Fighting Styles
by tjedge1AIKIDO
This is a style practiced by Tortles on the Savage Coast regions. They are the only true masters of this art, but are willing to teach this art of defence to any who prove themselves to never become a threat to their people.Starting Skills
Block: 2
Grab: 2
Athletics: 1Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Deflecting Kick (1)
Deflecting Punch (1)
Energy Reflection (2)
Maka Wara (3)
Missile Reflection (1)
Roll With the Hit (1)
San He (2)
Weapon Block (1)
Wooden Dummy (2)Grab
Air Throw (2)
Back Roll Throw (1)
Choke Throw (2)
Disengage (2)
Dislocate Limb (2)
Grappling Defence (3)
Joint Break (3)
Joint Lock (2)
Sleeper (2)Athletics
Breakfall (1)
Displacement (2)
Esquives (1)
Light Feet (2)Focus
Awareness (1)
Balance (2)
A style of wrestling, originating from the warriors of the Atruaghin Clans that also uses some punches and kicks.Starting Skills
Punch: 1
Grab: 3
Focus: 1Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Buffalo Punch (1)
Ear Pop (2)
Heart Punch (3)
Shockwave (3)
Spinning Clothesline (5)Kick
Rising Bird Kick (4)
Wounded Knee (2)Grab
Air Throw (2)
Back Breaker (1)
Bear Hug (2)
Brain Cracker (1)
Disengage (2)
Dislocate Limb (3)
Face Slam (3)
Grappling Defence (2)
Improved Pin (2)
Iron Claw (4)
Neck Choke (2)
Pile Driver (2)
Sleeper (4)
Spinning Pile Driver (5)
Stomach Pump (3)
Storm Hammer (4)
Suplex (1)
Thigh Press (2)Athletics
Air Smash (1)
Diving Hawk (4)
Thunderstrike (1)Focus
Chi Kung Healing (4)
Ghost Form (5)
Regeneration (2)
Thunderclap (4)BOXING
This is a very common form of combat that is practiced all around the Known World. It started in Thyatis as opening fights for the arenas, and eventually the people of the Isle of Dawn developed it into a gambling sport using bare fists. It has since spread across the known world and some nations have begun to have tournaments to find the best boxers in the world.Starting Skills
Punch: 3
Block: 2Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Buffalo Punch (1)
Dashing Punch (3)
Dashing Uppercut (1)
Double Punch (1)
Ducking Straight (1)
Elbow Smash (1)
Fist Sweep (1)
Flying Thrust Punch (3)
Gut Punch (1)
Haymaker (1)
Head Butt (1)
Heart Punch (2)
Hyper Fist (4)
Lunging Headbutt (1)
Lunging Punch (1)
Rekka Ken (5)
Turn Punch (3)
Widowmaker (1)Block
Deflecting Punch (1)
Roll With the Hit (1)
Wooden Dummy (2)Grab
Brain Cracker (1)
Head Bite (2)
Head Butt Hold (1)Athletics
Jumping Shoulder Butt (1)Focus
Toughskin (2)CAPOEIRA
This is the dancing style of Yavdlom. The Seers of Yavdlom have developed it into a popular style of combat and the Yavs teach it freely to any willing to learn. For a price.Starting Skills
Punch: 1
Kick: 2
Grab: 1
Athletics: 1Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Ear Pop (2)
Head Butt (1)
Monkey Grab Punch (1)
Spinning Clothesline (4)
Strike of the Serpent (3)
Turbo Spinning Clothesline (4)Kick
Air Lightning Leg (4)
Baby Scorpion Kick (2)
Backflip Kick (2)
Cartwheel Kick (2)
Double-Hit Knee (1)
Forward Backflip Kick (1)
Forward Flip Knee (2)
Forward Somersault Kick (3)
Jaguar Tooth (3)
Lightning Leg (5)
Scorpion Kick (3)
Spinning Thrust Kick (2)Block
Roll With the Hit (2)Grab
Back Roll Throw (1)
Dislocate Limb (2)
Dragon Drop (3)
Head Bite (2)
Knee Basher (1)Athletics
Backflip (2)
Beast Roll (3)
Drunken Monkey Roll (2)
Rolling Attack (3)
Tumbling Attack (3)
Vertical Rolling Attack (2)Focus
Balance (4)
Musical Accompaniment (1)DJIN KICKBOXING
This style is taught to many would-be magicians that fail to become true magic users and then join the military forces of Alphatia. The teachers have learned to give those with limited talent the ability to convert that energy into Chi. Soldiers trained in this style are automatically made officers and always outrank non-spell casting soldiers, but are not above any other true spell-casters.Starting Skills
Punch: 1
Kick: 1
Focus: 3Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Art of Breaking (4)
Banishing Punch (4)
Dashing Punch (5)
Dashing Uppercut (2)
Fist Sweep (2)
Heart Punch (4)
Hyper Fist (5)
Lunging Punch (2)
Rekka Ken (6)
Spinning Back Fist (1)
Spinning Knuckle (3)
Turn Punch (5)Kick
Axe Kick (4)
Baby Scorpion Kick (2)
Crack Shot (3)
Double Dread Kick (4)
Double-Hit Kick (1)
Falling Axe Kick (4)
Flurry Kick (3)
Flying Knee Thrust (1)
Flying Thrust Kick (4)
Reverse Frontal Kick (2)
Slide Kick (2)
Spinning Thrust Kick (2)
Stepping Front Kick (4)
Wounded Knee (2)Grab
Back Roll Throw (1)
Brain Cracker (1)
Knee Basher (2)Focus
Air Blast (3)
Elemental Skin (5)
Elemental Stride (4)
Flight (2)
Ghost Form (6)
Lightness (3)
Push (4)
Sense Element (1)
Vacuum (3)
Yoga Teleport (6)FIRE MONDU
This style was developed in Glantri for the magic users who failed to succeed in the Magic Schools. It combines magic and a form of Mondu brought back from Ulimwengu by explorers. This hasn't been accepted by all the Principalities, but is growing in popularity and some Royal families have begun to gather masters to teach their soldiers that are able to learn.Starting Skills
Punch: 1
Kick: 2
Focus: 2Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Elbow Smash (1)
Spinning Back Fist(1)
spinning Knuckle (3)
Turn Punch (5)Kick
Double-Hit Kick (1)
Double-Hit Knee (1)
Flying Knee Thrust (1)
Foot Sweep (1)
Forward Flip Knee (3)
Knee Strike (2)
Reverse Frontal Kick (2)
Tiger Knee (5)
Wounded Knee (2)Block
Deflecting Kick (1)
Maka Wara (4)Grab
Knee Basher (2)Focus
Awareness (2)
Chi Kung Healing (4)
Elemental Skin (5)
Elemental Stride (4)
Fire Strike (3)
Fireball (4)
Fireburst (3)
Firestar (4)
Flaming Fireball (5)
Flaming Fist (2)
Heatwave (3)
Sense Element (1)
Spontaneous Combustion (4)
Toughskin (2)
Wall (2)
Weight (3)
The Guilds of Minrothad developed this art to train to special guardians for special shipments. It was developed recently by an elf and is taught to anyone who can afford to pay. Usually the students are sent by their guilds, which is charged for the teaching. This is a very rare style as it is still very new, but spreading across the Guilds very quickly.Starting Skills
Grab: 3
Focus: 2Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Head Knocker (1)Grab
Back Breaker (2)
Brain Cracker (1)
Disengage (2)
Dislocate Limb (2)
Face Slam (4)
Flying Tackle (1)
Grappling Defence (3)
Head Butt Hold (2)
Iron Claw (5)
Joint Break (4)
Joint Lock (1)
Neck Choke (2)
Pile Driver (3)
Sleeper (3)
Spinning Neck Lock (3)
Spinning Pile Driver (6)
Stomach Pump (3)
Suplex (1)
Thigh Press (2)
Twirl and Hurl (5)Focus
Drain (3)
Drench (2)
Elemental Skin (5)
Elemental Stride (4)
Envelop (3)
Ground Ice (2)
Ice Blast (3)
Ice-Crystal Blast (2)
Pool (2)
Sense Element (1)KABADDI
This is a form of martial arts, only found in Sind. It combines Kung Fu, Yoga and magic to make a powerful style. This is very rare style and nearly impossible to learn. Many who try can never master this style. Sometimes many years of meditation is required to reach the correct frame of mind to perform the supernatural abilities of this art.Starting Skills
Block: 1
Grab: 1
Focus: 3Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Head Butt (1)Kick
Slide Kick (2)Block
Energy Reflection (3)
San He (2)Grab
Air Suplex (2)
Dislocate Limb (3)
Head Butt Hold (2)Athletics
Cannon Drill (5)
Flying Body Spear (2)Focus
Absorbing Barrier (4)
Balance (3)
Chi Kung Healing (3)
Cobra Charm (2)
Extendible Limbs (3)
Fireball (3)
Flying Fireball (3)
Ghost Form (5)
Improved Fireball (5)
Inferno Strike (4)
Leech (3)
Mind Reading (3)
Psychic Vice (5)
Reflecting Barrier (3)
Regeneration (1)
Telepathy (2)
Teleport Punch (3)
Yoga Flame (3)
Yoga Teleport (5)KARATE
An art studied by Rakasta all around Mystara. It is rarely taught to any who are not Rakasta. Those few who are not Rakasta and train in this style are taught by Rakasta and forbidden to teach to anyone else.Starting Skills
Punch: 1
Kick: 1
Block: 1
Grab: 1
Focus: 1Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Art of Breaking (3)
Disarm (2)
Dragon Hand (4)
Dragon Punch (4)
Flaming Dragon Punch (4)
Flying Thrust Punch (4)
Knife Hand Strike (4)
Lunging Punch (2)Kick
Air Hurricane Kick (1)
Axe Kick (4)
Baby Scorpion Kick (2)
Double Dread Kick (4)
Falling Axe Kick (4)
Flurry Kick (3)
Foot Sweep (1)
Hurricane Kick (4)
Jaguar Tooth (4)
Scorpion Kick (3)
Whirlwind Kick (5)Block
Deflecting Kick (1)
Energy Reflection (3)
Maka Wara (3)
San He (4)Grab
Back Roll Throw (1)
Brain Cracker (1)
Dragon Drop (4)Athletics
Flamingo Stance (1)Focus
Balance (4)
Chi Kung Healing (4)
Fireball (3)
Flying Fireball (3)
Improved Fireball (3)
Inferno Strike (5)
Stunning Shout (3)KUNG FU
A popular style used by mystics in Ochalea. Some mystics from Sind have also learned this art and returned to Sind with it. Any wishing to learn the art must find a master willing to teach them. This is not an easy task.Starting Skills
Punch: 1
Kick: 1
Block: 1
Grab: 1
Focus: 1Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Dim Mak (5)
Dragon Punch (6)
Flying Thrust Punch (4)
Heart Punch (4)
Hundred Hand Slap (5)
Knife Hand Strike (4)
Monkey Grab Punch (1)
Rekka Ken (4)Kick
Air Hurricane Kick (2)
Air Lightning Leg (4)
Axe Kick (4)
Backflip Kick (3)
Butterfly Kick (4)
Double Dread Kick (4)
Double-Hit Kick (1)
Dragon Kick (5)
Falling Axe Kick (4)
Forward Backflip Kick(2)
Forward Flip Knee (3)
Forward Somersault Kick (4)
Hurricane Kick (5)
Lightning Leg (5)
Stepping Front Kick (4)Block
Deflecting Punch (1)
Maka Wara (4)
San He (4)Grab
Dragon Drop (4)
Grappling Defence (4)
Hair Throw (2)
Rising Storm Crow (5)Athletics
Cat Stance (1)
Drunken Monkey Roll (1)Focus
Balance (4)
Chi Kung Healing (3)
Chi Push (4)
Fireball (4)
Flying Fireball (4)
Regeneration (2)
This style is the standard training for any soldier enlisted in the legions of Thyatis. It's normally used when disarmed and isolated from the main legion. Each legionnaire is required to spend 3 weeks in training each year. The trainers of this style are almost always life long veterans of the military known as Drill Sergeants. .Starting Skills
Punch: 2
Kick: 1
Grab: 2Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Head Knocker (1)
Heart Punch (3)
Hyper Fist (5)
Knife Hand Strike (4)
Spinning Back Fist (1)
Spinning Clothesline (5)
Spinning Knuckle (2)
Turbo Spinning Clothesline (4)Kick
Air Lightning Leg (4)
Axe Kick (3)
Backflip Kick (3)
Double Dread Kick (4)
Falling Axe Kick (3)
Flash Kick (4)
Flying Knee Thrust (1)
Flying Thrust Kick (3)
Foot Sweep (1)
Forward Backflip Kick (1)
Forward Flip Knee (3)
Forward Somersault Kick (4)
Handstand Kick (1)
Lightning Leg (5)
Rising Jaguar (5)
Somersault Shell (4)
Spinning Foot Sweep (1)
Tiger Knee (5)Grab
Air Throw (2)
Dislocate Limb (3)
Hair Throw (2)
Knee Basher (2)
Neck Choke (1)
Pile Driver (3)
Sleeper (4)
Suplex (1)
Thigh Press (2)Athletics
This extremely rare style was developed in Ochalea. There are few teachers left after Ochalea seized control of the island and destroyed the temples that the monks practiced and trained in after they refused to teach any soldier of Thyatis. Since the destruction of the temples, the very few remaining monks began wandering Mystara in search of new students and a new place to build their temples.Starting Skills
Punch: 1
Kick: 1
Block: 1
Grab: 1
Athletics: 1Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Dim Mak (6)
Dragon Punch (5)
Hundred Hand Slap (4)
Monkey Grab Punch (1)
Rekka Ken (5)
Triple Strike (1)Kick
Air Hurricane Kick (2)
Air Lightning Leg (3)
Backflip Kick (3)
Bicycle Kick (3)
Double Dread Kick (4)
Double-Hit Kick (1)
Flash Kick (4)
Flying Thrust Kick (4)
Great Wall of China (6)
Hurricane Kick (5)
Lightning Leg (5)
Somersault Shell (4)
Stepping Front Kick (3)
Whirlwind Kick (5)Block
San He (4)
Wooden Dummy (3)Grab
Air Throw (2)
Grappling Defence (4)
Hair Throw (2)
Iron Claw (5)
Rising Storm Crow (4)Athletics
Air Smash (1)
Cannon Drill (5)
Drunken Monkey Roll (2)
Flying Body Spear (3)
Flying Heel Stomp (3)
Rolling Attack (4)
Wall Spring (1)Focus
Chi Kung Healing (4)
Fireball (4)
Flying Fireball (3)
Improved Fireball (5)
Stunning Shout (3)MILINO WRESTLING
A style that focuses on grappling. This is very popular in Thyatis. The City States of Davania, mostly Kastelios, have their own version of this style, but it is virtually the same. The style is very ancient and originated in the late Milenian Empire. It has not evolved much other than a little less ground fighting than before.Starting Skills
Block: 1
Grab: 3
Athletics: 1Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Maka Wara (3)Grab
Back Breaker (2)
Bear Hug (1)
Brain Cracker (1)
Choke Throw (2)
Disengage (1)
Dislocate Limb (3)
Eye Rake (1)
Face Slam (3)
Flying Tackle (1)
Grappling Defence (2)
Head Bite (2)
Head Butt Hold (1)
Improved Pin (1)
Iron Claw (4)
Joint Break (4)
Joint Lock (2)
Neck Choke (2)
Pile Driver (2)
Pin (1)
Sleeper (2)
Spinning Neck Lock (2)
Spinning Pile Driver (6)
Stomach Pump (2)
Suplex (1)
Twirl and Hurl (4)Athletics
Air Smash (1)
Drunken Monkey Roll (2)
Ground Fighting (2)MONDU
This style is mainly used by the people of Ulimwengu as sport. It is a form of kickboxing that uses the knees and elbows most of the time.Starting Skills
Punch: 1
Kick: 3
Grab: 1Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Dragon Punch (5)
Elbow Smash (1)
Flaming Dragon Punch (4)
Spinning Back Fist (1)
Turn Punch (4)Kick
Air Lightning Leg (3)
Double Dread Kick (3)
Double-Hit Kick (1)
Double-Hit Knee (1)
Flying Knee Thrust (1)
Foot Sweep (1)
Forward Flip Knee (2)
Knee Strike (1)
Lightning Leg (4)
Rising Jaguar (4)
Tiger Knee (2)
Wounded Knee (2)Block
Deflecting Kick (1)
Maka Wara (3)Grab
Brain Cracker (1)
Head Butt Hold (2)
Knee Basher (2)Athletics
Jumping Shoulder Butt (1)Focus
Awareness (2)
Chi Kung Healing (4)
Fireball (4)
Toughskin (2)
Zen No Mind (3)MUAY DRIT
This is an art that is trained to some magicians who are also physically strong. It draws power from an unknown source that gives the mystic amazing mental powers along with martial arts. This style is extremely rare and usually only taught by the Master of Hule and his highest clerics.Starting Skills
Punch: 1
Kick: 1
Focus: 3Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Ducking Straight (1)
Hyper Fist (5)
Spinning Knuckle (3)Kick
Double Dread Kick (4)
Flying Knee Thrust (1)
Forward Flip Knee (3)
Forward Slide Kick (2)
Scissor Kick (3)
Slide Kick (2)
Stepping Front Kick (4)Block
San He (3)Grab
Grappling Defence (4)
Iron Claw (5)Athletics
Flying Body Spear (3)
Flying Heel Stomp (3)
Flying Punch (3)Focus
Cobra Charm (3)
Mental blast (1)
Mind Control (4)
Mind Reading (3)
Psychic Rage (2)
Psychic Vice (3)
Psycho Crusher (4)
Psychokinetic Channelling (2)
Regeneration (2)
Stunning Shout (3)
Telepathy (2)
Zen No Mind (2)NINJITSU
A dishonourable style that is studied by assassins and considered illegal to train in many nations. The style first became known with the appearance of the Rakasta from the Isle of Dread. And is studied by a few Rakasta in Thunder Rift.Starting Skills
Punch: 1
Kick: 1
Grab: 1
Athletics: 1
Focus: 1Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Boshi-Ken (3)
Ear Pop (2)
Head Butt (1)
Rekka Ken (6)
Shikan-Ken (3)
Shuto (3)Kick
Backflip Kick (3)
Cartwheel Kick (2)
Double-Hit Kick (1)
Double-Hit Knee (1)
Flying Thrust Kick (4)
Handstand Kick (1)
Heel Stamp (2)
Jaguar Tooth (4)Block
Deflecting Punch (1)
Maka Wara (4)Grab
Air Throw (2)
Back Roll Throw (1)
Disengage (2)
Dislocate Limb (3)
Dragon Drop (4)
Eye Rake (1)
Hair Throw (2)Athletics
Drunken Monkey Roll (2)
Flying Heel Stomp (3)
Rolling Attack (4)
Vertical Rolling Attack (3)
Wall Spring (1)Focus
Balance (2)
Death's Visage (3)
Entrancing Cobra (4)
Leech (4)
Sakki (3)
Shrouded Moon (2)
Speed of the Mongoose (3)
This style was developed by a man in Eusdria. He was an assassin that learned Ninjitsu in Thunder Rift from a small group of Rakasta assassins. He returned to his home and redesigned the style to match his own skills and the started a secret guild of assassins where he trains his art. Many of hidden dojos of this art exist along the Savage Coast and are beginning to spread into Sind, Hule and Darokin.Starting Skills
Punch: 1
Kick: 2
Grab: 1
Athletics: 1Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Boshi-Ken (4)
Ear Pop (2)
Monkey Grab Punch (1)
Rekka Ken (6)
Shuto (3)Kick
Backflip Kick (2)
Double-Hit Kick (1)
Double-Hit Knee (1)
Flying Thrust Kick (4)
Forward Backflip Kick (1)
Forward Flip Knee (3)
Forward Slide Kick (3)
Forward Somersault Kick (3)
Handstand Kick (1)
Heel Stamp (2)
Scissor Kick (4)
Slide Kick (2)Grab
Air Suplex (1)
Air Throw (2)
Back Roll Throw (1)
Choke Throw (1)
Disengage (2)
Dislocate Limb (3)
Eye Rake (1)
Suplex (1)Athletics
Backflip (2)
Displacement (3)
Diving Hawk (4)
Flying Heel Stomp (3)
Kick-Up (1)
Light Feet (3)
Tumbling Attack (2)
Wall Spring (1)Focus
Balance (4)SANBO
A variation of the form of Thyatian wrestling. Mostly studied and practiced in Heldann and Norwold.Starting Skills
Punch: 2
Grab: 3Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Ear Pop (2)
Heart Punch (2)
Hundred Hand Slap (5)
Spinning Clothesline (3)
Turbo Spinning Clothesline (2)Kick
Double-Hit Kick (1)Grab
Air Throw (2)
Back Breaker (2)
Bear Hug (1)
Brain Cracker (1)
Disengage (2)
Dislocate Limb (3)
Face Slam (3)
Grappling Defence (3)
Head Bite (2)
Improved Pin (2)
Iron Claw (4)
Neck Choke (2)
Norwold Bear Crusher (4)
Norwold Suplex (3)
Pile Driver (2)
Sleeper (3)
Spinning Pile Driver (4)
Stomach Pump (3)
Suplex (1)
Thigh Press (2)
Twirl and Hurl (4)Athletics
This is a variation of Mondu that extends the arms and legs more for better range. Many nations on the savage coast train this to soldiers who have potential to be great warriors. Anyone, however, can find a teacher for a price.Starting Skills
Punch: 2
Kick: 2
Grab: 1Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Art of Breaking (3)
Dashing Punch (5)
Dashing Uppercut (2)
Fist Sweep (2)
Heart Punch (4)
Hyper Fist (4)
Lunging Punch (2)
Rekka Ken (5)
Spinning Back Fist (1)
Spinning Knuckle (3)
Turn Punch (5)Kick
Axe Kick (3)
Baby Scorpion Kick (2)
Crack Shot (3)
Double Dread Kick (2)
Double-Hit Kick (1)
Falling Axe Kick (2)
Flurry Kick (3)
Flying Knee Thrust (1)
Flying Thrust Kick (4)
Reverse Frontal Kick (1)
Rising Jaguar (5)
Silhouette Kick (5)
Slide Kick (2)
Spinning Thrust Kick (2)
Stepping Front Kick (4)
Tiger Knee (5)
Wounded Knee (2)Block
Deflecting Kick (1)
Deflecting Punch (1)
Wooden Dummy (3)Grab
Back Roll Throw (1)
Brain Cracker (1)
Knee Basher (2)SAVATE
An art of kickboxing used in various places and developed in Darokin using kicks that lead with the toe. This art has special effects against other styles due to the unusual forms for kicking. When kicking against an opponent who is not a stylist of Savate, then the mystic gets a +1 to hit using that kick.Starting Skills
Punch: 2
Kick: 3Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Art of Breaking ( 4)
Dashing Punch (4)
Dashing Uppercut (2)
Disarm (2)
Double Punch (1)
Groin Punch (2)
Haymaker (1)
Spinning Back Fist (1)
Spinning Knuckle (3)
Turn Punch (4)
Widowmaker (1)Kick
Air Lightning Leg (4)
Axe Kick (2)
Baby Scorpion Kick (2)
Crack Shot (3)
Double Dread Kick (4)
Double-Hit Kick (1)
Falling Axe Kick (2)
Flurry Kick (3)
Flying Thrust Kick (4)
Forward Somersault Kick (3)
Handstand Kick (1)
Lightning Leg (5)
Reverse Frontal Kick (1)
Scorpion Kick (3)
Slide Kick (1)
Spinning Foot Sweep (1)
Spinning Thrust Kick (2)
Spiral Kick (4)Block
Deflecting Kick (1)
Deflecting Punch (1)Athletics
Displacement (2)
Esquives (2)Focus
Toughskin (3)SIS RAZOR
This style is developed by the warlike Sis'thik of the Great Waste. The Sis'thik feel that it is an honour to be trained this art. To be trained this art by a Sis'thik teacher, you must first be Sis'thik and second you must have accomplished a great feat in combat. Some Gnolls in Graakhalia have begun mimicking the style after several encounters with Sis'thik practitioners. There are now Gnoll masters of this art, that are willing to teach any who wish to learn, for useful trade or food. All elves of Graakhalia have declined to learn this "barbaric" art.Starting Skills
Punch: 1
Grab: 2
Athletics: 2Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Groin Punch (2)
Leaping Rake (1)
Lunging Headbutt (3)
Monkey Grab Punch (1)
Strike of the Serpent (2)Kick
Baby Scorpion Kick (2)
Scorpion Kick (2)
Tiger Knee (5)
Wounded Knee (2)Block
Maka Wara (3)
San He (4)Grab
Bear Hug (2)
Double Slam (4)
Eye Rake (1)
Head Bite (1)
Jaw Spin (3)
Ripping Bite (2)
Tearing Bite (2)Athletics
Beast Roll (3)
Dragon's Tail (2)
Drunken Monkey Roll (2)
Pounce (2)
Rolling Attack (4)
Tail Sweep (2)
Typhoon Tail (2)
Upper Tail Strike (2)
Vertical Rolling Attack (3)Focus
Acid Breath (3)
Cobra Charm (3)
Leech (4)
Regeneration (2)
Scorpion Spear (4)
Toughskin (2)
This style was developed by dwarves in Rockhome. Some dwarves have learned to manipulate the surrounding earth by using their Chi (not magic) and then included many boxing techniques to form this deadly style. Only dwarves are ever trained in this art, due to the elemental nature that they alone are capable of manipulating. This art is not very popular and sometimes the teachers are shunned, do to the magical appearance of the art.Starting Skills
Punch: 2
Block: 1
Focus: 2Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Buffalo Punch (1)
Dashing Punch (4)
Dashing Uppercut (2)
Double Punch (1)
Ducking Straight (1)
Fist Sweep (1)
Flying Thrust Punch (4)
Gut Punch (1)
Haymaker (1)
Head Butt (1)
Head Knocker (1)
Heart Punch (3)
Hyper Fist (5)
Lunging Headbutt (2)
Lunging Punch (2)
Rekka Ken (5)
Turn Punch (3)
Widowmaker (1)Block
Deflecting Punch (1)
Maka Wara (3)
San He (3)Grab
Brain Cracker (1)Focus
Elemental Skin (5)
Elemental Stride (4)
Heal (4)
Pit (3)
Sense Element (1)
Stone (2)
Toughskin (3)SUMO
A style created by Pachydermions and taught to few a humans who have the girth to compete with their Pachydermion teachers.Starting Skills
Punch: 1
Block: 1
Grab: 2
Focus: 1Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Art of Breaking (4)
Ear Pop (2)
Head Butt (1)
Heart Punch (3)
Hundred Hand Slap (4)
Knife Hand Strike (3)
Lunging Headbutt (3)Kick
Foot Sweep (1)
Spinning Foot Sweep (1)Block
Maka Wara (2)
San He (2)
Wooden Dummy (3)Grab
Bear Hug (1)
Disengage (3)
Eye Rake (1)
Face Slam (2)
Grappling Defence (4)
Head Butt Hold (1)
Knee Basher (1)
Neck Choke (2)
Sleeper (3)
Twirl and Hurl (5)Athletics
Air Smash (1)
Flying Head Butt (1)
Jumping Shoulder Butt (1)Focus
Force Shout (1)
Stunning Shout (2)
Toughskin (2)WU SHU
An acrobatic style that is derived from gymnastics in Ochalea. It requires great athletic ability and powerful legs to perform this art.Starting Skills
Kick: 3
Athletics: 2Special Moves (Adjusted Manoeuvre Cost)
Rekka Ken (6)
Spinning Knuckle (3)Kick
Air Hurricane Kick (2)
Air Lightning Leg (3)
Axe Kick (4)
Backflip Kick (3)
Butterfly Kick (3)
Cartwheel Kick (2)
Double-Hit Kick (1)
Falling Axe Kick (4)
Flying Thrust Kick (4)
Forward Backflip Kick (1)
Forward Flip Knee (3)
Forward Somersault Kick (4)
Great Wall of China (5)
Handstand Kick (1)
Hurricane Kick (5)
Lightning Leg (3)
Reverse Frontal Kick (2)
Scissor Kick (4)
Stepping Front Kick (4)
Whirlwind Kick (4)Block
Maka Wara (4)Grab
Air Throw (2)
Back Roll Throw (1)Athletics
Backflip (2)
Cannon Drill (5)
Cat Stance (1)
Displacement (4)
Drunken Monkey Roll (2)
Flying Heel Stomp (3)
Rolling Attack (4)
Vertical Rolling Attack (3)
Wall Spring (1)Focus
Balance (2)
Chi Kung Healing (4)