Revised Experience Tables
by Chris Paul BillowsBrowsing through the Cyclopaedia, I noticed that if you use the alternative rules to advance the demihumans/mystic classes to 36th level you find the halfling needing the most experience points! (Which in a sense is saying this is the most powerful class) Surely the elf, would have to be... yet the halfling is. Go figure.
Anyways I was think the Halfling class should have the following experience point progression... a little slower than dwarves since they gain a few extra abilities.
Actually... I was inspired and edited the Dwarf and Mystic Classes as well...
Level Halfling Dwarf/Gnome 1 0 0 2 2,500 2,250 3 5,000 4,500 4 10,000 9,000 5 20,000 18,000 6 40,000 36,000 7 80,000 72,000 8 160,000 144,000 9 300,000 270,000 10 440,000 400,000 11 580,000 530,000 12 720,000 660,000 13 900,000 800,000 14 1,100,000 1,000,000 15 1,300,000 1,200,000 16 1,500,000 1,400,000 17 1,700,000 1,600,000 18 1,900,000 1,800,000 19 2,100,000 2,000,000 20 2,300,000 2,200,000 21 2,500,000 2,400,000 22 2,700,000 2,600,000 23 2,900,000 2,800,000 24 3,100,000 3,000,000 25 3,300,000 3,200,000 26 3,500,000 3,400,000 27 3,700,000 3,600,000 28 3,900,000 3,800,000 29 4,100,000 4,000,000 30 4,300,000 4,200,000 31 4,500,000 4,400,000 32 4,700,000 4,600,000 33 4,900,000 4,800,000 34 5,100,000 5,000,000 35 5,300,000 5,200,000 36 5,500,000 5,400,000 Mystics
Level EX AC MV #AT DAM ABI 1 0 9 120 1 1d4 2 2,000 3 4,000 8 130 1 1d4+1 4 8,000 Awareness 5 16,000 7 140 1 1d6 6 32,000 7 64,000 6 150 1 1d6+1 8 120,000 Heal Self 9 240,000 5 160 1 1d8 10 360,000 11 480,000 4 170 2 1d8+1 12 600,000 Speak w Animals 13 720,000 3 180 2 1d10 14 840,000 15 960,000 2 190 2 1d10+1 16 1,080,000 Resistance 17 1,200,000 1 200 2 1d12 18 1,320,000 19 1,440,000 0 210 2 1d12+1 20 1,560,000 Speak w Anyone 21 1,680,000 -1 220 3 2d6+2 22 1,800,000 23 1,920,000 -2 230 3 2d8 24 2,040,000 Mind Block 25 2,160,000 -3 240 3 2d10 26 2,280,000 27 2,400,000 -4 250 3 2d12 28 2,520,000 Blankout 29 2,640,000 -5 260 4 3d6+2 30 2,760,000 31 2,880,000 -6 280 4 3d8 32 3,000,000 Gentle Touch 33 3,120,000 -7 300 4 3d10 34 3,240,000 35 3,360,000 -8 320 4 3d12 36 3,480,000 Survival