Mystaran Ethereal Worms
by RobinEthereal Worms; Vermis aetherius
Image in clear Closeup![]()
Image as generally seen![]()
As swarm of Ethereal Worms looks like this![]()
Naturally Ethereal Worms are 1d4 inches in lenght, 1/3rd inch in diameter and live in small groups or larger swarms.
They are attracted by any Transportation magic(including Fly(but not Wings), Levitate, Air Walk, Feather Fall, Gate, Transport Through..., Teleport(all variations), Etherealness, etc),any active ongoing magic, thus magic sources and magic bearing mages and clerics are preferred targets, and Vortices and portals, as well as Planar Ruptures or weaknesses(mostly due disasters like Volcanoes, or Magic gone awry). To access these locations they phase through the Ethereal Planar border to feed, or use nearby Border openings or weaknesses.
They feed of the remnants of these magics which linger in both the Ethereal as well the nearby Inner Plane (Elemental or Prime).
If these find their way inside any other plane than the Ethereal their statistics are seriously affected and prefer to reenter the Ethereal Plane as fast as possible, except when finding a large source of food (see above ).
These creatures are never found close to the from the outside breaching Outer Planes found in the Ethereal Plane; Dreamlands, Limbo and Entropy. These planes are wrapped around eachother and this twisting seriously confuses these creatures.
These creatures swarm and are always in continuous movement, and do never stay still. Their flying/swimming alike movement is done at equal ease in any Inner Plane, and nearly unhindered(movement slowed by 50%) by obstructions(they can phase literally through any solids, except, lead, gold, mithril, living matter, magic, or gorgon blood). Even when feeding they move around the magical target to take a bite each round.
These creatures belong to the ecology of all the Inner Planes and Balance the excess magic. These creatures are the reason vortices do not remain open indefinetly, and why transportation portals close after a while, and why many spell effects are limited in duration even when the enrgy for it should allow greater durations).
In the Prime Plane they remain invisible except to Treusight, Second Sight, See Invisible, or to invisible creatures. Detect invisible will only reveal the sensation where they are.
Druids will be opposed exterminating these creatures, yet not in causing them to flee in the Ethereal Plane.
These common worms do procreate when in a swarm roughly once each year, by hatching minor eggs abandond in the Ethereal Plane close to a 'foodsource'. These eggs hatch 1d3 weeks later, and form a small group.
Major Predator; Mystaran Rainbow Lorikeet, and other fringe feeding creatures(like Grey Ooze--which remain in the Plane, sensing its prey in the Ethereal, and it yet entraps worms within its gooeish shape when they phase into the Prime Plane). These predators will have adapted to see or otherwise detect their prey(beholders actually developed their antimagical eye for the reason not to have their magic eaten, and prey upon the worms).
Main Prey; any Transportation magic(including Fly(but not Wings), Levitate, Air Walk, Feather Fall, Gate, Transport Through..., Teleport(all variations), Etherealness, etc),any active ongoing magic, thus magic sources and magic bearing mages and clerics are preferred targets, and Vortices and portals, as well as Planar Ruptures or weaknesses(mostly due disasters like Volcanoes, or Magic gone awry).Ethereal Plane Statistics
AC6(-4DX), HP1*, HD1/8th, MV/FL/SW 120'/40', Number appearing 2d20 or swarm 2d100, THAC0 individual na, Swarm 9-1/40 worms, Damage nil, Special attacks; Leech 10% power or 10% active duration magic/attack, Special Weakness; Gold/lead/Gorgon-& Dragonblood coated weapons and natural attacks (Claw/bite/fist, etc) can harm them; any nonliving material (except gold, lead, Mythril, diamond, Gorgonblood, Dragon Blood), pass through them without harm , Speacial Weakness; Gold/Mithril/Lead/Gorgonblood will harm them, Other solids passing through will slow them. immunities; Petrification, Paralysis, Polymorph, and similar, Saves 19-20, ST0, IN1, WI3, DX20, CO5, CH5, Morale; 6, vs magic attacks 7, vs elemental attacks 5,XP 1/100
Prime or Material Plane Statistics
AC8(-2DX), HP1*, HD1/8th, MV/FL/SW 90'/30', Number appearing 2d20 or swarm 2d100, THAC0 individual na, Swarm 9-1/20 worms, Damage nil, Special attacks; Leech 10% power or 10% active duration magic/attack, Special Weakness; Gold/lead/Gorgon-& Dragonblood coated weapons and natural attacks (Claw/bite/fist, etc)can harm them; any nonliving material (except gold, lead, Mythril, diamond, Gorgonblood, Dragon Blood), pass through them without harm , Anti Magic and Dispel Magic cause fear and they return as fast as possible to the Ethereal Plane(1d3 rounds minimum) and further away, Immunities; Petrification, Paralysis, Polymorph, Transportation Disease, Poison, Draining and similar, Save 20, ST0, IN1, WI3, DX16, CO5, CH5, Morale; 5, vs magic attacks 6, vs elemental attacks 4,XP 1/100Greater Ethereal Worm; Vermis aetherius Supremor
Giant Ethereal worms loks equally to smaller ones, except for their size. They are 16 inch/HD in length and 5% of that in width.
There are rumors that within the Deep Ethereal Plane (between the Elemental and Prime Planes and the Ethereal/Astral Boundary) exist large versions of these creatures. How they got so large is generally unknown, yet some sages suspect a dominant individual gorged itself upon the others in its swarm and grew accordingly (this also explains why they only apppear as individuals in this size). They base this on faint descriptions by sentient Ethereal travelers.
These large worms do not procreate. These are only encountered in the Deep Ethereal, mostly close to or inside Vortices towards the Inner Planes (Fire, Water, Earth, Air).
If these find their way inside any other plane than the Ethereal their statistics, like the common sized version, are seriously affected(these larger versions suffer damage there each minute=6 rounds), and prefer to reenter the Ethereal Plane as fast as possible, except when finding a large source of food (aka Demi-Human-oids with active ongoing magic, thus mages and clerics are preferred).Each HD of magic consumed heals Planar damage.
These creatures are always in continuous movement, and do never reside on one location. Even when feeding they move around the target to take a bite each round. Like their smaller versions they remain invisible on the Inner Planes, except to Treusight, Second Sight, See Invisible, or to invisible creatures. Detect invisible will only reveal the sensation where they are. Antimagic and Dispel Magic will remove this invisibility as long as they are not in the EtherealmPlane, and also cancel their movement to swim/fly for 1d3 rounds(making them easier prey).
These giant versions are no longer an active balancing factor in the ecology of the Inner Planes (other than the Deep Ethereal Plane where they still are such) and have become a very unbalancing factor.
They have no known Planar Fringe predators other than Beholders, Dragons and Adventurers.
Druids will not be opposed to killing these destructive abominations.Ethereal Plane Statistics
AC6(-3DX), HP1, HD4-14**, MV/FL/SW 240'/80', Number appearing 1, THAC0 as Fighter HD+3. Damage bite 2d8, Special attacks; Leech 10% power or 10% active duration magic/attack in a distance of 10 yards, Special Weakness; Gold/lead/Gorgon-& Dragonblood coated weapons and natural attacks (Claw/bite/fist, etc)can harm them, Immunities; any nonliving material (except gold, lead, Mythril, diamond, Gorgonblood, Dragon Blood), pass through them without harm ; Petrification, Paralysis, Polymorph, Transportation Disease, Poison, Draining and similar, SV as Fighter HD, ST12, IN1, WI3, DX18 CO12, CH3, Morale; 11, vs magic attacks 12, vs elemental attacks 10,XP as HD**Size; 16 inch/HD
Prime or Material Plane Statistics
AC8(-2DX), HP4-14**, MV/FL/SW 120'/40', Number appearing 1, THAC0 as Fighter HD. Damage bite 2d8+1, Special attacks; Leech 10% power or 10% active duration magic/attack in a distance of 10 yards, Special Weakness; Gold/lead/Gorgon-& Dragonblood coated weapons and natural attacks (Claw/bite/fist, etc) can harm them, Immunities; any nonliving material (except gold, lead, Mythril, diamond, Gorgonblood, Dragon Blood), pass through them without harm; Petrification, Paralysis, Polymorph, Transportation Disease, Poison, Draining and similar,, Special Weakness will suffer 1 hp damage each 6th round in an Elemental Plane or the Prime Plane, SV as Fighter HD, ST14, IN1, WI3, DX14 CO12, CH3, Morale; 6, vs magic attacks 8, vs elemental attacks 4,XP as HD**Size; 16 inch/HD