Ethnographic History of Mystara
by Giulio Caroletti, Geoff Gander and Giampaolo AgostaMain Racial Table
Note: see also individual entries for Neathar, Tanagoro, Oltecs and Mixed Populations.
Before the Great Rain of Fire
About 75'000 BC, the original human population lives in south-eastern Skothar, in the regions around the Tangor Bay. A group of humans migrates thence during the space of the following 5'000 years. The humans that remain there become the ancestors of the Tanagoro and of the other black-skinned human races. The migration starts eastward; a group stops not too far, just east of the Tangor Chain, between 67'000-56'000 BC, giving origin to the ethnic group of the Southians.
These are similar to the RW Austrics. No fan-based or canon material has been ever written about them: if someone will ever detail a culture similar to the southern Asiatic or Pacific populations, he should devise a possible link with these. Given the proximity of this area with pre-cataclysmic Zyxl, they could be used there. En passant, I note that until someone does, we can suppose that this population could have died out.
The other group, that we will call Northian, migrates on, upwards the eastern coast of Skothar. The Northians (RW Nostratics) developed lighter skin tones than those of the original human race and of the Southians. Around 50'000 BC they split in two groups, the Skotharians and the Brunians.Skotharians
The first Northian group remains in Skothar. It evolves into the Proto-Oltecs, also called Skotharians (45'000 BC, RW Sino-Altaic).Proto-Oltecs are the ancestors of Peshwans, Littonians, Afridhi and Oltecs. They are supposedly similar to the Real World Sino-Altaic supergroup; their most known common trait are the almond-shaped eyes.
Part of the Proto-Oltecs move to the western coastal region. From there, they migrate to Bellissaria and then, through the Alatians and the Isle of Dawn, they reach the shores of the Sea of Dread around 35'000 BC. They are later joined by two other Skotharian migrations; the various groups eventually become the Oltecs (15'000 BC; RW Amerindians).Three main linguistic groups result from the Proto-Oltecs of northern and central Skothar: Valoin (RW Ugro-Finns), Afridhi, that will later become sedentary farmers (9'000 BC, RW Sino-Tibetans) and Peshwans (RW Turk-Mongols), that will remain nomadic horse riders even during historical times.
The Peshwans were mostly absorbed by the Blackmoor Empire, although some left westwards to Brun; some reached the Midlands (3'000 BC), and much later the Hulean region, where they imposed their culture and language to a Neathar population, resulting in the formation of the Hulean race. Others stayed in the steppes, where they settled (3'200 BC).
After centuries of hardship following the Rain of Fire, they successfully defeated the Antalians passing through their land, assimilating them (2'300 BC). Later they suffered a cultural change imposed by Akkila Khan's humanoid invasion, and they became the Ethengarians (1'700 BC; RW Mongols).
It is possible that some eastern nation in Skothar descends from the Peshwans. This could explain the presence of other races similar to the RW Turk-Mongols on Skothar.Afridhi
There are no clues about the Afridhi's fate after the Great Rain of Fire, although we can assume that fan-based material that would describe Chinese or Tibetan cultures on eastern Skothar should probably base their ethnicity on Afridhi blood.
The Valoin of southern Skothar are faced by the menace of aggressive Tanagoro, and leave Skothar for the western lands, passing first through the fastland south of the Frosthaven sea (9'000 BC) and thus reaching eastern Brun.
Through time, those on Brun will settle around the Frosthaven sea, where they developed the somatic traits of blond hair and blue eyes, and are later all absorbed by the Neathar, accounting for the presence of those somatic traits in some of the Neathar-descended populations.
The last group of the Valoin remained in Skothar to face the Tanagoro. Known as the Valemen, they were in the end forced to flee north (6'000 BC); there they were faced by the Afridhi, and thus they were forced to the far west of Skothar (4'200 BC). After the Great Rain of Fire they left Skothar for Brun, settling in Norwold, where they would become known as the Littonians (2'800 BC).
The second group of the Northian migration leaves Skothar and reaches Brun (40'000 BC). They are known as "Brunians", and later evolve into the Neathar (25'000 BC; RW ancestors of Indo-Europeans and Afroasiatics) and Lhomar.
The Neathar were a lot of many different clans and tribes, generally fast-reproducing and aggressive, that absorbed most of the Lhomar tribes, less fertile and more peaceful and ponderative, and inclined to cultural development.
To avoid being absorbed, the Lhomar went eastwards, toward Alphatia, at the time unsettled, followed by aggressive Afaharian tribes (of Neathar origin). Forced to travel further east, they crossed the sea to Skothar, where they settled.
The Lhomar first reached the southern coast Skothar some 12,000 years ago. In those times, a large series of islands, some of them very large, ran from that coast almost to Vulcanian Peninsula of Davania. The Lhomar, simple hunter-gatherers, migrated south, colonising the uninhabited islands, slowly leapfrogging their way towards Davania. There they discovered a very large island - almost a small continent - 200 miles north of the tip of what we now call the Vulcanian Peninsula. This was approximately 11,500 years ago. Here the Lhomar evolved into the Lhomarrian civilisation, that would found an Empire (8'000 BC) and then be destroyed in a war with the Carnifex (7'000 BC).
While the early Lhomarrians of the south were exploring their world, those of the north - who remained in southern Skothar - found themselves in competition with a people known as the Tanagoro (approximately at the same time when the Valoin left northwards), who also lived off of the savannahs and forests. While the Lhomarrians were brave, the Tanagoro were far more numerous, and much more proficient at combat. A series of wars erupted between the two peoples over the next 200 years, in which each side inflicted great suffering on the other. Ultimately, the northern Lhomarrians were beaten, some fleeing to the southern islands, and others migrating to the northwest. Those who went south joined their fellows on the islands, and those who went northwest travelled for many years, until they came upon a rich land, where they settled, and, before long, met the natives of this new land, who were fair-skinned and pastoral: these were the descendants of the Afaharian Neathar that had forced them to leave for Skothar in the first place.
The two peoples, having no desire to fight each other, learned to co- operate. Soon, their cultures mingled, and they became one people. (5'000-4'500 BC). This new people, who called themselves the Yanifey, would enjoy a peaceful existence on proto-Alphatia until BC 1000, when they were pushed aside by a new set of newcomers - the Alphatians.Neathar
Among the Neathar there were two main group: one of them will return on Skothar, through the fastland north of the Frosthaven sea. These are the Ahonians (10'500 BC) . The other Neathar group, remained on Brun, is known as Aharians or True Neathar (RW Indo-Europeans); later they are joined by Valoin migrations from Skothar (9'000 BC): they are overall genetically about 80% Brunian and 20% Valoin; however, the presence of many tribes and clans, plus remnants of previous races and migrations result in the fact that several Aharian races may have more, or less, or none Valoin blood in them. The Valoin blood is more evident in the northern originated Aharians: blue eyes and blonde hair are the signs of this influence.
Main chronology of racial evolution
This is a tentative complete chronology of the human racial evolution. It is useful as a reference, but it is strongly recommended to read carefully the individual racial entries below while reading this chronology, to have a good picture of the times of changes to the various populations.
The Tanagoro, Yezchamenid and Hulean-region humans have been mostly dismissed in this work for various reasons: Tanagoro are very little detailed; Huleans and Yezchamenids have terribly complicated ethnic compositions and a lot of minorities are present. Maybe we will deal with them in a later update of the work.Birth of the Human Race
Before 75'000 BC
Black skinned human race in Tangor Bay area.75'000 - 70'000 BC
First migrations leave eastwards and cross the Tangor mountains. Those that remain are the ancestors of the Tanagoro and of the other black-skinned humans. The evolution of the black skinned races will be treated separately in a later article.67'000 - 56'000 BC
Southians remain on the south-eastern coast. They may have become extinct, or have crossed over the sea to Zyxl. The rest of the migrating humans, known as Northians, continue upwards near the eastern Skotharian coast.The First Stone Age
50'000 BC
The Northians split in two.45'000 BC
One group of Northians settle in central Skothar (now the Steppes of Jen) and become the Skotharians or Proto-Oltecs.40'000 BC
The other Northian group reaches Brun. They are the Brunians35'000 BC
First Proto-Oltec migration reaches the Brunian shores of the Sea of Dread through Alphatia. They will be joined by other two migrations during the next 20'000 years.25'000 BC
Brunians evolve into the first Neathar and Lhomar tribes.20'000 BC
Skotharians of Skothar evolve into three recognisable main groups: Valoin, Afridhi and Peshwans.15'000 BC
Skotharians of the Sea of Dread have become the ancient Oltecs.
Lhomar of Brun start crossing Alphatia to reach Skothar.12'000 BC
Neathar of Brun evolve into the Aharians (or True Neathar).
Lhomar live on Skothar. They continue migrating southwards toward Davania.11'500 BC
Lhomar reach the island-continent where they will evolve into the Lhomarrians.10'500 BC
Neathar of northern Brun cross the land bridge to Skothar. They evolve differently from the True Neathar and become the Ahonians.The Era of Lhomarr
10'000 BC
Some Lhomar leave Brun for the southern lands where they become the Lhomarrians.9'000 BC
Afridhi settle down and become farmers.9'000 BC
Valoin from Skothar leave west for Brun. They settle around the Frosthaven Sea and develop the somatic traits of blonde hair and blue eyes.9'000 - 6'000 BC
Valoin of Brun are conquered and assimilated by the Aharian tribes of northern Brun. They become the Skandaharians.8'000 BC
Lhomarrians found the Empire of Lhomarr.7'000 BC
Lhomarrian empire and Carnifex empire destroy each other.The Second Stone Age
6'000 BC
The last Valoin group of southern Skothar is forced north by the Tanagoro.6'000 BC
Lhomarrian exiles move toward Alphatia.6'000 BC
There is no human or demi-human civilised culture on Mystara.6'000 BC
Aharians of southern Brun evolve into Durhanians and Maharians.The First Civilisations
5'000 BC
Lhomarrians reach Alphatia and mix with the Afaharians.5'000 BC
The Ahonian descended Thonians form the first human civilised culture after the Lhomarrians.4'500 BC
Yanifey race formed by the union of Afaharians (dominant) and Lhomarrians.The Era of Blackmoor
4'000 BC
Blackmoorians, a separatist branch of Thonians, begin a meteoritic rise in technology and found an Empire that soon replaces the Thonian one, and assimilate part of the Afridhi and Skandaharians.4'000 BC
Peaceful Maharians enter the regions of Varellya. They meet the remnants of an Oltec colony.3'500 BC
Peshwans leave Skothar for Brun. Those that don't are absorbed into the Blackmoor Empire.3'200 BC
Some Peshwans settle down in Ethengar.The Third Stone Age
3'000 BC
Some Peshwans reach the Midlands.3'000 BC
Great Rain of Fire. Blackmoor obliterates itself. Change of the terrestrial rotational axis.3'000 BC
Skandaharians leave Norwold for the areas of nowadays Known World.2'800 BC
Northern Skandaharians occupy the Northern Reaches. They are the Thantalians.2'800-2'000 BC
An Oltec colonisation party reaches Skothar. The Oltecs begin to spread in the regions of Minaea, Esterhold and Jen. With the passing of time and the change of climate and other conditions, from the original Oltecs two different groups form: the nomadic Jennites and the farming Teslans.2'700 BC
Dunharians of the west call themselves the Carnuilh.2'600 BC
The Carnuilh are the first Dunharians to be threatened by the Skandaharians. They resettle in nowadays Wendar and Denagoth.2'550 BC
Northern Skandaharians evolve into the Antalians. Their main area of influence is Norwold.The Bronze Age
2'500 BC
Most of the Maharian tribes are conquered and assimilated by Bronze Age descendants of the Thonians known as Taymorans.2'500 BC
Antalians enter Wendar. They are the ancestors of the Wendarians. The Dunharians flee west (among these tribes are the ancestors of the Ranax tribe).2'400 BC
Antalians reach northern Denagoth. They are the ancestors of the Northwestern barbarians.2'400 BC
Warlike Maharians fleeing the Taymorans reach Varellya and conquer the Maharian/Oltec culture that lives there. They become the Varellyans.2'450 BC
Maharians leaving the areas of the Known World under the pressure from Dunharians and Skandaharians reach Hule. Some settle down.2'400 BC
Peshwan descended tribes of the Adri Varma Plateau move west and enter the Midlands and Hule. They bring with them the Temple of Chaos faith. Contrasts, mixes and wars with the Maharians form a maze of conflicting tribes and nations (with the occasional Barbarian tribe from the western fringe of Antalian migration in the picture). The most common Peshwan/Maharian mixed race become the Huleans. The complete (and complicated) figure of races and tribes in the region should be checked in the "Hulean Timeline" by Christian Constantin.2'300 BC
Dunharians fleeing the Skandaharians reach the Isle of Dawn. These become the Dunael.2'300 BC
The Antalian invaders are repelled by the Peshwans of the steppes. Some remain in the area; most are assimilated by the locals, becoming the Ethengarians.2'250 BC
Maharians from Hule, known as the Urduks, reach the grasslands (now desert) west of the Sind regions. They mix with the remnants of the Oltec-descended tribes of the region.2'200 BC
Dunharians and Skandaharians tribes mix and become the Trantalians.2'100 BC
Skandaharians known as the Nantalians reach the Isle of Dawn. They begin warring with the Dunharians (now known as Dunael) that settled here two centuries ago.2'000 BC
Dunharians fleeing the Skandaharians reach Davania. They become the Thratians.2'000 BC
Humanoid invasions throw the Antalians into a dark age.2'000 BC
Antalians enter the Northern Reaches. Thantalians move south to Ylaruam and Soderfjord.2'000 - 1'000 BC
The Trantalians of nowadays Thyatis evolve into the Doulakki, city-builders and explorers. Outside Thyatis they are responsible for the founding of Ekto, Trikelios, Cynidicea, Akorros, Athenos.2'000 BC
The Nantalian culture is losing ground to the Dunael. Desperate, they ally themselves with local Oltec cities.1'850 BC
Kingdom of Varellya founded.1'800 BC
The Oltec/Nantalian alliance have generated the Nithians.1'750 BC
Taymora sinks to the sea.The Iron Age
1'700 BC
Nithians lose to the Dunael, and leave the Isle of Dawn for nowadays Ylaruam.1'700 BC
The Ethengarians are conquered by the humanoids of Akkila Khan and assimilate part of their culture.1'700 BC
A small group of Antalians that had resisted in Ethengar is forced to leave by the humanoid invasion. They are the Yevo.1'600 BC
Jennites enter their dark age, after a long civil war between the followers of Rathanos and those of Tarastia. The few survivors of the second group of Jennites leave south and reach Minaea, where they mix with the Teslans and become the Tarystians.1'600 BC
A group of Taymorans settles in northern Isle of Dawn, conquering several Durhanian tribes and founding the Aseni culture.1'500 BC
Nithian civilisation on the rise conquers part of the Trantalian tribes. The Traldar clan is sent on an expedition toward southern Brun.1'500 BC
The Maharian tribes stranded on Ierendi and Minrothad get in touch with the Tanagoro. They evolve into the Makai.1'500 BC
Varellyans reach Cestia. They later become the Androkians.1'500 - 1'000 BC
Nithia conquers the Thantalian and Trantalian tribes of nowadays Ylaruam.1'400 BC
Traldar lose all contacts with Nithia and return to a barbaric way of life.1'400 - 1'000 BC
Under non-human Hutaakan influence, Traldar rise to power in nowadays Karameikos and in the Selenica region. They assimilate the Selenican Trantalians.1'100 BC
The Aseni are conquered and colonised by Nithians.The Dark Ages
1'000 BC
Alphatian Landfall. The Yanifey are wiped out of Alphatia and Bellissaria, or absorbed into the slave population. Some survive in the Yannivey Chain.1'000 BC
Gnolls destroy the Traldar civilisation.1'000 - 500 BC
Traldar of Karameikos revert to a dark age and become the Traladarans.Traldar of Selenica are isolated and lose all memories of their past glory. They begin trading with the Doulakki of the west.1'000 BC
Nithia conquers the Northern Reaches. Thantalian tribes are all annihilated, with the exception of the tribes of Kerendans and Thyatians. Along with the Hattians (an Antalian tribe), they are sent to Davania as slaves, but soon they rebel and regain independence.1'000 BC
Nithia establishes a colony on the Isle of Dawn, known as Thothia. They conquer and absorb the Doulakki of Ekto and Trikelios.1'000 - 500 BC
Antalians of Norwold and Northern Reaches become the Heldanners. Later, they become the Heldannics, Northmen and Norwold Heldanners.800 BC
Traldar migrating to Davania become the Milenians. They soon become an important Empire in the south.700 BC
Thothians separate themselves from Nithians, increasingly turning to dark arts and worship.600 BC
Thyatians, Kerendans and Hattians led by Vanya leave Davania under the Milenian attacks, and reach the regions of nowadays Thyatis. They conquer the local Doulakki and assimilate them.400 BC
Alasyians (the Aseni which were conquered by the Nithians) leave the Isle of Dawn for the desert of Ylaruam.200 BC
In nowadays Darokin, the mix of Doulakki, Traldar and colonists from the Thyatian region become the Daro.100 BC
Milenian Empire is crumbling. Some Milenians flee to Skothar. They mix with the local Tarystians and become the Minaeans.The Modern Era
AC 500
The Ranax, a Carnuilh tribe, reach the Savage Coast along with the Antalian descended tribe of the Eusdrians. The Ranax found a kingdom and become the Robrennians.AC 800
Thyatian expeditions toward the Savage Coast (and heavy mixing with local Oltec-blooded uncivilised tribes, local elves and dwarves) result in the formation of two other cultures, the Espa and Verdan.
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