan (king).
Industries: Cattle, horse-breeding.
Important Figures: Moglai Khan, (The Great Khan, human, male, F19) and his bodyguard Gundai (a sabre-tooth tiger), Batu (Khan of the Bortaks, human male, F11), Ghazan (Khan of the Taijits, human male, F7), Huaji (Khan of the Kaeruts, human male, F15), Hulagu (Khan of the Uighurs, human male, F16), Jemugu (Khan of the Yakkas, human, male, F8), Kadan (Khan of the Kiyats, human male, F15; rumoured to be possessed by an evil spirit, HD16), Temur (Khan of the Yugatais, human, male, T16).
Flora and Fauna: Grasses and small patches of short, wiry trees called tobai trees dominate the land. On the animal side, goats, yaks, deer, ibex, dogs, bears, boars, horses, lions, lynxes, panthers, lizards and spiders are commonly encountered. Dragons, wyverns, and griffons have also been spotted in the steppes.Finally, in the area known as the Land of Black Sand, various undead are said to be haunting the place.
Further Reading: GAZ 12 - The Golden Khan of Ethengar, AC1010 Poor Wizard's Almanac to AC1012 - Poor Wizard's Almanac 3, and Joshuan's Almanac.Description: by Ursula Bremen [Excerpted from a report submitted to the Darokin Diplomatic Corps; reprinted with permission]
Dear Sir,
I have the honour to submit my second report of the [CENSORED] mission to the Ethengar Khanates. The purpose of the mission is to report on the changing political climate and the possible dangers posed by the Great Khan's declaration of war on the Principalities of Glantri.
The Land
From the moment of the mission's entry into the Ethengar Plain (called the Sea of Grass by the Ethengarian people, due to the way the waist high grasses blow in the wind like waves on the ocean), it was evident that preparations for war were in progress. The lands of the Taijits, in particular, were particularly heavily patrolled, with a strong non-Taijit military presence in evidence. Of note, bands of Yugatai horse warriors and Keshak (the Great Khan's personal bodyguard), were present, as well as members of the [CENSORED] and the [CENSORED], two groups of the Great Khans' brataks (spies)- see Attachment B.
It is the estimation of this observer that the non-Taijit military presence is due to the civil war of 1014 AC as much as it is fortification of the Glantri/Ethengar border.
Of other note, the road leading from the region now known as Aengmor (the former "Broken Lands"- see report [CENSORED]) has been paved all the way from that region up to Bargha, an improvement from my last report, and construction of a newer trail leading through Taijit territory is well underway. Such a major construction by the Ethengarians is unusual, and I speculate that it, too, is of military significance. Specifically, for the transportation of [CENSORED], which I noted in the camp of Bargha in my last visit.
The People
The various clans have gathered in their winter camps earlier this year, following the proclamation of war by the Great Khan. Evidence of preparation for the war are present, as the warriors of the clan begin to conscript [Ethengarians do not actually conscript people, as most join voluntarily, but the term does aptly describe what is going on. Ed.] younger men in order to bolster the Great Khan's forces.
The anti-Glantrian sentiment that is always present in Ethengarian society is at a new level. Priests of the Ten Thousand Fists of Khan (see Attachment H) have been travelling to the many winter camps, stirring up feelings of hatred towards the Ethengarians' neighbours.
In the Great Khan's camp of Bargha, the number of dwarves is at an unusual high. Many dwarves from Rockhome have come to join in the war against the Glantrians, whom they have hated since the Great Persecution of 802 AC, when the dwarves were driven out of Glantri, under suspicion of bringing a plague with them to the land.
Recent History
In late Flaurmont of AC 1014, Moglai Khan uncovered the treasonous activities of Oktai, Khan of the Taijits. Our agents have uncovered information that Oktai was working with both goblinoids, under the control of Moghul-Khan (currently of Dast, in Orcland - see Attachment K), as well as Glantrian forces (see attachment L). Moglai Khan mobilised the Keshak as well as other Ethengarian forces, to attack his rival. Once evidence of Oktai's treachery was revealed by [CENSORED], the majority of the Taijits abandoned their khan to Moglai's wrath. Oktai was captured and executed on Ambyrmont 8, AC 1014. He was replaced by his eldest son, Ghazan. Ghazan had publicly denounced his father's treachery, and was instrumental in tracking down Oktai and bringing him to justice before Moglai Khan. Minor uprisings among the Taijits (see Attachment L) over the intervening months have resulted in the large presence of non-Taijit forces noted above.
On the day immediately following Oktai's capture, Moglai Khan declared war on the Principalities of Glantri. He has spent the time since then building his forces, conscripting [again, using a term most people are familiar with. Ed.] more warriors from among the clans, and building his strategy. Of note, there appears to be a lot of activity in the dwarven enclave of Bargha. I suspect that [CENSORED].
Don't Miss
The winter court of Bargha continues to be the site of great improvements. In particular, the Great Khan has begun construction on fortifications to surround the camp (see Attachment N), many of which are being built by his dwarvish allies. Their purpose is not entirely clear, as it is unlikely that Glantrian forces will attempt to invade Ethengar (should the war turn badly for the Great Khan). It is possible that Moglai Khan is using the war as an excuse to continue to upgrade and modernise his camps, or is making preparations for possible future civil wars, such as that of AC 1014. I suspect it is a little of both. At any rate, Bargha is beginning to take on the appearance of a small town- certainly the single most permanent settlement in the Ethengar Khanates.
In any case, the Ethengar Khanates are not a good place for outsiders at the moment, as the [CENSORED] are on high alert for Glantrian spies, and have been capturing and interrogating any outsiders into the Sea of Grass.