Alternate origin/timeline/etc for Ethengar and Traldar
by Mike HarveyOK, I had an idea for an alternate origin/timeline/etc for Ethengar and Traldar so I might as well post it in this thread. In RW, AFAIK the celts, germans, greeks, huns (central asian horsemen), the scythians, the hittites, italians, slavs, and the indo-aryans all had the same indo-european heritage and linguistic family. This idea draws upon this for inspiration and tries to fit it into a Mystaran context.
Tentative timeline/outline
4500 BC beastmen in Borean valley
3500 BC the M-indo-aryans are a stone age culture living in what is now Norwold, just beyond the nothern borders of Thonia/Blackmoor.
3000 BC the poles shift. The M-indo-aryans migrate westwards into central Brun, settling in the plains north of what is now Hule.
2600 BC First wave of migrations. The tribes prosper and multiply greatly in their new environment. A large group migrates eastwards, north of the Black Mountains, crosses the Adri Varma into Glantri, and then splits into several groups. The M-Celts settle both south into Darokin, and also migrate west and cross to the Isle of Dawn, where they settle the entire western coast from Westrourke to Caerdwicca. The M-Germanics settle the coastlands from Norwold to Heldann to Hattias. The M-Latins settle in Thyatis, and the M-Greeks settle along the northern borders of Taymor from the Shires to Kerendas.
A second group of M-indo-aryans migrate south into what is now Hule and settled there. A third group continues south beyond the Black Mountains and found what develops into the Slag culture, eventually developing into city states. The remaining indo-aryans remain in central Brun and became a nomadic people of horsemen.
2400 BC beastmen move south and encounter the nomads.
2300 BC Many nomads migrate south across the Black Mountains, invading the Slag city-states. Many Slags flee, migrating westwards and eventually settling in the area around Selenica.
2280 BC The nomads aren't interested in a sedentary lifestyle, and continue southwards into the savanna
2100 BC The nomads separate into two groups; the Urdu and the Ethengar continue their wanderings. The Ethengar move eastwards, eventually arriving on the plains of Darokin. The Slags who fled to Darokin to escape the Ethengar are once again displaced. Some go north and settle in Boldavia, others cross the mountains south into Traladara, bringing the Slag culture to the Traldar.
2000 BC The Ethengar cross the Dwarfgate mountains into the grasslands.
1722 BC great horde ravages Norwold
1711 BC Humanoids invade Ethengar
1700 BC Cataclysm: Taymor is destroyed, Ierendi and Minrothad are formed. Black Sand formed in ethengar.
1691 BC Ethengars drive humanoids into Broken Lands
1500 BC Traldar arise as great explorers in the vacuum left behind by Taymor. Their civilization expands to encompass what is now Ierendi, Selenica, and Cynidicea. Colonies are founded in Darokin. They are in turn colonized by surviving undead from Taymor.
1400 BC Hutaakan domination of Traladara
1000 BC Nithians conquer Cynidicea and influence Traladara, but the Traldar of Ierendi remain independent and powerful, developing into great seafarers, establishing trade routes with the City States and founding colonies along the coast south of Sind and even into Davania. Milenians arise in Thyatis, borrowing heavily from Traldar culture. Gnolls invade Traladara.
800 BC Alfheim colonized by Mealiden
500 BC Nithia is destroyed; Thothia remains; Ierendi establish Traldar colonies of Extos and Trikelios. War between Milenians and Traldar results in Milenian ascendence and Traldar decline. Milenians conquer Karameikos, Ierendi, and Ylaruam.
300 BC Milenian civilization founders in plague and then civil war; empire fragments into warring kingdoms.
0 BC Thyatis emerges as the strongest kingdom, subjugates neighboring kingdoms and becomes an empire.